38,612 research outputs found

    On Foucault and Wolff or from Law to Political Economy

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    Placer y erotismo en jóvenes de Quibdó y Bogotá

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    Curso de Especial Interés Psicología y SexualidadEste trabajo tuvo como objetivo la construcción de una página web inclusiva llamada EroSex, la cual contiene temáticas como: sexualidad, salud sexual y erotismo, para la construcción de esta se aplicaron encuestas a 100 personas pertenecientes a la ciudad de Quibdó y Bogotá, con el fin de basar la información presentada en la página en necesidades reales de estas poblaciones.Resumen 1. Justificación 2. Marco Teórico 3. Metodología 4. Resultados 5. Conclusiones Referencias ApéndicesPregradoPsicólog

    Diffusion or War? Foucault as a Reader of Tarde

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    The objective of this chapter is to clarify the social theory underlying in Foucault’s genealogy of power/knowledge thanks to a comparison with Tarde’s microsociology. Nietzsche is often identified as the direct (and unique) predecessor of this genealogy, and the habitual criticisms are worried about the intricate relations between Foucault and Marx. These perspectives omit to point to another – and more direct – antecedent of Foucault`s microphysics: the microsociology of Gabriel Tarde. Bio-power technologies must be read as Tardian inventions that, by propagation, have reconfigured pre-existing social spaces, building modern societies. We will see how the Tardean source in Foucault’s genealogy sheds new clarity about the micro-socio-logic involved in it, enabling us to identify some of its aporiae and to imagine some solutions in this respect as well

    Subject to truth: before and after governmentality in Foucault’s 1970s

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    In this paper I situate Foucault’s governmentality analytics between his first lecture course (On the Will to Know, 1970-71) and his first course after his two “governmentality” lectures (On the Government of the Living, 1979-80). The lectures are interconnected by a shared interpretation of Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex as well as by different but related obsessions with the production of truth: the earlier, with truth as fact; the latter, with truth as self-relation. The former analyses discourses of truth, law, inquiry and sovereignty in ancient Greece. The latter focuses on early Christian individual manifestations of truth (baptism, penance, and spiritual direction) forming a genealogy of confession and, Foucault suggests, of western subjectivity itself. This paper uses the analytical categories of governmentality, usually used to analyse regimes of government, to perform a comparative reading of the lecture courses, charting the continuities and ruptures in their various studies of episteme, techne, identities, ethos and problematisations. This suggests that the earlier lectures outline the birth of the sovereign-juridical compact that modern governmentalities would emerge through and against, while the later lectures use the term “governmentality” less, but enable the analysis of the conduct of conduct to progress to the ethical scale of self-formation

    Dispositivo midiático de governamentalidade

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    El carácter desterritorializado de los medios de comunicación impide por momentos detectar –a diferencia de problemáticas relacionadas con la pobreza, la violencia física, la explotación de recursos naturales– su relación directa con injusticias sociales, inequidades, exclusiones y sujeciones. En la fase actual del sistema/mundo/moderno/ colonial los mecanismos de dominación se tornan más “democráticos” y “liberales”, los efectos de verdad, producidos por los medios, anestesian la mirada, y de ahí, el cuerpo y los sentidos. El objetivo del artículo es desvelar el carácter gubernamentalizado de las imágenes mediáticas reflexionando sobre aquella red de poder global que conduce las conductas a través de los medios de comunicación, conceptualizada en el texto como “dispositivo mediático de gubernamentalidad”. Se concluye entonces que el funcionamiento de dicho dispositivo se da a partir de tecnologías de poder noopolíticas y racionalidades capitalistas y coloniales.The deterritorialized nature of media, at times prevents detection –unlike problems related to poverty, physical violence, the exploitation of natural resources– its direct relationship with social injustices, inequities, exclusions and restraints. In the current phase of the system/ world/modern/colonial the mechanisms of domination become more "democratic" and "liberal", the effects of truth, produced by the media, anesthetize the gaze, and hence, the body and the senses. The objective of the article is to reveal the governmentalized character of media images reflecting on that network of global power that guides the conducts through media, conceptualized in the text as "media device of governmentality." It is concluded that the functioning of this device is based on technologies of noopolitical power and capitalist and colonial rationalities.O caráter desterritorializado dos meios de comunicação impede, em momentos, detectar — ao contrário de problemáticas relacionadas com a pobreza, a violência física, a exploração de recursos naturais — sua relação direta com injustiças sociais, inequidades, exclusões e submissões. Na fase atual do sistema mundo moderno-colonial, os mecanismos de dominação se tornam mais “democráticos” e “liberais”, os efeitos de verdade, produzidos pelos meios, anestesiam o olhar e, em consequência, o corpo e os sentidos. O objetivo deste artigo é revelar o caráter governamentalizado das imagens midiáticas refletindo sobre a rede de poder global que conduz os comportamentos pelos meios de comunicação, conceituada no texto como “dispositivo midiático de governamentalidade”. Conclui-se, portanto, que o funcionamento desse dispositivo se dá a partir de tecnologias de poder noopolíticas e racionalidades capitalistas e coloniais.https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/anagramas/article/view/186

    What Makes a Utopia Inconvenient? On the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Realist Orientation to Politics

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    Contemporary politics is often said to lack utopias. For prevailing understandings of the practical force of political theory, this looks like cause for celebration. As blueprints to apply to political practice, utopias invariably seem too strong or too weak. Through an immanent critique of political realism, I argue that utopian thought, and political theory generally, is better conceived as supplying an orientation to politics. Realists including Bernard Williams and Raymond Geuss explain how utopian programs like universal human rights poorly orient their adherents to politics, but the realists wrongly conclude that utopias and other ideal theories necessarily disorient us. As I show through an analysis of utopian claims made by Michel Foucault, Malcolm X, and John Rawls, utopias today can effectively disrupt entrenched forms of legitimation, foster new forms of political identity, and reveal new possibilities within existing institutions. Utopias are needed to understand the political choices we face today

    Insiders-outsiders, transparency and the value of the ticker

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    We consider a multi-period rational expectations model in which risk-averse investors differ in their information on past transaction prices (the ticker). Some investors (insiders) observe prices in real-time whereas other investors (outsiders) observe prices with a delay. As prices are informative about the asset payoff, insiders get a strictly larger expected utility than outsiders. Yet, information acquisition by one investor exerts a negative externality on other investors. Thus, investors’ average welfare is maximal when access to price information is rationed. We show that a market for price information can implement the fraction of insiders that maximizes investors’ average welfare. This market features a high price to curb excessive acquisition of ticker information. We also show that informational efficiency is greater when the dissemination of ticker information is broader and more timely

    O sujeito histórico do conhecimento - as condições econômicas, sociais e politicas como espaços obrigatórios de práticas conflitivas do discurso filosófico

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    Por intermédio deste artigo, se pretende investigar como as práticassociais podem chegar a engendrar os domínios de saber que não somentefazem aparecer novos objetos, novos conceitos, novas técnicas, mastambém fazem nascer formas totalmente novas de sujeitos e de sujeitosde conhecimento. Desta forma, se pode afirmar, que o próprio sujeito deconhecimento tem uma história, a relação do sujeito com o objeto, ou,mais claramente, a própria verdade tem uma história

    Stock price informativeness, cross-listings and investment decisions

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    In this paper, the authors show that a cross-listing allows a firm to make better investment decisions because it enhances stock price informativeness.Cross-listings; cross-listings premium; price informativeness; investment decisions; flow-back; ownership.