67 research outputs found

    Étude des inducteurs de l’intention de quitter chez une population infirmiĂšre quĂ©bĂ©coise

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    Dans un contexte mondial oĂč les taux de roulement des effectifs infirmiers oscillent entre 5% et 17% (Heinen et al., 2013) et oĂč l’OCDE (2016) souligne plus que jamais l’importance de s’attarder Ă  la rĂ©tention des infirmiĂšres et Ă  la diminution de leur dĂ©part de la profession, la prĂ©sente thĂšse vise Ă  comprendre plus en profondeur les effets diffĂ©rentiels du leadership tyrannique et authentique, du climat psychologique de travail ainsi que du bien-ĂȘtre et de la dĂ©tresse psychologique sur l’intention de quitter – son unitĂ©, son organisation ou sa profession. AppuyĂ© en partie sur les travaux de Hayes et al. (2012) et de Blau (1964), un cadre d’analyse comprenant les Ă©lĂ©ments suivants a Ă©tĂ© conceptualisĂ© : 1) les facteurs organisationnels – regroupant le climat psychologique de travail ainsi que le style de leadership, 2) les facteurs individuels – comprenant la santĂ© psychologique et 3) les facteurs externes touchant aux caractĂ©ristiques personnelles et dĂ©mographiques que sont l’ñge, le sexe et le niveau d’éducation. Le climat psychologique de travail et le style de leadership sont positionnĂ©s en amont au sein du modĂšle conceptuel alors que la santĂ© psychologique est en aval. L’intention de quitter l’unitĂ©, l’organisation et la profession sont les variables prĂ©dites. Il est proposĂ© que le style de leadership lorsqu’authentique influence positivement le climat psychologique de travail de mĂȘme que la santĂ© psychologique, ce qui en retour diminue l’intention de quitter. ParallĂšlement, il est proposĂ© que le style de leadership tyrannique influence nĂ©gativement le climat psychologique de travail ce qui gĂ©nĂšre en outre de la dĂ©tresse psychologique et de l’intention de quitter. Un Ă©chantillon de 903 infirmiers et infirmiĂšres quĂ©bĂ©cois d’une multitude de secteurs a complĂ©tĂ© un questionnaire en ligne traitant du style de leadership de leur supĂ©rieur immĂ©diat, du climat psychologique de travail ainsi que du niveau de santĂ© psychologique et de l’intention de quitter. Les relations entre les variables indĂ©pendantes et dĂ©pendantes ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’analyses acheminatoires par Ă©quations structurelles. Les relations statistiques observĂ©es permettent d’expliquer plus du tiers du phĂ©nomĂšne de l’intention de quitter, tous niveaux confondus, de mĂȘme qu’autant du bien-ĂȘtre psychologique et de la dĂ©tresse psychologique au travail. Les facteurs organisationnels sont instrumentaux dans la comprĂ©hension et le redressement de la santĂ© psychologique de mĂȘme que de l’intention de quitter. Cette thĂšse identifie le supĂ©rieur immĂ©diat comme un acteur clĂ© ayant une contribution directe sur le climat psychologique de travail, la santĂ© psychologique ainsi que l’intention de quitter. Davantage de rĂ©sultats ainsi que les implications thĂ©oriques et pratiques sont discutĂ©s.In a global context where turnover rates among the nurse workforce vary between 5% and 17% and where the OECD (2016) stresses more than ever the importance of understanding nurse retention and acting on their intent to quit, this thesis aims to understand the differential effects of tyrannical and authentic leadership, psychological work climate and well-being and/or psychological distress on one’s intention to quit. Based in part on the works of Hayes et al. (2012) and Blau (1964), an analysis framework that includes the following was conceptualized: 1) organizational factors –that is psychological work climate and style of leadership, 2) individual factors, including psychological health, and 3) external factors, that is the personal and demographic characteristics such as age, sex and education level. Intent to quit is the variable which we aim to predict and explain by the organizational and individual factors. Specifically, it is hypothesized that the style of leadership when authentic will positively influence psychological work climate as well as psychological health, which will in turn diminish one’s intent to quit. Conversely, it is hypothesized that when the style of leadership is tyrannical it will reflect negatively on psychological work climate, which will in turn augment psychological distress as well as one’s intent to quit. Considering this, a Quebec sample of 903 nurses from a multitude of healthcare sectors completed an online questionnaire in which they were asked about their current immediate superior, the psychological work climate in their organization, their degree of psychological health as well as their intention to quit. The statistical relationships between the independent as well as the dependent variables were analyzed using structural equation modelling. The results show that the variables targeted explain more than a third of the variance in intention to quit across all at all levels (quit one’s unit, one’s organization, one’s profession) as well as both the psychological well-being and the psychological distress. Organizational factors are instrumental in understanding and acting on psychological health as well as intent to quit. This study identifies the immediate superior as a key contributor to psychological work climate, psychological well-being and/or distress as well as intent to quit. Practical implications of the study, as well as further research are discussed accordingly

    Heterogeneous individual motility biases group composition in a model of aggregating cells

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    Aggregative life cycles are characterized by alternating phases of unicellular growth and multicellular development. Their multiple, independent evolutionary emergence suggests that they may have coopted pervasive properties of single-celled ancestors. Primitive multicellular aggregates, where coordination mechanisms were less efficient than in extant aggregative microbes, must have faced high levels of conflict between different co-aggregating populations. Such conflicts within a multicellular body manifest in the differential reproductive output of cells of different types. Here, we study how heterogeneity in cell motility affects the aggregation process and creates a mismatch between the composition of the population and that of self-organized groups of active adhesive particles. We model cells as self-propelled particles and describe aggregation in a plane starting from a dispersed configuration. Inspired by the life cycle of aggregative model organisms such as Dictyostelium discoideum or Myxococcus xanthus, whose cells interact for a fixed duration before the onset of chimeric multicellular development, we study finite-time configurations for identical particles and in binary mixes. We show that co-aggregation results in three different types of frequency-dependent biases, one of which is associated to evolutionarily stable coexistence of particles with different motility. We propose a heuristic explanation of such observations, based on the competition between delayed aggregation of slower particles and detachment of faster particles. Unexpectedly, despite the complexity and non-linearity of the system, biases can be largely predicted from the behavior of the two corresponding homogenous populations. This model points to differential motility as a possibly important factor in driving the evolutionary emergence of facultatively multicellular life-cycles

    Near-tropical subsurface ice on Mars

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    Near-surface perennial water ice on Mars has been previously inferred down to latitudes of about 45{\deg} and could result from either water vapor diffusion through the regolith under current conditions or previous ice ages precipitations. In this paper we show that at latitudes as low as 25{\deg} in the southern hemisphere buried water ice in the shallow (< 1 m) subsurface is required to explain the observed surface distribution of seasonal CO2 frost on pole facing slopes. This result shows that possible remnants of the last ice age, as well as water that will be needed for the future exploration of Mars, are accessible significantly closer to the equator than previously thought, where mild conditions for both robotic and human exploration lie

    Multifractal scaling of flux penetration in the Iron-based Superconductor Ba(Fe0.925_{0.925}Co0.075_{0.075})2_{2}As2_2

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    International audienceThe penetration of magnetic flux fronts in the optimally doped iron based superconductor Ba(Fe0.925_{0.925}Co0.075_{0.075})2_{2}As2_2 is studied by means of high resolution magneto-optic imaging. The analysis of roughening and growth of the magnetic flux front reveals anomalous scaling properties. While higher-order spatial correlation functions reveal multifractal behavior for the roughening, the usual Kardar-Parisi-Zhang growth exponent is found. Both exponents are found to independent of temperature. We propose a scenario for vortex penetration based on 2D percolation and cluster aggregation in an inhomogeneously disordered superconductor

    Water ice at low to midlatitudes on Mars

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    In this paper, we analyze water ice occurrences at the surface of Mars using near-infrared observations, and we study their distribution with a climate model. Latitudes between 45{\deg}S and 50{\deg}N are considered. Data from the Observatoire pour la Min\'eralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces et l'Actitit\'e and the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars are used to assess the presence of surface water ice as a function of location and season. A modeling approach combining the 1-D and 3-D versions of the General Circulation Model of the Laboratoire de M\'et\'eorologie Dynamique de Jussieu is developed and successfully compared to observations. Ice deposits 2-200 \mu m thick are observed during the day on pole facing slopes in local fall, winter and early spring. Ice extends down to 13{\deg} latitude in the Southern Hemisphere but is restricted to latitudes higher than 32{\deg} in the north. On a given slope, the pattern of ice observations at the surface is mainly controlled by the global variability of atmospheric water (precipitation and vapor), with local ground properties playing a lower role. Only seasonal surface ice is observed: no exposed patches of perennial ground ice have been detected. Surface seasonal ice is however sensitive to subsurface properties: the results presented in this study are consistent with the recent discovery of low latitude subsurface ice obtained through the analysis of CO2 frost

    Hysteroscopic Resection for Missed Abortion : Feasibility, Operative Technique and Potential Benefit Compared to Curettage

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    Data Availability Statement All datasets presented in this study are included in the article/Supplementary Material.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    New near-IR observations of mesospheric CO2 and H2O clouds on Mars

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    Carbon dioxide clouds, which are speculated by models on solar and extra-solar planets, have been recently observed near the equator of Mars. The most comprehensive identification of Martian CO2 ice clouds has been obtained by the near-IR imaging spectrometer OMEGA. CRISM, a similar instrument with a higher spatial resolution, cannot detect these clouds with the same method due to its shorter wavelength range. Here we present a new method to detect CO2 clouds using near-IR data based on the comparison of H2O and CO2 ice spectral properties. The spatial and seasonal distributions of 54 CRISM observations containing CO2 clouds are reported, in addition to 17 new OMEGA observations. CRISM CO2 clouds are characterized by grain size in the 0.5-2\mum range and optical depths lower than 0.3. The distributions of CO2 clouds inferred from OMEGA and CRISM are consistent with each other and match at first order the distribution of high altitude (>60km) clouds derived from previous studies. At second order, discrepancies are observed. We report the identification of H2O clouds extending up to 80 km altitude, which could explain part of these discrepancies: both CO2 and H2O clouds can exist at high, mesospheric altitudes. CRISM observations of afternoon CO2 clouds display morphologies resembling terrestrial cirrus, which generalizes a previous result to the whole equatorial clouds season. Finally, we show that morning OMEGA observations have been previously misinterpreted as evidence for cumuliform, and hence potentially convective, CO2 clouds.Comment: Vincendon, M., C. Pilorget, B. Gondet, S. Murchie, and J.-P. Bibring (2011), New near-IR observations of mesospheric CO2 and H2O clouds on Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 116, E00J0

    Intraoperative Ketorolac and Outcomes after Ovarian Cancer Surgery

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    The authors want to thank Laurence Beausaert and Monique Kasa-Vubu, coordinating nurses of gynaecological oncology, Magali Alsteen and VĂ©ronique Delhaye for the recording of the data and all the nurses from the operating theatre and the hospitalisation unit (U95) of the cliniques universitaire St Luc. We also want to thank the intensive care unit team for the care of our patients.Peer reviewe

    Discovery of a fungal copper radical oxidase with high catalytic efficiency towards 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and benzyl alcohols for green bioprocessing

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    Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society. Alternatives to petroleum-based chemicals are highly sought-after for ongoing efforts to reduce the damaging effects of human activity on the environment. Copper radical oxidases from Auxiliary Activity Family 5/Subfamily 2 (AA5_2) are attractive biocatalysts because they oxidize primary alcohols in a chemoselective manner without complex organic cofactors. However, despite numerous studies on canonical galactose oxidases (GalOx, EC and engineered variants, and the recent discovery of a Colletotrichum graminicola copper radical alcohol oxidase (AlcOx, EC, the catalytic potentials of very few AA5_2 members have been characterized. Guided by the sequence similarity network and phylogenetic analyses, we targeted a distinct paralog from the fungus C. graminicola as a representative member of a large uncharacterized subgroup of AA5_2. Through recombinant production and detailed kinetic analysis, we demonstrated that this enzyme is weakly active toward carbohydrates but efficiently catalyzes the oxidation of aryl alcohols to the corresponding aldehydes. As such, this represents the initial characterization of a demonstrable aryl alcohol oxidase (AAO, EC in AA5, an activity which is classically associated with flavin-dependent glucose-methanol-choline (GMC) oxidoreductases of Auxiliary Activity Family 3 (AA3). X-ray crystallography revealed a distinct multidomain architecture comprising an N-terminal PAN domain abutting a canonical AA5 seven-bladed propeller catalytic domain. Of direct relevance to biomass processing, the wild-type enzyme exhibits the highest activity on the primary alcohol of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), a product of significant interest in the lignocellulosic biorefinery concept. Thus, the chemoselective oxidation of HMF to 2,5-diformylfuran (DFF) by C. graminicola aryl alcohol oxidase (CgrAAO) from AA5 provides a fundamental building block for chemistry via biotechnology
