77 research outputs found

    Genetic influences on viral-induced cytokine responses in the lung

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    Infection with respiratory viruses such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus and coronavirus provides a difficult immunological challenge for the host, where a balance must be established between controlling viral replication and limiting damage to the delicate lung structure. Although the genetic architecture of host responses to respiratory viral infections is not yet understood, it is clear there is underlying heritability that influences pathogenesis. Immune control of virus replication is essential in respiratory infections, but overt activation can enhance inflammation and disease severity. Cytokines initiate antiviral immune responses but are implicated in viral pathogenesis. Here, we discuss how host genetic variation may influence cytokine responses to respiratory viral infections and, based on our current understanding of the role that cytokines play in viral pathogenesis, how this may influence disease severity. We also discuss how induced pluripotent stem cells may be utilised to probe the mechanistic implications of allelic variation in genes in virus-induced inflammatory responses. Ultimately, this could help to design better immune modulators, stratify high risk patients and tailor anti-inflammatory treatments, potentially expanding the ability to treat respiratory virus outbreaks in the future

    Interferon lambda is required for interferon gamma-expressing NK cell responses but does not afford antiviral protection during acute and persistent murine cytomegalovirus infection

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    Interferon lambda (IFNλ) is a group of cytokines that belong to the IL-10 family. They exhibit antiviral activities against certain viruses during infection of the liver and mucosal tissues. Here we report that IFNλ restricts in vitro replication of the β-herpesvirus murine cytomegalovirus (mCMV). However, IFNλR1-deficient (Ifnλr1-/-) mice were not preferentially susceptible to mCMV infection in vivo during acute infection after systemic or mucosal challenge, or during virus persistence in the mucosa. Instead, our studies revealed that IFNλ influences NK cell responses during mCMV infection. Ifnλr1-/- mice exhibited defective development of conventional interferon-gamma (IFNγ)-expressing NK cells in the spleen during mCMV infection whereas accumulation of granzyme B-expressing NK cells was unaltered. In vitro, development of splenic IFNγ+ NK cells following stimulation with IL-12 or, to a lesser extent, IL-18 was abrogated by IFNλR1-deficiency. Thus, IFNλ regulates NK cell responses during mCMV infection and restricts virus replication in vitro but is redundant in the control of acute and persistent mCMV replication within mucosal and non-mucosal tissues

    Proteomic Profiling of Enteroid Cultures Skewed Towards Development of Specific Epithelial Lineages

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    Recently, three‐dimensional small intestinal organoids (enteroids) have been developed from cultures of intestinal stem cells which differentiate in vitro to generate all the differentiated epithelial cell types associated with the intestine and mimic the structural properties of the intestine observed in vivo. Small‐molecule drug treatment can skew organoid epithelial cell differentiation towards particular lineages, and these skewed enteroids may provide useful tools to study specific epithelial cell populations, such as goblet and Paneth cells. However, the extent to which differentiated epithelial cell populations in these skewed enteroids represent their in vivo counterparts is not fully understood. In this study, we have performed label‐free quantitative proteomics to determine whether skewing murine enteroid cultures towards the goblet or Paneth cell lineages results in changes in abundance of proteins associated with these cell lineages in vivo. Our data confirm that skewed enteroids recapitulate important features of the in vivo gut environment, confirming that they can serve as useful models for the investigation of normal and disease processes in the intestine. Furthermore, by comparison of our mass spectrometry data with histology data contained within the Human Protein Atlas, we identify putative novel markers for goblet and Paneth cells

    Genome-Wide Epigenetic and Transcriptomic Characterization of Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Intestinal Epithelial Organoids.

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    Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) have been used to generate intestinal organoids that mimic key intestinal properties without the requirement for invasive procedures to obtain human tissues. The main protocols that have been described result in gut organoids that contain both intestinal epithelium as well as mesenchymal cells (2, 3). We have previously reported on human iPSC-derived intestinal organoids that can be propagated in long-term culture which contain solely epithelial cells (4–6). A pure epithelial model offers unique opportunities to study epithelial cell intrinsic and cell type specific mechanisms. Among these cellular processes are epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation, which acts as a key regulator of intestinal epithelial development and regional identity (1, 7). The purpose of this study was to characterise iPSC-derived human intestinal epithelial organoids (iPSCo) by comparing these cultures with primary purified intestinal epithelial cells (IEC).JK was supported by Crohn’s & Colitis UK and Crohn’s in Childhood Research association (CICRA). GD and JF received core support from the Wellcome Trust. We would also like to thank the WTSI Core Scientific Operations team for conducting Illumina transcriptome sequencing. RNA-Sequencing was funded by the Wellcome Trust [206194]. LV is funded by the European Research Council advanced grant New-Chol (ERC: 741707), Cambridge University Hospitals NIHR Biomedical Research Center, core support from the Wellcome Trust and MRC to the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute (PSAG028) and the EU grant INTENS. AR is supported by the Wellcome Trust Interdisciplinary Programme in Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (TMAT) (100138/B/12/Z)

    IRF5 promotes influenza-induced inflammatory responses in human iPSC-derived myeloid cells and murine models.

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    Recognition of Influenza A virus (IAV) by the innate immune system triggers pathways that restrict viral replication, activates innate immune cells, and regulates adaptive immunity. However, excessive innate immune activation can exaggerate disease. The pathways promoting excessive activation are incompletely understood, with limited experimental models to investigate mechanisms driving influenza-induced inflammation in humans. Interferon regulatory factor (IRF5) is a transcription factor that plays important roles in induction of cytokines after viral sensing. In an in vivo model of IAV infection, IRF5 deficiency reduced IAV-driven immune pathology and associated inflammatory cytokine production, specifically reducing cytokine-producing myeloid cell populations in Irf5-/- mice, but not impacting type 1 IFN production or virus replication. Using cytometry by time-of-flight (CyTOF), we identified that human lung IRF5 expression was highest in cells of the myeloid lineage. To investigate the role of IRF5 in mediating human inflammatory responses by myeloid cells to IAV, we employed human induced pluripotent stem cells (hIPSCs) with biallelic mutations in IRF5, demonstrating for the first time iPS-derived dendritic cells (iPS-DCs) with biallelic mutations can be used to investigate regulation of human virus-induced immune responses. Using this technology, we reveal that IRF5 deficiency in human DCs, or macrophages, corresponded with reduced virus-induced inflammatory cytokine production, with IRF5 acting downstream of TLR7 and, possibly, RIG-I after viral sensing. Thus, IRF5 acts as a regulator of myeloid cell inflammatory cytokine production during IAV infection in mice and humans, and drives immune-mediated viral pathogenesis independently of type 1 IFN and virus replication.ImportanceThe inflammatory response to Influenza A virus (IAV) participates in infection control but contributes to disease severity. After viral detection intracellular pathways are activated, initiating cytokine production, but these pathways are incompletely understood. We show that interferon regulatory factor 5 (IRF5) mediates IAV-induced inflammation and, in mice, drives pathology. This was independent of antiviral type 1 IFN and virus replication, implying that IRF5 could be specifically targeted to treat influenza-induced inflammation. We show for the first time that human iPSC technology can be exploited in genetic studies of virus-induced immune responses. Using this technology, we deleted IRF5 in human myeloid cells. These IRF5-deficient cells exhibited impaired influenza-induced cytokine production and revealed that IRF5 acts downstream of Toll-like receptor 7 and possibly retinoic acid-inducible gene-I. Our data demonstrate the importance of IRF5 in influenza-induced inflammation, suggesting genetic variation in the IRF5 gene may influence host susceptibility to viral diseases.This work was supported by The Wellcome Trust. This work was funded by a Wellcome 641 Trust Senior Research Fellowship to Ian Humphreys (207503/Z/17/Z); Medical Research 642 Council, United Kingdom (MR/L018942/1 and MRC Human Immunology Unit Core); 643 Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences 644 (CIFMS), China (grant number: 2018-I2M-2-002). The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute was 645 the source of the Kolf2 human induced pluripotent cell line which was generated under the 646 Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Initiative funded by a grant from the Wellcome Trust Downloaded from http://jvi.asm.org/ on March 2, 2020 at CAMBRIDGE UNIV27 and Medical Research Council, supported 647 by the Wellcome Trust (WT098051) and the 648 NIHR/Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility, and Life Science Technologies 649 Corporation provided Cytotune for reprogramming. We thank the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Gene editing pipeline for generation of IRF5-/- 650 iPSCs and the Mass spectrometry 651 Facility at the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine for help with CyTOF experiments

    Interleukin-22 promotes phagolysosomal fusion to induce protection against Salmonella enterica Typhimurium in human epithelial cells.

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    Intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) play a key role in regulating immune responses and controlling infection. However, the direct role of IECs in restricting pathogens remains incompletely understood. Here, we provide evidence that IL-22 primed intestinal organoids derived from healthy human induced pluripotent stem cells (hIPSCs) to restrict Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium SL1344 infection. A combination of transcriptomics, bacterial invasion assays, and imaging suggests that IL-22-induced antimicrobial activity is driven by increased phagolysosomal fusion in IL-22-pretreated cells. The antimicrobial phenotype was absent in hIPSCs derived from a patient harboring a homozygous mutation in the IL10RB gene that inactivates the IL-22 receptor but was restored by genetically complementing the IL10RB deficiency. This study highlights a mechanism through which the IL-22 pathway facilitates the human intestinal epithelium to control microbial infection

    Whole genome sequencing of Shigella sonnei through PulseNet Latin America and Caribbean: advancing global surveillance of foodborne illnesses

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    Objectives Shigella sonnei is a globally important diarrhoeal pathogen tracked through the surveillance network PulseNet Latin America and Caribbean (PNLA&C), which participates in PulseNet International. PNLA&C laboratories use common molecular techniques to track pathogens causing foodborne illness. We aimed to demonstrate the possibility and advantages of transitioning to whole genome sequencing (WGS) for surveillance within existing networks across a continent where S. sonnei is endemic. Methods We applied WGS to representative archive isolates of S. sonnei (n = 323) from laboratories in nine PNLA&C countries to generate a regional phylogenomic reference for S. sonnei and put this in the global context. We used this reference to contextualise 16 S. sonnei from three Argentinian outbreaks, using locally generated sequence data. Assembled genome sequences were used to predict antimicrobial resistance (AMR) phenotypes and identify AMR determinants. Results S. sonnei isolates clustered in five Latin American sublineages in the global phylogeny, with many (46%, 149 of 323) belonging to previously undescribed sublineages. Predicted multidrug resistance was common (77%, 249 of 323), and clinically relevant differences in AMR were found among sublineages. The regional overview showed that Argentinian outbreak isolates belonged to distinct sublineages and had different epidemiologic origins. Conclusions Latin America contains novel genetic diversity of S. sonnei that is relevant on a global scale and commonly exhibits multidrug resistance. Retrospective passive surveillance with WGS has utility for informing treatment, identifying regionally epidemic sublineages and providing a framework for interpretation of prospective, locally sequenced outbreaks

    Genes That Influence Swarming Motility and Biofilm Formation in Variovorax paradoxus EPS

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    Variovorax paradoxus is an aerobic soil bacterium associated with important biodegradative processes in nature. We use V. paradoxus EPS to study multicellular behaviors on surfaces.We recovered flanking sequence from 123 clones in a Tn5 mutant library, with insertions in 29 different genes, selected based on observed surface behavior phenotypes. We identified three genes, Varpa_4665, Varpa_4680, and Varpa_5900, for further examination. These genes were cloned into pBBR1MCS2 and used to complement the insertion mutants. We also analyzed expression of Varpa_4680 and Varpa_5900 under different growth conditions by qPCR.The 29 genes we identified had diverse predicted functions, many in exopolysaccharide synthesis. Varpa_4680, the most commonly recovered insertion site, encodes a putative N-acetyl-L-fucosamine transferase similar to WbuB. Expression of this gene in trans complemented the mutant fully. Several unique insertions were identified in Varpa_5900, which is one of three predicted pilY1 homologs in the EPS genome. No insertions in the two other putative pilY1 homologs present in the genome were identified. Expression of Varpa_5900 altered the structure of the wild type swarm, as did disruption of the chromosomal gene. The swarming phenotype was complemented by expression of Varpa_5900 from a plasmid, but biofilm formation was not restored. Both Varpa_4680 and Varpa_5900 transcripts were downregulated in biofilms and upregulated during swarming when compared to log phase culture. We identified a putative two component system (Varpa_4664-4665) encoding a response regulator (shkR) and a sensor histidine kinase (shkS), respectively. Biofilm formation increased and swarming was strongly delayed in the Varpa_4665 (shkS) mutant. Complementation of shkS restored the biofilm phenotype but swarming was still delayed. Expression of shkR in trans suppressed biofilm formation in either genetic background, and partially restored swarming in the mutant.The data presented here point to complex regulation of these surface behaviors