4 research outputs found

    Casting new light on the chronology of the loess/paleosol sequences in Lower Austria

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    Der vorliegende Artikel gibt einen Überblick über neu datierte Abschnitte in bekannten Löss/Paläoboden-Sequenzen Niederösterreichs. Die Ergebnisse der Datierungen im Profil Joching deuten darauf hin, dass es im letzten Hochglazial zur Lösssedimentation kam. Die meisten erfassten Alter sind jedoch älter als das letzte Hochglazial, was auf Erosionsprozesse hindeutet, die zur Abtragung der jüngeren Lösse geführt hat. In dem Abschnitt zwischen ~28 ka and ~35 ka wurden überwiegend Tundragleye gebildet. Eine intensivere interstadiale Bodenbildung ist nicht nachzuweisen. Dieses Ergebnis kann auch für die stratigraphische Einstufung von ‚Stillfried B‘ (sensu Fink) von Bedeutung sein. Der folgende chronologische Abschnitt liegt zwischen ~35 ka and ~57 ka in Lösssedimenten mit eingeschalteten Tundragleyen. Auch dieser Abschnitt ist durch Umlagerungsprozesse charakterisiert. Im Zeitraum von ~57 ka bis ~106 ka befindet sich eine markante Zeitlücke, die vermutlich auf langandauernde und intensive Erosionsprozesse im Untersuchungsgebiet zurückzuführen ist. Die älteste Datierung in den Sedimenten des letzten Glazials mit 106 ± 12 ka befindet sich in Paudorf direkt über dem ‚Stillfried A‘- Komplex (Paudorfer Bodenbildung). Direkt unter diesem Pedokomplex, bzw. vergleichbaren Pedokomplexen treten in Lössablagerungen Alter von 124 ± 2 5 ka (Göttweig-Aigen), 159 ± 20 ka (Paudorf 1), and 170 ± 16 ka (Joching) auf. Darüber hinausgehende Alter konnten in Stratzing, Paudorf 2, Göttweig-Furth und Langenlois nachgewiesen werden

    Nonreceding hare lines: genetic continuity since the Late Pleistocene in European mountain hares (Lepus timidus)

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    Throughout time, climate changes have caused substantial rearrangements of habitats which have alternately promoted and disfavoured different types of taxa. At first glance, the mountain hare (Lepus timidus) shows the typical hallmarks of a cold-adapted species that has retreated to refugia since the onset of the current Holocene interglacial. In contrary to expectations, however, the species has a high contemporary genetic diversity with no clear differentiation between geographically isolated populations. In order to clarify the phylogeographic history of European mountain hares, we here analysed ancient DNA from the glacial populations that inhabited the previous midlatitude European tundra region. Our results reveal that the Ice Age hares had similar levels of genetic variation and lack of geographic structure as observed today, and the ancient samples were intermingled with modern individuals throughout the reconstructed evolutionary tree. This suggest a temporal genetic continuity in Europe, where the mountain hares were able to keep pace with the rapid changes at the last glacial/interglacial transition, and successfully track their shifting habitat to northern and alpine regions. Further, the temporal demographic analyses showed that the species’ population size in Europe appear to have been tightly linked with palaeoclimatic fluctuations, with increases and declines occurring during periods of global cooling and warming, respectively. Taken together, our results suggest that neither habitat shifts nor demographic fluctuations have had any substantial impact on the genetic diversity of European mountain hares. This remarkable resilience, which contrasts to a majority of previously investigated cold-adapted species, is likely due to its generalist nature which makes it less vulnerable to environmental changes

    A Late Pleistocene to Holocene succession of leporid species in the southern Vienna Basin (Austria)

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    The new archaeological and palaeontological site of Smrcka Lorenz-Abris yielded three different leporid species in stratigraphical sequence, mirroring the effect of environmental changes and the influence of humans in this area. Lepus timidus is a species with a wide Late Pleistocene distribution, but disappeared in the Vienna Basin at the end of the Pleistocene. Lepus europaeus appeared in the Holocene and became dominant in lower altitudes in Austria. Interspecific competition as well as anthropogenic and natural environmental changes are the main factors that caused this replacement. At Smrcka Lorenz-Abris, L.europaeus became dominant around 7000 a BP. This site yielded the last evidence of a mountain hare in the Vienna Basin, with a preserved lower jaw that was dated to be from around14,000 a BP. The most recent immigrant is Oryctolagus cuniculus, which was introduced to Austria, and only found in the upper parts of the section