334 research outputs found

    Convergence speed of a link-state protocol for IPv6 router autoconfiguration

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    This report presents a model for the NAP protocol, dedicated to the auto-configuration of IPv6 routers. If the auto-configuration of hosts is defined by IPv6 and mandatory, IPv6 routers still have to be manually configured. In order to succeed in new networking domains, a full auto-configuration feature must be offered. NAP offers a fully distributed solution that uses a link state OSPFv3-like approach to perform prefix collision detection and avoidance. In this report, we present a model for NAP and analyze the average and maximum autoconfiguration delay as a function of the network size and the prefix space size

    Mobile phone-based joint angle measurement for functional assessment and rehabilitation of proprioception

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    International audienceAssessment of joint functional and proprioceptive abilities is essential for balance, posture, and motor control rehabilitation. Joint functional ability refers to the capacity of movement of the joint. It may be evaluated thereby measuring the joint range of motion (ROM). Proprioception can be defined as the perception of the position and of the movement of various body parts in space. Its role is essential in sensorimotor control for movement acuity, joint stability, coordination, and balance. Its clinical evaluation is commonly based on the assessment of the joint position sense (JPS). Both ROM and JPS measurements require estimating angles through goniometer, scoliometer, laser-pointer, and bubble or digital inclinometer. With the arrival of Smartphones, these costly clinical tools tend to be replaced. Beyond evaluation, maintaining and/or improving joint functional and proprioceptive abilities by training with physical therapy is important for long-term management. This review aims to report Smartphone applications used for measuring and improving functional and proprioceptive abilities. It identifies that Smartphone applications are reliable for clinical measurements and are mainly used to assess ROM and JPS. However, there is lack of studies on Smartphone applications which can be used in an autonomous way to provide physical therapy exercises at home

    Anestésicos e anestesia locais: revisão de literatura para a prática clínica

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    Justificativa e objetivos: Anestésicos locais são fármacos largamente usados em diversas práticas da Medicina e também em outras áreas da saúde como na Medicina Veterinária e na Saúde Oral. E assim, todos os profissionais que utilizam tais drogas devem conhecer os mecanismos de ação, indicações, tipos comercializados em sua região, dosagem, efeitos adversos e seus tratamentos, pois são prérequisitos para a utilização consciente e para a segurança do paciente. O objetivo do estudo foi de estruturar elementos-chave para a utilização correta dos anestésicos locais. Conteúdo: Sobre os anestésicos locais foram discutidos os mecanismos de ação, a farmacocinética, a farmacodinâmica, as doses máximas para evitar intoxicação, as características específicas para grupos como idosos, neonatos e gestantes, a técnica de diluição, as situações de alerta e as condutas frente a suspeita de intoxicação. Conclusões: Este trabalho atingiu seu objetivo de estruturar resumidamente o conhecimento necessário para uso consciente de anestésicos locais por profissionais da saúde

    Fast Convergence in Self-stabilizing Wireless Networks.

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    International audienceThe advent of large scale multi-hop wireless networks highlights problems of fault tolerance and scale in distributed systems, motivating designs that autonomously recover from transient faults and spontaneous reconfigurations. Self-stabilization provides an elegant solution for recovering from such faults. We present a complexity analysis for a family of self-stabilizing vertex coloring algorithms in the context of multi-hop wireless networks. Such "coloring" processes are used in several protocols for solving many different issues (clustering, synchronizing...). Overall, our results show that the actual stabilization time is much smaller than the upper bound provided by previous studies. Similarly, the height of the induced DAG is much lower than the linear dependency on the size of the color domain (that was previously announced). Finally, it appears that symmetry breaking tricks traditionally used to expedite stabilization are in fact harmful when used in networks that are not tightly synchronized

    Functional traits help predict post-disturbance demography of tropical trees

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    How tropical tree species respond to disturbance is a central issue of forest ecology, conservation and resource management. We define a hierarchical model to investigate how functional traits measured in control plots relate to the population change rate and to demographic rates for recruitment and mortality after disturbance by logging operations. Population change and demographic rates were quantified on a 12-year period after disturbance and related to seven functional traits measured in control plots. The model was calibrated using a Bayesian Network approach on 53 species surveyed in permanent forest plots (37.5 ha) at Paracou in French Guiana. The network analysis allowed us to highlight both direct and indirect relationships among predictive variables. Overall, 89% of interspecific variability in the population change rate after disturbance were explained by the two demographic rates, the recruitment rate being the most explicative variable. Three direct drivers explained 45% of the variability in recruitment rates, including leaf phosphorus concentration, with a positive effect, and seed size and wood density with negative effects. Mortality rates were explained by interspecific variability in maximum diameter only (25%). Wood density, leaf nitrogen concentration, maximum diameter and seed size were not explained by variables in the analysis and thus appear as independent drivers of post-disturbance demography. Relationships between functional traits and demographic parameters were consistent with results found in undisturbed forests. Functional traits measured in control conditions can thus help predict the fate of tropical tree species after disturbance. Indirect relationships also suggest how different processes interact to mediate species demographic response. (Résumé d'auteur

    iBalance-ABF: a Smartphone-Based Audio-Biofeedback Balance System

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    International audienceThis article proposes an implementation of a Kalman Filter, using inertial sensors of a Smartphone, to estimate 3D angulation of the trunk. The developped system monitors the trunk angular evolution during bipedal stance and helps the user to improve balance through a configurable and integrated auditory-biofeedback loop. A proof-of-concept study was performed to assess the effectiveness of this so-called iBalance-ABF - smartphone-based audio-biofeedback system - in improving balance during bipedal standing. Results showed that young healthy individuals were able to efficiently use ABF on sagittal trunk tilt to improve their balance in the ML direction. These findings suggest that iBalance-ABF system as a Telerehabilitation system which could represent a suitable solution for Ambient Assisted Living technologies

    Representaciones sociales del SIDA y percepción de riesgo entre estudiantes universitarios

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    Neste estudo exploratório procurouse identificar as representações sociais que jovens universitários elaboram sobre a aids e a percepção de risco em relação à infecção pelo HIV. Utilizou-se um instrumento de evocação que se baseia na associação livre de ideias, partindo-se do termo indutor aids. Participaram da pesquisa 201 estudantes, de ambos os sexos, matriculados em diferentes cursos de uma universidade pública. Os dados foram analisados pelo programa de computação EVOC. Os resultados indicaram que os universitários construíram um saber sobre a aids ancorado no conhecimento médico-científico sobre a síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. Sexo, morte e doença foram as palavras mais evocadas que, junto a medo, constituem o provável núcleo organizador das representações acerca da aids. Crenças e preconceito relacionados a grupos estigmatizados e a comportamentos considerados desviantes não apareceram nas associações dos universitários. Percebem-se como vulneráveis à infecção identificando comportamentos de risco em toda a população, inclusive no grupo interno. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis exploratory study reports the social representations about aids and the risk perception of infection by undergraduate students. An instrument of free association of ideas was applied on 201 male and female students. The answers were analysed by the software EVOC. Results indicate social representations based on medical knowledge about the disease. The words sex, death and disease had a high frequency and were associated with fear. They are the possible core of the social representation about aids among the under-graduate students. Believes and prejudice related to stigmatized did not appeared on the students representations. The in-group is perceived as vulnerable as long as the risk behaviors may be adopted by everyone, including inner-members. _________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMENEn este estudio exploratorio se trató de identificar las representaciones sociales que estudiantes universitarios elaboran acerca Del SIDA y la percepción de riesgo que tienen con respecto a la infección por VIH. Se utilizo un instrumento de evocación basado en la libre asociación de ideas, a partir del término inductor SIDA. Participaron un total de 201 estudiantes de ambos sexos matriculados en diferentes cursos de una universidad pública en Brasil. Los datos se analizaron por el programa EVOC. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes construyeron un conocimiento sobre el SIDA anclado en el conocimiento médico y científico sobre el síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida. El sexo, la muerte y la enfermedad fueron los términos más frecuentemente mencionados que, junto con el miedo, constituyen probablemente el núcleo organizador de las representaciones del SIDA. Las creencias y prejuicios relacionados con los grupos estigmatizados y las conductas consideradas desviantes no aparecieron en lãs asociaciones de los estudiantes universitarios. Se perciben a sí mismos como vulnerables a la infección identificando comportamientos de riesgo en toda la población y entre ellos como grupo interno

    Une géographie des espaces publics dans les pays intermédiaires

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    À la jonction de plusieurs enjeux fondamentaux pour les sociétés urbaines et leurs espaces, la thématique des espaces publics est en pleine expansion dans le domaine des études urbaines. Alors que le monde ne cesse de s'urbaniser, la ville semble s'éloigner de son idéal et de sa fonction de Cité : les processus de fragmentation et de ségrégation de l'espace urbain, les violences dont il est parfois le théâtre remettent en cause la mixité sociale, les rencontres imprévues, bref, l'urbanité telle qu'elle a été très largement analysée depuis Eugen Wirth et Max Weber. C'est dans ce cadre général que les chercheurs ont attiré l'attention sur l'espace public. Ces réflexions sont très largement interdisciplinaires puisque philosophie, sociologie et science politique y ont joué un rôle moteur. Complémentaire des précédentes, la démarche géographique permet de resituer les espaces en question dans un contexte urbain concret : loin d'être métaphorique, l'espace public des géographes est un lieu précis, avec des configurations spatiales particulières, une histoire, une appropriation par les différents groupes sociaux en présence, un mode d'intégration dans la ville. Cependant, les travaux de recherche se sont largement limités aux espaces publics des sociétés occidentales (Europe et Etats-Unis) pour y souligner des phénomènes de violence, de communautarisation, de privatisation. Nous proposons de compléter ce tableau par l'étude des espaces publics dans des pays dits " intermédiaires ", ni très riches, ni très pauvres, et ayant des niveaux de développement industriel et tertiaire non négligeable : le fonctionnement même des espaces publics et leur évolution divergent en partie de ce qui a été observé ailleurs. Les villes des pays intermédiaires et leur espaces publics sont le théâtre de tensions spécifiques : arrivée relativement récente de populations d'origine rurale, clivages culturels, sociaux, économiques voire " raciaux "... Nous choisirons également des pays hors de la sphère proprement occidentale pour confronter la thématique des espaces publics à des villes de tradition et de modèle différents. Quelle hybridation y a lieu entre modernité et tradition ?Quels changements sociaux, politiques et culturels y sont visibles ? Comment parler d'espaces publics à travers des aires culturelles aussi différentes
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