14 research outputs found

    Registros de nidadas de cuatro huevos y cuatro pichones de Chiflón (Syrigma sibilatrix) en Argentina

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    El Chiflón (Syrigma sibilatrix) es una especie de la familia Ardeidae, única en su género, que habita Sudaméricapor el este de Colombia y Venezuela, y por el sureste deBrasil, este de Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay y Argentina. En Argentina el Chiflón ha sido registrado desdeel extremo norte del país hasta las provincias de Catamarca,San Luis, La Pampa y sur de Buenos Aires .En todos los eventos reproductivos de Chiflón que se conocen a través de la literatura, tanto el número de pichoneshallados en los nidos, como el número de pichonescriados con éxito, varió entre uno y tres . Así, las observacionesreportadas en esta nota serían las primeras de críacon éxito de cuatro pichones.Fil: Salvador, Sergio. No especifíca;Fil: Fiorucci, Miguel. Establecimiento “El Mirador”; ArgentinaFil: Santillán, Miguel Ángel. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencia Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Recursos Naturales. Centro para el Estudio y Conservación de Aves Rapaces; ArgentinaFil: Liébana, María Soledad. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencia Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Recursos Naturales. Centro para el Estudio y Conservación de Aves Rapaces; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; Argentin

    Contributions to the Knowledge of European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) Distribution and Biology in La Pampa Province

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    El estornino pinto Sturnus vulgaris es una de las especies de aves más invasoras delmundo, causante de pérdidas económicas y de biodiversidad. En Argentina poseepoblaciones establecidas y en expansión, y ya se han registrado interacciones negativascon especies nativas. Aquí se describe el estado actual de su distribución enla provincia de La Pampa, en la región central de Argentina, cuyo paisaje correspondea dos provincias fitogeográficas que albergan una extensa comunidad de avesusuarias de huecos, susceptibles de verse perjudicadas por esta especie. Se presentanademás el primer registro de cría en caja nido y la primera descripción de dieta delos pichones para el área. La información espacial se generó a partir de registrosproveniente de bases de datos en línea y propios. En base a los resultados se presumeque la expansión se estaría dando en dirección oeste desde las poblaciones inicialesen la provincia de Buenos Aires. La confirmación de cría exitosa, junto con laexpansión en curso deben constituirse en una alerta ante el potencial riesgo paraalgunas especies usuarias de cavidades en caso de que las poblaciones prosperen.Resulta necesaria la implementación de monitoreos sistemáticos de la situación, paraevaluar la eventual toma de medidas que mitiguen los potenciales efectos negativossobre las aves nativas.The European Starling Sturnus vulgaris is one of the most invasive bird species in the world, as it causes drastic economic and biodiversity losses. In Argentina, its populations are established and in expansion. Negative interactions of this species with native species have already been recorded. Here, we describe its current distribution in La Pampa province from central Argentina, whose landscape belongs to two phytogeographic provinces where an extensive community of cavity-nesting birds occur. Also, the first nest box breeding record and the first nestling’s diet description is described for the region. Occurrence data were obtained from online databases of bird observations and from our own records. Based on these results, it is presumed that the expansion would be taking place in a western direction from the original populations in Buenos Aires province. Successful breeding confirmation, together with its ongoing expansion, should constitute an alert of the potential risk for some cavity user species. It is necessary to implement systematic surveys of the situation to assess the eventual execution of measures that mitigate the potential negative effects on native birds.Fil: Liébana, María Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; ArgentinaFil: Santillan, Miguel Angel. Gobierno de la Provincia de La Pampa. Secretaría de Cultura; ArgentinaFil: Peralta Seen, Nicolás. Gobierno de La Pampa. Secretaría de Cultura. Museo de Historia Natural de La Pampa. División Zoología; ArgentinaFil: Fiorucci, Miguel. Establecimiento “El Mirador”; ArgentinaFil: Bernardos, Jaime. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional La Pampa-San Luis. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil; ArgentinaFil: Mallet, Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; Argentin

    First low-frequency Einstein@Home all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves in Advanced LIGO data

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    We report results of a deep all-sky search for periodic gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars in data from the first Advanced LIGO observing run. This search investigates the low frequency range of Advanced LIGO data, between 20 and 100 Hz, much of which was not explored in initial LIGO. The search was made possible by the computing power provided by the volunteers of the Einstein@Home project. We find no significant signal candidate and set the most stringent upper limits to date on the amplitude of gravitational wave signals from the target population, corresponding to a sensitivity depth of 48.7 [1/root Hz]. At the frequency of best strain sensitivity, near 100 Hz, we set 90% confidence upper limits of 1.8 x 10(-25). At the low end of our frequency range, 20 Hz, we achieve upper limits of 3.9 x 10(-24). At 55 Hz we can exclude sources with ellipticities greater than 10(-5) within 100 pc of Earth with fiducial value of the principal moment of inertia of 10(38) kg m(2)

    Search for intermediate mass black hole binaries in the first observing run of Advanced LIGO

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    During their first observational run, the two Advanced LIGO detectors attained an unprecedented sensitivity, resulting in the first direct detections of gravitational-wave signals produced by stellar-mass binary black hole systems. This paper reports on an all-sky search for gravitational waves (GWs) from merging intermediate mass black hole binaries (IMBHBs). The combined results from two independent search techniques were used in this study: the first employs a matched-filter algorithm that uses a bank of filters covering the GW signal parameter space, while the second is a generic search for GW transients (bursts). No GWs from IMBHBs were detected; therefore, we constrain the rate of several classes of IMBHB mergers. The most stringent limit is obtained for black holes of individual mass 100 M ⊙, with spins aligned with the binary orbital angular momentum. For such systems, the merger rate is constrained to be less than 0.93 Gpc−3yr−1 in comoving units at the 90% confidence level, an improvement of nearly 2 orders of magnitude over previous upper limits

    Functional aspects of lithic arrowheads of the GS-1 / Preboreal transition : Comparative approach of terminal ballistics of the trapezoidal bitruncatures and straight back (Blanchères) points

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    International audienceFunctional aspects of lithic arrowheads of the GS-1 / Preboreal transition : Comparative approach of terminal ballistics of the trapezoidal bitruncatures and straight back (Blanchères) point

    A monthly gridded burned area database of national wildland fire data.

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    We assembled the first gridded burned area (BA) database of national wildfire data (ONFIRE), a comprehensive and integrated resource for researchers, non-government organisations, and government agencies analysing wildfires in various regions of the Earth. We extracted and harmonised records from different regions and sources using open and reproducible methods, providing data in a common framework for the whole period available (starting from 1950 in Australia, 1959 in Canada, 1985 in Chile, 1980 in Europe, and 1984 in the United States) up to 2021 on a common 1° × 1° grid. The data originate from national agencies (often, ground mapping), thus representing the best local expert knowledge. Key opportunities and limits in using this dataset are discussed as well as possible future expansions of this open-source approach that should be explored. This dataset complements existing gridded BA data based on remote sensing and offers a valuable opportunity to better understand and assess fire regime changes, and their drivers, in these regions. The ONFIRE database can be freely accessed at https://zenodo.org/record/8289245