91 research outputs found

    The GW/WG repeats of Drosophila GW182 function as effector motifs for miRNA-mediated repression

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    The control of messenger RNA (mRNA) function by micro RNAs (miRNAs) in animal cells requires the GW182 protein. GW182 is recruited to the miRNA repression complex via interaction with Argonaute protein, and functions downstream to repress protein synthesis. Interaction with Argonaute is mediated by GW/WG repeats, which are conserved in many Argonaute-binding proteins involved in RNA interference and miRNA silencing, from fission yeast to mammals. GW182 contains at least three effector domains that function to repress target mRNA. Here, we analyze the functions of the N-terminal GW182 domain in repression and Argonaute1 binding, using tethering and immunoprecipitation assays in Drosophila cultured cells. We demonstrate that its function in repression requires intact GW/WG repeats, but does not involve interaction with the Argonaute1 protein, and is independent of the mRNA polyadenylation status. These results demonstrate a novel role for the GW/WG repeats as effector motifs in miRNA-mediated repressio

    Lack of homologous sequence-specific DNA methylation in response to stable dsRNA expression in mouse oocytes

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    Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) induces sequence-specific mRNA degradation in most eukaryotic organisms via a conserved pathway known as RNA interference (RNAi). Post-transcriptional gene silencing by RNAi is also connected with transcriptional silencing of cognate sequences. In plants, this transcriptional silencing is associated with sequence-specific DNA methylation. To address whether this mechanism operates in mammalian cells, we used bisulfite sequencing to analyze DNA in mouse oocytes constitutively expressing long dsRNA against the Mos gene. Our data show that long dsRNA induces efficient Mos mRNA knockdown but not CpG and non-CpG DNA methylation of the endogenous Mos sequence in oocytes and early embryos. These data demonstrate that dsRNA does not directly induce DNA methylation in the trans form of this sequence in these mammalian cell

    The mammalian TRIM-NHL protein TRIM71/LIN-41 is a repressor of mRNA function

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    TRIM-NHL proteins are conserved regulators of development and differentiation but their molecular function has remained largely elusive. Here, we report an as yet unrecognized activity for the mammalian TRIM-NHL protein TRIM71 as a repressor of mRNAs. We show that TRIM71 is associated with mRNAs and that it promotes translational repression and mRNA decay. We have identified Rbl1 and Rbl2, two transcription factors whose down-regulation is important for stem cell function, as TRIM71 targets in mouse embryonic stem cells. Furthermore, one of the defining features of TRIM-NHL proteins, the NHL domain, is necessary and sufficient to target TRIM71 to RNA, while the RING domain that confers ubiquitin ligase activity is dispensable for repression. Our results reveal strong similarities between TRIM71 and Drosophila BRAT, the best-studied TRIM-NHL protein and a well-documented translational repressor, suggesting that BRAT and TRIM71 are part of a family of mRNA repressors regulating proliferation and differentiatio

    HuR protein attenuates miRNA-mediated repression by promoting miRISC dissociation from the target RNA

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    The microRNA (miRNA)-mediated repression of protein synthesis in mammalian cells is a reversible process. Target mRNAs with regulatory AU-rich elements (AREs) in their 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTR) can be relieved of miRNA repression under cellular stress in a process involving the embryonic lethal and altered vision family ARE-binding protein HuR. The HuR-mediated derepression occurred even when AREs were positioned at a considerable distance from the miRNA sites raising questions about the mechanism of HuR action. Here, we show that the relief of miRNA-mediated repression involving HuR can be recapitulated in different in vitro systems in the absence of stress, indicating that HuR alone is sufficient to relieve the miRNA repression upon binding to RNA ARE. Using in vitro assays with purified miRISC and recombinant HuR and its mutants, we show that HuR, likely by its property to oligomerize along RNA, leads to the dissociation of miRISC from target RNA even when miRISC and HuR binding sites are positioned at a distance. Further, we demonstrate that HuR association with AREs can also inhibit miRNA-mediated deadenylation of mRNA in the Krebs-2 ascites extract, in a manner likewise depending on the potential of HuR to oligomeriz

    dsRNA expression in the mouse elicits RNAi in oocytes and low adenosine deamination in somatic cells

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    Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) can enter different pathways in mammalian cells, including sequence-specific RNA interference (RNAi), sequence-independent interferon (IFN) response and editing by adenosine deaminases. To study the routing of dsRNA to these pathways in vivo, we used transgenic mice ubiquitously expressing from a strong promoter, an mRNA with a long hairpin in its 3′-UTR. The expressed dsRNA neither caused any developmental defects nor activated the IFN response, which was inducible only at high expression levels in cultured cells. The dsRNA was poorly processed into siRNAs in somatic cells, whereas, robust RNAi effects were found in oocytes, suggesting that somatic cells lack some factor(s) facilitating siRNA biogenesis. Expressed dsRNA did not cause transcriptional silencing in trans. Analysis of RNA editing revealed that a small fraction of long dsRNA is edited. RNA editing neither prevented the cytoplasmic localization nor processing into siRNAs. Thus, a long dsRNA structure is well tolerated in mammalian cells and is mainly causing a robust RNAi response in oocyte

    Pre-mRNA splicing in higher plants.

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    P re-mRNA splicing is one of the fundamental processes in constitutive and regulated gene expression in eukaryotes. During splicing, introns present in primary gene transcripts are removed and exons are ligated to produce translationally competent mRNAs. The basic mechanism of intron excision is similar in all eukaryotes. The reaction is mediated by the spliceosome, a large ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex, which is assembled anew at each intron from small nuclear RNP particles (U-snRNPs) and numerous protein factors. Spliceosome assembly is a highly ordered and dynamic reaction, involving hydrolysis of several ATP molecules and many structural rearrangements Properties of plant introns The intron and exon organization of higher plant genes is similar to that of vertebrates In spite of these similarities, the requirements for intron recognition in plants differ from those in other eukaryotes, and plant cells generally fail to splice heterologous pre-mRNAs. The most important difference is a strong compositional bias for UA-or U-rich sequences in plant introns compared with those from yeast and vertebrates U12-type introns A minor class of nuclear pre-mRNA introns, referred to as U12-type or AT-AC introns (because they frequently start with AT and terminate with AC) have recently been described 3,13 . These introns contain different splice site and branch point sequences, and are excised by an alternative U12-type spliceosom

    The GW/WG repeats of Drosophila GW182 function as effector motifs for miRNA-mediated repression

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    The control of messenger RNA (mRNA) function by micro RNAs (miRNAs) in animal cells requires the GW182 protein. GW182 is recruited to the miRNA repression complex via interaction with Argonaute protein, and functions downstream to repress protein synthesis. Interaction with Argonaute is mediated by GW/WG repeats, which are conserved in many Argonaute-binding proteins involved in RNA interference and miRNA silencing, from fission yeast to mammals. GW182 contains at least three effector domains that function to repress target mRNA. Here, we analyze the functions of the N-terminal GW182 domain in repression and Argonaute1 binding, using tethering and immunoprecipitation assays in Drosophila cultured cells. We demonstrate that its function in repression requires intact GW/WG repeats, but does not involve interaction with the Argonaute1 protein, and is independent of the mRNA polyadenylation status. These results demonstrate a novel role for the GW/WG repeats as effector motifs in miRNA-mediated repression

    Position of the Expert Panel of the National Consultant for Rheumatology concerning diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

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    Celem publikacji przygotowanej przez zespół powołany przez konsultanta krajowego ds. reumatologii jest usystematyzowanie wiedzy na temat diagnostyki i terapii reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów. Oprócz rozpoznania reumatoidalnego zapalenia stawów na podstawie kryteriów ACR, zaproponowano kryteria diagnostyczne wczesnego reumatoidalnego i wczesnego niesklasyfikowanego zapalenia stawów. Określono w nich przydatność oznaczania przeciwciał antycytrulinowych, ultrasonografii stawów oraz rezonansu magnetycznego. Podstawowym celem we wczesnym postępowaniu jest ustalenie obecności i aktywności zapalenia na podstawie wywiadu, badania fizykalnego, badań laboratoryjnych, ewentualnie USG i rezonansu magnetycznego. Postępowanie różnicujące powinno być prowadzone w miarę postępu choroby, do czasu ustalenia ostatecznego rozpoznania. W każdym przypadku zapale nia stawów (poza infekcyjnym) należy wdrożyć leczenie glikokortykosteroidami w dawce je opanowującej. W zależności od ustalonego rozpoznania stosowanie glikokortykosteroidów powinno być połączone ze stosowaniem leku podstawowego, nie później jednak niż od 4. mies. Preferowanym lekiem jest metotreksat w dawce tygodniowej 15–25 mg. W przypadku jego nietolerancji sugerowane jest zastosowanie leflunomidu. Brak skuteczności monoterapii którymkolwiek z nich jest wskazaniem do leczenia skojarzonego kilkoma lekami modyfikującymi przebieg choroby. Leki antycytokinowe należy wdrożyć w przypadku nieskuteczności tego postępowania, powinno ono być połączone z podawaniem metotreksatu w pełnych dawkach, wyjątkowo innego leku podstawowego. Leczenie rytuksymabem i abataceptem stosuje się u chorych, u których powyższe postępowanie jest nieskuteczne. Niesteroidowe leki przeciwzapalne stanowią leczenie uzupełniające tylko w okresach zaostrzeń. Przez wszystkie lata powinna być stosowana fizjoterapia. Celem leczenia jest uzyskanie i podtrzymywanie małej aktywności choroby ocenianej wg kryteriów DAS 28.The aim of the publication prepared by the panel formed by the State Consultant for Rheumatology is to summarize knowledge on diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Except diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis on the basis of ACR criteria, diagnostic criteria for early rheumatoid and early unclassified arthritis have been proposed. These criteria establish the usefulness of anticitruline antibody determinations, ultrasonography of joints and magnetic resonance. The most important procedure in early detection is to establish the presence and activity of inflammatory process, based on history, physical examination, laboratory tests and, possibly, ultrasonography and magnetic resonance. Differentiation should progress following the disease progress, until final diagnosis is established. In each case of arthritis (except infective arthritis) treatment with glucocorticoids should be employed, at the dose allowing suppression of symptoms. Depending on established diagnosis, this treatment should be accompanied by first-line medication, not later than from the 4th month. Preferred medication is methotrexate at a weekly dose of 15-25 mg. In the case of intolerance, it is suggested to use leflunomide. Lack of efficiency of monotherapy with either of the above mentioned medications is an indication for a combined treatment with several drugs modifying the course of the disease. Anticytokine drugs should be used in the case of inefficiency of such a procedure; this should be connected with full doses of methotrexate or, in exceptional cases, with another first-line drug. Treatment with rituximab and abatacept is reserved for patients in whom the above therapy is ineffective. Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs offer an adjuvant therapy option only during exacerbations. During all these years, physiotherapy should be continued. Treatment should aim at achieving and maintaining low activity of the disease, evaluated according to DAS 28 criteria

    HuR protein attenuates miRNA-mediated repression by promoting miRISC dissociation from the target RNA

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    The microRNA (miRNA)-mediated repression of protein synthesis in mammalian cells is a reversible process. Target mRNAs with regulatory AU-rich elements (AREs) in their 3′-untranslated regions (3′-UTR) can be relieved of miRNA repression under cellular stress in a process involving the embryonic lethal and altered vision family ARE-binding protein HuR. The HuR-mediated derepression occurred even when AREs were positioned at a considerable distance from the miRNA sites raising questions about the mechanism of HuR action. Here, we show that the relief of miRNA-mediated repression involving HuR can be recapitulated in different in vitro systems in the absence of stress, indicating that HuR alone is sufficient to relieve the miRNA repression upon binding to RNA ARE. Using in vitro assays with purified miRISC and recombinant HuR and its mutants, we show that HuR, likely by its property to oligomerize along RNA, leads to the dissociation of miRISC from target RNA even when miRISC and HuR binding sites are positioned at a distance. Further, we demonstrate that HuR association with AREs can also inhibit miRNA-mediated deadenylation of mRNA in the Krebs-2 ascites extract, in a manner likewise depending on the potential of HuR to oligomerize

    A novel microarray approach reveals new tissue-specific signatures of known and predicted mammalian microRNAs

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    Microarrays to examine the global expression levels of microRNAs (miRNAs) in a systematic in-parallel manner have become important tools to help unravel the functions of miRNAs and to understand their roles in RNA-based regulation and their implications in human diseases. We have established a novel miRNA-specific microarray platform that enables the simultaneous expression analysis of both known and predicted miRNAs obtained from human or mouse origin. Chemically modified 2′-O-(2-methoxyethyl)-(MOE) oligoribonucleotide probes were arrayed onto Evanescent Resonance (ER) microchips by robotic spotting. Supplementing the complementary probes against miRNAs with carefully designed mismatch controls allowed for accurate sequence-specific determination of miRNA expression profiles obtained from a panel of mouse tissues. This revealed new expression signatures of known miRNAs as well as of novel miRNAs previously predicted using bioinformatic methods. Systematic confirmation of the array data with northern blotting and, in particular, real-time PCR suggests that the described microarray platform is a powerful tool to analyze miRNA expression patterns with rapid throughput and high fidelity