193 research outputs found

    Analysis of Reliability and Validity in Refereeing of Kumite in Karate-Do

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    Dissertation presented towards Master of Sports Science Degree with specialisation in Sports TrainingMaster's Supervisor: Félix Luís de Lima e Cunha Hopffer Romero PhDAbstract An investigation centered on referees has been relatively scarce or non-existent, particularly in regards to refereeing Kumite in Karate. The present study’s objective was to characterize Karate referees’ performance in a Kumite match along with its validity, as well as the intra and inter-observer reliability. This current investigation focused on observations made by Karate referees belonging to the FPKS and entailed a Karate match that lasted two minutes. Based on that match a eight minute video was put together, where it can be seen from the perspective and position of both the referee and each one of the judges. The data was collected during two different periods of time. The first data collected was to analyse the inter-observer’s reliability and the validity. The second data collection took place within a minimum sixty day interval, in order to verify the intra-observer’s reliability. In order to analyse the validity, a group of experts was commissioned with the purpose of putting together criteria of measure. A sample part of the video was observed individually by the referees, in a closed environment setting and documented with the use of the Match Vision Studio software. The Bellack Index was used to assess the intra and inter-observer’s reliability and validity, therefore accepting a result equal or superior to eighty percent as the guarantor of reliability (Aranha, 2007, Siedentop, 1983). The chi-squared test was used to verify if there were any significant differences in the validity between national and regional referees, as well as, in accordance with the position of the observation (referee or judge). The reliability results were (78,7%) and (77,2%) for the intra-observer and the inter-observer reliability, respectively. The results are in close proximity to each other and one can conclude that the variability between the various referees is not greater than the variations that occur in the same referee at two different periods of time. The validity is low (72,2%), seemingly there is a difference in the assessment criteria between the experts and the referees. This should be improved with the aid of specialised training, in order to better the uniformity of decision criteria. In both the intra and inter-observer’s reliability, no significant differences were found between the national and regional referees. A significant difference of (3,4%, Sig 0,004) was found between the national and regional referees regarding validity, and being even higher for the national referees. The difference between referees and judges is significant when it comes to the intra-observer’s reliability which was (9,9% Sig 0,002) and (9,8%, Sig 0,004) for validity, with the judges being even higher. A conclusion can be made that validity was always lower than the intra and inter-observer’s reliability, which denotes a divergence in the assessment criteria between referees and experts. The lack of the intra-observer’s reliability seems to be a major constraining factor for a better performance

    Análise da Fidelidade e da Validade na Arbitragem de Kumite em Karate-Do

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    Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto com especialização em Treino Desportivo, por Fernando José de Carvalho Fidalgo. Orientador: Professor Doutor Félix RomeroA investigação centrada nos árbitros tem sido pouca ou escassa, sendo praticamente inexistente na arbitragem de kumite em Karate. O presente estudo teve como objetivo, caracterizar o desempenho dos árbitros de Karate, na competição de kumite, quanto à sua validade, e ainda à fidelidade intra-observador e à fidelidade inter-observador. A presente investigação assentou na observação, por parte de árbitros de Karate da FPKS, de um combate de Karate com a duração de 2 minutos. Desse combate foi realizado um vídeo com a duração de 8 minutos que reproduzia o combate observado quer da posição do árbitro, quer da posição de cada um dos juízes. A recolha de dados foi efetuada em dois momentos, o primeiro com vista a analisar a validade e a fidelidade inter-observador e o segundo momento, com um intervalo mínimo de 60 dias para verificarmos a fidelidade intra-observador. Para a análise da validade foi constituída uma comissão de peritos, com o propósito de se obter uma medida critério. A observação do vídeo por parte da amostra foi feita individualmente pelos árbitros, em ambiente fechado, através do software Match Vision Studio, em que se fez o registo da observação. Utilizámos o índice de Bellack, para aferir a fidelidade intra e inter-observador e a validade. Aceitando-se um resultado igual ou superior a 80% como garante da fidelidade (Aranha, 2007, Siedentop, 1983). Foi utilizado o Qui-Quadrado para verificar se havia diferenças significativas na validade entre árbitros nacionais e regionais e em função da posição de observação (árbitro ou juiz). Os valores da fidelidade intra-observador (78,7%) e inter-observador (77,2%) estão próximos, o que nos diz que a variabilidade encontrada entre os diversos árbitros não é superior às variações que ocorrem num mesmo árbitro em dois momentos distintos. A validade, é baixa (72,2%), parecendo-nos existir uma diferença de critérios de avaliação entre os peritos e os árbitros, o que se deverá conseguir melhorar com formação específica na melhoria da uniformização dos critérios de decisão. Não encontrámos diferenças significativas entre as duas categorias de árbitros, nacionais e regionais, quer para a fidelidade intra-observador quer para a fidelidade inter-observador. No que se refere à validade, encontrámos uma diferença significativa (3,4%, Sig 0,004) entre os árbitros nacionais e aos árbitros regionais, sendo esta mais alta para os primeiros. A diferença entre o árbitro e os juízes, é significativa quer para a fidelidade intra-observador (9,9 %, Sig 0,002), quer para a validade (9,8%, Sig 0,004), sendo mais alta para os juízes. Podemos concluir que a validade esteve sempre mais baixa do que a fidelidade intra-observador e a fidelidade inter-observador, o que denota uma divergência de critérios de avaliação entre os árbitros e os peritos. A falta de fidelidade intra-observador parece ser a principal condicionante para um melhor desempenho.An investigation centered on referees has been relatively scarce or non-existent, particularly in regards to refereeing Kumite in Karate. The present study’s objective was to characterize Karate referees’ performance in a Kumite match along with its validity, as well as the intra and inter-observer reliability. This current investigation focused on observations made by Karate referees belonging to the FPKS and entailed a Karate match that lasted two minutes. Based on that match a eight minute video was put together, where it can be seen from the perspective and position of both the referee and each one of the judges. The data was collected during two different periods of time. The first data collected was to analyze the inter-observer’s reliability and the validity. Whereas the second data collection took place within a minimum sixty day interval, in order to verify the intra- observer’s reliability. In order to analyze the validity, a group of experts were commissioned with the purpose of putting together criteria of measure. A sample part of the video was observed individually by the referees, in a closed environment setting and documented with the use of the Match Vision Studio software. The Bellack Index was used to assess the intra and inter-observer’s reliability and validity, therefore accepting a result equal or superior to eighty percent as the guarantor of reliability (Aranha, 2007, Siedentop, 1983). The chi-squared test was used to verify if there were any significant differences in the validity between national and regional referees, as well as, in accordance with the position of the observation (referee or judge). The reliability results were (78,7%) and (77,2%) for the intra-observer and the inter- observer reliability, respectively. The results are in close proximity to each other and one can conclude that the variability between the various referees is not greater than the variations that occur in the same referee at two different periods of time. The validity is low (72,2%), seemingly there is a difference in the assessment criteria between the experts and the referees. This should be improved with the aid of specialized training, in order to better the uniformity of decision criteria. In both the intra and inter-observer’s reliability, no significant differences were found between the national and regional referees. A significant difference of (3,4%, Sig 0,004) was found between the national and regional referees regarding validity, and being even higher for the national referees. The difference between referees and judges is significant when it comes to the intra- observer’s reliability which was (9,9% Sig 0,002) and (9,8%, Sig 0,004) for validity, with the judges being even higher. A conclusion can be made that validity was always lower than the intra and inter- observer’s reliability, which denotes a divergence in the assessment criteria between referees and experts. The lack of the intra-observer’s reliability seems to be a major constraining factor for a better performance

    Análise comparativa entre metodologias de manutenção de tractores agrícolas

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    O objectivo do projecto de mestrado é fazer a análise comparativa entre as metodologias de manutenção recomendadas pelo fabricante de uma marca de tractores agrícolas e as práticas dos proprietários destes equipamentos. O estudo foca-se em seis tractores agrícolas da marca New Holland, cujos dados foram disponibilizados pela empresa Agro Mondego com sede em Alqueidão-Figueira da Foz. Os tractores em causa, embora tendo potências diferentes, a sua utilização nos trabalhos agrícola é similar, bem como os procedimentos e intervalos de manutenção recomendados pelo fabricante. Os equipamentos em apreço, embora constituindo uma pequena amostra, a partir dos dados das suas intervenções já permitem fazer alguma análise estatística conducente a tirar as ilações possíveis sobre as práticas de manutenção e eventuais alterações a efectuar no futuro. As horas de funcionamento dos tractores a que são efectuadas as intervenções, registadas nos seus conta-horas, e que constam nas folhas de obra (Ordens de Trabalho) de cada um destes, bem como os procedimentos, recursos utilizados e custos, constituem os elementos base a partir dos quais é efectuado o estudo. A análise estatística dos dados atrás referidos, bem como o estudo dos desvios, em termos de custos comparativos entre os expectáveis resultantes das recomendações dos fabricantes e os efectivamente pagos, permitem apoiar a decisão sobre eventuais alterações nas metodologias de manutenção a efectuar. O presente projecto tem o potencial de permitir extrapolar ilações para equipamentos similares de outros fabricantes e, eventualmente, de permitir fazer recomendações sobre as melhores práticas de manutenção a levar a efeito no mercado nacional

    Plano de segurança interno 

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    Pós-Graduação em Segurança e Higiene no TrabalhoO presente documento impõe-se, não só por obrigatoriedade legal mas também pela necessidade de definição de uma organização de emergência activa em caso de ocorrência inesperada de uma situações perigosas ou imprevistas. Depende a organização de emergência de uma eficaz avaliação de riscos e vulnerabilidades, e do adequado planeamento da resposta considerando os recursos quer humanos quer materiais, e respectivos canais de comunicação, para que sejam tomadas as opções técnicas mais adequadas. O objecto deste plano é o edifício da Panificadora do Arce, Lda. Uma Indústria de Panificação que sustenta a sua actividade na produção e distribuição de produtos de panificação e afins. Este edifício situa-se na zona do parque industrial do Batel, no concelho de Alcochete, do distrito de Setúbal

    Adoption and Uses of ICTs by the Portuguese Unions. Are the Technologies Helping to Revitalize the Trade Unions?

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    Most of the trade union movements in the advanced capitalist societies are living “hard times” (Chaison, 1996) since the 70s. Facing the problem, they are implementing a set of actions towards their revitalization (Frege and Kelly, 2003). The adoption of the information and communication technologies (ICTs) emerges in this context as an important tool for supporting those actions. The unions adopted the ICTs later than their counterparts (Ad-Hoc Committee on Labour and the Web, 1999; Pinnock, 2005), but the competitive advantages they offer and their flexibility encouraged the unions to adopt them more and more. Everywhere, the unions are making an investment in this domain, using ICTs in several areas with concrete objectives. Some studies reveal that this investment has a relevant impact in the organizational issues, but a more mitigate one in the overall unions’ efficiency (Fiorito et al., 2002). However, some authors go forward and state that ICTs have a relevant contribution for a qualitative transformation of the unions’ structures. According to them, new union forms are emerging called “cyberunion” (Shostak, 1999,2002), “e-union” (Darlington, 2000), “open-source unionism” (Freeman and Rogers, 2002) or “trade unionism 2.0” (Gutiérrez-Rubi, 2009). In this paper we will discuss if the adoption of ICTs by the Portuguese unions are giving a contribution for their revitalization. Methodologically, we have allied an extensive analysis (survey of national unions; analysis of the Internet use) with an in-depth analysis (a case study on CGTP-IN)

    Limitations and perceived delays for diagnosis and staging of lung cancer in Portugal: A nationwide survey analysis

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    Background: We aimed to identify the perception of physicians on the limitations and delays for diagnosing, staging and treatment of lung cancer in Portugal. Methods: Portuguese physicians were invited to participate an electronic survey (Feb-Apr-2020). Descriptive statistical analyses were performed, with categorical variables reported as absolute and relative frequencies, and continuous variables with non-normal distribution as median and interquartile range (IQR). The association between categorical variables was assessed through Pearson's chi-square test. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare categorical and continuous variables (Stata v.15.0). Results: Sixty-one physicians participated in the study (45 pulmonologists, 16 oncologists), with n = 26 exclusively assisting lung cancer patients. Most experts work in public hospitals (90.16%) in Lisbon (36.07%). During the last semester of 2019, responders performed a median of 85 (IQR 55-140) diagnoses of lung cancer. Factors preventing faster referral to the specialty included poor articulation between services (60.0%) and patients low economic/cultural level (44.26%). Obtaining National Drugs Authority authorization was one of the main reasons (75.41%) for delaying the begin of treatment. The cumulative lag-time from patients' admission until treatment ranged from 42-61 days. Experts believe that the time to diagnosis could be optimized in around 11.05 days [IQR 9.61-12.50]. Most physicians (88.52%) started treatment before biomarkers results motivated by performance status deterioration (65.57%) or high tumor burden (52.46%). Clinicians exclusively assisting lung cancer cases reported fewer delays for obtaining authorization for biomarkers analysis (p = 0.023). Higher waiting times for surgery (p = 0.001), radiotherapy (p = 0.004), immunotherapy (p = 0.003) were reported by professionals from public hospitals. Conclusions: Physicians believe that is possible to reduce delays in all stages of lung cancer diagnosis with further efforts from multidisciplinary teams and hospital administration.his work was supported by AstraZeneca. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscripinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Review of Intelligent Sensor-Based Systems for Pressure Ulcer Prevention

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    Pressure ulcers are a critical issue not only for patients, decreasing their quality of life, but also for healthcare professionals, contributing to burnout from continuous monitoring, with a consequent increase in healthcare costs. Due to the relevance of this problem, many hardware and software approaches have been proposed to ameliorate some aspects of pressure ulcer prevention and monitoring. In this article, we focus on reviewing solutions that use sensor-based data, possibly in combination with other intrinsic or extrinsic information, processed by some form of intelligent algorithm, to provide healthcare professionals with knowledge that improves the decision-making process when dealing with a patient at risk of developing pressure ulcers. We used a systematic approach to select 21 studies that were thoroughly reviewed and summarized, considering which sensors and algorithms were used, the most relevant data features, the recommendations provided, and the results obtained after deployment. This review allowed us not only to describe the state of the art regarding the previous items, but also to identify the three main stages where intelligent algorithms can bring meaningful improvement to pressure ulcer prevention and mitigation. Finally, as a result of this review and following discussion, we drew guidelines for a general architecture of an intelligent pressure ulcer prevention system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tecnología Blockchain y Criptomonedas: Nuevas figuras en Fondos de Inversión

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las opciones de inversión en carteras colectivas relacionadas con la tecnología blockchain y criptomonedas. Para ello, se realizará una introducción teórica de estas, así como sus métodos de creación y comercialización. Además de características propias de dicha tecnología y el comportamiento que han tenido las criptomonedas en los mercados financieros. Más adelante analizaremos los fondos de inversión en blockchain y criptomonedas disponibles en el mercado. Además de la publicidad no siempre clara que se hace, ofreciendo como “fondos de inversión” productos que realmente no lo son, no están regulados, ni garantizados por ninguna institución oficial.<br /

    Creation and management of a gym in Mata Jove Secondary School

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    Comunicaciones. Área tématica 4: Otras experiencias de aprendizaje cooperativo[ES] En el presente trabajo se describe el apasionante proyecto que el alumnado y profesorado del IES Mata Jove de Gijón han llevado a cabo de manera conjunta durante el curso académico 2019/2020, consistente en poner en funcionamiento y gestionar de manera cooperativa un gimnasio en el centro educativo. Los primeros esfuerzos se centraron en conseguir material, reconvertir el antiguo taller de electromecánica en un verdadero gimnasio y organizarse por departamentos de trabajo. Así, tras 6 meses de dedicación, se pudo abrir al público el Matafit, un espacio deportivo a coste cero y autogestionado por el alumnado de 1º de Bachillerato para uso y disfrute de todos sus compañeros durante los periodos de recreo y las clases de Educación Física.[EN] This work describes the exciting project that students and teachers of Mata Jove School (Gijón/Spain) have carried out together along the 19/20 academic year, creating and managing a gym. First efforts were focused in obtaining materials, turning and old workshop into a real gym and organizing ourselves in work departments. Thus, after six months of hard work, Mata Fit opened its doors, becoming in a low cost and self-managed sport center that offers the students the possibility of working out during Physical Education lessons and playtime