37 research outputs found

    The "intelligentsia in power" and the development of civil society: Mazowiecki's Poland

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    The subject of this thesis is Poland's first post communist government (September 1989 - December 1990), formed under the premiership of the veteran 'Solidarity' activist Tadousz Mazowiecki. The threat of economic collapse and social disorder had prompted the communist authorities to grant the non-communist elements organised around the 'Solidarity' movement limited access to the Polish parliament through partially free elections. In June 1989 the results of these elections delivered a fatal blow to communist rule in Poland. 'Solidarity' triumphed in practically all the parliamentary seats the communist authorities had permitted it to contest. Bereft of ideological confidence and Soviet support, the Polish Communist Party rapidly disintegrated and the task of forming an administration fell to 'Solidarity'. The new government, led by Mazowiecki and dominated by representatives of Solidarity's intellectual elite, was appointed in September 1989. In the months that followed, the new government took advantage of strong social support and popularity to introduce comprehensive political and economic reforms. The reforms introduced irrevocably dismantled the country's disastrous command economy and introduced a radical shift to market based criteria. Although they entailed austerity for much of Polish society, at least initially, the personal prestige of the new elite and its promise of the future benefits which would flow from the introduction of market rules seemed to guarantee an ongoing state of acquiescence. The political reform process was admittedly slower but the removal of the last vestiges of communist power from the system progressed steadily. Within nine months the government had taken great strides in ending communist control of the police and military and was tackling the continued influence of the nomenklatura in the state bureaucracy. State control of the media and previous prohibitions on freedom of conscience, association and speech were ended. Completely free parliamentary and presidential elections were planned for the near future. It seemed that for the duration of the transition Poland would be led to a 'Western style' liberal-democratic polity and free market economy by a government composed of Solidarity's 'best and brightest'. Apolitical intellectuals would patriotically put the higher needs of the nation before the distractions of everyday political competitiveness. They would be supported in this by the Solidarity movement which would also act as a nursery for fledgling political parties. Over time these organisations would gather the societal support and organisational strength necessary to form a conventional, stable political system

    Polymorphisms near TBX5 and GDF7 are associated with increased risk for Barrett's esophagus.

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Barrett's esophagus (BE) increases the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). We found the risk to be BE has been associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on chromosome 6p21 (within the HLA region) and on 16q23, where the closest protein-coding gene is FOXF1. Subsequently, the Barrett's and Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Consortium (BEACON) identified risk loci for BE and esophageal adenocarcinoma near CRTC1 and BARX1, and within 100 kb of FOXP1. We aimed to identify further SNPs that increased BE risk and to validate previously reported associations. METHODS: We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify variants associated with BE and further analyzed promising variants identified by BEACON by genotyping 10,158 patients with BE and 21,062 controls. RESULTS: We identified 2 SNPs not previously associated with BE: rs3072 (2p24.1; odds ratio [OR] = 1.14; 95% CI: 1.09-1.18; P = 1.8 × 10(-11)) and rs2701108 (12q24.21; OR = 0.90; 95% CI: 0.86-0.93; P = 7.5 × 10(-9)). The closest protein-coding genes were respectively GDF7 (rs3072), which encodes a ligand in the bone morphogenetic protein pathway, and TBX5 (rs2701108), which encodes a transcription factor that regulates esophageal and cardiac development. Our data also supported in BE cases 3 risk SNPs identified by BEACON (rs2687201, rs11789015, and rs10423674). Meta-analysis of all data identified another SNP associated with BE and esophageal adenocarcinoma: rs3784262, within ALDH1A2 (OR = 0.90; 95% CI: 0.87-0.93; P = 3.72 × 10(-9)). CONCLUSIONS: We identified 2 loci associated with risk of BE and provided data to support a further locus. The genes we found to be associated with risk for BE encode transcription factors involved in thoracic, diaphragmatic, and esophageal development or proteins involved in the inflammatory response

    Ore-forming processes of the daqiao epizonal orogenic gold deposit, west qinling orogen, China: Constraints from textures, trace elements, and sulfur isotopes of pyrite and marcasite, and raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material

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    The Daqiao gold deposit is hosted in organic-rich Triassic pumpellyite-actinolite facies metamorphosed turbidites in the West Qinling orogen, central China. Gold mineralization is characterized by high-grade hydraulic breccias (B and C ores) that overprint an earlier tectonic breccia (A ore). A complex paragenesis is defined by four sulfide stages: S1 diagenetic preore pyrite (py), S2 hydrothermal early ore disseminated pyrite and marcasite (mc), S3 main ore pyrite and marcasite aggregates, and S4 late ore coarse-grained marcasite with minor pyrite and stibnite. However, multiple generations of pyrite and marcasite may develop within one individual stage. Ore-related hydrothermal alteration is dominated by intensive silicification, sulfidation, sericitization, and generally distal minor carbonatization. Laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) trace element analyses show that the stage S1 py1 from the shale interlayers within turbidites contains low gold contents (mean of 0.05 ppm) and other trace elements (Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Mo, Bi, and Pb), indicating an anoxic to euxinic sedimentary environment. Stage S2 contributed only minimally to the gold endowment with relatively low gold in various sulfides including py2 (mean of 0.09 ppm), py3 (0.84 ppm) to py4 (0.70 ppm), along with mc1 (0.02 ppm) and mc2 (0.14 ppm). Most of the gold was deposited in stage S3, which formed rapidly crystallized, irregular (e.g., framboids, colloform and cyclic zonation) cement-hosted py5a (mean of 27.35 ppm), py5b (9.71 ppm), and mc3 (5.94 ppm) during repeated hydraulic fracturing. Other trace elements (e.g., Ag, As, Sb, Hg, Tl, and W) are also significantly enriched in the main ore-stage pyrite and marcasite. Little or no gold is detected in the S4 py6 and mc4. Sulfur isotopes determined from in situ LA-multicollector (MC)-ICP-MS analyses of hydrothermal pyrite and marcasite from the Daqiao deposit vary significantly from –31.3 to 22.0 (d34S values) but fall mostly between –10 to 10 and provide important information on the source and evolution of sulfur and of the ore-forming fluids. The results show that S2 ore fluids (mean d34Ssulfide = –0.8 to 5.2) were most likely derived from deep-seated Paleozoic carbonaceous sediments during regional metamorphism associated with orogenesis of the West Qinling orogen. Main ore S3 fluids (mean d34Ssulfide = –9.7 to –6.0) are relatively depleted in34S relative to those of S2, presumably due to fluid oxidation associated with hydraulic fracturing caused by the overpressurized fluids. The textural, chemical, and isotopic data indicate two distinct gold-introducing episodes at Daqiao, forming sulfide disseminations during early ore S2 and cement-hosted sulfide aggregates during main ore S3. The S2 mineralization took place in a tectonic breccia beneath low-permeability shale seals that capped the flow of deep-seated metamorphic fluids, facilitating reaction with preexisting carbonaceous material and the host turbidites to form sulfide disseminations and pervasive silicification. Raman spectroscopy analysis suggests that carbonaceous material in the ores is poorly crystallized, with low maturity, giving estimated temperatures of 283° to 355°C that are much higher than those of the ore fluids (100°–240°C). This temperature difference indicates an in situ sedimentary origin modified by the regional pumpellyite-actinolite facies metamorphism for the carbonaceous material in the host rocks, rather than a hydrothermal origin. In S3, continuous flux of hydrothermal fluids caused fluid overpressure and consequent hydraulic fracturing of the competent silicified rocks. Subsequent rapid fluid pressure fluctuations led to phase separation and thus massive oxidation of ore fluids, which triggered fast precipitation of gold and other trace elements within the fine-grained irregular sulfides. Results presented here, in combination with geologic evidences, suggest that the Daqiao gold deposit can be best classified as the shallow-crustal epizonal orogenic type, genetically associated with orogenic deformation and regional metamorphism of the West Qinling orogen

    Optimal observer design for linear stochastic systems

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    The Production, Communication, and Contestation of Physical Education Policy: The cases of Mississippi and Tennessee

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the production, communication, interpretation and contestation of new physical education (PE) and physical activity (PA) policy initiatives introduced in Mississippi and Tennessee for the academic year 2006-2007. These states provide a relevant context to study such issues, since Mississippi has the highest and Tennessee has the fifth-highest rate of childhood obesity in the United States (Trust for America\u27s Health, 2009). The social-ecological model was used as a theoretical framework to interpret the social, economic, temporal, and political interactions that shaped the development, interpretation, and implementation of these policies (Stokols, 1992). A multiple-level case study design (Yin, 2003) was adopted in which the policy process was analyzed and compared across eight high schools. We purposefully selected four high schools in each state that provided a broad range of contextual differences and collected data in real-time during a one-year period. We conducted 73 interviews with key stakeholders, including policymakers, school administrators, teachers and students, and observed PE lessons and school-based activities. The researchers identified themes from the data: Policy process; Expectation of compliance; Unfunded mandate; Problematic policy enactment; Academic pressure; Marginalized status of PE; Narrow PE curriculum; and Dislike of PE. Even though new PE and PA legislation had been passed in both states, no substantive change occurred in any of the schools during our study. This work moves beyond a superficial understanding of how policy initiatives impact PA and PE provisions within schools, particularly at the secondary level. We recommend the development of support systems within the school through the creation of clear goals, strategic plans, and professional development to implement new policy initiatives

    Implementing childhood obesity policy in a new educational environment: The cases of Mississippi and Tennessee

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    Objectives. Our purpose was to investigate the processes involved in, and outcomes of, implementing 3 new state-level, school-oriented childhood obesity policies enacted between 2004 and 2007. Methods. We followed policy implementation in 8 high schools in Mississippi and Tennessee. We collected data between 2006 and 2009 from interviews with policymakers, administrators, teachers, and students; observations of schoolbased activities; and documents. Results. Significant barriers to the effective implementation of obesity-related policies emerged. These most notably include a value system that prioritizes performances in standardized tests over physical education (PE) and a varsity sport system that negatively influences opportunities for PE. These and other factors, such as resource constraints and the overloading of school administrators with new policies, mitigate against the implementation of policies designed to promote improvements in student health through PE. Conclusions. Policies designed to address health and social problems in highschool settings face significant barriers to effective implementation. To have a broad impact, obesity-related policies must be tied to mainstream educational initiatives that both incentivize, and hold accountable, the school-level actors responsible for their implementation

    Ultrasonic properties of fly ash/polyurea composites

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    An experimental study has been conducted to determine the mechanical properties of fly-ash/polyurea composites by measuring their longitudinal and shear wave velocities, and attenuations at various fly ash volume fractions, using ultrasonic. The complex-valued longitudinal and shear moduli were computed from these measurements at various temperatures. It was observed that a 30% volume fraction addition of fly ash has increased the longitudinal storage and loss moduli and shear storage and loss moduli by up to 22%, 141%, 298% and 125%, respectively. The complex bulk modulus and Poisson's ratio of the composites at 1. MHz were also estimated. Additionally, a computational model based on the method of dilute-randomly-distributed inclusions was created to estimate the dynamic mechanical properties of the composites. The experimental and computational results were compared and showed good agreement

    Carboplatin versus two doses of cisplatin in combination with gemcitabine in the treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: Results from a British Thoracic Oncology Group randomised phase III trial.

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    BACKGROUND Platinum-based combination chemotherapy is standard treatment for the majority of patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The trial investigates the importance of the choice of platinum agent and dose of cisplatin in relation to patient outcomes. METHODS The three-arm randomised phase III trial assigned patients with chemo-naïve stage IIIB/IV NSCLC in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive gemcitabine 1250 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8 of a 3-week cycle with cisplatin 80 mg/m2 (GC80) or cisplatin 50 mg/m2 (GC50) or carboplatin AUC6 (GCb6) for a maximum of four cycles. Primary outcome measure was survival time, aiming to test for a difference between treatment arms and also assess non-inferiority with pre-defined margin selected as hazard ratio (HR) of 1.2. Secondary outcome measures included response rate, adverse events and quality of life (QoL). FINDINGS The trial recruited 1363 patients. Survival time differed significantly across the three treatment arms (p = 0.046) with GC50 worst with median 8.2 months compared to 9.5 for GC80 and 10.0 for GCb6. HRs (adjusted) for GC50 compared to GC80 was 1.13 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.99-1.29) and for GC50 compared to GCb6 was 1.23 (95% CI: 1.08-1.41). GCb6 was significantly non-inferior to GC80 (HR = 0.93, upper limit of one-sided 95% CI 1.04). Adjusting for QoL did not change the findings. Best objective response rates were 29% (GC80), 20% (GC50) and 27% (GCb6), p < 0.007. There were more dose reductions and treatment delays in the GCb6 arm and more adverse events (60% with at least one grade 3-4 compared to 43% GC80 and 30% GC50). INTERPRETATION In combination with gemcitabine, carboplatin at AUC6 is not inferior to cisplatin at 80 mg/m2 in terms of survival. Carboplatin was associated with more adverse events and not with better quality of life. Cisplatin at the lower dose of 50 mg/m2 has worse survival which is not compensated by better quality of life. CLINICALTRIALS. GOV IDENTIFIER NCT00112710. EUDRACT NUMBER 2004-003868-30. CANCER RESEARCH UK TRIAL IDENTIFIER CRUK/04/009