1,645 research outputs found

    Non-state armed groups and the Yemen war

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    The aim of this study is to examine the presence of non-state armed groups during internal and international armed conflicts. The focus of this thesis is to find a definition of non-state armed groups and apply it to the Houthis as part of the Yemeni conflict in order to understand the role that these groups can achieve in a real conflict. We chose to study the case of Yemen because it involves both state and non-state actors, making its analysis complex. Initially, which was an internal conflict, but it has become international in nature. Throughout this thesis, we will conduct a structural analysis of the conflict in order to understand the role of each of the parties involved and the eventual outcome of the conflict.Este estudo visa examinar a presença de grupos armados não estaduais durante conflitos armados internos e internacionais. O foco desta tese é encontrar uma definição destes grupos e aplicá-la aos Houthis como parte do conflito iemenita, a fim de compreender o papel que estes grupos podem alcançar num conflito real. Escolhemos estudar o caso do Iémen porque se trata de um conflito que envolve tanto atores estaduais como não estaduais, o que torna a sua análise complexa, uma vez que um conflito que inicialmente seria interno se torna internacional. Ao longo desta tese, faremos uma análise estrutural do conflito de modo a compreender o papel de cada uma das partes envolvidas e o seu destino

    On an extreme value version of the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution

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    The Birnbaum-Saunders model is a life distribution originated from a problem of material fatigue that has been largely studied and applied in recent decades. A random variable following the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution can be stochastically represented by another random variable used as basis. Then, the Birnbaum-Saunders model can be generalized by switching the distribution of the basis variable using diverse arguments allowing to construct more general classes of models. Extreme value distributions are useful to determinate the probability of events that are more extreme than any that have already been observed. In this paper, we propose, characterize, implement and apply an extreme value version of the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Pluriannual Funding Program, PTDC/FEDER, PEst-OE/MAT/UI0006/2011, FCT/OE, POCI 2010FONDECYT (Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Cient co y Tecnol ogico - Chile

    The extreme value Birnbaum-Saunders model, its moments and an application in biometry

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    The Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) model is a life distribution that has been largely studied and applied. Recently, a new version of the BS distribution based on extreme value theory has been introduced, which is named extreme value Birnbaum-Saunders (EVBS) distribution. In this article, we provide some further details on the EVBS models that can be useful as a supplement to the already existing results. We use these models to analyze real survival time data of patients treated with alkylating agents for multiple myeloma. This analysis allow us to show the adequacy of these new statistical distributions and identify them as models useful for medical practitioners in order to obtain a prediction of the survival times of these patients and evaluate changes in the dose of their treatment.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Pluriannual Funding Program, PTDC/FEDER, PEst-OE/MAT/UI0006/2011, FCT/OE, POCI 201

    The extreme value Birnbaum-Saunders model in athletics

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    The Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) model is a life distribution that has recently been largely studied and applied. A random variable following the BS distribution can be defined through a simple transformation of a standard normal. The BS model can thus be generalized by switching the standard normal distribution of the basis random variable, allowing the construction of more general classes of models. Among those models, we mention the extreme value Birnbaum-Saunders (EVBS) models, recently introduced in the literature, and based on results from extreme value theory. A real application to athletics data will be used to illustrate the methodology and to provide the way this model and related models can link with traditional extreme value analysis methods.Este trabalho é financiado por Fundos FEDER através do Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade - COMPETE e por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do projecto PEst-C/MAT/UI0013/2011.Este trabalho é financiado por Fundos FEDER através do Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade - COMPETE e por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia no âmbito do projecto PEst-C/MAT/UI0013/2011

    Luto e crescimento pós-traumático: O contributo do coping e da vinculação

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia da ClínicaIntrodução: Inúmeras têm sido as investigações que se concentram nas consequências negativas pós trauma/luto e possível patologia, mas pouco tem sido o foco na capacidade de recuperação e crescimento. No entanto, tendo em conta o crescimento teórico e empírico que revela a experiência de crescimento pós-traumático após uma situação de luto, este estudo permite um conhecimento aprofundado sobre tal fenómeno. Ademais, as vias de interação/mediação quanto à adaptação ao luto e consequente crescimento, continuam imprecisas, sendo também importante conhecer o seu papel. Objetivo: o principal objetivo desta investigação é estudar o crescimento pós-traumático em população enlutada, assim como o papel mediador das estratégias de coping e a influência da vinculação neste crescimento. Método: A amostra é constituída por 889 participantes que perderam um ente querido. Foram estudadas as variáveis: impacto da perda do ente querido, o coping e a vinculação, através de um questionário online de autorrelato. Resultados: Verificou-se que a maioria das estratégias de coping medeiam a relação entre o impacto da perda e o Crescimento pós-traumático e as diferentes dimensões da vinculação adulta predizem também este crescimento. Conclusão: Proporcionando um melhor entendimento sobre o fatores associados ao Crescimento pós traumático numa situação de luto, é possível aferir que tanto as estratégias de coping utilizadas pelos indivíduos enlutados, como a forma como estes se ligam aos seus pares, influenciam a experiência deste crescimento e, por isso, a adaptação saudável ao luto.Introduction: There have been numerous investigations that focus on post-trauma/bereavement consequences and possible pathology, but little has been the focus on the capacity for recovery and growth. However, considering the theoretical and empirical growth revealed by the experience of post-traumatic growth after a bereavement situation, this study allows an in-depth understanding of such evidence. Furthermore, the interaction/mediation pathways regarding adaptation to grief and consequent growth remain unclear and, it is also important to know their role. Objective: The main objective of this investigation is to study the post-traumatic growth in a bereaved population, as well as the mediating role of coping strategies and the influence of attachment on this growth. Method: The sample consists of 889 participants who have lost a loved one. The variables: impact of the loss of a loved one, coping and attachment were studied through an online self-report questionnaire. Results: It was found that most coping strategies mediate the relationship between the impact of loss and post-traumatic growth and the different dimensions of adult attachment also predict this growth. Conclusion: Providing a better understanding of the factors associated with post-traumatic growth in a bereavement situation, it's possible to verify that both the coping strategies used by bereaved individuals, as well as the way they bond with their peers, influence the experience of this growth and, therefore, the healthy adaptation to grief

    A comunicação mediada por computador, através de email, na relação escola-família no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico: estudo caso

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    Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.O presente relatório de estágio foi concretizado no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) no cumprimento dos requisitos necessários para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, estando inserido no plano de estudos do 2º ano do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico na Escola Superior de Educação de Castelo Branco Neste relatório de estágio é apresentada a Prática Supervisionada em Educação Pré-Escolar e a Prática Supervisionada no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, assim como também a investigação “A comunicação mediada por computador, através de e-mail, na relação escola-família no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico: Estudo Caso”, sendo que esta se concretizou no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Neste sentido, o estudo teve como objetivo promover a comunicação através do email entre os Encarregados de Educação e a escola. O mesmo foi realizado na Escola Quinta da Granja em Castelo Branco na turma 2ºB, no qual participaram oito Encarregados de Educação e respetivos educandos. A metodologia que se considerou mais adequada para a realização da investigação foi de carácter qualitativo onde se efetuou uma investigação que se reporta ao estudo de caso e à investigação-ação. Relativamente aos instrumentos e técnicas de recolha de dados optámos pela realização de inquéritos por questionário aos alunos e Encarregados de Educação e entrevistas semiestruturadas a duas professoras da instituição onde foi realizada a investigação de forma a ter conhecimento da opinião relativamente à utilização das TIC, e neste caso, ao e-mail, e os seus impactos na relação escola-família. A implementação deste estudo realizou-se em 4 sessões de intervenção prática e a análise de dados demonstrou uma motivação, manifestada por parte dos alunos, pela participação ativa ao longo de todo o projeto, tendo o e-mail auxiliado a promover melhores aprendizagens no contexto de ensino e aprendizagem. Foi notório, por parte dos Encarregados de Educação que os mesmos utilizam as TIC e o e-mail nas suas rotinas diárias, sendo que referiram ser mais uma ferramenta digital importante no acompanhamento do processo de ensino e aprendizagem dos seus educandos. Tendo por base, as entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas às professoras da instituição verifica-se que, de uma forma, geral as tecnologias digitais têm grande impacto na educação criando, assim, novas formas de aprendizagem. Após a triangulação dos dados foi possível verificar-se, através das opiniões manifestadas pelos participantes na investigação (encarregados de educação e seus educandos) que a utilização do e-mail pode proporcionar uma maior aproximação entre a família e a escola com vantagens evidentes que se traduzem num maior envolvimento destes intervenientes no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem.The present internship report was implemented within the framework of the Supervised Teaching Practice (PES) in fulfilling the requirements necessary to obtain the master's degree in Pre-primary Education Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education, being inserted in the study plan of the 2nd year of the Master's Degree in Pre-School Education and Teaching of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education in the School of Education of Castelo Branco This report presents the Supervised Practice in Pre-School Education and Supervised Practice in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education, as well as the research "Computer-mediated communication via e-mail in the school-family relationship in the 1st Cycle of the Basic Education: Case Study ", and this was accomplished in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. In this sense, the study aimed to promote communication through e-mail between the Education Officers and the school. The same was done at the Quinta da Granja School in Castelo Branco in the 2nd group, which was attended by eight Education Officers. The methodology that was considered most adequate for the accomplishment of the investigation was of qualitative character where an investigation was carried out that refers to the case study and action research. With regard to data collection instruments and techniques, we chose to carry out questionnaire surveys for pupils and teachers and semi-structured interviews with two female teachers of the institution where the research was carried out in order to gain insight into the use of ICTs. case, to the email, as a school-family relationship. The implementation of this study was carried out in 4 sessions and the data analysis demonstrated a motivation, expressed by the students, for the active participation throughout the project, having the e-mail aided in the context of teaching and learning. It was notorious, on the part of the Education Officers that use ICT and the e-mail in their daily routines, being that they have indicated to be another important digital tool in the accompaniment of the teaching and learning process of its students. Based on the semi-structured interviews carried out with the teachers of the institution, it is verified that, in a general way, digital technologies have a great impact on education, thus creating new forms of learning. After the triangulation of the data, it was possible to verify, through the opinions expressed by the participants in the research (parents and their students) that the use of e-mail can provide a closer approximation between the family and the school with evident advantages that greater involvement of these actors in the teaching and learning process

    Mechanism and effect of Candida albicans recognition by murine B cells

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    Candida albicans is a polymorphic fungus that colonizes mucosal tissue, and is thus a frequent member of the human microbiome. While it is no threat to healthy individuals, C. albicans can become pathogenic in immunocompromised hosts, being one of the most common human fungal pathogens, and one of the leading causes of nosocomial infections. For many years, and especially due to the fact that patients with B cell or immunoglobulin deficiencies do not show any increased propensity to C. albicans infections, B cells and antibodies were considered not to play any role in defensive responses against this pathogen. However, several studies have contradicted this view so that nowadays, even though not considered as major players like neutrophils or TH17 cells, B cells are seen as helpers in mounting efficient anti-C. albicans protective responses. To study the interplay between C. albicans and B cells, mouse splenic B cells were isolated and cultured in the presence of heat-killed C. albicans yeast, hyphae, or the fungal cell wall preparation zymosan. Cultures in unsupplemented medium or medium supplemented to mimic either T cell-independent or T-cell dependent B cell activation were analysed. The obtained results allowed to conclude that zymosan and heat-killed C. albicans hyphae, but not yeast, are able to increase B cell activation in a MyD88-dependent manner, and mostly via TLR2. This conclusion was drawn from the observed increase in AID induction and IgG1, IL-10 and IL-6 production. Dectin-1 and specific BCR recognition were not required for this effect. Furthermore, it was possible to observe that C. albicans-induced TLR signalling is able to cooperate with BCR signalling to increase B cell proliferation

    Locações operacionais e financeiras: Estudo empírico das empresas cotadas no Euronext 100

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    As locações representam, actualmente, uma importante fonte de financiamento para muitas empresas. Contudo, a existência de dois tipos de locações (locação financeira e locação operacional), permite contabilizar operações substancialmente semelhantes de forma distinta. Baseada na literatura sobre o tema das locações, a presente investigação tem como objectivo determinar que factores distinguem as sociedades que recorrem apenas a um dos tipos de locação das que recorrem a ambos os tipos de locação e identificar os factores que determinam a intensidade das locações (operacionais e financeiras). O estudo empírico recaiu sobre as empresas constantes do Índice Euronext 100 em Dezembro de 2008 e a informação financeira referente ao mesmo ano foi retirada da base de dados Worldscope e dos relatórios e contas das empresas constantes da amostra. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que as empresas de maior dimensão tendem a usar os dois tipos de locação em simultâneo. A indústria em que a empresa se insere pode determinar se utiliza um ou ambos os tipos de locação, sendo certo que a falta de liquidez promove o uso das locações financeiras e operacionais em conjunto. No âmbito da análise dos factores que determinam a intensidade das locações, os resultados do estudo evidenciam que as grandes empresas e as empresas com fraca rentabilidade optam pela locação operacional, enquanto baixos níveis de endividamento e elevada rentabilidade são características comuns das empresas intensivas em locação financeira.In recent years leasing has become a significant source of financing for many companies. However, the existence of different types of leases (finance and operating lease) allows accounting for similar transactions differently. Based on lease accounting literature, this research aims to determine what factors influence companies to choose one or both forms of leases and what are the determinants of operating e finance lease intensity. The empirical study has been placed on a sample of 100 companies listed on the Euronext 100 Index as at December 2008 and financial information for the same year was obtained from the Worldscope database and the published annual reports of companies in the sample. The findings suggest that larger companies tend to use both types of lease simultaneously. The industry in which the company operates can determine whether it uses one or both forms of leases and results also showed that lack of liquidity is positive related with the use of finance and operating leases together. When analyzing the leasing decision between finance and operating lease, we find strong evidence that companies that use operating leases are more likely to be larger and less profitable than companies that do not use, while low leverage and high yields are common characteristics of intensive financial lease companies

    Seasonal patterns of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in digestive gland and arm of octopus (Octopus vulgaris) from the Northwest Atlantic

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    Among organic pollutants existing in coastal areas, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of great concern due to their ubiquity and carcinogenic potential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the seasonal patterns of PAHs in the digestive gland and arm of the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) from the Northwest Atlantic Portuguese coast. In the different seasons, 18 PAHs were determined and the detoxification capacity of the species was evaluated. Ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase (ECOD) activities were measured to assess phase I biotransformation capacity. Individual PAH ratios were used for major source (pyrolytic/petrogenic) analysis. Risks for human consumption were determined by the total toxicity equivalence approach. Generally, low levels of PAHs were detected in the digestive gland and in the arm of octopus, with a predominance of low molecular over high molecular weight compounds. PAHs exhibited seasonality in the concentrations detected and in their main emission sources. In the digestive gland, the highest total PAH levels were observed in autumn possibly related to fat availability in the ecosystem and food intake. The lack of PAH elimination observed in the digestive gland after captivity could be possibly associated to a low biotransformation capacity, consistent with the negligible/undetected levels of EROD and ECOD activity in the different seasons. The emission sources of PAHs found in the digestive gland varied from a petrogenic profile observed in winter to a pyrolytic pattern in spring. In the arm, the highest PAH contents were observed in June; nevertheless, levels were always below the regulatory limits established for food consumption. The carcinogenic potential calculated for all the sampling periods in the arm were markedly lower than the ones found in various aquatic species from different marine environments. The results presented in this study give relevant baseline data for environmental monitoring of organic pollution in coastal areas