3,715 research outputs found

    Leaf litter decomposition in western Iberian forested wetlands : lentic versus lotic response

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    Leaf litter breakdown is frequently used to measure both structural and functional integrity in aquatic ecosystems. Forested wetlands are interface systems that received little attention, especially in the Iberian Peninsula. The present study compares the decomposition of alder and willow in two biotopes (lentic and lotic) located in two different sites (Caxarias and Alpiarça). Litterbags were used to compare decomposition among the different treatments. Throughout decay, dry weight loss, nitrogen and phosphorus content, microbial community physiological profiles, microbial and macro-invertebrate colonization were measured at days 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64. Decomposition rates ranged from intermediate to rapid for alder (0.006 day−1 to 0.0338 day−1) and slow to rapid for willow (0.0024 day−1 to 0.0272 day−1), depending on site and biotopes type. The combined effects biotope × time was significant for heterotrophs (P < 0.05), molds (P < 0.05) and yeasts (P < 0.001). The analysis of average well colour development (AWCD), richness (R) and Shannon-Wiener index (H') based on the oxidation of carbon and nitrogen sources by the microbial community, showed differences between the two biotopes, lotic and lentic, and sites. These differences were also shown by the principal component analysis (PCA). Moreover, the macroinvertebrate communities clearly distinguished between lentic and lotic systems. The invertebrates belonging to Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera were absent from lentic habitats.La descomposición de hojarasca se utiliza frecuentemente para medir la integridad estructural y funcional en los sistemas acuáticos. Los humedales arbolados son sistemas de transición que han recibido escasa atención especialmente en la Península Ibérica. El presente trabajo compara la descomposición de la hojarasca de aliso y sauce en dos sistemas (lenítico y lótico) situados en dos localidades (Caxarias y Alpiarça). Se utilizaron bolsas para hojarasca para comparar la descomposición entre los diferentes tratamientos. Se determinaron las pérdidas de peso seco, contenido en N y P en el detritus vegetal, perfiles fisiológicos de la comunidad microbiana, la colonización microbiana y de macroinvertebrados a los 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 y 64 días del experimento. Las tasas de descomposición variaron de intermedias a rápidas para el aliso (0.006 día−1 a 0.0338 día−1) y de lentas a rápidas para el sauce (0.0024 día−1 a 0.0272 día−1), dependiendo de la localidad de muestreo y del tipo de sistema. Los efectos combinados sistema × tiempo resultaron significativos para los heterótrofos totales (p < 0.05), hongos filamentosos (p < 0.05) y levaduras (p < 0.001). El análisis del desarrollo medio del color (AWCD), la riqueza (R) y el índice de Shannon-Wiener (H') basados en la oxidación de las fuentes de nitrógeno y carbono por parte de la comunidad microbiana, mostraron diferencias entre los dos sistemas, lótico y lenítico y entre las localidades de muestreo. Estas diferencias se pusieron también de manifiesto en el análisis de componentes principales (PCA). Además, las comunidades de macroinvertebrados claramente diferenciaron los sistemas leníticos de los lóticos. Se observó que en los sistemas leníticos los organismos pertenecientes a Plecoptera, Ephemeroptera y Trichoptera estaban ausentes

    Puesta a punto de una metodología que permita evaluar el efecto de cantidades perfectamente conocidas de O2 en diferentes vinos tintos, sin la interferencia del O2 atmosférico.

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    El estudio de los procesos de oxidación-reducción en el vino es un campo en el cuál, aún a día de hoy, existen grandes lagunas acerca de determinados aspectos. Por ello, el objetivo final de este trabajo consiste en poder adicionar de forma perfectamente controlada cantidades conocidas de O2 en botellas de 150 mL. De esta manera,  después de 6 meses a 25ºC, se pretenderá caracterizar: 1) el estado redox del vino, 2) los sistemas catalíticos, 3) el estado aromático del vino, 4) aquellos precursores involucrados en cambios aromáticos y 5) el aroma. Para ello se han escogido 16 vinos tintos con diferente tendencia oxido-reductiva. Para poder realizar este estudio ha sido imprescindible disponer de una caja de guantes con atmósfera de Argón, que asegura un nivel de O2  inferior a 1 ppm. Otro de los requisitos ha sido obtener un sistema de almacenaje prácticamente impermeable alO2 atmosférico. Para ello se ha partido de un sistema comercial (Sigma-Aldrich), que constaba de una chapa con un orificio, un septum, (a través del cual se adiciona con una jeringa de gases la correspondiente cantidad de O2) y un tapón de rosca externo. Este sistema comercial demostró funcionar estrepitosamente, ya que permitía la entrada continua de O2 atmosférico al vino, y por tanto después de tres meses no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los diferentes niveles de adición de O2, ya que todos los vinos estaban extremadamente oxidados. Para solucionar este problema se ha probado con distintos dispositivos y modificaciones de este sistema comercial, para finalmente encontrar uno impermeable al O2 atmosférico que ha permitido llevar a cabo las adiciones de forma correcta. Este trabajo pretende ilustrar dicho proceso y sistema de trabajo

    6-Methyl-Nitroarachidonate :a novel esterified nitroalkene which potently Inhibits platelet aggregation and exerts cgmp mediated vascular relaxation

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    Postprint.Nitro-fatty acids represent endogenously occurring products of oxidant-induced nitration reactions. We have previously synthesized a four isomers mixture of nitroarachidonic acid, a novel anti-inflammatory signaling mediator. Herein, we synthesized, chemically and biologically characterized for a first time an esterified nitroalkene derived from the nitration of methylarachidonate (AAMet): 6-methyl-nitroarachidonate (6-AAMetNO2). Synthesis was performed by AAMet reaction with sodium nitrite in acidic conditions. Analysis by mass spectrometry (positive ion ESI-MS) showed a [M+H]+ ion of m/z 364, characteristic of AAMetNO2. Fragmentation of this ion yielded a daughter ion at m/z 317, corresponding to the neutral loss of the nitro group ([M+HHNO2]+). Furthermore, IR signal at 1378 cm-1 and NMR data confirmed the structure of a 6-nitro positional isomer. This novel esterified nitroalkene showed to be capable of promoting vascular protective actions including: a) the induction of vasorelaxation via endothelium-independent mechanisms, associated with an increase of smooth muscle cells cGMP levels and b) a potent dosedependent inhibition of human platelet aggregation. We postulate that 6-AAMetNO2 could be a potential drug for prevention of vascular and inflammatory diseases, where the presence of the methyl group may increase its pharmacological potential

    Parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos em três raças de cavalos de alta performance do Sul do Brasil

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    The hematological and biochemical parameters are useful tools for clinics and feeding management of athlete equines. The population of high performance horses consists of different breed groups, displaying specific phenotypic and metabolic characteristics related to the type of sport activity they perform. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the South of Brazil, racing, jumping, polo, endurance, reigning, and dressage are the main activities. This study investigated the hemato-biochemical parameters in three high performance horse breeds from Southern Brazil. A total number of 154 horses belonging to the breeds Thoroughbred, Brasileiro de Hipismo, and Criollo, were selected for this study. Within each breed, samples were collected from males (n=12) and non-pregnant females (n=12) of two ages: 1 to 3 years of age (n=12) and over five years of age (n=12). Hematological (total count of erythrocytes and leukocytes, blood cell volume, hemoglobin, and differential count of leukocytes) and biochemical (lactate, fructosamine, glucose, cholesterol, total protein, albumin, globulins, fibrinogen, urea, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and enzymes LDH, AST, GGT, and CK) parameters were analyzed. Significant differences were observed in hematological and biochemical parameters, except for calcium and albumin, among breeds. There was no significant effect of age or sex within breed. This study shows that the local population, the breed and the type of sport activity are important variables to be considered in the analysis of blood parameters of horses.Os parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos são ferramentas que auxiliam na clínica e no manejo alimentar do eqüino atleta. Na população eqüina de alta performance existem diferentes grupos raciais que apresentam características fenotípicas e metabólicas específicas, relacionadas com o tipo de atividade esportiva que exercem. Atualmente, no Rio Grande do Sul (Sul do Brasil), são reconhecidas as modalidades esportivas de corrida, salto, polo, enduro, provas de rédeas e provas funcionais. O presente trabalho estudou os parâmetros hemato-bioquímicos em três raças de eqüinos de alta performance no Sul do Brasil. Um total de 154 animais das raças Puro Sangue Inglês, Brasileiro de Hipismo e Crioula foram selecionados para este estudo. Em cada grupo racial foram obtidas amostras de machos (n=12) e fêmeas não gestantes (n=12) e de duas faixas etárias: de 1 a 3 anos (n=12) e de mais de cinco anos (n=12). Foram analisados parâmetros hematológicos (contagem total de eritrócitos e leucócitos, hematócrito, hemoglobina e contagem diferencial de leucócitos) e bioquímicos (lactato, fructosamina, glicose, colesterol, proteína total, albumina, globulinas, fibrinogênio, uréia, cálcio, magnésio, fósforo e enzimas LDH, AST, GGT e CK). Foram observadas diferenças significativas nos parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos, exceto para cálcio e albumina, entre os grupos raciais. Não houve efeito significativo da idade e do sexo dentro da mesma raça. O presente trabalho mostra que o fator racial e o tipo de atividade esportiva são variáveis importantes que devem ser consideradas na análise de parâmetros sangüíneos em eqüinos

    Puesta a punto de una metodología que permita evaluar el efecto de cantidades perfectamente conocidas de O2 en diferentes vinos tintos, sin la interferencia del O2 atmosférico.

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    El estudio de los procesos de oxidación-reducción en el vino es un campo en el cuál, aún a día de hoy, existen grandes lagunas acerca de determinados aspectos. Por ello, el objetivo final de este trabajo consiste en poder adicionar de forma perfectamente controlada cantidades conocidas de O2 en botellas de 150 mL. De esta manera,  después de 6 meses a 25ºC, se pretenderá caracterizar: 1) el estado redox del vino, 2) los sistemas catalíticos, 3) el estado aromático del vino, 4) aquellos precursores involucrados en cambios aromáticos y 5) el aroma. Para ello se han escogido 16 vinos tintos con diferente tendencia oxido-reductiva. Para poder realizar este estudio ha sido imprescindible disponer de una caja de guantes con atmósfera de Argón, que asegura un nivel de O2  inferior a 1 ppm. Otro de los requisitos ha sido obtener un sistema de almacenaje prácticamente impermeable alO2 atmosférico. Para ello se ha partido de un sistema comercial (Sigma-Aldrich), que constaba de una chapa con un orificio, un septum, (a través del cual se adiciona con una jeringa de gases la correspondiente cantidad de O2) y un tapón de rosca externo. Este sistema comercial demostró funcionar estrepitosamente, ya que permitía la entrada continua de O2 atmosférico al vino, y por tanto después de tres meses no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los diferentes niveles de adición de O2, ya que todos los vinos estaban extremadamente oxidados. Para solucionar este problema se ha probado con distintos dispositivos y modificaciones de este sistema comercial, para finalmente encontrar uno impermeable al O2 atmosférico que ha permitido llevar a cabo las adiciones de forma correcta. Este trabajo pretende ilustrar dicho proceso y sistema de trabajo

    Does native Trypanosoma cruzi calreticulin mediate growth inhibition of a mammary tumor during infection?

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    Indexación: Web of Science.Background: For several decades now an antagonism between Trypanosoma cruzi infection and tumor development has been detected. The molecular basis of this phenomenon remained basically unknown until our proposal that T. cruzi Calreticulin (TcCRT), an endoplasmic reticulum-resident chaperone, translocated-externalized by the parasite, may mediate at least an important part of this effect. Thus, recombinant TcCRT (rTcCRT) has important in vivo antiangiogenic and antitumor activities. However, the relevant question whether the in vivo antitumor effect of T. cruzi infection is indeed mediated by the native chaperone (nTcCRT), remains open. Herein, by using specific modified anti-rTcCRT antibodies (Abs), we have neutralized the antitumor activity of T. cruzi infection and extracts thereof, thus identifying nTcCRT as a valid mediator of this effect. Methods: Polyclonal anti-rTcCRT F(ab')(2) Ab fragments were used to reverse the capacity of rTcCRT to inhibit EAhy926 endothelial cell (EC) proliferation, as detected by BrdU uptake. Using these F(ab')(2) fragments, we also challenged the capacity of nTcCRT, during T. cruzi infection, to inhibit the growth of an aggressive mammary adenocarcinoma cell line (TA3-MTXR) in mice. Moreover, we determined the capacity of anti-rTcCRT Abs to reverse the antitumor effect of an epimastigote extract (EE). Finally, the effects of these treatments on tumor histology were evaluated. Results: The rTcCRT capacity to inhibit ECs proliferation was reversed by anti-rTcCRT F(ab')(2) Ab fragments, thus defining them as valid probes to interfere in vivo with this important TcCRT function. Consequently, during infection, these Ab fragments also reversed the in vivo experimental mammary tumor growth. Moreover, anti-rTcCRT Abs also neutralized the antitumor effect of an EE, again identifying the chaperone protein as an important mediator of this anti mammary tumor effect. Finally, as determined by conventional histological parameters, in infected animals and in those treated with EE, less invasive tumors were observed while, as expected, treatment with F(ab')(2) Ab fragments increased malignancy. Conclusion: We have identified translocated/externalized nTcCRT as responsible for at least an important part of the anti mammary tumor effect of the chaperone observed during experimental infections with T. cruzi.http://bmccancer.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12885-016-2764-

    Abundance to age ratios in the HARPS-GTO sample with Gaia DR2: Chemical clocks for a range of [Fe/H]

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    [ABRIDGED] The purpose of this work is to evaluate how several elements produced by different nucleosynthesis processes behave with stellar age and provide empirical relations to derive stellar ages from chemical abundances. We derive different sets of ages using Gaia parallaxes for a sample of more than 1000 FGK dwarf stars for which he have spectra from the HARPS-GTO program. We analyze the temporal evolution of different abundance ratios to find the best chemical clocks. We find that [α\alpha/Fe] ratio (average of Mg, Si and Ti), [O/Fe] and [Zn/Fe] are good age proxies with a lower dispersion than the age-metallicity dispersion. Several abundance ratios present a significant correlation with age for chemically separated thin disk stars (i.e. low-α\alpha) but in the case of the chemically defined thick disk stars (i.e. high-α\alpha) only the elements Mg, Si, Ca and TiII show a clear correlation with age. We find that the thick disk stars are more enriched in light-s elements than thin disk stars of similar age. The maximum enrichment of s-process elements in the thin disk occurs in the youngest stars which in turn have solar metallicity. The slopes of the [X/Fe]-age relations are quite constant for O, Mg, Si, Ti, Zn, Sr and Eu regardless of the metallicity. However, this is not the case for Al, Ca, Cu and most of the s-process elements, which display very different trends depending on the metallicity. This demonstrates the limitations of using simple linear relations based on certain abundance ratios to obtain ages for stars of different metallicities. Finally, we show that by using 3D relations with a chemical clock and two stellar parameters (either Teff, [Fe/H] or stellar mass) we can explain up to 89% of age variance in a star. A similar result is obtained when using 2D relations with a chemical clock and one stellar parameter, being up to a 87% of the variance explained.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, version after language revisio

    On the order of summability of the Fourier inversion formula

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    In this article we show that the order of the point value, in the sense of Łojasiewicz, of a tempered distribution and the order of summability of the pointwise Fourier inversion formula are closely related. Assuming that the order of the point values and certain order of growth at infinity are given for a tempered distribution, we estimate the order of summability of the Fourier inversion formula. For Fourier series, and in other cases, it is shown that if the distribution has a distributional point value of order k, then its Fourier series is e.v. Cesàro summable to the distributional point value of order k+1. Conversely, we also show that if the pointwise Fourier inversion formula is e.v. Cesàro summable of order k, then the distribution is the (k+1)-th derivative of a locally integrable function, and the distribution has a distributional point value of order k+2. We also establish connections between orders of summability and local behavior for other Fourier inversion problems

    NEXT-100 Technical Design Report (TDR). Executive Summary

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    In this Technical Design Report (TDR) we describe the NEXT-100 detector that will search for neutrinoless double beta decay (bbonu) in Xe-136 at the Laboratorio Subterraneo de Canfranc (LSC), in Spain. The document formalizes the design presented in our Conceptual Design Report (CDR): an electroluminescence time projection chamber, with separate readout planes for calorimetry and tracking, located, respectively, behind cathode and anode. The detector is designed to hold a maximum of about 150 kg of xenon at 15 bar, or 100 kg at 10 bar. This option builds in the capability to increase the total isotope mass by 50% while keeping the operating pressure at a manageable level. The readout plane performing the energy measurement is composed of Hamamatsu R11410-10 photomultipliers, specially designed for operation in low-background, xenon-based detectors. Each individual PMT will be isolated from the gas by an individual, pressure resistant enclosure and will be coupled to the sensitive volume through a sapphire window. The tracking plane consists in an array of Hamamatsu S10362-11-050P MPPCs used as tracking pixels. They will be arranged in square boards holding 64 sensors (8 times8) with a 1-cm pitch. The inner walls of the TPC, the sapphire windows and the boards holding the MPPCs will be coated with tetraphenyl butadiene (TPB), a wavelength shifter, to improve the light collection.Comment: 32 pages, 22 figures, 5 table