29 research outputs found

    Crisi ed Umanesimo

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    Luigi Pirandello e Miguel de Unamuno: fra “identità” e “creazione del personaggio”

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    Ritengo che manchi uno studio sistematico sui due temi indicati nel titolo: quello dell'identità, ovvero dell'esistenza, e quello della creazione del personaggio, ovvero dello scrivere, condotto dal punto di vista più filosofico; un punto di vista imprescindibile per la migliore comprensione degli stessi. Ed è uno studio che considererà: Il fu Mattia Pascal di Pirandello; Niebla e Como se hace una novela (finora credo mai considerata) di Unamuno.Ritengo che manchi uno studio sistematico sui due temi indicati nel titolo: quello dell'identità, ovvero dell'esistenza, e quello della creazione del personaggio, ovvero dello scrivere, condotto dal punto di vista più filosofico; un punto di vista imprescindibile per la migliore comprensione degli stessi. Ed è uno studio che considererà: Il fu Mattia Pascal di Pirandello; Niebla e Como se hace una novela (finora credo mai considerata) di Unamuno

    Para un estudio sobre un inédito de Miguel de Unamuno: "El progreso social"

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    [ES] El artículo es un primer acercamiento al estudio del inédito de Unamuno "El progreso social». En él se ,ponen de relieve los temas positivistas que caracterizan su primera etapa intelectual; en particular, la relación ciudad/campo, naturaleza/pensamiento, socialismo/progreso, individuo/persona. Todo ello por medio de una razón dialógica.[EN] The article is a former study on an unpublished work by Unamuno "El progreso social». In this article his former intellectual studies based os positivist themes are underlined with particular attention to the relation ship between city and countryside, natural attitudes and thought, socialism and development, social being and person. The entire analisys is brought about and developed through a dialogic way

    CKD Prevalence Varies across the European General Population

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    CKD prevalence estimation is central to CKD management and prevention planning at the population level. This study estimated CKD prevalence in the European adult general population and investigated international variation in CKD prevalence by age, sex, and presence of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. We collected data from 19 general-population studies from 13 European countries. CKD stages 1-5 was defined as eGFR 30 mg/g, and CKD stages 3-5 was defined as eGFR</p

    Methodology used in studies reporting chronic kidney disease prevalence: a systematic literature review

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    Background Many publications report the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the general population. Comparisons across studies are hampered as CKD prevalence estimations are influenced by study population characteristics and laboratory methods. Methods For this systematic review, two researchers independently searched PubMed, MEDLINE and EMBASE to identify all original research articles that were published between 1 January 2003 and 1 November 2014 reporting the prevalence of CKD in the European adult general population. Data on study methodology and reporting of CKD prevalence results were independently extracted by two researchers. Results We identified 82 eligible publications and included 48 publications of individual studies for the data extraction. There was considerable variation in population sample selection. The majority of studies did not report the sampling frame used, and the response ranged from 10 to 87%. With regard to the assessment of kidney function, 67% used a Jaffe assay, whereas 13% used the enzymatic assay for creatinine determination. Isotope dilution mass spectrometry calibration was used in 29%. The CKD-EPI (52%) and MDRD (75%) equations were most often used to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR). CKD was defined as estimated GFR (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 in 92% of studies. Urinary markers of CKD were assessed in 60% of the studies. CKD prevalence was reported by sex and age strata in 54 and 50% of the studies, respectively. In publications with a primary objective of reporting CKD prevalence, 39% reported a 95% confidence interval. Conclusions The findings from this systematic review showed considerable variation in methods for sampling the general population and assessment of kidney function across studies reporting CKD prevalence. These results are utilized to provide recommendations to help optimize both the design and the reporting of future CKD prevalence studies, which will enhance comparability of study result

    Armando Savignano. Radici del pensiero spagnolo del Novecento

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    Armando Savignano, con las reflexiones que expone sobre Miguel de Unamuno, José Ortega y Gasset y Xavier Zubiri en Radici del pensiero spagnolo del Novecento, asume un papel cada vez más importante como intelectual que estudia con empeño las figuras más emblemáticas de la cultura española contemporánea