2,265 research outputs found

    Transition des soins pédiatriques aux soins adultes chez les jeunes atteints du VIH/Sida: revue de la littérature

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    L’amélioration des traitements antirétroviraux permet aux personnes séropositives de vivre plus longtemps dans de meilleures conditions de vie. La transition des soins pédiatriques aux soins pour adultes semble être une étape cruciale afin de garantir la continuité des soins et l’observance thérapeutique. L’objectif de cette revue de la littérature est d’identifier quel soutien infirmier apporter aux jeunes souffrant du VIH/Sida afin de faciliter leur transition des soins ambulatoires d’un milieu pédiatrique vers un milieu adulte. Les six études retenues pour ce travail ont été trouvées sur les bases de données Cinahl et PubMed. Les critères d’inclusion sont : recherches disciplinaires, publication entre 2011 et 2016, sources primaires, langue française ou anglaise, résultats permettant de répondre à la question de recherche. Les critères d’exclusion sont : pas d’études concernant une autre population que les jeunes atteints du VIH/Sida, pas d’études portant sur la prise en charge de jeunes atteints du VIH/Sida dans les pays du continent africain ou en voie de développement. Les études ont été lues, résumées et analysées afin de fournir des éléments de réponses à la question de recherche. Les principaux résultats mettent en avant la nécessité de préparer les jeunes séropositifs au transfert en milieu adulte en étant à l’écoute de leurs besoins et de leurs attentes. Il semble important d’améliorer la communication, d’adapter la prise en charge à chaque patient et de collaborer entre les milieux pédiatriques et adultes afin d’offrir une prise en charge la plus complète et la plus optimale possible

    Weierstrass's criterion and compact solitary waves

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    Weierstrass's theory is a standard qualitative tool for single degree of freedom equations, used in classical mechanics and in many textbooks. In this Brief Report we show how a simple generalization of this tool makes it possible to identify some differential equations for which compact and even semicompact traveling solitary waves exist. In the framework of continuum mechanics, these differential equations correspond to bulk shear waves for a special class of constitutive laws.Comment: 4 page

    High-energy pulses and phase-resolved spectra by inverse Compton emission in the pulsar striped wind - Application to Geminga

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    (abridged) Although discovered 40 years ago, the emission mechanism responsible for the observed pulsar radiation remains unclear. However, the high-energy pulsed emission is usually explained in the framework of either the polar cap or the outer gap model. The purpose of this work is to study the pulsed component, that is the light-curves as well as the spectra of the high-energy emission, above 10 MeV, emanating from the striped wind model. Gamma rays are produced by scattering off the soft cosmic microwave background photons on the ultrarelativistic leptons flowing in the current sheets. We compute the time-dependent inverse Compton emissivity of the wind, in the Thomson regime, by performing three-dimensional numerical integration in space over the whole striped wind. The phase-dependent spectral variability is then calculated as well as the change in pulse shape when going from the lowest to the highest energies. Several light curves and spectra of inverse Compton radiation with phase resolved dependence are presented. We apply our model to the well-known gamma-ray pulsar Geminga. We are able to fit the EGRET spectra between 10 MeV and 10 GeV as well as the light curve above 100 MeV with good accuracy.Comment: Accepted by A&

    SO(10) paths to dark matter

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    The grand-unification gauge group SO(10) contains matter parity as a discrete subgroup. This symmetry could be at the origin of dark matter stability. The properties of the dark matter candidates depend on the path along which SO(10) is broken, in particular through Pati-Salam or left-right symmetric subgroups. We systematically determine the non-supersymmetric dark matter scenarios that can be realized along the various paths. We emphasize that the dark matter candidates may have colored or electrically charged partners at low scale that belong to the same SO(10) multiplet. These states, which in many cases are important for co-annihilation, could be observed more easily than the dark matter particle. We determine the structure of the tree-level and loop-induced mass splittings between the dark matter candidate and their partners and discuss the possible phenomenological implications.Comment: 44 pages; added references, to appear in PR

    Des vacances pour les jeunes de la rue ? Perspective d’intervenants sur le projet Répit-Urbain

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    Répit-Urbain est un projet où un séjour structuré à la campagne est proposé à des jeunes de la rue. Ce séjour vise le développement de compétences personnelles ainsi que des apprentissages sur les effets néfastes découlant de la consommation de drogues et d’alcool. Au cours de la première année de fonctionnement du projet, neuf organismes partenaires ont constitué 17 groupes qui ont participé au projet. Ainsi, un total de 148 personnes sans domicile fixe a pu participer aux activités de Répit-Urbain en compagnie d’intervenants déjà impliqués auprès d’eux. Dans le contexte de l’implantation de ce projet, la présente étude vise deux principaux objectifs : 1) vérifier dans quelle mesure Répit-Urbain a effectivement réussi à rejoindre les jeunes de la rue, et 2) documenter la perspective des intervenants qui ont participé au projet, car, en effectuant le séjour avec les personnes qu’ils y ont référées, ils ont eu à travailler dans des conditions fort différentes de celles de la rue.L’étude a été menée auprès de 25 intervenants. Les résultats indiquent que, selon eux, le projet a effectivement répondu à un besoin de « répit » des jeunes et aurait favorisé l’acquisition de connaissances sur des sujets qu’ils jugent importants. De façon générale, la structure du programme a été appréciée de même que les retombées post-séjour telles que l’approfondissement de la relation entre les jeunes et leurs intervenants. Le modèle de partenariat proposé révèle un potentiel intéressant pour rejoindre les jeunes de la rue, une population réputée comme étant difficile à atteindre dans le cadre des services dispensés de manière « traditionnelle ». Il semble aussi réunir certaines conditions qui contribuent à la création et à la consolidation de l’alliance entre les personnes sans domicile fixe et leurs intervenants.The Répit-Urbain (urban respite) project offers street youth a structured vacation in the country. This vacation is designed to help the youth develop his personal skills and learn about the harmful effects of drug and alcohol consumption. During the first year of this initiative, nine partner organizations composed 17 groups who participated in the project. In this way, 148 homeless people participated in the Répit-Urbain activities accompanied by workers who were already involved with them. This study focussed on two main objectives : 1) to verify the extent to which Répit-Urbain was able to reach street youth and, 2) to document the perspective of the workers who participated in the project since, in spending time with the persons referred to them, they were obliged to work under conditions very different to those in the street.The study involved 25 workers. The results indicate that, according to the workers, the project did respond to the youths’ need for “respite” and encouraged the acquisition of knowledge on subjects they considered important. In general, the program’s structure was appreciated as well as the post-stay impacts, including the intensification of the relationship between the youth and their workers. The partnership model proposed offers an interesting potential for street youth, a population considered difficult to reach within the scope of services provided in a “traditional” manner. It also appears to combine certain conditions that contribute to the creation and consolidation of an alliance between homeless people and their workers.Répit-Urbain es un proyecto por el cual se propone a los jóvenes de la calle una estadía estructurada en el campo. Esta estadía apunta al desarrollo de competencias personales y de aprendizajes sobre los efectos nefastos que se derivan del consumo de drogas y de alcohol. Durante el primer año de funcionamiento del proyecto, nueve organismos asociados constituyeron 17 grupos que participaron del proyecto. De esta manera, un total de 148 personas sin techo pudieron participar de las actividades de Répit-Urbain, en compañía de personas de apoyo que ya estaban implicadas con ellos. En el contexto de la implantación de este proyecto, el presente estudio tiene dos objetivos principales : 1) verificar en qué medida Répit-Urbain ha logrado efectivamente llegar a los jóvenes de la calle y 2) documentar la perspectiva de las personas de apoyo que participaron en el proyecto ya que, al realizar una estadía con las personas que han sido referidas al proyecto, han tenido que trabajar en condiciones muy diferentes que las de la calle.El estudio se llevó a cabo con 25 personas de apoyo. Los resultados indican que, según ellos, el proyecto respondió efectivamente a una necesidad de “descanso” de los jóvenes y favoreció la adquisición de conocimientos sobre los temas que ellos juzgan importantes. En general, la estructura del programa fue apreciada, así como las consecuencias posteriores a la estadía, tales como la profundización de la relación entre los jóvenes y las personas de apoyo. El modelo de asociación propuesto indica que hay un potencial interesante para llegar a los jóvenes de la calle, una población que tiene la reputación de ser de difícil acceso en el marco de los servicios que se dispensan de manera “tradicional”. Parece también reunir ciertas condiciones que contribuyen a la creación y la consolidación de la alianza entre las personas sin techo y las personas de apoyo que trabajan con ellos

    Conducting polymer tattoo electrodes in clinical electro- and magneto-encephalography

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    Abstract Temporary tattoo electrodes are the most recent development in the field of cutaneous sensors. They have successfully demonstrated their performances in the monitoring of various electrophysiological signals on the skin. These epidermal electronic devices offer a conformal and imperceptible contact with the wearer while enabling good quality recordings over time. Evaluations of brain activity in clinical practice face multiple limitations, where such electrodes can provide realistic technological solutions and increase diagnostics efficiency. Here we present the performance of inkjet-printed conducting polymer tattoo electrodes in clinical electroencephalography and their compatibility with magnetoencephalography. The working mechanism of these dry sensors is investigated through the modeling of the skin/electrode impedance for better understanding of the biosignals transduction at this interface. Furthermore, a custom-made skin phantom platform demonstrates the feasibility of high-density recordings, which are essential in localizing neuropathological activities. These evaluations provide valuable input for the successful application of these ultrathin electronic tattoos sensors in multimodal brain monitoring and diagnosis

    Dynamical Evolution of the Didymos-Dimorphos Binary Asteroid as Rubble Piles following the DART Impact

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    Previous efforts have modeled the Didymos system as two irregularly shaped rigid bodies, although it is likely that one or both components are in fact rubble piles. Here, we relax the rigid-body assumption to quantify how this affects the spin and orbital dynamics of the system following the DART impact. Given known fundamental differences between our simulation codes, we find that faster rigid-body simulations produce nearly the same result as rubble-pile models in scenarios with a moderate value for the momentum enhancement factor, β\beta (β3\beta{\sim}3) and an ellipsoidal secondary. This indicates that the rigid-body approach is likely adequate for propagating the post-impact dynamics necessary to meet DART Mission requirements. Although, if Dimorphos has a highly-irregular shape or structure, or if β\beta is unexpectedly large, then rubble-pile effects may become important. If Dimorphos's orbit and spin state are sufficiently excited, then surface particle motion is also possible. However, these simulations are limited in their resolution and range of material parameters, so they serve as a demonstration of principle, and Future work is required to fully understand the likelihood and magnitude of surface motion.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, published in PS

    Experiência homossexual no contexto escolar

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    Neste artigo, partimos da utilização da carta de uma estudante adolescente à sua professora de Ciências, atribuindo a essa relação e à Escola sentidos atravessados por saber/poder. Uma carta que nos convida a olhar como vamos nos constituindo como sujeitos de desejo e como vamos acionando saberes para sermos capazes de produzir saberes sobre nós mesmos, tomando-nos como objeto de investigação. Dessa maneira, a questão que se coloca como foco deste artigo é, então, o que faz dos sujeitos, sujeitos de uma sexualidade específica, o que faz dos sujeitos, homossexuais. Trata-se de uma questão atual, que parte da atualidade para questionar a ideia de experiência homossexual como o encontro tenso entre os jogos de verdade, poder e subjetividades. Eis a tensão que nos faz reconhecer-nos como sujeitos sexuais

    Migraine and vascular disease biomarkers: A population-based case-control study.

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    Background The underpinnings of the migraine-stroke association remain uncertain, but endothelial activation is a potential mechanism. We evaluated the association of migraine and vascular disease biomarkers in a community-based population. Methods Participants (300 women, 117 men) were recruited as a part of the Dutch CAMERA 1 (Cerebral Abnormalities in Migraine, an Epidemiologic Risk Analysis) study. Participants were aged 30-60 (mean 48) years, 155 migraine had with aura (MA), 128 migraine without aura (MO), and 134 were controls with no severe headaches. Plasma concentrations of fibrinogen, Factor II, D-dimer, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and von Willebrand factor antigen were compared between groups, also stratifying by sex. Results Fibrinogen and hs-CRP were elevated in migraineurs compared to controls. In logistic regression analyses, MO and MA had increased likelihood of elevated fibrinogen, and MA had increased likelihood of elevated Factor II and hs-CRP. Fibrinogen and Factor II were associated with MA in women but not men. In the migraine subgroup, the total number of years of aura, but not headache, predicted elevated hs-CRP, and the average number of aura, but not headache, attacks predicted all biomarkers but Factor II. Conclusions Elevated vascular biomarkers were associated with migraine, particularly MA, as well as with years of aura and number of aura attacks