713 research outputs found

    References data on the growth and population parameters of brown trout in siliceous rivers of Galicia (NW Spain)

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    Brown trout is an important angling species worldwide, and its morphology, population structure and genetics can be highly variable from one location to another. In this study, we provide data for the establishment of reference range values for several population and growth parameters of brown trout in the Cantabrian-Atlantic siliceous rivers of Galicia (NW Spain). Additionally, this study tests the hypothesis that the population and growth parameters differ among sections of rivers with different exploitation statuses (unexploited, exploited-regulated and exploited-open sections). Our study revealed that such population parameters as biomass and production were higher in unexploited sections, but the differences in growth among the sections with different angling regulations were not consistent. The findings of this study are discussed in light of the present knowledge on the status of trout fisheries, as it is essential for the development of management plans. Additional studies are needed to clarify whether the differences in growth can be correlated to the angling regulations.La trucha común es una especie muy apreciada por los pescadores deportivos en todo el mundo, y su morfología, estructura poblacional y características genéticas pueden variar considerablemente entre áreas geográficas próximas. En este estudio proporcionamos datos para el establecimiento de categorías de referencia de varios parámetros poblacionales y de crecimiento de la trucha común en ríos silíceos Cantábrico-Atlánticos de Galicia (NO España). Además, con la realización de este estudio se pretende verificar la hipótesis de que los parámetros poblacionales y el crecimiento pueden variar entre tramos de ríos con diferente tipo de regulación de pesca deportiva (tramos vedados o inexplotados, tramos de pesca acotados y tramos de pesca libre). Así, nuestro estudio reveló que algunos parámetros poblacionales como la biomasa y la producción fueron más elevados en los tramos vedados, pero las diferencias en el crecimiento entre tramos con diferente regulación de pesca deportiva no fueron consistentes. Los resultados de este trabajo se discuten teniendo en cuenta el conocimiento actual sobre el estado de las poblaciones de trucha común, pues son esenciales para el desarrollo de planes de gestión. No obstante, se requieren de más estudios para aclarar si las diferencias en crecimiento se pueden relacionar con el tipo de regulación de pesca deportiva

    Primary producers and anthropic signs related to the flood plain soils of the Tablas de Daimiel Wetland

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    In the Tablas de Daimiel National Park (TDNP) wetlands, a semi-arid wetland system in Spain that is of international importance, it is believed that pollutants from a variety of sources accumulate. In the study reported here, we evaluated soils from the flooded part of this wetland in an effort to establish relationships between the abundance/structure of microbial communities (mainly cyanobacteria) and certain soil properties (redox potential, dissolved oxygen, organic matter, soil reaction, electrical conductivity, calcium carbonate, total nitrogen, soluble phosphorus and total phosphorus). This objective was achieved by establishing one transect from the entrance to exit of the flood plain, including sampling from potentially polluted sites. Substantial variations between sampling sites were found in soil in terms of salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), organic matter (OM), total phosphorus (TP) and nitrogen (TN). The presence of primary producers was more evident in contaminated samples. In addition to calcium, high levels of oxidizable organic matter, traces of dissolved oxygen, and considerable amounts of nitrate and phosphates probably stimulated the growth of cyanobacteria, these latter characteristics can be explained as being due to the influence of wastewaters from urban, industrial and agricultural activities that run off directly into this unique wetland. In the future it will be necessary to understand the synergic effects of other soil properties.The authors are grateful to the Autonomous Organism Parques Naturales of Spain (OAPN) for providing financial assistanc

    Respuesta a Temozolomida en pacientes con melanoma metastásico en un hospital de tercer nivel de atención: Response to Temozolomide in patients with metastatic melanoma in a third level medical facility

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    Introduction.Melanoma is a public health problem; it represents 4% of malignant skin tumors and is responsible for 80% of deaths from this type of neoplasm. Objective: Show the response to Temozolomide in patients with metastatic melanoma. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. The clinical response of patients with metastatic melanoma, managed with Temozolomide 200 mg/m2 once a day was analyzed for 5 days every 28 days. The risk factors analyzed were: histological variety, topographic region of the primary lesion, metastasis, ulceration, and Breslow. Descriptive statistics were used for normality Kolmogorov-Smirnoff, Student's t-test, and binary logistic regression. Results: There were 51 les, 47 met the criteria; 25 men, 22 women, mean age 54.45, minimum 22, maximum 85 years, Complete response was obtained in 3 (6.3%), partial response in 7 (14.8%), stable disease in 10 (21%) and disease progression in 27 (57.44%) patients. The presence of ulceration is associated with a higher Breslow index and, as a result, a higher risk of disease progression. Conclusions: Temozolomide as monotherapy is a treatment that presents low rates of complete response and partial response, showing better results in patients with lymph node metastases.Introducción: El melanoma es un problema de salud pública, representa 4% de los tumores malignos de la piel y es responsable de 80% de las muertes por este tipo de neoplasias. Objetivo: presentar la respuesta a Temozolomida en pacientes con melanoma metastásico. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Se analizó la respuesta clínica de pacientes con melanoma metastásico, manejados con Temozolomida 200 mg/m2 una vez al día, durante 5 días cada 28 días. Los factores de riesgo analizados fueron: variedad histológica, región topográfica de lesión primaria, metástasis, ulceración y Breslow. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, para normalidad Kolmogorov-Smirnoff, t de Student, así como regresión logística binaria. Resultados: Fueron 51 expedientes, 47 cumplieron con los criterios; 25 hombres, 22 mujeres, edad media 54.45, mínima 22, máxima 85 años, Se obtuvo una respuesta completa en 3(6.3%), respuesta parcial 7(14.8%), enfermedad estable en 10(21%) y progresión de la enfermedad en 27(57.44%) pacientes. La presencia de ulceración se asocia a mayor índice de Breslow, y como resultado, mayor riesgo de progresión de la enfermedad. Conclusiones: Temozolomida como monoterapia es un tratamiento que presenta bajas tasas de respuesta completa y respuesta parcial, mostrando mejores resultados en pacientes con metástasis ganglionares

    Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine produced by human melanoma cells modulates polymorphonuclear leukocyte recruitment and antitumor cytotoxic capacity

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    The expression of secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) has been associated with the malignant progression of different types of human cancer. SPARC was associated with tumor cell capacity to migrate and invade, although its precise role in tumor progression is still elusive. In the present study, we show that SPARC produced by melanoma cells modulates the antitumor activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). Administration to nude mice of human melanoma cells in which SPARC expression was transiently or stably knocked down by antisense RNA (SPARC-sup cells) promoted PMN recruitment and obliterated tumor growth even when SPARC-sup cells accounted for only 10% of injected malignant cells. In addition, SPARC-sup cells stimulated the in vitro migration and triggered the antimelanoma cytotoxic capacity of human PMN, an effect that was reverted in the presence of SPARC purified from melanoma cells or by reexpressing SPARC in SPARC-sup cells. Leukotrienes, interleukin 8, and growth-related oncogene, in combination with Fas ligand and interleukin 1, mediated SPARC effects. These data indicate that SPARC plays an essential role in tumor evasion from immune surveillance through the inhibition of the antitumor PMN activity.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine produced by human melanoma cells modulates polymorphonuclear leukocyte recruitment and antitumor cytotoxic capacity

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    The expression of secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) has been associated with the malignant progression of different types of human cancer. SPARC was associated with tumor cell capacity to migrate and invade, although its precise role in tumor progression is still elusive. In the present study, we show that SPARC produced by melanoma cells modulates the antitumor activity of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). Administration to nude mice of human melanoma cells in which SPARC expression was transiently or stably knocked down by antisense RNA (SPARC-sup cells) promoted PMN recruitment and obliterated tumor growth even when SPARC-sup cells accounted for only 10% of injected malignant cells. In addition, SPARC-sup cells stimulated the in vitro migration and triggered the antimelanoma cytotoxic capacity of human PMN, an effect that was reverted in the presence of SPARC purified from melanoma cells or by reexpressing SPARC in SPARC-sup cells. Leukotrienes, interleukin 8, and growth-related oncogene, in combination with Fas ligand and interleukin 1, mediated SPARC effects. These data indicate that SPARC plays an essential role in tumor evasion from immune surveillance through the inhibition of the antitumor PMN activity.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Biobased Terpene Derivatives: Stiff and Biocompatible Compounds to Tune Biodegradability and Properties of Poly(butylene succinate)

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    Different copolymers incorporating terpene oxide units (e.g., limonene oxide) have been evaluated considering thermal properties, degradability, and biocompatibility. Thus, polycarbonates and polyesters derived from aromatic, monocyclic and bicyclic anhydrides have been considered. Furthermore, ring substitution with myrcene terpene has been evaluated. All polymers were amorphous when evaluated directly from synthesis. However, spherulites could be observed after the slow evaporation of diluted chloroform solutions of polylimonene carbonate, with all isopropene units possessing an R configuration. This feature was surprising considering the reported information that suggested only the racemic polymer was able to crystallize. All polymers were thermally stable and showed a dependence of the maximum degradation rate temperature (from 242 °C to 342 °C) with the type of terpene oxide. The graduation of glass transition temperatures (from 44 °C to 172 °C) was also observed, being higher than those corresponding to the unsubstituted polymers. The chain stiffness of the studied polymers hindered both hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation while a higher rate was detected when an oxidative medium was assayed (e.g., weight losses around 12% after 21 days of exposure). All samples were biocompatible according to the adhesion and proliferation tests performed with fibroblast cells. Hydrophobic and mechanically consistent films (i.e., contact angles between 90° and 110°) were obtained after the evaporation of chloroform from the solutions, having different ratios of the studied biobased polyterpenes and poly(butylene succinate) (PBS). The blend films were comparable in tensile modulus and tensile strength with the pure PBS (e.g., values of 330 MPa and 7 MPa were determined for samples incorporating 30 wt.% of poly(PA-LO), the copolyester derived from limonene oxide and phthalic anhydride. Blends were degradable, biocompatible and appropriate to produce oriented-pore and random-pore scaffolds via a thermally-induced phase separation (TIPS) method and using 1,4-dioxane as solvent. The best results were attained with the blend composed of 70 wt.% PBS and 30 wt.% poly(PA-LO). In summary, the studied biobased terpene derivatives showed promising properties to be used in a blended form for biomedical applications such as scaffolds for tissue engineering

    Controlling a Mouse Pointer with a Single-Channel EEG Sensor

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    Goals: The purpose of this study was to analyze the feasibility of using the information obtained from a one-channel electro-encephalography (EEG) signal to control a mouse pointer. We used a low-cost headset, with one dry sensor placed at the FP1 position, to steer a mouse pointer and make selections through a combination of the user’s attention level with the detection of voluntary blinks. There are two types of cursor movements: spinning and linear displacement. A sequence of blinks allows for switching between these movement types, while the attention level modulates the cursor’s speed. The influence of the attention level on performance was studied. Additionally, Fitts’ model and the evolution of the emotional states of participants, among other trajectory indicators, were analyzed. (2) Methods: Twenty participants distributed into two groups (Attention and No-Attention) performed three runs, on different days, in which 40 targets had to be reached and selected. Target positions and distances from the cursor’s initial position were chosen, providing eight different indices of difficulty (IDs). A self-assessment manikin (SAM) test and a final survey provided information about the system’s usability and the emotions of participants during the experiment. (3) Results: The performance was similar to some brain–computer interface (BCI) solutions found in the literature, with an averaged information transfer rate (ITR) of 7 bits/min. Concerning the cursor navigation, some trajectory indicators showed our proposed approach to be as good as common pointing devices, such as joysticks, trackballs, and so on. Only one of the 20 participants reported difficulty in managing the cursor and, according to the tests, most of them assessed the experience positively. Movement times and hit rates were significantly better for participants belonging to the attention group. (4) Conclusions: The proposed approach is a feasible low-cost solution to manage a mouse pointe

    Selective pressure against horizontally acquired prokaryotic genes as a driving force of plastid evolution

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    Altres ajuts: del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas- Argentina (CONICET) i del Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (IBERCAROT).The plastid organelle comprises a high proportion of nucleus-encoded proteins that were acquired from different prokaryotic donors via independent horizontal gene transfers following its primary endosymbiotic origin. What forces drove the targeting of these alien proteins to the plastid remains an unresolved evolutionary question. To better understand this process we screened for suitable candidate proteins to recapitulate their prokaryote-to-eukaryote transition. Here we identify the ancient horizontal transfer of a bacterial polyphenol oxidase (PPO) gene to the nuclear genome of an early land plant ancestor and infer the possible mechanism behind the plastidial localization of the encoded enzyme. Arabidopsis plants expressing PPO versions either lacking or harbouring a plastid-targeting signal allowed examining fitness consequences associated with its subcellular localization. Markedly, a deleterious effect on plant growth was highly correlated with PPO activity only when producing the non-targeted enzyme, suggesting that selection favoured the fixation of plastid-targeted protein versions. Our results reveal a possible evolutionary mechanism of how selection against heterologous genes encoding cytosolic proteins contributed in incrementing plastid proteome complexity from non-endosymbiotic gene sources, a process that may also impact mitochondrial evolution

    Effect of the presence of inorganic ions and operational parameters on free cyanide degradation by ultraviolet C activation of persulfate in synthetic mining wastewater

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    This work studied the influence of several parameters on free cyanide (CN−) degradation (50 mg L−1) by the UVC-activated persulfate (PS) at alkaline conditions (UVC/PS). Firstly, photolysis and alkaline activation of PS were evaluated. Then, the effect of initial PS concentration (0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 g L−1) and dissolved oxygen in solution (absence/presence) were studied. Lastly, the influence of phosphate, carbonate, and nitrate presence at different concentrations (50, 150, 350, and 500 mg L−1) on CN− elimination was tested. Additionally, the electric energy per order (EEO), a measure of the energy consumption in the process was determined, and a mechanistic view of CN− degradation was proposed. The results show that photolysis and alkaline activation of PS degraded 8 and 11% of CN−, respectively, whereas their combination presented a synergistic effect on CN− pollutant elimination. While oxygen had a vital role in photolysis due to the formation of 1O2 to oxidize CN− to CNO−, HO• and SO4•− were primarily responsible for CN− degradation by UVC/PS. It was also found that cyanide removal followed a pseudo-first-order kinetics whose apparent reaction rate constant (k) increased from 0.0104 to 0.0297 min−1 as the initial concentration of PS increased from 0.2 to 0.6 g L−1, indicating a strong dependency of the removal efficiency on the PS amount. Remarkably, cyanide degradation by the combined UVC/PS showed a high CN− conversion and selectivity even in the presence of high concentrations of phosphate, carbonate, and nitrate ions (500 mg L−1), which resulted in CN− removals higher than 80% after 60 min of degradation treatment. Furthermore, the EEO values were similar in the presence and absence of phosphate or carbonate; however, they decreased slightly with nitrate presence. All these results suggest the feasibility of the combined UVC/PS process for the elimination of cyanide such as that found in mining wastewater

    Mathematical modeling of the interplay between stress and anisotropic growth of avascular tumors

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    In this work, we propose a new mathematical framework for the study of the mutual interplay between anisotropic growth and stresses of an avascular tumor surrounded by an external medium. The mechanical response of the tumor is dictated by anisotropic growth, and reduces to that of an elastic, isotropic, and incompressible material when the latter is not taking place. Both proliferation and death of tumor cells are in turn assumed to depend on the stresses. We perform a parametric analysis in terms of key parameters representing growth anisotropy and the influence of stresses on tumor growth in order to determine how these effects affect tumor progression. We observe that tumor progression is enhanced when anisotropic growth is considered, and that mechanical stresses play a major role in limiting tumor growth