344 research outputs found


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    O presente trabalho busca pesquisar como o filme ‘A Vigilante do Amanhã: Ghost in the Shell’ pode apresentar-se como um instrumento pedagógico da disciplina Direito Cibernético. O ensino jurídico, ainda na contemporaneidade, mantém-se influenciado por um forte viés positivista e cartesiano, que dificulta o estabelecimento de diálogos com outros campos do conhecimento. A sua limitação, a um exercício dogmático, com aulas preponderantemente expositivas/unidimensionais e com a aplicação de métodos tradicionais (indutivo e dedutivo), não mais se coaduna com a exigência de mundo contemporâneo. A utilização da arte pode favorecer a mudança de perfil desse ensino jurídico, favorecendo a formação interdisciplinar e tridimensional (pessoa, cidadão e profissional) do estudante de Direito, em atendimento às exigências normativas vigentes. A priori, a presente obra cinematográfica pode servir de instrumento pedagógico hábil ao ensino do Direito Cibernético. Enfim, optou-se metodologicamente pela revisão bibliográfica, que recorreu à análise documental

    Impact of educational gardens and workshop activities on 8th-Grade student’s perception and knowledge of plant biology

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    The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/educsci12090619/s1, Supplementary Data S1. Dichotomous key for the Atlantic garden; Supplementary Data S2. Dichotomous key for the Lowland Mediterranean garden; Supplementary Data S3. Dichotomous key for the Mountain Mediterranean garden; Supplementary Data S4. Full pre-validated questionnaire for quantitative assessment of student knowledge gain; Supplementary Data S5. Performance in each question of the experimental and control groups, in both the pre- and post-test questionnaires; Supplementary Data S6. Scores for the pre-test and post-test in both control and experimental groups; Supplementary Figure S1. Construction of three educational gardens within the grounds of School EB 2/3 D. Maria II.Educational gardens can be a significant resource in the promotion of environmental education, engaging both the school population and the general public. The main goal of the present study was to implement and assess a hands-on interventional program to promote knowledge and awareness of plant-related topics at a basic school level. We report on a hands-on educational project implemented with 8th-grade Portuguese students (mostly 13–14 years of age), associated with the establishment, on school grounds, of three educational gardens representing distinct Portuguese ecosystems. This was a collaborative project and encompassed several activities and subjects, including garden creation, plant propagation and plant care, plant identification, the study of form–function relationships, and lectures by plant researchers. A survey instrument with pre- and post-test assessments demonstrated the effectiveness of the program in raising student knowledge and awareness on topics centered around the native flora. Specifically, we noted that scores increased in all questions addressing different plant biology-related topics in the post-test assessment. This study supports the benefits of incorporating field/laboratory work and educational gardens in educational programs geared toward plant-oriented environmental education.The present work was supported by the Pais com a Ciência Program, of the Agency Ciência Viva—Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica, in collaboration with CONFAP (Confederação Nacional das Associações de Pais). This work was also supported by Fundação Ilídio Pinho, Porto, Portugal. H.A. was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT/MCTES) ref. CEECIND/00399/2017/ CP1423/CT0004], and NORTE 2020 through FEDER, ref. [NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000007]. I.S-S. was supported by the program contract FCTUMINHO/Norma transitória from the Legal Regime of Scientific Employment (RJEC) and by the strategic program UID/BIA/04050/2020)

    Avaliação do florescimento de laranjeiras valência em condição de campo

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    Since citrus flowering is a key process in citriculture and its evaluation is often difficult due to the canopy structure and field sampling, the aim of this research was to give some directions regarding the evaluation of flowering in field-grown sweet orange plants. This study was conducted in a citrus orchard of sweet orange plants cv. 'Valencia' [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] grafted on 'Cleopatra' mandarin (Citrus reshni hort. ex Tanaka) or 'Rangpur' lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) rootstocks, with North-South orientation. Generative structures [buds, flowers and fruitlets (diameter < 3 cm)] were quantified weekly between August and November 2005, by using a 1 m² frame positioned at the middle third of plant canopy, sampling a volume of about 1 m³. Frames were divided in two parts so that two people could take measurements, and were positioned at Southeast, Southwest, Northeast and Northwest orientations, using seven plants. The following flowering parameters were: (i) number of plants necessary for a representative evaluation of flowering; (ii) plant canopy position to be sampled, and (iii) volume to be evaluated. When considering practical aspects of crop production, a rapid, simple and representative method for flowering evaluation is necessary, especially for growers that frequently have to make strategic decisions about the management of citrus groves. The flowering of field-grown 'Valencia' sweet orange plants can be rapidly assessed by considering at least five plants and sampling canopy volumes of 0.5 m³ in at least one canopy position on each side of the plant row.O florescimento dos citros é um processo chave na citricultura e sua avaliação é dificultada devido à estrutura da copa e amostragem em campo. O objetivo desse artigo foi fornecer algumas indicações de como avaliar o florescimento de laranjeiras em condição de campo. Esse estudo foi conduzido em um pomar de laranjeiras 'Valência' [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] enxertadas em tangerineira 'Cleópatra' (Citrus reshni hort. ex Tanaka) ou limoeiro 'Cravo' (Citrus limonia Osbeck), com orientação Norte-Sul. As estruturas reprodutivas [botões florais, flores e frutos (diâmetro < 3 cm)] foram quantificadas semanalmente entre agosto e novembro de 2005, utilizando guias de 1 m² posicionadas no terço médio da copa das plantas, amostrando aproximadamente um volume de 1 m³. As guias foram divididas em duas partes para que duas pessoas pudessem realizar as avaliações, e posicionadas nas orientações sudeste, sudoeste, nordeste e noroeste, em sete plantas. Alguns aspectos do florescimento dos citros foram avaliados: (i) quantas plantas são necessárias para uma amostragem representativa do florescimento; (ii) em qual orientação deve ser feita a medida e (iii) qual volume da copa das plantas que deve ser amostrado. Ao se considerar os aspectos práticos da produção dos citros, um método rápido, simples e representativo é necessário para avaliar o florescimento, especialmente quando produtores têm que freqüentemente tomar decisões estratégicas no manejo dos pomares. O florescimento de laranjeiras 'Valência' em condição de campo pode ser rapidamente avaliado considerando-se pelo menos cinco plantas e amostrando-se volumes de copa de 0,5 m³ em pelo menos uma posição da copa em cada lado da linha de plantio


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    This work addresses the use of the educational robotics as learning tools. The paper aims to evaluate the possible contributions of the First Lego League (FLL) robotics competition to develop students knowledge and required skills for good professionals. To achieve the research objective, this article presents a study that provides objective data based on the opinions of teachers and students that participated of the FLL. The data analysis strongly indicates that both teachers and students believe in FLL potential to promote school performance and the development of the skills of a good professional

    Maturation and physiological quality of IAC-863 Rangpur lime seeds

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    There is a growing demand for high quality seeds to obtain citrus rootstocks. Normative Instruction 48 (MAPA) of September 24, 2013, requires minimum of 50% germination for the marketing of citrus seeds. Harvest season is one of the stages of seed production with great importance to ensure quality, which makes knowing its maturation process an important step. Thus, the objective of this study was to monitor physicochemical changes in IAC-863 Rangpur lime fruits in order to characterize the physiological maturity of seeds, and to define the ideal harvest point in order to obtain seeds with high physiological quality to obtain rootstocks. Physicochemical analysis of fruits (mass loss, color, soluble solids and acidity) and analysis of seeds (water content, germination and emergence) was performed. Higher germination results were observed in seeds obtained from fruits with higher color index and soluble solids content. The storage of IAC-863 Rangpur lime fruits after harvest increases germination rate, especially in mid-season fruits.There is a growing demand for high quality seeds to obtain citrus rootstocks. Normative Instruction 48 (MAPA) of September 24, 2013, requires minimum of 50% germination for the marketing of citrus seeds. Harvest season is one of the stages of seed production with great importance to ensure quality, which makes knowing its maturation process an important step. Thus, the objective of this study was to monitor physicochemical changes in IAC-863 Rangpur lime fruits in order to characterize the physiological maturity of seeds, and to define the ideal harvest point in order to obtain seeds with high physiological quality to obtain rootstocks. Physicochemical analysis of fruits (mass loss, color, soluble solids and acidity) and analysis of seeds (water content, germination and emergence) was performed. Higher germination results were observed in seeds obtained from fruits with higher color index and soluble solids content. The storage of IAC-863 Rangpur lime fruits after harvest increases germination rate, especially in mid-season fruits

    A violência urbana é a maior causa de acidente de trabalho fatal no Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Este estudo visou quantificar a ocorrência de mortes diretamente associadas à violência urbana dentre os acidentes de trabalho fatais. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas autópsias verbais com familiares e colegas de trabalho de moradores de Campinas, SP, falecidos por causas externas no ano 2015. Também foram analisados boletins de ocorrência e laudos do Instituto Médio Legal relativos a essas mortes. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 82 acidentes de trabalho fatais em Campinas em 2015, dos quais 25 foram assassinatos, 35 foram acidentes de trânsito não diretamente decorrentes de atividades laborais e três foram suicídios no trabalho. A mortalidade proporcional por homicídios, acidentes de trânsito e suicídios entre os acidentes de trabalho fatais foi estimada em 30,5%, 42,7% e 3,7%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: A violência urbana foi responsável por 3/4 dos acidentes de trabalho fatais contabilizados no período estudado.OBJECTIVE: To quantify the occurrence of deaths directly associated with urban violence among fatal work-related accidents. METHODS: Verbal autopsies were performed with the relatives and coworkers of residents of Campinas, state of São Paulo, Brazil, who died from external causes in 2015. We have also analyzed police reports and reports of the Legal Medical Institute related to these deaths. RESULTS: We have identified 82 fatal work-related accidents in Campinas in 2015, of which 25 were murders, 35 were traffic accidents not directly related to work activities, and three were suicides at work. The proportional mortality rate for homicides, traffic accidents, and suicides among fatal work-related accidents was estimated at 30.5%, 42.7%, and 3.7%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Urban violence accounted for three-fourths of the fatal work-related accidents recorded in the period studied

    Physiological quality of citrandarins, Poncirus trifoliata and Sunki mandarin seeds

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    Rangpur lime is the rootstock most used in Brazil, mainly due to its resistance to drought; however, it is susceptible to several diseases, requiring the search for other rootstocks tolerant to factors limiting citrus cultivation. In addition, the Brazilian legislation stipulates that citrus seeds can only be commercialized with at least 50% germination rate. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds of seven citrus rootstocks. The following citrus fruits were harvested: Poncirus trifoliata, Sunki mandarin and their hybrids –citrandarins (70, 106, 254, 299 and 310). Fruit mass, diameter and height were measured. Seeds were extracted from fruits, counting the number of normal seeds (not aborted). Seeds were dried up to 20% water content and stored for 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The physiological quality of seeds was evaluated before storage (time 0) up to 12 months of storage. The quality of Poncirus trifoliata, Sunki mandarin and citrandarins 70, 106, 254, 299 and 310 seeds was reduced during storage. However, their germination rate remained above 50%, evidencing that seeds of all rootstocks could be marketed until 12 months of storage. The new rootstocks tested have seeds with physiological quality compatible with their parents, in compliance with current legislation.Rangpur lime is the rootstock most used in Brazil, mainly due to its resistance to drought; however, it is susceptible to several diseases, requiring the search for other rootstocks tolerant to factors limiting citrus cultivation. In addition, the Brazilian legislation stipulates that citrus seeds can only be commercialized with at least 50% germination rate. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds of seven citrus rootstocks. The following citrus fruits were harvested: Poncirus trifoliata, Sunki mandarin and their hybrids –citrandarins (70, 106, 254, 299 and 310). Fruit mass, diameter and height were measured. Seeds were extracted from fruits, counting the number of normal seeds (not aborted). Seeds were dried up to 20% water content and stored for 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The physiological quality of seeds was evaluated before storage (time 0) up to 12 months of storage. The quality of Poncirus trifoliata, Sunki mandarin and citrandarins 70, 106, 254, 299 and 310 seeds was reduced during storage. However, their germination rate remained above 50%, evidencing that seeds of all rootstocks could be marketed until 12 months of storage. The new rootstocks tested have seeds with physiological quality compatible with their parents, in compliance with current legislation


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    Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar os liames (jurídicos e teóricos) existentes entre a Educação Ambiental e o Ensino Jurídico. Para tanto, considera os resultados de uma pesquisa (estudo de caso) realizada por Brito (2013). Os resultados da pesquisa mencionada apontaram para a inadequação da implementação da Educação Ambiental no Curso de Direito, em prejuízo das exigências legais e das perspectivas teóricas adotadas. Diante dessa realidade, este trabalho busca evidenciar liames existentes entre os dois campos do saber, em prol da formação de cidadãos ambientais nas Graduações de Direito. A opção metodológica foi pela revisão bibliográfica, recorrendo-se à análise documental