407 research outputs found

    “Prevención del castigo físico que aplican los padres en los hogares, de los niños y niñas que asisten al reforzamiento escolar del turno matutino y vespertino de Asociación para el desarrollo integral comunitario ADIC, en el periodo 2015-2016”

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    Esta investigación que lleva por nombre “Prevención del castigo físico que aplican los padres en los hogares, de los niños y niñas que asisten al reforzamiento escolar del turno matutino y vespertino de Asociación para el desarrollo integral comunitario ADIC” llevándose a cabo una Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP) que implica a los participantes como principales actores para transformar su realidad. La problemática nace por medio de una encuesta aplicada por el equipo de ADIC, lo que provoca la indagación de este tema que es el Castigo Físico. Los participantes son los dueños de su realidad y son ellos quienes deciden transformarla. Mediante el proceso de intervención el comportamiento que tuvieron los niños/niñas era clave para darnos cuenta sobre aquellas debilidades de estructura familiar, los padres/madres reflexionaron durante los grupos focales que se realizaron y lograron percibir sobre la importancia que tiene la comunicación con sus hijos como punto clave para una buena relación familiar. Se procuró prevenir actitudes que conllevaran al castigo físico con el fin de mejorar la calidad de vida familiar a corto y largo plazo en los niños/niñas. Palabras claves: Castigo Físico Prevención Comportamient

    Melhoria da Atenção à Saúde da Pessoa com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica e/ou Diabetes Mellitus na UBS Moises da Costa Lopes, Mossoró/RN

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    FERNANDEZ, Yailen Valdivia. Melhoria da Atenção à Saúde da Pessoa com Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica E/Ou Diabetes Mellitus na UBS Moises Da Costa Lopes, Mossoró/RN. 2015. 90f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família) - Departamento de Medicina Social, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, 2015. A Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS) e a Diabetes Mellitus (DM) são doenças que representam graves problemas de saúde pública no Brasil e no mundo. Considerando que a HAS e a DM são responsáveis pela primeira causa de mortalidade e de hospitalizações no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), é providencial cadastrar e acompanhar os portadores de HAS e/ou DM, melhorando a qualidade dos serviços de atenção da saúde e garantindo-lhes acompanhamento e tratamento sistemático e efetivo. Desta forma, este trabalho de intervenção foi realizado com o objetivo geral de melhorara atenção à saúde da pessoa com hipertensão arterial sistêmica e/ou diabetes mellitus na UBS Moises da Costa Lopes, Mossoró/RN e se justifica por encontrarmos em nossa área de cobertura uma população com muitos fatores de risco, pouca cultura de saúde preventiva e educação em saúde com o total de 639 hipertensos e 158 diabéticos. Trata-se de uma intervenção desenvolvida no período de 12 semanas na UBS e utilizou como ferramentas os Protocolos preconizados pelo MS, bem como fichas espelho e planilha de coleta de dados disponibilizada pela ufpel. Foram desenvolvidas ações nos eixos de engajamento público, organização e gestão do serviço, monitoramento e avaliação e qualificação da prática clínica. Foi envolvido um total de 262 hipertensos e 172 diabéticos, 65,5% e 71,7% respectivamente, pois realizada apenas na equipe em que atuo. Do ponto de vista quantitativo foi importante a cobertura alcançada e do ponto de vista qualitativo os melhores resultados aconteceram com a orientação nutricional sobre alimentação saudável, pratica de atividade física regular, orientações sobre risco do tabagismo, sobre higiene bucal, além de estratificação de risco cardiovascular, exame clinico em dia e a busca ativa dos usuários com atrasos nas consultas, atingindo 100% das metas propostas. Ao término da intervenção, houve melhora também no cadastramento e no registro específico. Para o serviço também foi produtivo por incorporar as ações à rotina diária de trabalho, estabelecendo uma linha baseada na prevenção de saúde dos usuários hipertensos e/ou diabéticos. A UBS está mantendo esta reorganização após a intervenção para continuidade das melhorias.Palavras-chave: atenção primária à saúde; saúde da família; doença crônica, hipertensão arterial, diabetes mellitus, Assistência domiciliar; Saúde Bucal

    Perfil de los emprendedores en la industria de capital de riesgo en la Región del Maule

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    103 p.Este proyecto tiene como finalidad caracterizar a los emprendedores de la Region del Maule en base a la motivación, percepción respecto a inversionistas y al éxito, además de su relación con la industria de capital de riesgo. El problema que origina la elaboración de este estudio es el poco desarrollo que presenta la industria de capital de riesgo en nuestro país y la falta de conocimiento, por parte de los inversionistas, acerca de las cualidades que presentan los emprendedores en nuestra zona. Su propósito es ayudar a dar a conocer los negocios que involucran financiamientos riesgosos y la percepción que presentan los empresarios o emprendedores acerca de la inversión externa para sus negocios. Para entender mejor como se trabaja en proyectos relacionados con capital de riesgo hemos definido, en primer lugar, un marco teórico que explica el funcionamiento de esta industria y sus involucrados. En cuanto a la recolección de la información esta se llevo a cabo a traves de la aplicación de un cuestionario a los asistentes a las charlas y seminarios relacionados con capital de riesgo y emprendimiento dictadas durante el mes de Mayo de 2000 en la Universidad de Talca, Campus Lircay y Curico. La principal limitación que presenta el estudio es que las conclusiones solo son validas para la muestra y no pueden ser generalizadas para la población debido a la falta de un mecanismo para identificar, dentro de los empresarios de la Region, quienes poseían rasgos de emprendedores, por esto el estudio se enfoco hacia los asistentes a dichos seminarios ya que al asistir demostraban tener esta actitud

    Analysis of Outdoor Lighting Control Systems Applied to the New Smart City Models

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    Lighting accounts for more than 19% of the world’s electricity consumption. Simply replacing existing lighting systems with other LED technology would reduce energy consumption by up to 40%, and if we also use lighting controls, the figure can reach 80%. The transition to efficient lighting technologies (LEDs) is economically one of the most realistic and simple energy efficiency initiatives. Control systems play an important role in the world of lighting. Wherever you have exterior lighting, there will be a need for control. The systems that have been used so far have precedents that date back more than 35 years and allow control and monitoring functions of groups of light points, i.e. not individually. One of the major drawbacks of these systems is that they do not have flexibility, since they do not allow the individualization of the point of light, and in addition the orders that can emit are of generic character and affect the group, obtaining a rather inaccurate information of the installation. Complete telemanagement systems are currently being developed to meet the needs of different application segments. Experience shows that it is necessary to work with open systems so that the lighting management system works and communicates with other systems such as air treatment, safety systems, etc. Intelligent lighting, in addition to its control and energy management functions, also contributes to reducing the excess of artificial light to which our cities are subject, making them more livable

    Sensing Bisphenol A by Means of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and DFT Calculations to Elucidate the Enhancement Mechanism That Dominates the Spectrum

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    Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) was employed as a spectroscopic tool to detect Bisphenol A (BPA), a building block in polycarbonate and epoxy resins or an additive in other polymer plastics like PVC, which has an endocrine disruptor effect. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) synthesized by using different reducing agents such as hydroxylamine (Ag@HX), citrate (Ag@Cit), borohydride (Ag@BH), and β-cyclodextrin (Ag@βCD) were employed, aiming to select the best standard SERS substrate. The lowest limit of quantification was reached at a concentration of 0.01 mM (2.3 μg/mL) of a sonicated aqueous solution by using Ag@Cit NPs and identifying two enhanced bands recorded at about 350 and 460 cm−1. In order to gain insight into the nature of the enhanced bands, and therefore into which mechanism governs the SERS signal, electrochemical spectra recorded at different electrode potentials were acquired and TD-DFT calculations were applied to a neutral silver complex of BPA, Ag2-BPA, and to its monohydroxylated chemical specie, Ag2-BPA(OH), which is present in sonicated solution. The calculated electronic structure and the resonance Raman spectra point out that a surface plasmon-like resonance inside the silver cluster dominates the SERS spectrum corresponding to the physisorbed BPA(OH) species, a charge transfer enhancement mechanism or an intramolecular resonance transition localized in the phenolic framework was then discardedThis research was funded by Junta de Andalucía/FEDER (UMA18-FEDERJA-049 and P18-RT-4592). Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Relationship Between Logistics Management and Public Sector Transparency in Peru

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    Purpose:  The objective of this research was to determine the relationship of significance between logistics management and public transparency in the public sector in Peru.   Theoretical framework: Current literature has reported good findings on both logistics management and transparency. However, there is still much to research and learn about GL and T because it is an ever-evolving development.   Design/methodology/approach: The methodology was quantitative, using deductive and analytical methods addressing non-experimental and correlational inferences. The instrument was a survey, through an applied questionnaire to 90 public sector workers.   Findings:  The results revealed that logistics management is deficient 43%, public transparency is deficient 57%, likewise, a p=0.000<0.01, Kendall's Tau-b (65%) and Spearman's Rho (67%) were reached.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  We suggest an agenda for future research and highlight the contributions made to logistics management and transparency.   Originality/value: the level of relationship between logistics management and public transparency is considerable positive and highly significant, which means that by complying with supply standards and stock control, the entity can provide quality information and thus the inspection office will be able to audit the transparency of the data

    Insulin-like growth factor I sensitization rejuvenates sleep patterns in old mice

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    Sleep disturbances are common during aging. Compared to young animals, old mice show altered sleep structure, with changes in both slow and fast electrocorticographic (ECoG) activity and fewer transitions between sleep and wake stages. Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), which is involved in adaptive changes during aging, was previously shown to increase ECoG activity in young mice and monkeys. Furthermore, IGF-I shapes sleep architecture by modulating the activity of mouse orexin neurons in the lateral hypothalamus (LH). We now report that both ECoG activation and excitation of orexin neurons by systemic IGF-I are abrogated in old mice. Moreover, orthodromical responses of LH neurons are facilitated by either systemic or local IGF-I in young mice, but not in old ones. As orexin neurons of old mice show dysregulated IGF-I receptor (IGF-IR) expression, suggesting disturbed IGF-I sensitivity, we treated old mice with AIK3a305, a novel IGF-IR sensitizer, and observed restored responses to IGF-I and rejuvenation of sleep patterns. Thus, disturbed sleep structure in aging mice may be related to impaired IGF-I signaling onto orexin neurons, reflecting a broader loss of IGF-I activity in the aged mouse brain.This work was funded by a grant from Ciberned and is part of the project SAF2016-76462 funded by MCIN/AEI/https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011033. J.A. ZegarraValdivia acknowledges the fnancial support of the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC, Perú) through the National Fund for Scientifc and Technological Development (FONDECYT, Perú). J. Fernandes received a post-doc fellowship from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP: # 2017/14742–0; # 2019/03368–5)

    Sexual Functioning, Desire, and Satisfaction in Women with TBI and Healthy Controls

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can substantially alter many areas of a person\u27s life and there has been little research published regarding sexual functioning in women with TBI. Methods. A total of 58 women (29 with TBI and 29 healthy controls) from Neiva, Colombia, participated. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in sociodemographic characteristics. All 58 women completed the Sexual Quality of Life Questionnaire (SQoL), Female Sexual Functioning Index (FSFI), Sexual Desire Inventory (SDI), and the Sexual Satisfaction Index (ISS). Results. Women with TBI scored statistically significantly lower on the SQoL (p \u3c 0.001), FSFI subscales of desire (p \u3c 0.05), arousal (p \u3c 0.05), lubrication (p \u3c 0.05), orgasm (p \u3c 0.05), and satisfaction (p \u3c 0.05), and the ISS (p \u3c 0.001) than healthy controls. Multiple linear regressions revealed that age was negatively associated with some sexuality measures, while months since the TBI incident were positively associated with these variables. Conclusion. These results disclose that women with TBI do not fare as well as controls in these measures of sexual functioning and were less sexually satisfied. Future research is required to further understand the impact of TBI on sexual function and satisfaction to inform for rehabilitation programs

    PTA-based ruthenium complexes as photosensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cells

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    Two novel ruthenium complexes are synthesized, photo-characterized and tested as photosensitizers in dyesensitized solar cells (DSCs): [RuCl2(mPTA)3(H2O)](CF3SO3)3 (C1) (m: methyl; PTA: 3,5,7-triaza-phosphaadamantane) and [Ru(C=C=CPh2)Cp(PTA)(PPh3)](CF3SO3) (C2). The complexes are soluble in organic solvents and, interestingly, in water, which makes them useful for water-based photochemical processes. They possess excellent photon-absorption over a wide range of the spectrum with intense peaks at ∼ 330 nm for both sensitizers. A second peak is found for C2 at 525 nm, wider than the corresponding to the N719 standard dye. DSCs using these sensitizers are evaluated against different electrolytes. The solar cell performance was similar for both complexes and strongly dependent on the electrolyte nature, with a maximum conversion efficiency of 0.32% for the iodide/triiodide electrolyte