139 research outputs found

    Geological framework of potentialities and malfunctions in land use planning of Estorãos River Valley (Ponte de Lima – NW Portugal)

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    O Vale do rio Estorãos apresenta uma diversidade geológica singular, materializada em vários fulcros de interesse geológico - patrimonial e potencial ou económico. Antevêem-se possíveis óbices à valorização destes locais o que suscita a necessidade de elaboração de um quadro de ordenamento sustentável a nível municipal e regional capaz de evitar a sua depreciação e também implica a discussão da apetência potencial/patrimonial de cada fulcro previamente detectado em busca de um balanço integrado para a sustentabilidade do usufruto da unidade territorial.The Estorãos river Valley presents a singular geological diversity, materialized in many targets of geological interest – heritage interest and economic potential. Possible blockages to its adequate valorization impose the inclusion of these occurrences in a framework of municipal and regional land use, to prevent its depreciation, balancing the territorial land use with natural preservation and studying for each case the possible dichotomy between sustainable development and the preservation of environmental quality

    Dietary intake of young portuguese handball players

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    The aim of this study was to analyse dietary intake (macronutrients and micronutrients) in young female and male handball athletes. A transversal study was performed with young handball players from sub 16 and 18 Portuguese Handball Federation, who volunteered to participate in this study. Anthropometric (weight and height measure), nutritional intake (using food frequency questionnaire) and position in the game were evaluated. The final sample comprised 64 athletes (48.4% female and 51.6% male). The mean age was 16± 1 years, average body mass index was higher in females (24.1± 3.5kg/m2) than males (23.8± 3.0 kg/m2). Mean energy intake per day was significantly lower in females than males 2167.4± 1185.0 and 2952.9± 1315.8 kcal/day (p= 0.015, 95CI), respectively. According to the recommendations from food, most of the young handball athletes reported a generally higher dietary intake (protein intake was near to the upper recommendation limit; the carbohydrate intake was below and the fat intake higher) and a lower for some micronutrients. A process to identify the athletes that need nutritional support should be considered by handball coaches to optimise their performance and safeguard their healthTo all athletes and their coaches who contributed to the study and to the Portuguese Handball Federationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pyomelanin synthesis in alternaria alternata inhibits DHN-Melanin synthesis and decreases cell wall chitin content and thickness

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    The genus Alternaria includes several of fungi that are darkly pigmented by DHNmelanin. These are pathogenic to plants but are also associated with human respiratory allergic diseases and with serious infections in immunocompromised individuals. The present work focuses on the alterations of the composition and structure of the hyphal cell wall of Alternaria alternata occuring under the catabolism of L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine when cultured in minimal salt medium (MM). Under these growing conditions, we observed the released of a brown pigment into the culture medium. FTIR analysis demonstrates that the produced pigment is chemically identical to the pigment released when the fungus is grown in MM with homogentisate acid (HGA), the intermediate of pyomelanin, confirming that this pigment is pyomelanin. In contrast to other fungi that also synthesize pyomelanin under tyrosine metabolism, A. alternata inhibits DHN-melanin cell wall accumulation when pyomelanin is produced, and this is associated with reduced chitin cell wall content. When A. alternata is grown in MM containing L-phenylalanine, a L-tyrosine percursor, pyomelanin is synthesized but only at trace concentrations and A. alternata mycelia display an albino-like phenotype since DHN-melanin accumulation is inhibited. CmrA, the transcription regulator for the genes coding for the DHN-melanin pathway, is involved in the down-regulation of DHN-melanin synthesis when pyomelanin is being synthetized, since the CMRA gene and genes of the enzymes involved in DHN-melanin synthesis pathway showed a decreased expression. Other amino acids do not trigger pyomelanin synthesis and DHN-melanin accumulation in the cell wall is not affected. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy show that the cell wall structure and surface decorations are altered in L-tyrosine- and L-phenylalanine-grown fungi, depending on the pigment produced. In summary, growth in presence of L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine leads to pigmentation and cell wall changes, which could be relevant to infection conditions where these amino acids are expected to be available.This study was partly supported by the FEDER funds through the Operational Programme Competitiveness Factors-COMPETE and national funds by FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology under the strategic projects UIDB/00285/2020 and UID/NEU/04539/2013 the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Centro 2020 Regional Operational Programme under project CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-000012 and project CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER-022095:ViraVector, and through the COMPETE 2020—Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation and Portuguese national funds via FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, under project UIDB/04539/2020, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Centro 2020 Regional Operational Programme: project CENTRO-01-0145-FEDER- 000012-HealthyAging 2020, the COMPETE 2020—Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation, and the Portuguese national funds via FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.: project POCI-01-0145-FEDER- 007440. IF thank the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Program PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2013), LB (SFRH/BPD/107855/2015) and MD (SFRH/BD/84485/2012) grants. To POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006984 (LA LSRE-LCM), funded by ERDF, through POCI-COMPETE2020 and FCT. AC was supported in part by 5R01HL059842, 5R01AI033774, 5R37AI033142, and 5R01AI052733.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chemical treatment of coconut fiber and its composite / Tratamento químico da fibra de coco e seus compósitos

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    Composites with natural fibers usually present poor adhesion of filler to the matrix, as consequence of the hydrophilic nature of the fiber and hydrophobic nature of the polymer. These composites also display processing limitations due to the low thermal stability of the fiber. In order to reduce these issues, chemical treatments are usually employed. Thus, the present work aims to combine the processes of mercerization and bleaching to evaluate changes in thermal stability, tensile and impact strengths, flow behaviour and morphology of composites based on HDPE/coconut fiber, with treated and untreated fibers. The results showed that the treated fiber showed better thermal stability comparing to untreated one. The composites produced with both fibers showed an increase in elastic modulus and a reduction in the flow behaviour. However, only those obtained with the treated fiber showed an increase in impact strength in relation to neat HDPE, indicating a better interaction between the treated fiber and the HDPE matrix. These results corroborate the images obtained in SEM micrographs

    Crenças de mães, avós, babás e educadoras sobre cuidado de bebês

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    Com a crescente inserção feminina no mercado de trabalho a divisão dos cuidados de crianças pequenas se torna uma prática cada vez mais comum. Este artigo analisou a valorização dos sistemas de cuidado parental de 120 mulheres em quatro subgrupos de cuidadoras de crianças com até um ano de idade: mães, avós, babás e educadoras de creche. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas entre as cuidadoras na ordenação destes sistemas. Mães, babás e educadoras de creche diferiram na valorização dos sistemas face a face, estimulação corporal e cuidados básicos. Foi encontrado efeito da escolaridade na valorização do sistema face a face e cuidados básicos. Conclui-se que as cuidadoras apresentaram estilo parental misto, tanto distal, propiciando uma experiência de autonomia e separação, quanto proximal, valorizando maior relação interpessoal. O presente trabalho buscou contribuir para a compreensão das trajetórias de construção do self quando diferentes atores estão envolvidos nas rotinas de cuidado das crianças.With the greater inclusion of women in the job market, the division of childcare has become increasingly more common. This paper’s aim was to analyze potential differences among distinct profiles of caregivers regarding the valuation of Keller’s parenting systems. A total of 120 caregivers (mothers, grandmothers, nannies and daycare educators) of children younger than one year of age participated in a semi-structured interview. Significant differences were found among the caregivers in regard to the importance they assigned to the different systems: face-to-face, body stimulation and basic care. Education also significantly influenced the valorization of face-to-face and basic care systems. The conclusion is that the caregivers presented a mixed parental style, both distal, enabling the experience of autonomy and separation, and proximal, valuing greater interpersonal relationships. This study sought to contribute to understanding the trajectories used to the development of self when different actors are involved in childcare.Con la creciente inserción femenina en el mercado de trabajo la división de la atención de los niños pequeños es una práctica cada vez más común. En este artículo se analiza la valoración de los cuidados parentales en 120 mujeres (cuatro subgrupos de cuidadoras de niños menores de un año de edad: madres, abuelas, niñeras y educadores de guardería). Se encontraron diferencias en la ordenación de los sistemas de cuidado: las madres, niñeras y educadoras de guardería difieren en los sistemas de cara a cara, la estimulación del cuerpo, y la atención básica. Efecto de la educación se encuentra en el sistema cara a cara y en la atención básica. Con un enfoque sociocultural y evolucionista de la psicología del desarrollo, este estudio trata de contribuir a la comprensión de las trayectorias de la construcción de uno mismo cuando diferentes actores están involucrados en el cuidado de los niños

    Facts related to the collection of biological samples in the National Health Examination Survey - Portuguese Component of the European Health Examination Survey

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    Abstrat disponível em: http://www.ichg2011.org/cgi-bin/showdetail.pl?absno=11013The objective of the National Health Examination Survey (NHES), which corresponds to the Portuguese component of the European Health Examination Survey (EHES), is to collect health data, related risk factors and biological samples of the Portuguese population, using the EHES recommended methodology. These surveys involve an interview, clinical and physical measurements and blood collection. In this context, we herein describe the pilot study performed in S. Brás de Alportel in the Algarve region. For this pilot study, we have recruited 221 individuals (95 males and 126 females), between 25 and 91 years old, who were enrolled in the Health Centre of S. Brás de Alportel (Algarve). For each participant, we have collected 16.5 ml of total blood, in five different Vacutainer® tubes, which was later processed into serum, plasma and DNA. We have performed several biochemical analyses(total cholesterol, LDL,HDL, glucose, tryglicerides, creatinine, ALT, AST, -GT, CRP and iron) and a complete blood count. From the 221 participants in this pilot study, we were able to collect blood to 219 (99.5%). To 185 of these (84.5%) we were able to collect the total amount of blood. The biochemical analyses were performed in all the samples. The total blood count was performed in 103 samples (47%) due to transport constraints. We have also collected DNA from 210 participants (95.9%). We have created a biobank comprising 1847 serum aliquots and 959 plasma aliquots, which have been stored at - 80°C and 210 DNA aliquots which have been stored at 4°C. In conclusion, during this study, we have optimized the logistics and procedures to perform the large scale study for the NHES and EHES. In addition, we have created a biobank comprising detailed questionnaire data, physical and clinical data and biological samples from a representative sample of S. Brás de Alportel in Algarve, Portugal. This biobank will allow us to perform future studies, including the determination of the prevalence of gene variants of public health interest, the characterization of gene-environment interactions in the development of chronic diseases and the genetic structure of the Portuguese population. The success rate, the quality of the data and of the biological samples was high and comparable to similar studies.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia e European Commission/DG Sanc

    Long-term declines of wader populations at the Tagus estuary, Portugal: A response to global or local factors?

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    Migratory wader populations face global threats, mainly related to increasing rates of habitat loss and disturbance driven by human activities. To a large extent, the long-term survival of these populations requires the conservation of networks of sites along their migratory flyways. The Tagus estuary, Portugal, is among the most important wetlands for waders in the East Atlantic Flyway. Annual winter wader counts have been carried in this wetland since 1975 and a monthly roost-monitoring programme was implemented in 2007. Wintering populations of three out of the five most abundant species, Dunlin Calidris alpina, Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola and Redshank Tringa totanus, showed significant population declines over the past three decades, which are most likely due to the loss and degradation of roost sites as a result of increasing human activity. The situation is unlikely to improve, as a high proportion of the wintering waders use roost sites that are situated in highly urbanised areas with no legal protection. The use of different roost sites by waders is highly variable both temporally and spatially, thus emphasizing the need for a network of good quality roost sites. Additionally, during migration, 60–80% of all the waders of the Tagus estuary concentrate at a single refuge, thus increasing the risk for wader populations during these periods. ------ RESUMO ------ As populações de aves limícolas migradoras enfrentam ameaças globais, maioritariamente relacionadas com a crescente perda de habitat e perturbação humana. Para garantir a sobrevivência a longo-termo destas populações é imprescindível a conservação de uma rede de áreas húmidas ao longo das suas rotas migratórias. O estuário do Tejo, em Portugal, é uma das mais importantes áreas húmidas para aves limícolas na rota Migratória do Atlântico Este. Desde 1975, foram efectuadas contagens anuais de aves limícolas no inverno nesta zona húmida e, em 2007, foi implementado um programa de monitorização mensal dos refúgios de preia-mar. As populações invernantes de três das cinco espécies de limícolas mais abundantes no estuário, o Pilrito-de-peito-preto Calidris alpina, a Tarambola-cinzenta Pluvialis squatarola e o Perna-vermelha Tringa totanus, mostraram tendências significativas de decréscimo nas últimas três décadas, potencialmente devido à degradação e perda de refúgios como resultado da crescente actividade antropogénica. Esta situação poderá deteriorar-se, uma vez que uma grande proporção das aves limícolas invernantes utiliza refúgios em áreas densamente urbanizadas sem qualquer estatuto legal de protecção. A utilização dos diferentes refúgios do estuário do Tejo por aves limícolas tem uma grande variação espacial e temporal, o que reforça a importância da existência de uma rede de refúgios de elevada qualidade nesta área húmida. Durante a migração, 60 a 80% das aves limícolas concentram-se num único refúgio, ficando assim particularmente vulneráveis neste período

    HERA - Environmental Risk Assessment of a contaminated estuarine environment: a case study

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    Sado River estuary is located in the west coast of Portugal. Previous environmental studies identified industrial contamination, non-point anthropogenic sources and contamination coming from the river, all promoting accumulation of polluted sediments with known impacts on the ecological system. Surrounding human populations have intense economic fishery activities. Together with agriculture, estuary fishing products are available to local residents. Food usage previously characterized through ethnographic studies suggests exposure to estuarine products, farming products, and water in daily activities, as potential routes of contamination. It is well established that long term exposure to heavy metals are associated with renal and neurological diseases, most heavy metals are classified as carcinogenic and teratogenic.Instituição Financiadora: FCT; Instituições participantes: IMAR -Instituto do Mar (coord.)e PRÓ-INSA, Associação para a Promoção da Investigação em Saúde, Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorg

    Rett syndrome with and without detected MECP2 mutations: an attempt to redefine phenotypes

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    Background: The diagnosis of Rett syndrome (RTT) is based on a set of clinical criteria, irrespective of mutation status. The aims of this study were (1) to define the clinical differences existing between patients with Rett syndrome with (Group I) and without a MECP2 mutation (Group II), and (2) to characterize the phenotypes associated with the more common MECP2 mutations. Patients and methods: We analyzed 87 patients fulfilling the clinical criteria for RTT. All were observed and videotaped by the same paediatric neurologist. Seven common mutations were considered separately, and associated clinical features analysed. Results: Comparing Group I and II, we found differences concerning psychomotor development prior to onset, acquisition of propositive manipulation and language, and evolving autistic traits. Based on age at observation, we found differences in eye pointing, microcephaly, growth, number of stereotypies, rigidity, ataxia and ataxic-rigid gait, and severity score. Patients with truncating differed from those with missense mutations regarding acquisition of propositive words and independent gait, before the beginning of the disease, and microcephaly, growth, foot length, dystonia, rigidity and severity score, at the time of observation. Patients with the R168X mutation had a more severe phenotype, whereas those with R133C showed a less severe one. Patients with R294X had a hyperactive behaviour, and those with T158M seemed to be particularly ataxic and rigid. Conclusion: A clear regressive period (with loss of prehension and language, deceleration of growth) and the presence of more than three different stereotypies, rigidity and ataxic-rigid gait seemed to be very helpful in differentiating Group I from Group II