165 research outputs found

    Direito ao esquecimento : a aplicação do instituto no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2017.O direito ao esquecimento tem sido destaque no noticiário recente. Alguns casos que chegaram aos tribunais terminam por confrontar o direito à privacidade e a liberdade de expressão em contraposição ao direito de informação. O trabalho contextualiza a análise da aplicação das fórmulas de ponderação quando da colisão de direitos fundamentais, compreendendo os aspectos históricos e filosóficos que se impõe no processo de formação das memórias. Destaca-se os diversos entraves para a aplicabilidade do instituto, tal como as peculiaridades dos casos concretos, bem como a prática do entendimento dos tribunais superiores no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro.The right to be forgotten has been a highlight in recent news. Some cases that have reached the courts end up confronting the right to privacy and freedom of expression as opposed to the right to information. The paper contextualizes the analysis of the application of the weighting formulas when the collision of fundamental rights, by the understanding of the historical and philosophical aspects that are imposed in the process of memories formation. We highlight the various obstacles to the applicability of the institute, as well as the peculiarities of concrete cases and the practice of understanding the superior courts in the Brazilian legal system

    Dietary iron concentration may influence aging process by altering oxidative stress in tissues of adult rats

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    Iron is an essential element. However, in its free form, iron participates in redox-reactions, leading to the production of free radicals that increase oxidative stress and the risk of damaging processes. Living organisms have an efficient mechanism that regulates iron absorption according to their iron content to protect against oxidative damage. The effects of restricted and enriched-iron diets on oxidative stress and aging biomarkers were investigated. Adult Wistar rats were fed diets containing 10, 35 or 350 mg/kg iron (adult restricted-iron, adult control-iron and adult enriched-iron groups, respectively) for 78 days. Rats aged two months were included as a young control group. Young control group showed higher hemoglobin and hematocrit values, lower levels of iron and lower levels of MDA or carbonyl in the major studied tissues than the adult control group. Restricted-iron diet reduced iron concentrations in skeletal muscle and oxidative damage in the majority of tissues and also increased weight loss. Enriched-iron diet increased hematocrit values, serum iron, gammaglutamyl transferase, iron concentrations and oxidative stress in the majority of tissues. As expected, young rats showed higher mRNA levels of heart and hepatic L-Ferritin (Ftl) and kidneys SMP30 as well as lower mRNA levels of hepatic Hamp and interleukin-1 beta (Il1b) and also lower levels of liver protein ferritin. Restricted-iron adult rats showed an increase in heart Ftl mRNA and the enriched-iron adult rats showed an increase in liver nuclear factor erythroid derived 2 like 2 (Nfe2l2) and Il1b mRNAs and in gut divalent metal transporter-1 mRNA (Slc11a2) relative to the control adult group. These results suggest that iron supplementation in adult rats may accelerate aging process by increasing oxidative stress while iron restriction may retards it. However, iron restriction may also impair other physiological processes that are not associated with aging

    pH, Titratable Acidity and Total Soluble Solid Content of Pediatric Antitussive Medicines

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    Svrha: U ovoj su se eksperimentalnoj studiji in vitro procijenili endogeni pH, kiselost titracije i ukupan udjel čvrste topljive tvari (UUTČT) u pedijatrijskim antitusivnim lijekovima u obliku sirupa. Ispitanici i metode: sedam lijekova procijenjeno je u pokusu prema načelu slučajnog odabira i svaka je analiza bila ponovljena tri puta. Procjena pH-a obavljena je potenciometrijom, a ocijenjen je bio i puferski kapacitet nakon što se razrijedio svaki lijek. Inkrementi od 0,1 N KOH-a titrirani su dok nije dosegnuta neutralnost. Mjerenje UUTČT-a obavljeno je Brixovom refraktometrijom uz pomoć Abbéova refraktometra. Rezultati: vrijednosti pH-a kretale su se od 2,65 (Mucolin®) do 6,56 (Fluimucil®), a kod četiriju lijekova bile su niže od kritičnih 5,5. Vrijednosti titracijske kiselosti za te lijekove bile su od 0,061 (Fluimucil®) do 0,467 (Ambroxmel®). Fluimucil® je pokazao najnižu vrijednost UUTČT-a (4,33%), a Mucofan ® je imao najveću (53,41%). Zaključak: mnogobrojni pedijatrijski antitusici imali su pH ispod kritične vrijednosti, visoke titracijske vrijednosti te veliku koncentraciju šećera, što može povećati njihov kariogeni i erozivni učinak u slučaju neodgovarajuće primjene kod djece.Objectives: This in vitro experimental study evaluated the endogenous pH, titratable acidity and total soluble solids content (TSSC) of pediatric antitussive medicines presented as syrups. Materials and Methods: Seven medicines were evaluated by a random experiment with 3 repetitions for each sample. pH analysis was performed by potentiometry and buffering capacity was assessed by dilution of each medicine. Increments of 0.1 N KOH were titrated until neutrality was reached. TSSC readings were performed by Brix refractometry using the Abbé refractometer. Results: pH values ranged from 2.65 (Mucolin®) to 6.56 (Fluimucil®) and four medicines showed pH below the critical value of 5.5. The titratable acidity values ranged from 0.061 (Fluimucil®) to 0.467 (Ambroxmel®). Fluimucil® presented the lowest TSSC content (4.33%) and Mucofan® presented the highest TSSC content (53.41%). Conclusions: Many pediatric antitussives showed pH below the critical value, high titratable values and high sugar concentration, which may increase their cariogenic and erosive potentials in case of inadequate administration of these products to children


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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as pesquisas de energia solar em escala global nos últimos cinco anos a fim de identificar as formas de aplicação dessa fonte de energia e quais países estão participando das pesquisas na área solar. Neste contexto Foram analisadas as publicações sobre energia solar dos últimos cinco anos (2010 – 2015) de revistas científicas voltadas a temática de energias renováveis, sendo adotado o Fator de Impacto (FI) como critério de seleção. Os artigos foram analisados a nível de resumo para um universo amostral de mais de 350 publicações, das quais o índice do FI variou de 3 a 15. Os resultados mostram que os países com maior número de publicações na área de energia solar no mundo foram Índia, China, Espanha, Malásia e Estados Unidos, totalizando mais da metade das pesquisas mundiais. A energia solar térmica teve maior participação nas pesquisas e o ano de 2014 o maior número de publicações em relação a energia solar no mundo

    Spatial scopes of the milk production chain in Minas Gerais

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    Minas Gerais is the largest national milk producer. Milk activity is an important generator of direct and indirect jobs, and its evaluation can contribute to a better understanding of the regional growth process. Thus, this paper evaluated the spatial dimension of the milk production chain in Minas Gerais. The supply side and the intermediate and final demand side treat these dimensions. In this way, we performed the mapping and the proposal of a typology of the municipalities in this productive chain through the construction of latent potential indicators. The main results allow tracing corridors, which can boost the economic development and the social insertion of the municipalities in this production chain. In addition, we identified that the production growth is spatially concentrated. Therefore, from this analysis, we provide subsidies for the formulation of investment policies and microcredit policies for this activity.Minas Gerais é o maior produtor nacional de leite. Essa atividade é uma importante geradora de empregos diretos e indiretos, e a sua avaliação pode contribuir para o melhor entendimento do processo de crescimento regional. Assim, este artigo avaliou as dimensões espaciais da cadeia produtiva do leite em Minas Gerais. Tais dimensões foram tratadas pelo lado da oferta e da demanda intermediária e final. Foram realizados o mapeamento e a proposta de uma tipologia dos municípios nessa cadeia produtiva por meio da construção de indicadores de potencial latente. Os principais resultados permitem traçar corredores, que podem impulsionar o desenvolvimento econômico e a inserção social dos municípios inseridos nessa cadeia produtiva. Além disso, identificamos que o crescimento da produção está ocorrendo de forma concentrada espacialmente. Portanto, por meio dessa análise fornecemos subsídios para que sejam formuladas políticas de atração de investimentos e de microcrédito para essa atividade

    Metastatic Peripheral Neuroblastoma in a Dog

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    Background: Peripheral neuroblast neoplasms are considered as a group of tumors derived from primitive cells of the neural crest that are progenitors of the sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla. Reports of neuroblastoma in dogs are scarce in English literature, and there are no reports from Brazil due to its rare occurrence or missed diagnosis, because modern techniques are often not accessible in Brazil. The aim of the present study was reported a case of metastatic peripheral neuroblastoma in a 10-month-old bitch of Canadian Shepherd breed, attended at the Small Animal Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (HVPA-UFRRJ).Case: A 10-month-old female dog, Canadian Shepherd breed, presenting prostration, inappetence, emesis, progressive weight loss, and difficulties in the locomotion of the pelvic limbs was brought to the Small Animal Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (HVPA / UFRRJ) for treatment. Palpation of the abdominal cavity revealed a mass of approximately 14.0 cm diameter in the thoracolumbar region. After the second visit to HVPA/ UFRRJ, there was worsening of the clinical condition and onset of pain and dyspnea; hence, euthanasia was performed. The dog was referred for necropsy; the examination revealed a mass measuring 40.0 × 35.0 cm in the abdominal cavity that caused displacement of the intestines and compressed the liver against the diaphragm, as well as another mass that traversed the diaphragm through the esophageal hiatus and surrounded the esophagus, aorta, and caudal vena cava. The right adrenal gland was compressed and adhered to the mass, and the left adrenal gland was not visualized. Specimens of various organs were collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, and processed according to routine histological technique. Immunohistochemical examination performed on mass specimens revealed positivity for the anti-CD56, anti-synaptophysin, anti-GFAP, and anti-NSE markers and negativity for the anti-chromogranin and anti-Olig2 markers. Based on pathology and immunohistochemistry findings, a diagnosis of poorly differentiated peripheral neuroblastoma was made; in addition, presence of emboli of neoplastic cells in the hepatic sinusoids and branches of the portal vein and metastasis in the spleen, lymph nodes, lung, and meninges were confirmed.Discussion: Positive results for neural markers associated with negative results for those of other small round cell tumors was considered to indicate the presence of neuroblast tumors; glioblastoma and oligodendroglioma were ruled out based on the absence of anti-Olig2 labeling, and, especially, the possibility of occurrence of pheochromocytoma was excluded based on the absence of anti-chromogranin. During necropsy, the location of the mass at the retroperitoneal space near the thoracolumbar junction, craniomedially in relation to the left kidney, was confirmed, which is compatible with the location of the adrenal gland. Metastasis in the dura mater was determined to be present based on necropsy findings alone, and neoplastic invasion through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm of a large part of the thoracic cavity was observed, which, to the best of our knowledge, have not been described in reports of veterinary medicine. The high rate of tumor growth and compression and invasion of adjacent tissues and organs may be considered as potential factors for unfavorable prognosis of peripheral neuroblastoma

    Concretos que falam: análise comparativa de grafites sob vias suspensas nas cidades de São Paulo e Lorena/SP

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    O espaço urbano é constituído de múltiplos planos de referências sociais, econômicos e culturais, em que os atores transitam e deixam suas marcas, sejam elas visíveis ou invisíveis. Nas marcas visíveis, o grafite se reconfigura a partir de novas práticas e olhares pelo mundo todo, em que a analogia feita no título do artigo ganha força à medida que o observador atribui às imagens sensações, posicionamentos e percepções. O objetivo foi analisar comparativamente as intervenções artísticas urbanas na forma de grafite sob as vias suspensas das cidades de São Paulo (Museu Aberto de Arte Urbana – MAAU) e Lorena, no estado de São Paulo, Brasil, suas semelhanças, divergências e como interagem com o entorno. A metodologia consistiu em analisar os espaços por meio de fotografia e caderno de campo. Pode-se observar que o MAAU estabelece relação clara com o entorno revitalizado, enquanto em Lorena o movimento é oposto.The urban space is composed of multiple planes of social, economic and cultural references, in which actors transit and leave their marks, whether visible or invisible. In the visible marks, graffiti is reconfigured from new practices and looks around the world, where in the analogy made in the article title gains strength as the observer gives the images sensations, perceptions and positions. The aim was analyze urban artistic interventions in the form of graffiti under the suspended vias of the cities of São Paulo (Museu Aberto de Arte Urbana – MAAU) and Lorena, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, their similarities, differences and how they interact with the surrounding area. The methodology consists in analyze the spaces through photography and field notebook. It can be seen that the MAAU provides clear relationship with the surrounding area revitalized, as in Lorena movement is opposite

    Influence of PLLA/PCL/HA scaffold fiber orientation on mechanical properties and osteoblast behavior

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    Scaffolds based on aligned and non-aligned poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA)/polycaprolactone (PCL) fibers obtained by electrospinning, associated to electrosprayed hydroxyapatite (HA) for tissue engineering applications were developed and their performance was compared in terms of their morphology and biological and mechanical behaviors. The morphological results assessed by scanning electron microscopy showed a mesh of PLLA/PCL fibers (random and perfectly aligned) associated with aggregates of nanophased HA. Fourier transform infrared spectrometry confirmed the homogeneity in the blends and the presence of nanoHA in the scaffold. As a result of fiber alignment a 15-fold increase in Young’s Modulus and an 8-fold increase in tensile strength were observed when compared to non-aligned fibers. In PLLA/PCL/HA scaffolds, the introduction of nanoHA caused a remarkable improvement of the mechanical strength of this material acting as a reinforcement, enhancing the response of these constructs to tensile stress. In vitro testing was evaluated using osteoblast (MC3T3-E1) cells. The results showed that both fibrous scaffolds were able to support osteoblast cell adhesion and proliferation and that fiber alignment induced increased cellular metabolic activity. In addition, the adhesion and proliferation of Staphylococcus aureus were evaluated and a lower number of colony forming units (CFUs) was obtained in the scaffolds with aligned fibers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relação da força de preensão com a composição corporal e indicadores laboratoriais de diabéticos e hipertensos

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    Introduction: The change in handgrip strength (HGS) is an indicator of the emergence of some chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus (DM) and systemic arterial hypertension (SAH). Objective: Analyze the relationship between HGS and body composition and laboratory indicators of diabetic and hypertensive patients assisted in Primary Health Care. Methods: The sample consisted of 185 users of a Basic Health Unit in the city of Santarém, Pará, distributed into two groups: control (CTL) – users without a diagnosis of DM and/or SAH (n=66); and DM/SAH (n=119) – users with DM or SAH or both diseases. Data collection involved sociodemographic, clinical, anthropometric, biochemical, and HGS information. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, adopting p<0.05. Results: It was noted that low HGS in the DM/SAH group was associated with high values of body mass index, abdominal circumference, fat percentage, fat mass, total cholesterol, and triglycerides and with more factors for metabolic syndrome (p<0.05). The CTL group, in relation to DM/SAH for the same HGS classification, demonstrated significance for lower blood pressure values, body mass index, abdominal circumference, fat percentage, and fat mass, as well as a lower chance of developing metabolic syndrome (p<0.05). Conclusion: According to the study proposal, it is concluded that the evaluation and follow-up of HGS in individuals with chronic diseases,especially DM and SAH, is relevant to monitor body adiposity and dyslipidemia and avoid the aggravation of existing diseases or the emergence of new ones.Introdução: A alteração na força de preensão (FP) manual é indicador para surgimento de algumas doenças crônicas, como a diabetes mellitus (DM) e hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS). Objetivo: Analisar a relação da FP com a composição corporal e indicadores laboratoriais de diabéticos e hipertensos assistidos na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 185 usuários de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde na cidade de Santarém,Pará, sendo distribuídos em dois grupos: controle (CTL) – usuários sem o diagnóstico para DM e/ou HAS (n=66); e DM/HAS (n=119) – usuários com DM ou HAS ou as duas doenças. A coleta de dados envolveu informações sociodemográficas, clínicas, antropométricas, bioquímicas e FP. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva e inferencial, adotando-se p<0,05. Resultados: Notou-se que a FP baixa no grupo DM/HAS apresentou associaçãocom valores elevados do índice de massa corporal, circunferência abdominal, percentual de gordura, massa gorda, colesterol total, triglicerídeos e com mais fatores para a síndrome metabólica (p<0,05). Já o grupo CTL, em relação do DM/HAS para uma mesma classificação de FP, demonstrou significância para menores valores pressóricos, do índice de massa corporal, da circunferência abdominal, percentual de gordura, massa gorda, bem como menor chance para o desenvolvimento da síndrome metabólica (p<0,05). Conclusão: Conclui-se, conforme a proposta do estudo, que é relevante a avaliação e acompanhamento da FP em indivíduos com doenças crônicas, em especial a DM e a HAS, a fim de monitorar a adiposidade corporal e a dislipidemia, evitando o agravo das doenças instaladas ou o surgimento de novas