625 research outputs found

    Basket-Handle Arch and Its Optimum Symmetry Generation as a Structural Element and Keeping the Aesthetic Point of View

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    The arches were a great advance in construction with respect to the rigid Greek linteled architecture. Its development came from the hand of the great Roman constructions, especially with the semicircular arch. In successive historical periods, different types of arches have been emerging, which in addition to their structural function was taking aesthetic characteristics that are used today to define the architectural style. When, in the construction of a bow, the rise is less than half the springing line, the semicircular arch is no longer used and the segmental arch is used, and then on to another more efficient and aesthetic arch, the basket-handle arch. This study examines the classic geometry of the basket-handle arch also called the three-centered arch. A solution is proposed from a constructive and aesthetic point of view, and this is approached both geometrically and analytically, where the relationship between the radius of the central arch and the radius of the lateral arch is minimized. The solution achieved allows the maximum springing line or clear span to be saved with the minimum rise that preserves the aesthetic point of view, since the horizontal thrust of a bow is greater than the relationship between the springing line of the arch and the rise. This solution has been programmed and the resulting software has made it possible to analyse existing arches in historic buildings or constructions to check if their solutions were close or not from both points of view. Thus, it has been possible to verify that in most of the existing arches analyzed, the proposed solution is reached

    Chapter Frank Lloyd Wright: Models in Exhibitions (1932-1949)

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Selección y establecimiento de dos rodales semilleros de Gmelina arborea Linn en la zona de Zápotitán

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    El presente trabajo se llevó acabo en diciembre de 1987, en la zona de Zapotitán y consistió en la selección de árboles mejor formados de la especie Gmelina arborea que se encuentran en un área determinada, destinados para la recolección de semillas; dicha área quedará entonces establecida como Rodal Semillero. El trabajo tiene como objeto proporcionar la obtención de semilla mejorada para los programe de reforestación, identificar, seleccionar y establecer rodales semilleros de la especie Gmelina Arborea, disponer de un registro para dicho rodal y elaborar gulas técnicas para la clasificación de árboles semilleros y para la recolección de semillas. Los rodales semilleros son importantes porque actúan como fuente segura de semilla de cierta calidad genética que minimiza o elimina la dependencia de fuentes externas. Para que los rodales semilleros siempre actúen como tales requieren de actividades como raleos, limpieza y tratamientos. Gmelina Arborea es una especie que se adapta fácilmente a la zona y es de gran utilidad por su uso en la industria y la construcción. Con la selección realizada en los árboles se puede ver que se ha obtenido ganancia en ambas parcelas lo que significa que se obtendrán árboles fenotípicamente mejores y por ende mejores genéticament

    Una concepción didáctica del proceso de Enseñanza -Aprendizaje de los contenidos estadísticos en el Octavo grado del municipio Pinar del Río

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    En esta tesis se propone una concepción para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los contenidos estadísticos en octavo grado, que parte del estimulo de la significatividad de la Estadística, a partir de un enfoque problémico- integrador basada en la actividad exploratoria, que da la posibilidad del planteamiento de problemas contextualizados los cuales involucran a los alumnos en la producción de datos y el trabajo interdisciplinar en torno a la actividad estadístic

    Las alianzas en el inicio del mercado del cable en España : un enfoque institucional

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    El presente trabajo analiza las alianzas en el mercado del cable español en el momento inmediatamente anterior a la convocatoria de los concursos a las diferentes demarcaciones (principios de 1997). Partiendo de que uno de los objetivos de la regulación es contribuir a la estabilidad del mercado y después de mostrar algunos de los principales motivos para la alianza, hemos dividido los operadores de cable en tres grupos estratégicos: modestos, intermedios y grandes operadores. Entre las características de este último grupo destacan una mayoría de socios financieros y una reducida presencia de empresas extranjeras. Este artículo abre el camino a posteriores análisisThis article discusses alliances in cable at the first moment in the development of this business. The main objective of regulation is to stabilize new markets. Cable operators are divided into three groups: small, medium-sized and large operators. The last group is very interesting because of the prevalence of banks and electric companies as shareholders. Aside from these entities, there are a few foreign stockholders in Spanish cable. These are the main characteristics of large operators. This work opens avenues to future research

    Basket-Handle Arch and Its Optimum Symmetry Generation as a Structural Element and Keeping the Aesthetic Point of View

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    The arches were a great advance in construction with respect to the rigid Greek linteled architecture. Its development came from the hand of the great Roman constructions, especially with the semicircular arch. In successive historical periods, different types of arches have been emerging, which in addition to their structural function was taking aesthetic characteristics that are used today to define the architectural style. When, in the construction of a bow, the rise is less than half the springing line, the semicircular arch is no longer used and the segmental arch is used, and then on to another more efficient and aesthetic arch, the basket-handle arch. This study examines the classic geometry of the basket-handle arch also called the three-centered arch. A solution is proposed from a constructive and aesthetic point of view, and this is approached both geometrically and analytically, where the relationship between the radius of the central arch and the radius of the lateral arch is minimized. The solution achieved allows the maximum springing line or clear span to be saved with the minimum rise that preserves the aesthetic point of view, since the horizontal thrust of a bow is greater than the relationship between the springing line of the arch and the rise. This solution has been programmed and the resulting software has made it possible to analyse existing arches in historic buildings or constructions to check if their solutions were close or not from both points of view. Thus, it has been possible to verify that in most of the existing arches analyzed, the proposed solution is reached

    The tetrahydrofuran motif in marine lipids and terpenes

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    Producción CientíficaHeterocycles are particularly common moieties within marine natural products. Specifically, tetrahydrofuranyl rings are present in a variety of compounds which present complex structures and interesting biological activities. Focusing on terpenoids, a high number of tetrahydrofuran-containing metabolites have been isolated during the last decades. They show promising biological activities, making them potential leads for novel antibiotics, antikinetoplastid drugs, amoebicidal substances, or anticancer drugs. Thus, they have attracted the attention of the synthetics community and numerous approaches to their total syntheses have appeared. Here, we offer the reader an overview of marine-derived terpenoids and related compounds, their isolation, structure determination, and a special focus on their total syntheses and biological profiles.Junta de Castilla y León - (grant VA294-P18

    Parto y distocias en la perra y en la gata

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    El conocimiento de la fisiología normal del parto, eutocia, resulta indispensable para reconocer y, por lo tanto, establecer un adecuado plan de actuación clínica ante un parto patológico o distócico. En la primera parte de este artículo revisamos los mecanismos del parto en la perra y en la gata poniendo especial interés en aquellos aspectos de mayor trascendencia clínica; posteriormente estudiamos el parto patológico, su diagnóstico y las técnicas obstétricas que debemos emplear para resolver el problema que plantea un parto distócico en los animales de compañía.An adequate knowledge of the physiological parturition, eutocya, results essential in order to recognize and then establishing an accurate plan of clinicalperformance, to cope with the pathological whelping or dystocia. That's why in the first part of this article the mechanism of parturition in the bitch and the queen are reviewed, watching especiaUythose aspects of clinical significance; after this we study the pathological parturition, its identification and the obstetrical techniques to use in order to get successin the resolution of the trouble that a dystocia in companion animals represents