8,315 research outputs found

    Multilingual Information Framework for Handling textual data in Digital Media

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    This document presents MLIF (Multi Lingual Information Framework), a high-level model for describing multilingual data across a wide range of possible applications in the translation/localization process within several multimedia domains (e.g. broadcasting interactive programs within a multilingual community)

    Recommendations and guidelines for applied nutrition experiments in rabbits

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    [EN] The aim of this paper was to draw up a set of recommendations for applied nutrition and feeding trials with rabbits, in relation to certain aspects such as determining the nutritive value of raw materials or diets in growing or reproducing animals, studying digestive physiology and obtaining growth and reproduction parameters. We deal first with animals, size of the sample, housing conditions, diets, handling, measurements, and the data analyses relevant to the design of the experiment are described. Secondly, we give a list of recommended items and include some comments.This study was partly supported by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION (ERAFE program and the COST 848 Action).Fernández-Carmona, J.; Blas, E.; Pascual Amorós, JJ.; Maertens, L.; Gidenne, T.; Xiccato, G.; García, J. (2005). Recommendations and guidelines for applied nutrition experiments in rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 13. doi:10.4995/wrs.2005.516SWORD1

    Stratigraphy and structure of the Punta Negra Anticline. Implications on the structural evolution of the Argentine Precordillera

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    The Punta Negra Anticline is a thrust-related fold, several kilometres wide, located at the front of the Argentine Central Precordillera. A stratigraphic succession including Ordovician, Silurian and Devonian rocks is exposed in its core, instead of a Devonian and Carboniferous succession as previously had been considered. The Punta Negra Anticline also involves a Tertiary sequence displaying syntectonic uncon­formities in the transition between the Albarracín and Mogna formations, recording the timing of thrusting and folding at the front of the Central Precordillera. This anticline folds thrust systems detached at the Silurian and Devonian shales, which we interpret as pre-Andean (Gondwanan) thrusts in this part of the Precordillera. The pre-Andean age of these thrusts is also consistent with their truncation by Tertiary subvolcanic intrusive bodies that predate the onset of the Andean deformation in the Punta Negra area. Moreover, the size and structural style of the Punta Negra Anticline, Andean in age, is in contrast with the other folds of the Central Precordillera, whose sizes do not exceed the hectometric scale and can be related to Gondwanan thrusting. This implies an Andean deeper thrust, probably detached at the bottom of the Cambrian succession.El Anticlinal de Punta Negra es un pliegue de varios kilómetros de anchura, relacionado con el cabalgamiento frontal de la Precordillera Central Argentina. Previamente se había considerado que las rocas más antiguas expuestas en dicho anticlinal eran devónicas, pero la sucesión estratigráfica que aflora en su charnela incluye también rocas ordovícicas y silúricas. El Anticlinal de Punta Negra también invo­lucra una sucesión de edad terciaria, la cual muestra discordancias sintectónicas en el tránsito entre las formaciones Albarracín y Mogna, proporcionando información sobre la edad y evolución de dicha estructura. El anticlinal pliega cabalgamientos despegados en las pizarras silúricas y devónicas, que interpretamos como de edad pre-Andina (Gondwánicos). Estos cabalgamientos están cortados por cuerpos intru­sivos subvolcánicos que son anteriores a la edad propuesta para el comienzo de la deformación Andina en el área de Punta Negra. Además, el tamaño y estilo del Anticlinal de Punta Negra, de edad Andina, contrastan con el resto de los pliegues de la Precordillera Central, cuyos tamaños no exceden de centenares de metros y pueden ser atribuidos a la deformación Gondwánica. Ello implica un cabalgamiento mas profundo en el Anticlinal de Punta Negra, probablemente enraizado en la base de la sucesión cámbrica

    Preparación de mallas mediante electrohilado para la inhibición de la angiogénesis

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    La preparación de nanofibras por electrohilado está ganando mucho interés en la actualidad debido a su posible aplicación como sistemas de liberación controlada de fármaco. La incorporación del compuesto activo en la matriz polimérica de las fibras permite su protección frente a los procesos degradativos del organismo y su liberación controlada y localizada. Numerosas enfermedades (psoriasis, retinopatías diabéticas, crecimiento de tumores) están relacionadas con alteraciones en la angiogénesis (formación de nuevos vasos sanguíneos a partir de otros ya formados), por tanto el desarrollo de nuevos compuestos que regulen adecuadamente los procesos angiogénicos se está estudiando como una posible vía en el tratamiento de estas enfermedades. En el presente trabajo se han preparado y caracterizado nanofibras de ácido poli(D,L-láctico) cargadas con ácido 5-amino-2-naftalensulfónico o el homopolímero del ácido 2-acrilamido-2-metilpropanosulfónico, compuestos inhibidores de la acción de algunos factores de crecimiento proangiogénicos dependientes de heparina. La distinta naturaleza de los compuestos activos utilizados permitieron la obtención de diferentes perfiles de liberación, dependientes de la hidrofilia del compuesto activo, su peso molecular y la biodegradabilidad del ácido poli(D,L-láctico). Ambos sistemas mostraron una alta capacidad para inhibir la mitogénesis de fibroblastos inducida por aFGF.Preparation of nanofibers by electrospinning is gaining much attention due to their potential application as drug delivery systems. The incorporation of the active compound in the polymeric matrix of the fibers prevents degradation and allows a controlled and localized delivery of the drug. Many diseases (psoriasis, diabetic retinopathy, tumor growth) have been related to alterations in the angiogenic processes, therefore the control of angiogenesis is being investigated as a possible treatment for these diseases. In this work poly(D, L-lactic acid) nanofibers loaded with sulfonated active compounds that inhibit heparin-dependent proangiogenic growth factors (5-amino acid-2-naphthalene sulfonic acid and poly(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid) have been prepared and characterized. The different nature of the active compounds gave rise different release profiles that depended on the hydrophilic nature of the drug, molecular weight, and the biodegradation of poly (D, L-lactic acid). Both systems showed a high inhibition of fibroblasts aFGF- induced mitogenesis.Peer Reviewe

    Los tornillos como método suplementario de fijación de las cúpulas acetabulares: Utilidad de la digitalización de imágenes

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    La fijación suplementaria con tornillos de los componentes acetabulares hemisféricos no cementados es utilizada para proporcionar estabilidad primaria al implante. No obstante su empleo se asocia a un mayor riesgo de lesiones neurovasculares, complicaciones propias de los tornillos e incremento de osteolisis. Se han estudiado retrospectivamente las radiografías de 30 cúpulas cotiloideas no cementadas modelo Bihapro, suplementadas con tornillos, con un seguimiento mínimo de 5 años. Se utilizó, además, un programa de análisis y procesamiento de imágenes por ordenador. No se produjeron lesiones neurovasculares o viscerales, no se apreció ninguna movilización de la cúpula y sólo se observó un caso e osteolisis alrededor de un tornillo en un paciente sometido a cirugía de revisión. La digitalización de imágenes es una técnica que permite entre otras ventajas graduar densidades óseas periprotésicas facilitando un diagnóstico precoz de zonas líticas y microdeslizamientos protésicos, eliminando la subjetividad del observador.The supplementary fixation with screws non-cemented acetabular hemispheric components is used to provide primary stability to the implants. However, their use has been associated to a bigger risk of neurological and vascular damage, characteristic complications of the screws and osteolysis. The X-rays of 30 non-cemented acetabular cups model Bihapro supplemented with screws have been studied retrospectively with a 5 year-old minimum follow-up. It was also used an analysis program and computer store of images. No neurological or vascular damage took place. Any mobilization of the cup was not appreciated and only in one case of an osteolytic area was observed around a screw in a patient who unfderwent revision surgery. The digitalization of images is a technique that allows among other advantages to graduate periprosthetic bone densities facilitating an early diagnose of lytic areas and prosthetic micromovements eliminating the observer's subjectivity

    Fenómenos de retracción y comportamiento frente a la corrosión de materiales base cemento de bajo pH basados en OPC o CAC

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    Prior to using low-pH cementitious materials in underground repositories for high level waste, the characteristics determining their long-term durability must be analysed in depth. In this sense, different shrinkage tests have been made on mortar and concrete specimens using low-pH cement formulations based on ordinary portland cement (OPC) or calcium aluminate cement (CAC), with high mineral admixtures contents. They showed similar autogenous shrinkage than samples without mineral admixtures but higher drying shrinkage when materials based on OPC with high silica fume contents were considered. Besides, as the use of reinforced concrete could be required in underground repositories, the susceptibility of reinforcement to corrosion when using low-pH cementitious materials based on OPC was analyzed, considering carbon steel and galvanized steel. In the formers corrosion was detected due to the low pore solution pH but any problem was detected when galvanized reinforcement were used.Previo al empleo de materiales con cementos de bajo pH en almacenamientos geológicos profundos (AGP) de residuos radiactivos de alta actividad, características relacionadas con su durabilidad a largo plazo deben ser verificadas. Así, su estabilidad volumétrica se ha analizado en morteros y hormigones de bajo pH basados en OPC o CAC, con elevados contenidos de adiciones minerales. Estos presentaron retracciones autógenas similares a las medidas en materiales convencionales, pero retracciones por secado mayores en los basados en OPC y altos contenidos de humo de sílice. Dado que en zonas de los AGP podría emplearse hormigón armado, también se evaluó la susceptibilidad a la corrosión de aceros al carbono y aceros galvanizados en materiales de bajo pH basados en OPC. Se detectó un inicio temprano de corrosión en los primeros debido al bajo pH presente en el fluido de los poros de estos materiales, sin detectarse problemas al emplear aceros galvanizados

    The recycling of bayer electrofilter fines for diverese applications

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    3 pages, 1 figure, 1 table.-- En: 1st Spanish National Conference on Advances in Materials Recycling and Eco – Energy Madrid, 12-13 November 2009.-- Editors: F. A. López, F. Puertas, F. J. Alguacil and A. Guerrero.Aluminum is the second most used metal after iron due to its singular properties that makes its alloys useful in many applications. Despite of its great importance, the obtaining processes (Bayer_Hall-Heroult tandem) produce an important environmental impact. Generated waste and pollutants should be minimized and treated. The laboratory of Metallurgy of the Escuela de Minas de Oviedo is investigating the uses of industry wastes from alumina/aluminum industry since over 30 years. This paper presents one of the research lines followed for the recycling of electrostatic filter fines from alumina calcination furnace to produce industrial quality aluminum sulfate, alums and abrasives.Peer reviewe

    Pseudo-Jahn-Teller origin of the low barrier hydrogen bond in N2H7+

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    The microscopic origin and quantum effects of the low barrier hydrogen bond (LBHB) in the proton-bound ammonia dimer cation N2H7+ were studied by means of ab initio and density-functional theory(DFT) methods. These results were analyzed in the framework of vibronic theory and compared to those obtained for the Zundel cation H5O2+. All geometry optimizations carried out using wavefunction-based methods [Hartree–Fock, second and fourth order Möller–Plesset theory (MP2 and MP4), and quadratic configuration interaction with singles and doubles excitations (QCISD)] lead to an asymmetrical H3N–H+⋯NH3 conformation (C3v symmetry) with a small energy barrier (1.26kcal/mol in MP4 and QCISD calculations) between both equivalent minima. The value of this barrier is underestimated in DFT calculations particularly at the local density approximation level where geometry optimization leads to a symmetric H3N⋯H+⋯NH3 structure (D3d point group). The instability of the symmetric D3d structure is shown to originate from the pseudo-Jahn–Teller mixing of the electronic A1g1ground state with five low lying excited states of A2u symmetry through the asymmetric α2u vibrational mode. A molecular orbital study of the pseudo-Jahn–Teller coupling has allowed us to discuss the origin of the proton displacement and the LBHB formation in terms of the polarization of the NH3 molecules and the transfer of electronic charge between the proton and the NH3 units (rebonding). The parallel study of the H5O2+ cation, which presents a symmetric single-well structure, allows us to analyze why these similar molecules behave differently with respect to proton transfer. From the vibronic analysis, a unified view of the Rudle–Pimentel three-center four-electron and charge transfer models of LBHBs is given. Finally, the large difference in the N–N distance in the D3d and C3v configurations of N2H7+ indicates a large anharmonic coupling between α2u-α1g modes along the proton-transfer dynamics. This issue was explored by solving numerically the vibrational Schrödinger equation corresponding to the bidimensional E[Q(α2u),Q(α1g)] energy surface calculated at the MP4/6-311++G** level of theory

    Limited genetic antagonism between premium cuts yield and intramuscular fat content in Iberian pigs

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104La producción de cerdo ibérico está orientada a la obtención de materia prima para la elaboración de productos curados de alta calidad, determinada entre otros factores por el contenido en grasa intramuscular. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estimar las correlaciones genéticas entre el contenido de grasa intramuscular, medido mediante tecnología NIRS en M. longissimus, y los principales caracteres productivos: porcentaje de jamones, paletas y lomos del peso de la canal, y la ganancia media diaria durante el periodo de ‘Montanera’. Los registros analizados proceden de 6.103 cerdos castrados de 56 ganaderías y controlados desde 1993 al 2007 por AECERIBER. Los animales con un manejo extensivo común fueron sacrificados, en 79 lotes, a un peso medio de aproximadamente 160 kg. Las heredabilidades estimadas presentaron valores altos para todos los caracteres (0,37 a 0,48) indicando que la selección para todos los caracteres puede ser efectiva. Las correlaciones genéticas entre el porcentaje de las principales piezas nobles fueron altas y positivas (de 0,36 a 0,69) lo cual indica que dichos caracteres están en parte controlados por un mismo grupo de genes. Las correlaciones genéticas entre el contenido en grasa intramuscular y ganancia media diaria y el porcentaje de paletas no fueron significativamente diferentes de cero. Sin embargo, se estimaron efectos negativos significativos entre el contenido en grasa intramuscular y el porcentaje de jamones (-0.19 ± 0.04) y lomos (-0.23 ± 0.03). Estos valores indican que una intensa selección orientada a mejorar el porcentaje de piezas nobles de la canal, puede a medio plazo deteriorar la calidad de los productos curados en cerdos Ibéricos.The production of Iberian pigs is mainly focused to obtain raw meat to elaborate dry-cured products of high sensorial quality, mainly influenced by the intramuscular fat content. The objective of this work was to estimate the genetic correlations between intramuscular fat content in M. longissimus, measured using NIRS technology, and the main productive traits: percentages on carcass weight of hams, forelegs and loins, and the daily growth along the final fattening period. Records for this analysis came from 6,103 castrate males, born in 56 herds and controlled by AECERIBER from 1993 to 2007. All the animals were fattened with a common extensive management system and slaughtered, distributed in 79 batches, at approximately 160 kg. Heritability estimates presented high values for all the traits (ranging between 0.37 and 0.48) indicating that the selection for these traits could be effective. Genetic correlations between percentages of premium cuts were high and positive (from 0.36 to 0.69). This fact indicates that these traits are partially controlled by the same group of genes. Genetic correlations between intramuscular fat content and the daily growth and percentage of forelegs showed estimated values statistically non different from cero. However, significant negative values of genetic correlations were estimated between intramuscular fat content and the percentages of hams (-0.19 ± 0.04) and loins (-0.23 ± 0.03). These last values indicate that a strong selection in Iberian pigs focused to the improvement of the carcass percentage of premium cuts, could cause a deterioration of the meat suitability for dry-curing in a medium-time horizon