564 research outputs found

    Infiltración ecoguiada de plasma rico en plaquetas para el tratamiento de tendinopatías

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    La tendinopatía es una patología muy frecuente, especialmente a partir de los 35 años, en la que se afecta la morfología del tendón y las estructuras que lo rodea, debido a mecanismos de sobrecarga. El diagnóstico se realiza con técnicas de imagen como resonancia magnética (RM) o ecografía. La clínica es variada, predominando una afectación de la funcionalidad y dolor. Los tratamientos contemplados son médicos (infiltración de corticoides, analgesia oral…), rehabilitadores o quirúrgicos. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es demostrar la efectividad del plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) para el tratamiento de tendinopatías, expresando la posible efectividad a través de una mejora clínica y/o ecográfica, a través de la escala ASES modificada antes – después y de controles ecográficas. Materiales y métodos: realizamos un estudio cuasi experimental antes – después, con una muestra de 25 pacientes, tratados desde 2016 hasta 2019 en el Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, en el Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico. Recogimos múltiples variables socio demográficas, clínicas, analíticas y radiológicas. El PRP permite una mejoría clínica de forma global (ASES score modificada), tanto en dolor como en función, de los pacientes seleccionados. Es decir, tras el último control a los 3 meses tras la última infiltración (ya fuera solo una, dos o tres), el 100% de los pacientes presentan mejoría clínica, siendo parcial un 44% y total un 56%. Además, un 88% de los que presentan mejoría clínica también presenta mejoría ecográfica. El PRP permite una mejoría clínica de forma global (ASES score modificada), tanto en dolor como en función, de los pacientes seleccionados. No existe relación entre el número de infiltraciones y la mejoría en la ASES score modificada – después. Puede haber factores influyentes en la respuesta al tratamiento con PRP como el deporte, la patología concomitante y tratamientos crónicos. Las incidencias en la obtención del PRP se relacionan con el tamaño plaquetar. Ahora se abre la puerta a nuevos estudios con muestras más amplias para establecer, más allá de esta mejoría clínica, si existen factores que influyan en la respuesta, para lograr un tratamiento más efectivo. Resulta necesario realizar estudios posteriores utilizando siempre el mismo kit para la obtención del PRP y bajo las mismas condiciones.Grado en MedicinaGrado en Medicin

    Implementation of a Linked Open Data Solution for the Statistics Agency of Cantabria's Metadata and Data Bank

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    Statistics is a fundamental piece inside the Open Government philosophy, being a basic tool for citizens to know and make informed decisions about the society in which they participate. Due to the great number of organizations and agencies that collect, process and publish statistical data all over the world, several standards and methodologies for information exchange have been created in recent years in order to improve interoperability between data producers and consumers, of which SDMX is one of the most renowned examples. Despite having been developed independently of this, the global Semantic Web effort (backed mainly by the W3C-driven Linked Open Data initiatives) presents itself as an extremely useful tool for publishing both completely contextualized metadata and data, therefore making them easily understandable and processable by third parties. This report details the changes made to the IT systems of the Statistical Agency of Cantabria (Instituto Cántabro de Estadística, ICANE) with the purpose of implementing a Linked Open Data solution for its website and statistical data bank, making all data and metadata published by this Agency available not only to humans, but to automatized consumers, too. Multiple standards, recommendations and vocabularies were used for this task, ranging from Dublin Core metadata RDFa tagging, through the creation of several SKOS concept schemes, to providing statistical data using the RDF Data Cube vocabulary

    Dynamics of mammary infections in organic dairy farms in Northern Spain

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the microbiological state and the dynamics of the mammary infections of organic farms in North Spain to discover if the high somatic cell count (SCC) observed in these farms is associated to a high incidence of mastitis. Microbiological cultures and SCC were performed in 8,496 foremilk samples collected from 160 cows in five representative organic farms from February 2006 to January 2008. Even though 79.3% of cultures were positive, only 21.2% of the total fit our diagnosis of mastitis (clinical, subclinical and chronic). The great prevalence of Corynebacterium bovis (teat canal-region pathogen) in the positive cultures that did not fit the mastitis diagnosis criteria (nearly 70%) compared with those that did (27%) was found to be related to lack of post-milking teat disinfection. The study prevalence of mastitis was 69.2% (66.7% subclinical mastitis, 27.8% clinical mastitis); the mean monthly prevalence was 47.4%; the mean monthly incidence was 12.9% and the mean duration of infection was 3.84 ± 3.98 months The high SCC in foremilk samples from old cows (three or more lactations) not diagnosed as mastitis compared to the heifers, reflects a worsening health status of the animals over time. When compared with the conventional sector in Northern Spain, these parameters indicate a poorer udder health in the studied organic herds with a high presence of chronic subclinical processesINIA (Ref. RTA2006-00132-C02-01)S

    Time course of l-tryptophan metabolites when fermenting natural grape musts: effect of inoculation treatments and cultivar on the occurrence of melatonin and related indolic compounds

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    Background and Aims:Tryptophan is involved in the formation of bioactive compounds, such as melatonin (MEL) and3-indoleacetic acid (3-IAA), by yeast. Melatonin is a neurohormone whose occurrence in wine has been widely reported inrecent years. The occurrence, however, of MEL and other indolic compounds related to tryptophan metabolism by wineyeast strains has been scarcely reported in grape musts. This work examined the occurrence of these compounds during thealcoholic fermentation (AF) of musts from seven grape cultivars, Corredera, Chardonnay, Moscatel, Palomino Fino, Sau-vignon Blanc, Tempranillo and Vijiriega.Methods and Results:Must was fermented with threeSaccharomyces cerevisiaestrains and then in two cases an additionalsequential inoculation with the non-SaccharomycesyeastTorulaspora delbrueckiiwas carried out. Fermented must samples wereanalysed by UHPLC/HRMS to determine the concentration of:L-tryptophan, 5-hydroxytryptophan, 5-hydroxytryptamine,N-acetyl-5-hydroxytryptamine, MEL, 3-IAA, tryptamine, tryptophol andL-tryptophan ethyl ester. The profile of indoliccompounds during AF with the Aroma White strain depended on the cultivar. The yeast strain did not influence the profile ofindolic compounds; instead, fermentation time was found to be a more influential factor.Conclusions:The production of indolic compounds during the AF depends largely on the cultivar used and the day of fer-mentation on natural grape musts.Significance of the Study:This is thefirst study that quantifies 5-hydroxytryptophan andN-acetyl-5-hydroxytryptamineduring the AF of grape must. The occurrence of compounds with bioactive potential, for example 3-IAA and ML, during fer-mentation with commercial yeast strains is also described.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España - AGL2013-47300-C3-2-R, 2014–16 y AGL2016-77505-C3-2-R, 2017–1

    Peritoneal total protein transport assessed from peritoneal equilibration tests using different dialysate glucose concentrations

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    Randomized controlled trial[Abstract] Background: The peritoneal equilibration test (PET) permits assessment of peritoneal protein transport, but this potential marker of outcome in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients lacks adequate standardization. ♢ Objectives: To assess various approaches for estimation of peritoneal protein transport in PD patients during 2.27% and 3.86% glucose-based PETs, and to uncover the demographic, clinical, and biochemical correlates of this phenomenon. ♢ Patients and methods: We studied 90 PD patients who underwent 2.27% and 3.86% PETs in random order, and we used multivariate analysis to compare assessments of peritoneal protein transport in both tests, searching for correlations between D₂₄₀' - D₀' protein concentration (PETΔPConc), total peritoneal protein excretion (PET-PPE), or total protein clearance (PET-PC) on the one hand (the main study variables), and PET-derived markers of peritoneal function and selected demographic, clinical, and biochemical variables on the other. ♢ Results: The PETΔPConc was higher during the 2.27% PET (mean: 45.2 mg/dL vs 37.0 mg/dL for the 3.86% test; p = 0.003); the PET-PPE and PET-PC were comparable (1121.8 mg vs 1168.9 mg, p = 0.52, and 17.1 mL vs 17.8 mL, p = 0.66, respectively). All three variables sustained a significant, yet moderate correlation (all r² values < 0.30) with the 24-hour PPE rate. Multivariate analysis identified dialysate-to-plasma ratio (D/P₂₄₀') of creatinine, end-to-initial dialysate ratio (D₂₄₀'/D₀') of glucose, current daily peritoneal glucose load, ultrafiltration during PET, systolic blood pressure, and previous cardiovascular events (3.86% test only) as independent predictors of protein transport during PET. ♢ Conclusions: Either PET-PPE or PET-PC seems preferable to PETΔPConc for characterization of peritoneal protein transport. Small-solute transport characteristics, ultrafiltration, and current peritoneal glucose load sustain independent correlations with peritoneal protein transport. The latter variable shows also a moderate association with markers of cardiovascular disease in PD patients

    Screening for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Validity and Reliability of a Portable Device in Non-Specialized Healthcare Settings.

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    The underdiagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) could be improved through screening using portable devices simpler than conventional spirometers in specific healthcare settings to reach a higher percentage of the at-risk population. This study was designed to assess the validity and reliability of the COPD-6 portable device to screen for COPD in non-specialized healthcare settings. Prospective cohort study to validate a diagnostic test. Three cohorts were recruited: primary care (PC), emergency services (ES) and community pharmacies (CPh). individuals with risk factors for COPD (>40 years, smoking >10 pack-years, with respiratory symptoms). The values measured using the COPD-6 were FEV1, FEV6 and the FEV1/FEV6 ratio. Subsequently, participants underwent conventional spirometry at hospital, using a post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC value <0.7 as the gold standard criterion for the COPD diagnosis. 437 participants were included, 362 were valid for the analysis. COPD was diagnosed in 114 patients (31.5%). The area under the ROC curve for the COPD-6 for COPD screening was 0.8.The best cut-off point for the FEV1/FEV6 ratio was 0.8 (sensitivity, 92.1%) using spirometry with the bronchodilator test as the gold standard. There were practically no differences in the COPD-6 performance in the different settings and also regarding age, gender and smoking status. The COPD-6 device is a valid tool for COPD screening in non-specialized healthcare settings. In this context, the best cut-off point for the FEV1/FEV6 ratio is 0.8.Fundación de la Sociedad Gallega de Patología Respiratoria (SOGAPAR)European Union Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/REGPOT-2012-2013.1] under grant agreement n° 316265, BIOCAP

    Screening for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Validity and Reliability of a Portable Device in Non-Specialized Healthcare Settings

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    Introduction and Objectives The underdiagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) could be improved through screening using portable devices simpler than conventional spirometers in specific healthcare settings to reach a higher percentage of the at-risk population. This study was designed to assess the validity and reliability of the COPD-6 portable device to screen for COPD in non-specialized healthcare settings. Methods Prospective cohort study to validate a diagnostic test. Three cohorts were recruited: primary care (PC), emergency services (ES) and community pharmacies (CPh). Study population: individuals with risk factors for COPD (>40 years, smoking >10 pack-years, with respiratory symptoms). The values measured using the COPD-6 were FEV1, FEV6 and the FEV1/FEV6 ratio. Subsequently, participants underwent conventional spirometry at hospital, using a post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC value <0.7 as the gold standard criterion for the COPD diagnosis. Results 437 participants were included, 362 were valid for the analysis. COPD was diagnosed in 114 patients (31.5%). The area under the ROC curve for the COPD-6 for COPD screening was 0.8.The best cut-off point for the FEV1/FEV6 ratio was 0.8 (sensitivity, 92.1%) using spirometry with the bronchodilator test as the gold standard. There were practically no differences in the COPD-6 performancein the different settings and also regarding age, gender and smoking status. Conclusions The COPD-6 device is a valid tool for COPD screening in non-specialized healthcare settings. In this context, the best cut-off point for the FEV1/FEV6 ratio is 0.8This research was partially supported by Fundación de la Sociedad Gallega de Patología Respiratoria (SOGAPAR), and funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/REGPOT-2012-2013.1] under grant agreement n° 316265, BIOCAPSS

    Revisiones posmodernas del gótico en la literatura y las artes visuales

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    [ES] Los estudios de caso que integran el presente monográfico analizan muestras de las diversas transformaciones que se han venido llevando a cabo en el género gótico desde los años 70 hasta la actualidad en los ámbitos de la ficción, las artes visuales y otras formas de cultura popular. Se hace especial énfasis en los patrones de influencia, apropiación y reformulación, así como en la continuidad del imaginario gótico en la posmodernidad. Se invita así a la reflexión sobre las ansiedades del mundo contemporáneo y su reflejo o expresión en las diferentes manifestaciones artísticas y literarias del género del terror.[EN] The case studies in this volume assess the transformations undergone by the Gothic genre since the 1970s until today within the fields of fiction, the visual arts and other forms of popular culture. Special emphasis falls into the patterns of influence, appropriation and reformulation in the works under assessment, as well as the durability of gothic imagery in postmodernity. We thereby invite readers to reflect on how these visual and literary works echo, reflect or give voice to the anxieties in our contemporary society

    Cuprizone-Induced Neurotoxicity in Human Neural Cell Lines Is Mediated by a Reversible Mitochondrial Dysfunction: Relevance for Demyelination Models

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    Suitable in vivo and in vitro models are instrumental for the development of new drugs aimed at improving symptoms or progression of multiple sclerosis (MS). The cuprizone (CPZ)-induced murine model has gained momentum in recent decades, aiming to address the demyelination component of the disease. This work aims at assessing the differential cytotoxicity of CPZ in cells of different types and from different species: human oligodendroglial (HOG), human neuroblastoma (SH-SY5Y), human glioblastoma (T-98), and mouse microglial (N-9) cell lines. Moreover, the effect of CPZ was investigated in primary rat brain cells. Cell viability was assayed by oxygen rate consumption and by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide-based (MTT) method. Our results demonstrated that CPZ did not cause death in any of the assayed cell models but affected mitochondrial function and aerobic cell respiration, thus compromising cell metabolism in neural cells and neuron-glia co-cultures. In this sense, we found differential vulnerability between glial cells and neurons as is the case of the CPZ-induced mouse model of MS. In addition, our findings demonstrated that reduced viability was spontaneous reverted in a time-dependent manner by treatment discontinuation. This reversible cell-based model may help to further investigate the role of mitochondria in the disease, and study the molecular intricacies underlying the pathophysiology of the MS and other demyelinating diseases. Keywords: neurodegenerative diseases, copper chelator, pathophysiology, cell metabolism, gli


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    [ES] Los estudios de caso que integran el presente monográfico analizan muestras de las diversas transformaciones que se han venido llevando a cabo en el género gótico desde los años 70 hasta la actualidad en los ámbitos de la ficción, las artes visuales y otras formas de cultura popular. Se hace especial énfasis en los patrones de influencia, apropiación y reformulación, así como en la continuidad del imaginario gótico en la posmodernidad. Se invita así a la reflexión sobre las ansiedades del mundo contemporáneo y su reflejo o expresión en las diferentes manifestaciones artísticas y literarias del género del terror.[EN] The case studies in this volume assess the transformations undergone by the Gothic genre since the 1970s until today within the fields of fiction, the visual arts and other forms of popular culture. Special emphasis falls into the patterns of influence, appropriation and reformulation in the works under assessment, as well as the durability of gothic imagery in postmodernity. We thereby invite readers to reflect on how these visual and literary works echo, reflect or give voice to the anxieties in our contemporary society
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