2,164 research outputs found

    Análisis del tejido productivo de Castilla y León a través de la información contenida en el DIRCE

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    Debido a la importancia que representa la estructura productiva de un país o región para una economía, el papel de las empresas es fundamental. Dicha estructura determina en gran medida el ritmo de crecimiento económico del mismo. Por tanto, conocer cómo es el tejido productivo de cierta área económica es importante para poder explicar ciertos comportamientos de esa economía. En este sentido, por la capacidad que tienen las empresas de crear crecimiento económico, crear empleo e innovar, es importante analizar el tejido productivo de un país o región. En particular, Castilla y León cuenta con un tejido empresarial caracterizado por la reducida dimensión de sus empresas, es decir, más del 90% son microempresas o empresas que cuentan con menos de 10 personas empleadas a su cargo.Departamento de Economía AplicadaGrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    Social networks and open innovation: business academic productivity

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    Is there any type of relationship between the academic productivity of business researchers and their social networking activity? What does this mean in terms of open innovation? With these objectives, in this paper we have focused on the Technology Acceptance Model and the concept of performativity, filling the gap that exists in the current scientific literature. At the empirical level, we carried out a review of 211 articles from the Web of Science (SSCI), obtaining a total set of 12,939 data points. Our statistical model has showed a clear symbiotic relationship between productivity in Google Scholar and presence in ResearchGate. Furthermore, researchers with a greater presence on LinkedIn or Twitter have low Google Scholar or Web of Science h-indices. We concluded that there is currently a dissociation between academic and professional online networks, something that does not help the applicability of research in business and society, the enduring aim of any search for knowledge. Information Science can play an important role in helping to bridge the gap between academia and the real world. Furthermore, in order to contribute to enhancing the role of universities in open innovation practices, it is essential to design and implement new tools such as online communities that stimulate interaction and facilitate network effects

    Use, knowledge and assessment of the scientific digital social networks in the Galician universities

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    Scientific social networks (SSN) have been an important advance in the dissemination of knowledge in the scientific community. There are more and more researchers who agree on the need to join some SSN on account of the many advantages of visibility and impact they offer. This research paper studies the knowledge and use of SSN in the three Galician universities in 2017. Surveys of 552 professor/researchers from A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo universities show that the knowledge and use of SSN have a growing trend, and that its management and usefulness assessment is positive, although their access frequency is still low

    Sobre el abandono del tratamiento en tres Centros de Salud Mental.

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    Presentamos un estudio sobre abandono del tratamiento en tres Centros de Salud Mental del Principado de Asturias. Se estudian y comparan características de casos que abandonan y casos que son dados de alta.

    Sobre el abandono del tratamiento en tres Centros de Salud Mental.

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    Presentamos un estudio sobre abandono del tratamiento en tres Centros de Salud Mental del Principado de Asturias. Se estudian y comparan características de casos que abandonan y casos que son dados de alta.

    Reliability and Validity of the Six Spot Step Test in People with Intellectual Disability

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    [EN] Clinical tests for the evaluation of balance in people with intellectual disability that have been most commonly used depend on the subjective evaluation of the evaluator, easily reach the ceiling effect and are poorly sensitive to small changes; but new tests have been developed, such as the Six Spot Step Test. The aim of this study was to determine the validity and within-day and day-to-day test–retest reliability of the Six Spot Step Test in people with intellectual disability. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 18 people with intellectual disability. The participants conducted the Six Spot Step Test three times and a set of five clinical tests for the balance assessment. The relative reliability was excellent (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) = 0.86 − 0.97), and the absolute reliability ranged between 4.7% and 7.3% for coefficient variation and between 0.6 and 1.2 for the standard error of measurement. Linear regression models showed that that test can explain the results of the Timed Up & Go, Four Square Step Test and the Berg Balance Scale. The Six Spot Step Test proved to be as valid and reliable for the evaluation of dynamic balance in people with intellectual disability as the most frequently used tests for the clinical evaluation of postural control.SIThis research received funding from the VII Research Grant of the Professional College of Physiotherapist of Castilla y León (Spain)

    Adaptation of the MSCI for the measurement of cohesion in spanish young soccer players

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    El presente trabajo describe el proceso de adaptación al español del Instrumento Multidimensional de Cohesión en Deporte (MSCI) de Yukelson, Weinberg y Jackson (1984) y estudia sus propiedades psicométricas con los datos procedentes de una muestra de 173 jugadores de fútbol. La versión española está compuesta por 22 ítems, distribuidos en cuatro factores: calidad de trabajo-aspectos relativos a la ejecución, atracción hacia el grupo, roles valorados y calidad de trabajo-relaciones interpersonales, que explican el 53,30% de la varianza total. Los coeficientes de consistencia interna oscilaron entre 0.84 (factor 1) y 0.56 (factor 4). Se sugieren pautas para la investigación futura sobre la validez de la escala principalmente en términos de convergencia con otras medidas multidimensionales de cohesión deportivaThis work describes the Spanish adaptation and studies the psychometric properties of Yukelson, Weinberg, and Jackson’s Multidimensional Sport Cohesion Instrument (MSCI) with a sample of 173 soccer players. The Spanish version is composed of 22 items grouped in four factors: quality of teamwork (performance aspects), attraction to the group, valued roles and quality of teamwork (interpersonal relationships), that accounted for 53.30% of the total variance. Reliability coefficients (Cronbach’s Alphas) for the factors ranged from .84 (factor 1) to .56 (factor 4). Suggestions are made for future research on the validity of the scale, mainly in terms of convergence with other multidimensional measures of sport cohesionS

    Teachers' ICT-related self-efficacy, job resources, and positive emotions: Their structural relations with autonomous motivation and work engagement

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    Different variables related to information and communication technologies (ICT), such as digital self-efficacy for teaching, perceived institutional support for innovation, ICT positive emotions, and satisfaction with institutional support, are key factors in the teaching-learning process. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the structural relationships of these constructs with teachers' autonomous motivation and work engagement. Data were collected from 350 in-service secondary education teachers through a self-report questionnaire and were analyzed using a two-step Structural Equation Model (SEM) approach. After testing the adequacy of the measurement model, the structural model showed that all ICT-related variables significantly predicted autonomous motivation, with 26% of explained variance. ICT-related variables and autonomous motivation explained 69% of the variance of work engagement. Emotional variables also were predicted by digital self-efficacy and institutional support. Autonomous motivation and emotional variables mediated the effects of digital self-efficacy and support for innovation on work engagement. These results shed light on the critical role of these ICT-related variables for teachers’ work motivation and engagement

    Measuring depression in Primary Health Care in Spain : Psychometric properties and diagnostic accuracy of HSCL-5 and HSCL-10

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    Depression has a high prevalence among European countries. Several instruments have been designed to assess its symptoms in different populations. The Hopkins Symptom Checklist 25 (HSCL-25) scale has been identified as valid, reproducible, effective, and easy to use. There are short versions of this scale that could be useful in Primary Care (PC) settings, but their psychometric properties are unknown. To assess in PC patients the psychometric properties and diagnostic accuracy of the Spanish version of the HSCL-10 and the HSCL-5 consisting of 10 and 5 items, respectively. A multicenter, cross-sectional study was carried out at six PC centers in Spain. The HSCL-25 was administered to outpatients aged 45-75 who also participated in the structured Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). HSCL-10 and HSCL-5 were assessed and compared to HSCL-25 regarding total score correlation, internal consistency, and criterion validity against the gold-standard CIDI. This is a methodological study from a secondary data analysis and the primary data has been previously published. Out of 790 patients, 767 completed the HSCL-25 and 736 the CIDI interview (96.0%). Cronbach's Alpha was 0.84 for HSCL-10 and 0.77 for HSCL-5. The known-group method and confirmatory factor analysis were acceptable for the establishment of construct validity. Sensitivity was 79.7% (CI95%, 67.7-88.0%) for HSCL-10, and 78.0% (CI95%, 65.9-86.6%) for HSCL-5, whereas specificity was 83% (CI95%, 80.0-85.7%) for HSCL-10, and 72.8% (CI95%, 69.3-76.0%) for HSCL-5. Area under the curve against CIDI was 0.88 (CI95%, 0.84-0.92%) for HSCL-10, and 0.85 (CI95%, 0.81-0.89%) for HSCL-5. Optimum cutoff point calculated with Youden Index was 1.90 for the HSCL-10 and 1.80 for the HSCL-5. HSCL-10 and HSCL-5 are reliable and valid tools to detect depression symptoms and can be used in PC settings