2,886 research outputs found

    Mémoire(s) intime(s): l’expression de l’exil chez Jorge Semprun

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    Jorge Semprun est un écrivain francophone du XXème siècle de nationalité espagnole, décédé en 2011 et ayant vécu, par les aléas du destin - pas toujours aimable avec lui- la plus grande partie de sa vie en France. Il possède à son actif dix-sept ouvrages extrêmement riches tant du point de vue littéraire que du contenu, ainsi que quinze scénarios de films -certains co-écritset a obtenu de nombreux prix littéraires, dont le fameux prix Formentor, pour Le grand voyage, son premier roman. Malgré son importante oeuvre, sa renommée a très peu traversé les Pyrénées du côté hispanique, où il est surtout connu pour son mandat comme ministre de la Culture sous Felipe GonzálezDepartamento de Filología Francesa y AlemanaGrado en Lenguas Modernas y sus Literatura

    Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Latin Library: a Historiographical Approach

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    Este texto tentará delimitar e definir o tipo de aproximação de Elizabeth Barrett Browning (EBB) ao latim e à literatura latina a partir da análise da sua biblioteca pessoal. Desta maneira, observar-se-á o processo de aprendizagem de EBB, tendo em atenção tanto os manuais e textos académicos que utilizou como as amizades e contactos pessoais que a acompanharam na sua aproximação aos estudos clássicos. Estes dados permitirão avaliar até que ponto o interesse de EBB por esta matéria corresponde a uma opção pessoal ou foi determinado por outras circunstânciasThis article seeks to delimit and define Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s (EBB) type of approach to Latin and Latin literature, drawing on the analysis of her personal library. We will therefore examine EBB’s learning process, bearing in mind both the manuals and academic textbooks she used, as well as the friends and personal connections who guided her in her approach to Classical studies. This information will allow us to judge whether EBB’s interest in this matter corresponds to a personal option or was rather determined by other circumstancesEn este artículo se tratará de delimitar y definir el tipo de aproximación de Elizabeth Barrett Browning (EBB) al latín y a la literatura latina a partir del análisis de su biblioteca personal. De esta manera, se observará el proceso de aprendizaje de EBB, atendiendo tanto a los manuales y los textos académicos que utilizó como a las amistades y los contactos personales que la acompañaron en su acercamiento a los estudios clásicos. Estos datos permitirán valorar hasta qué punto el interés de EBB por esta materia responde a una opción personal o está determinado por otras circunstancia

    Learner-Centered Teaching and Teaching Statistics in Social Sciences

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    Este ensayo revisa críticamente los principios centrales del enfoque de enseñanza centrada en el quien aprende. Para esto, nos centramos en la estadística como contenido educacional para estudiantes de educación superior en el área de ciencias sociales. Este contenido fue escogido porque en general se trata de un contenido altamente estructurado, lo que nos hace suponer que emplear aprendizaje activo es más difícil. En este artículo revisamos diferentes contribuciones teóricas y empíricas al enfoque de enseñanza centrada en quien aprende aplicado a la enseñanza de la estadística en las ciencias sociales presentando algunos ejemplos del campo de la sociología. Finalmente, entregamos una propuesta de un breve marco teórico y algunas preguntas de investigación parar futuras investigaciones en esta área

    Actitud del profesorado de educación física frente al aprendizaje cooperativo

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    El trabajo cooperativo tiene numerosos beneficios sobre los alumnos. En esta investigación se pretende conocer cuál es la actitud de los profesores de Educación Física ante el trabajo cooperativo y sus diferentes beneficios en función de la titulación y la edad, a partir de una muestra de 455 profesores de Educación Física, utilizando un análisis inferencial con diferentes tests (Welch y ANOVA). Algunos de los datos muestran diferencias significativas en función de la titulación, donde son los profesores licenciados o graduados en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte y los diplomados o graduados en Educación Física los que consideran que el trabajo cooperativo mejora las relaciones interpersonales entre los alumnos (p=.000), y que mejora la comunicación (p=.003). Además, respecto a la edad, los docentes más jóvenes creen que el trabajo cooperativo mejora las habilidades de interacción social (p=.000)

    Critical thinking, Formation, and Change

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    [EN]In this paper, we propose an application of critical thinking (CT) to real-world problems, taking into account personal well-being (PB) and lifelong formation (FO). First, we raise a substantial problem with CT, which is that causal explanation is of little importance in solving everyday problems. If we care about everyday problems, we must treat the identification of causal relationships as a fundamental mechanism and action as a form of solution once the origin of the problem is unequivocally known. Decision-making and problem-solving skills should be the execution of the causal explanations reached. By acting this way, we change reality and achieve our goals, which are none other than those imposed by our PB. However, to achieve changes or results, we must have these fundamental competencies in CT, and these are not innate; we must acquire and develop them, that is, we must train ourselves to have CT competencies according to the demands of today’s world. Finally, in this paper we propose a causal model that seeks to identify and test the causal relationships that exist between the different factors or variables that determine the CT-PB-FO relationship. We present some results on the relevance of causality and how to effectively form and address real-world problems from causality. However, there are still questions to be clarified that need to be investigated in future studies

    A postura dos professores de Educação Física em relação ao trabalho cooperativo e à centralidade do aluno na experiência de aprendizagem

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    O trabalho cooperativo propicia uma melhora na aprendizagem, na interação e na comunicação entre os estudantes. Portanto, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a postura dos professores de Educação Física em relação à aprendizagem cooperativa a fim de aprimorar as experiências de ensino cuja centralidade esteja no aluno. Nossa amostra inclui 455 professores de Educação Física (70,8% homens, 29,2% mulheres, cuja idade varia de 30 a 50). Foi realizada uma análise estatística inferencial, com o uso de testes distintos (ANOVA e Welch). Os resultados desta pesquisa mostram que a postura dos professores de escolas públicas é mais positiva do que a dos professores de escolas semiprivadas no que se refere ao aumento da responsabilidade (p=.002) e aos debates em grupo. Além disso, os professores de escolas públicas consideram que a aprendizagem cooperativa em seu ambiente de trabalho traz mais benefícios à comunicação em grupo (p=.000) e à coesão do trabalho grupal (p=.001) do que no ambiente de trabalho das escolas semi-privadas e privadas. Constatou-se, também, que os professores com menos experiência docente têm uma postura mais positiva em relação à aprendizagem cooperativa do que seus colegas mais experientes, pois os primeiros consideram que este método contribui para o desenvolvimento de uma série de habilidades dos alunos, tais como a interação social, o desenvolvimento de hábitos de convivência, responsabilidade e corresponsabilidade, melhores relações interpessoais, debates em grupo etc.Cooperative tasks enhance learning, interaction and communication amongst students. Thus, this research aims to analyze the attitude of Physical Education teachers towards cooperative learning and possible improvements in different qualities in relation to ownership of the teaching center and teaching experience. The sample was made up of 455 Physical Education teachers (70.8% men and 29.2% women, aged from 30 to 50), and an inferential statistical analysis was carried out using different tests (ANOVA and Welch). The results of this investigation show that the attitude of the teachers who work in state schools is more positive than those working in semi-private schools as regards improvement of responsibility (p=.002) and group discussion (p=.000). Additionally, teachers who teach in state schools consider that cooperative learning improves group communications (p=.000) and group cohesion (p=.001) to a greater extent than teachers who work in semi-private and private schools. Moreover, the teachers with less teaching experience have a more positive attitude towards cooperative learning than the teachers who have more teaching experience, because the former consider that this method improves different skills in the students, such as socialization and social interaction, the acquisition of habits of coexistence, responsibility and co-responsibility, interpersonal relationships, group discussion, etc

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the ARDESOS-DIAPROVE critical thinking training programme

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    [EN]The changes of the 21st century arising from globalisation and technology have led to a transformation both in the professional and the personal environment. Today's highly complex world demands a more in-depth way of thinking in order to adapt to these changes. In this paper, a training system has been proposed to address these issues. In recent years, our team has progressively developed a programme for teaching critical thinking to university students, obtaining very positive results in the improvement of these skills. Our experience over the years has enabled us to modify and improve the ARDESOS programme. These modifications include the addition of a new methodology called DIAPROVE. The new approach is based on primarily working on the diagnostic, prognostic, and verification procedures. Our general objective in this study was to improve critical thinking skills using the latest version of our training programme. We have implemented this programme to see if it produced the desired changes in terms of the magnitude of effect and generalisation of skills. The effectiveness of previous versions had already been demonstrated in different studies, and our aim in this study was to show whether this latest version of the programme (DIAPROVE) substantially improved the effectiveness of the teaching of transversal thinking skills. The PENCRISAL test was the tool used to evaluate the level of improvement. To verify our hypotheses, we used a quasi-experimental design involving a control and an experimental group. Pre/post intervention measures were taken in order to determine the changes in learning. The results show that the experimental group significantly improved its performance in critical thinking for the control group, both globally and in each of the dimensions; in addition, a significant interaction effect was obtained, which further supports our starting hypothesis