552 research outputs found

    Aprendizajes sobre la virtualización de las clases en Posgrados

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    A fines del 2019 la Secretaría de Posgrado implementó un nuevo sistema de identidad visual. El mismo fue resultado de un intenso trabajo que incluyó sondeos con alumnos/as de Posgrados, graduados/as de la Facultad e intercambios con docentes. En ese marco, se utilizó un modelo (Brand Key) para definir los diferenciales y el posicionamiento de la Facultad en referencia a la enseñanza en este nivel. De allí fue que surgió la esencia de la marca “Posgrados Económicas UNLP”: el compromiso por el aprendizaje.Hoy, solo seis meses después, esa esencia se verifica nítidamente en el valioso trabajo de todos/as los/as docentes del área y de nuestro equipo de acompañamiento administrativo, técnico y pedagógico, frente a la virtualización de las clases. De igual manera, en el esfuerzo y compromiso de nuestros/as alumnos/as.La conducción de la Facultad entendió, desde el comienzo, que la pandemia del COVID-19 supone una situación compleja, dinámica e incierta. En este contexto hay solo una certeza: la educación (como el mundo) no volverá a ser igual que antes.La mayoría de los/as especialistas coinciden en que la emergencia sanitaria, más que producir cambios, aceleró procesos que ya se venían observando. Hablamos de la transformación digital, la desglobalización, la economía contactless, los negocios digitales, la educación virtual, la telemedicina, entre otros; pero también, por ejemplo, de la democratización del conocimiento: hoy disponible de manera gratuita


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    In this paper we present the case of a male individual, buried according to the traditional ritual of western La Mancha Bronze Age, which shows different skeletal traumas with indications of numerous injuries that caused his death. This is an example of extreme violence analysed using forensic techniques.Se presenta el caso de un individuo masculino, enterrado según el ritual tradicional de la Edad del Bronce de la Mancha Occidental, que muestra en su esqueleto diversos traumatismos con marcas de numerosas heridas que le ocasionaron la muerte. Se trata de un ejemplo de extrema violencia, analizado con técnicas forenses


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    The aim of this paper will be the analysis of recent archaeological fieldworks conducted at the Argaric site of Cerro de la Encina. Two large areas, partially known thanks to the research undertook at the beginning of 1980s, have been systematically excavated. As a result different habitation areas consisting in artificial stone structures terraced into the natural slopes were documented. Following the classic pattern of this culture, burials were located within the settlement area under the floors of dwellings. The funerary ritual characterized by single, double and triple inhumations in cists, pits and covachas (artificial chambers cut into de rock) stand out due to the wealthiest grave-goods.Se presentan los resultados de las recientes excavaciones arqueológicas realizadas en el Cerro de la Encina con motivo del proyecto de puesta en valor y musealización del yacimiento. Los trabajos han consistido en la excavación sistemática de dos áreas del poblado de grandes dimensiones, parcialmente conocidas por las investigaciones realizadas a principios de los años 80. Se han documentando varias zonas de hábitat aterrazado pertenecientes a la Cultura de El Argar en las que destaca su registro funerario que siguiendo la norma argárica se sitúa bajo los suelos de las viviendas

    Genetic analyses of aplastic anemia and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients with short telomeres, possible implication of DNA-repair genes

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    Background: Telomeres are nucleoprotein structures present at the terminal region of the chromosomes. Mutations in genes coding for proteins involved in telomere maintenance are causative of a number of disorders known as telomeropathies. The genetic origin of these diseases is heterogeneous and has not been determined for a significant proportion of patients. Methods: This article describes the genetic characterization of a cohort of patients. Telomere length was determined by Southern blot and quantitative PCR. Nucleotide variants were analyzed either by high-resolution melting analysis and Sanger sequencing of selected exons or by massive sequencing of a panel of genes. Results: Forty-seven patients with telomere length below the 10% of normal population, affected with three telomeropathies: dyskeratosis congenita (4), aplastic anemia (22) or pulmonary fibrosis (21) were analyzed. Eighteen of these patients presented known pathogenic or novel possibly pathogenic variants in the telomere-related genes TERT, TERC, RTEL1, CTC1 and ACD. In addition, the analyses of a panel of 188 genes related to haematological disorders indicated that a relevant proportion of the patients (up to 35%) presented rare variants in genes related to DNA repair or in genes coding for proteins involved in the resolution of complex DNA structures, that participate in telomere replication. Mutations in some of these genes are causative of several syndromes previously associated to telomere shortening

    Effectiveness and safety of first-generation protease inhibitors in clinical practice: Hepatitis C virus patients with advanced fibrosis

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    AIM: To evaluates the effectiveness and safety of the first generation, NS3/4A protease inhibitors (PIs) in clinical practice against chronic C virus, especially in patients with advanced fibrosis. METHODS: Prospective study and non-experimental analysis of a multicentre cohort of 38 Spanish hospitals that includes patients with chronic hepatitis C genotype 1, treatment-nai¨ve (TN) or treatment-experienced (TE), who underwent triple therapy with the first generation NS3/4A protease inhibitors, boceprevir (BOC) and telaprevir (TVR), in combination with pegylated interferon and ribavirin. The patients were treatment in routine practice settings. Data on the study population and on adverse clinical and virologic effects were compiled during the treatment period and during follow up. RESULTS: One thousand and fifty seven patients were included, 405 (38%) were treated with BOC and 652 (62%) with TVR. Of this total, 30% (n = 319) were TN and the remaining were TE: 28% (n = 298) relapsers, 12% (n = 123) partial responders (PR), 25% (n = 260) null-responders (NR) and for 5% (n = 57) with prior response unknown. The rate of sustained virologic response (SVR) by intention-to-treatment (ITT) was greater in those treated with TVR (65%) than in those treated with BOC (52%) (P < 0.0001), whereas by modified intention-to-treatment (mITT) no were found significant differences. By degree of fibrosis, 56% of patients were F4 and the highest SVR rates were recorded in the non-F4 patients, both TN and TE. In the analysis by groups, the TN patients treated with TVR by ITT showed a higher SVR (P = 0.005). However, by mITT there were no significant differences between BOC and TVR. In the multivariate analysis by mITT, the significant SVR factors were relapsers, IL28B CC and non-F4; the type of treatment (BOC or TVR) was not significant. The lowest SVR values were presented by the F4-NR patients, treated with BOC (46%) or with TVR (45%). 28% of the patients interrupted the treatment, mainly by non-viral response (51%): this outcome was more frequent in the TE than in the TN patients (57% vs 40%, P = 0.01). With respect to severe haematological disorders, neutropaenia was more likely to affect the patients treated with BOC (33% vs 20%, P = 0.0001), and thrombocytopaenia and anaemia, the F4 patients (P = 0.000, P = 0.025, respectively). CONCLUSION: In a real clinical practice setting with a high proportion of patients with advanced fibrosis, effectiveness of first-generation PIs was high except for NR patients, with similar SVR rates being achieved by BOC and TVR

    Arabidopsis immune responses triggered by cellulose- and mixed-linked glucan-derived oligosaccharides require a group of leucine-rich repeat malectin receptor kinases

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    18 Päg.The plant immune system perceives a diversity of carbohydrate ligands from plant and microbial cell walls through the extracellular ectodomains (ECDs) of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), which activate pattern-triggered immunity (PTI). Among these ligands are oligosaccharides derived from mixed-linked β-1,3/β-1,4-glucans (MLGs; e.g. β-1,4-D-(Glc)2 -β-1,3-D-Glc, MLG43) and cellulose (e.g. β-1,4-D-(Glc)3 , CEL3). The mechanisms behind carbohydrate perception in plants are poorly characterized except for fungal chitin oligosaccharides (e.g. β-1,4-d-(GlcNAc)6 , CHI6), which involve several receptor kinase proteins (RKs) with LysM-ECDs. Here, we describe the isolation and characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants impaired in glycan perception (igp) that are defective in PTI activation mediated by MLG43 and CEL3, but not by CHI6. igp1-igp4 are altered in three RKs - AT1G56145 (IGP1), AT1G56130 (IGP2/IGP3) and AT1G56140 (IGP4) - with leucine-rich-repeat (LRR) and malectin (MAL) domains in their ECDs. igp1 harbors point mutation E906K and igp2 and igp3 harbor point mutation G773E in their kinase domains, whereas igp4 is a T-DNA insertional loss-of-function mutant. Notably, isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) assays with purified ECD-RKs of IGP1 and IGP3 showed that IGP1 binds with high affinity to CEL3 (with dissociation constant KD  = 1.19 ± 0.03 μm) and cellopentaose (KD  = 1.40 ± 0.01 μM), but not to MLG43, supporting its function as a plant PRR for cellulose-derived oligosaccharides. Our data suggest that these LRR-MAL RKs are components of a recognition mechanism for both cellulose- and MLG-derived oligosaccharide perception and downstream PTI activation in Arabidopsis.This work was supported by grant RTI2018-096975-B-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities to AM and grant PID-2021-126006OB-100 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to AM. This work has also been financially supported by the ‘Severo Ochoa (SO) Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D’ from the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) of Spain (grants SEV-2016-0672 (2017-2021) and CEX2020-000999-S (2022-2025) to the CBGP). In the frame of the SO program, HM and PF-C were supported with postdoctoral fellowships. MM-D, DJB and DR were recipients of PhD Fellows PRE2019-088120 and PRE2019-091276 (SEV-2016-0672) from AEI, and IND2017/BIO-7800 from Madrid Regional Government, respectively. Research in the lab of JS was financially supported by the University of Lausanne, the European Research Council (ERC) (grant agreement no. 716358) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no. 310030_204526).With funding from the Spanish government through the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2020‐000999‐S)Peer reviewe

    Unemployment benefits : discursive convergence, distant realities

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004Unemployment protection systems have certain characteristics in common in Argentina, Uruguay, Spain and Italy: they are compulsory and contributory-proportional, although in Uruguay, it also has a capitalisation supplement. Despite the similarities, they work differently because the context of informal employment chiefly, and unemployment, low salaries and precariousness differ greatly. Consequently, the unemployment protection coverage rate varies. Theories of the Active Welfare State, the Investor State and the reforms of unemployment protection systems have led to a certain modernising language being adopted in these countries: activation, employability, conditionality, lifelong learning, flexibility, which are, among others, words shared with Europe. However, the meanings of these words differ according to the institutional context of each country. In Latin America the welfare state is low institutionalised even almost non-existent, while in Europe it is a diverse institution. Despite this, the four countries share an upward trend in benefit policies, in accordance with the increase in poverty risk

    Phlebotomine sand fly survey in the focus of leishmaniasis in Madrid, Spain (2012-2014): seasonal dynamics, Leishmania infantum infection rates and blood meal preferences

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    BACKGROUND: An unusual increase of human leishmaniasis cases due to Leishmania infantum is occurring in an urban area of southwestern Madrid, Spain, since 2010. Entomological surveys have shown that Phlebotomus perniciosus is the only potential vector. Direct xenodiagnosis in hares (Lepus granatensis) and rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) collected in the focus area proved that they can transmit parasites to colonized P. perniciosus. Isolates were characterized as L. infantum. The aim of the present work was to conduct a comprehensive study of sand flies in the outbreak area, with special emphasis on P. perniciosus. METHODS: Entomological surveys were done from June to October 2012-2014 in 4 stations located close to the affected area. Twenty sticky traps (ST) and two CDC light traps (LT) were monthly placed during two consecutive days in every station. LT were replaced every morning. Sand fly infection rates were determined by dissecting females collected with LT. Molecular procedures applied to study blood meal preferences and to detect L. infantum were performed for a better understanding of the epidemiology of the outbreak. RESULTS: A total of 45,127 specimens belonging to 4 sand fly species were collected: P. perniciosus (75.34%), Sergentomyia minuta (24.65%), Phlebotomus sergenti (0.005%) and Phlebotomus papatasi (0.005%). No Phlebotomus ariasi were captured. From 3203 P. perniciosus female dissected, 117 were infected with flagellates (3.7%). Furthermore, 13.31% and 7.78% of blood-fed and unfed female sand flies, respectively, were found infected with L. infantum by PCR. The highest rates of infected P. perniciosus were detected at the end of the transmission periods. Regarding to blood meal preferences, hares and rabbits were preferred, although human, cat and dog blood were also found. CONCLUSIONS: This entomological study highlights the exceptional nature of the Leishmania outbreak occurring in southwestern Madrid, Spain. It is confirmed that P. perniciosus is the only vector in the affected area, with high densities and infection rates. Rabbits and hares were the main blood meal sources of this species. These results reinforce the need for an extensive and permanent surveillance in this region, and others of similar characteristics, in order to control the vector and regulate the populations of wild reservoirs.This study was partially sponsored and funded by: Dirección General de Salud Pública, Consejería de Sanidad, Comunidad de Madrid; Colegio de Veterinarios de Madrid; Colegio de Biólogos de Madrid and EU grant FP7-261504 EDENext (http://www.edenext.eu).S