377 research outputs found

    Three inquiries into the origin of Manchado de Jabugo pigs

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104El origen de la población Manchado de Jabugo se atribuye a cruces realizados en el siglo XIX entre cerdos Ibéricos negros y colorados. Se supone que animales de razas Large White y Berkshire contribuyeron además a fundar esta población, que ha permanecido aislada durante décadas en algunos pueblos de la Sierra de Aracena. El objetivo de este trabajo fue rastrear posibles huellas genéticas de las variedades y razas fundadoras en la población actual, conservada por la Diputación de Huelva. El ADN mitocondrial de animales Manchado de Jabugo y Large White presenta secuencias coincidentes tanto para la región de control D-loop, como para los genes Cyt b, ATPasa8, ATPasa6 y NADH5. La mutación IGF2 g.3072G>A, ocurrida en un cromosoma asiático, se detecta en la población Manchado, y está presente asimismo en Large White y Berkshire. Ello concuerda con la posible contribución fundacional de ambas razas británicas, en las que se introdujeron genes de origen asiático a partir del siglo XVIII. Finalmente, esta población presenta cuatro alelos del gen MC1R. El alelo MC1R*3 es característico de la variedad negra de cerdo Ibérico y del Large White. Los alelos MC1R*6 y MC1R*7 de la variedad colorada, y el primero también del Berkshire. La presencia del alelo MC1R*4, característico de la raza Duroc indica una contribución más reciente de esta otra raza foránea al germoplasma del Manchado de Jabugo.Animals born at the end of the XIX century from crosses between Red and Black Iberian pigs were the main founders of the black spotted population named Manchado de Jabugo. Pigs of the Large White and Berkshire breeds had also contributed to the foundation of this population, which was isolated for several decades in some villages of Huelva. Our objective was to verify the possible genetic traces of founder varieties and breeds in this population, preserved by the Diputación de Huelva. The mitochondrial DNA from Manchado and Large White animals shows identical sequences for the control region D-loop, and also for the Cyt b ATPase8, ATPase6 and NADH5 genes. The IGF2 g.3072G>A mutation, apparently occurred in an Asian chromosome, is also present in the Manchado population. Both results agree with the quoted founder contribution of two British breeds, because Asian germplasm was introgressed into these breeds from the XVIII century. Finally, four alleles of the MC1R gene are segregating in this small population. The MC1R*3 allele is characteristic of Black Iberian variety and Large White breed. The MC1R*6 and MC1R*7 alleles are characteristic of Red Iberian pigs, and the first one of the Berkshire pigs. The unexpected presence of the MC1R*4 allele, characteristic of Duroc, indicates the contribution of this breed to the current Manchado germplasm

    Luces y sombras del análisis de expresión génica utilizando microarrays. Un ejemplo en cerdo ibérico

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104La tecnología de los microarrays de expresión es la herramienta ideal para el estudio de patrones de expresión de miles de genes de forma simultánea. Sin embargo existe gran variabilidad de resultados atribuible a los aspectos técnicos y de análisis estadístico. En este trabajo presentamos algunos de los problemas surgidos en el estudio de las diferencias de expresión en hígado de cerdos ibéricos para los tratamientos sexo y alimentación empleando microarrays de Affymetrix. Los datos de expresión normalizados fueron analizados siguiendo dos aproximaciones de la metodología de los modelos mixtos. Para ambos tratamientos las diferencias de expresión detectadas fueron dependientes del modelo de análisis y solo un pequeño número de genes diferencialmente expresados fueron coincidentes en ambas estrategias estadísticas. Algunas de estas diferencias de expresión fueron validadas por PCR cuantitativa. Además identificamos errores de diseño y falta de anotación de las sondas del array. Los resultados de este estudio nos han permitido detectar diferencias de expresión de algunos genes de interés, pero también remarcan la necesidad de realizar estudios complementarios que confirmen las diferencias de expresión reveladas a través de la tecnología de los microarraysLights and darkness of gene expression analysis using microarrays: an example in Iberian pigs Expression microarray technology is the ideal tool for the study of thousands of gene expression patterns simultaneously. However there is a great variability of results attributed to technical and statistical analysis aspects. In this work we present several of the arisen problems of a differential expression study in liver of Iberian pigs under the treatments sex and feeding level using Affymetrix microarray. Normalized expression data were analyzed following two approaches of the mixed model methodology. In both treatments the detected differential expressions were dependent of the statistical model and just a small number of genes were coincident between both statistical strategies. Some of the expression differences were confirmed by quantitative PCR. Besides, we have identified design mistakes and missing annotation of the array probes. The results of this study have allowed us to detect differential expression of interesting genes, but it pointed out the necessity of carrying out complementary studies in order to confirm the differential expressions revealed using microarrays technology

    Asymmetric coupling between two quantum emitters

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    We study a prototypical model of two coupled two-level systems, where the competition between coherent and dissipative coupling gives rise to a rich phenomenology. In particular, we analyze the case of asymmetric coupling, as well as the limiting case of chiral (or one-way) coupling. We investigate various quantum optical properties of the system, including its steady-state populations, power spectrum, and second-order correlation functions, and outline the characteristic features which emerge in each quantity as one sweeps through the nontrivial landscape of effective complex couplings. Most importantly, we reveal instances of population trapping, unexpected spectral features, and strong emission correlations

    Contenido polínico anual de la atmósfera de Pamplona y su relación con las variables climatológicas diarias

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    Este trabaJo es un estudio del polen prosente en l a atmósfera de Pamplona, recogido di ar1amente durante un año comprend1do c nt.re e l 1 de abril de 1901 y el JO de marzo de 1982. Se estudia también la :-elac16n en tre el cont enido polinice y las vanables climatológicasThe at~ospherical pollcn of Pamplona is studied in l h1s work. The pollen was collected everyday durbg onc year , from l Apr il 1981 un'til 30 March 1962 . The r e l ation bet••een pollen amount and the climaUc va!'iabl es is al so s tudie

    Heat treatments for improved quality binder jetted molds for casting aluminum alloys

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    The objective of this paper was to investigate the most suitable heat treatment for casting molds manufactured by binder jetting. For this purpose, the printed molds were subjected to different heat treatments and the properties of the molds were analyzed. Tests were performed at different temperatures and times to investigate their effect on the water and volatile substances content; the joining among particles; and the porosity, roughness, and compression strength of the printed molds. Moreover, to relate the properties of the mold with the quality of the castings, aluminum alloy specimens were cast and the dimensional accuracy, surface roughness, mechanical strength, and porosity were evaluated. This research leads to the conclusion that the binder jetting process, using calcium sulfate powder, is useful for manufacturing molds for casting aluminum alloy. To improve the mold quality and, consequently, the casting quality, heat-treatment is necessary. The best mold properties were obtained at 250 °C for 1.5 h.S

    Serve profile of male and female professional tennis players at the 2015 Roland Garros Grand Slam tournament

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    The aim of this study was to compare the serve statistics profile of male and female high-level tennis players. In all, 111 tennis singles matches of the Roland Garros 2015 tennis tournament were collected and 10 variables related to first and second serve were analyzed according to service box (deuce and advantage sides) and landing location (wide, body and T-areas). The results show: (a) men served faster than women; (b) men served a higher percentage of serves at T-area on deuce side (35.0 vs 27.7%) and at the wide zone on advantage side (44.1 vs 36.7%) with first serves, while women hit more to the body on both sides; (c) men won a higher percentage of points with their first serve compared to women at any zone on both sides, except for the T-area on deuce side; (d) with their second serve, men placed a greater percentage of serves in the T-area on deuce side (28.0 vs 21.8%) and wide on the advantage side, whereas women directed more to the body on the advantage side (41.4 vs 33.5%); (e) men won a higher percentage of points with their second serve when they placed it to the body zone on deuce side (54.1 vs 47.1%) and at the T-area on the advantage side (64.4% vs 44.1%). Our conclusions are that with respect to gender, players showed differing serve patterns. Men served faster, with higher success and placed their serves more frequently to the external areas of the service boxes, while women directed a higher percentage of serves to the body of their opponent

    Low-pH cement mortar-bentonite perturbations in a small-scale pilot laboratory experiment

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    This article has been published in a revised form in Clay Minerals [http://doi.org/10.1180/clm.2018.16]. This version is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative worksA novel method to perform small-scale laboratory experiments that reproduce concrete–bentonite and concrete–groundwater interactions has been developed. Such interfaces will prevail in engineered barrier systems used for isolation of nuclear waste. With the goal of optimizing the experimental method, this work has analysed the geochemical interaction of distilled water, low-pH cement mortar and FEBEX-bentonite for 75 days. Limited but evident reactivity between the materials was observed, mainly decalcification in cement mortar, carbonation at the interface with bentonite and Mg enrichment in bentonite. These results are consistent with the state-of-the-art literature and were used to validate this small-scale pilot laboratory experiment to establish the basis for further studies comparing the behaviour of different buffer and cement materialsThe research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Training 305 Programme of the EURATOM (H2020-NFRP-2014/2015) under grant agreement n° 662147 (CEBAMA

    Chemical and structural analysis of sub-20 nm graphene patterns generated by scanning probe lithography

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    Sub-20 nm patterns have been fabricated by using oxidation scanning probe lithography on epitaxial graphene. The structural and chemical properties of these nanopatterns have been characterized by high resolution transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy. The electron microscopy images reveal that the nanolithography process modifies the graphene monolayer and a thin region of the SiC substrate (1 nm thick). Spatially-resolved electron spectroscopies show that the nanopatterns are made of graphene oxide. The combination of spatially-resolved structural and chemical analysis of graphene nanopatterns will enable the development of high-performance graphene devices

    Spanish Language Use Across Generations and Depressive Symptoms Among US Latinos

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    Acculturation markers, such as language use, have been associated with Latino depression. Language use may change between generations; however, few studies have collected intergenerational data to assess how language differences between generations impact depression. Using the Niños Lifestyle and Diabetes Study (2013–2014), we assessed how changes in Spanish language use across two generations of Mexican-origin participants in Sacramento, California, influenced offspring depressive symptoms (N = 603). High depressive symptoms were defined as CESD-10 scores ≥ 10. We used log-binomial and linear-binomial models to calculate prevalence ratios and differences, respectively, for depressive symptoms by language use, adjusting for identified confounders and within-family clustering. Decreased Spanish use and stable-equal English/Spanish use across generations protected against depressive symptoms, compared to stable-high Spanish use. Stable-low Spanish use was not associated with fewer depressive symptoms compared to stable-high Spanish use. Exposure to multiple languages cross-generationally may improve resource access and social networks that protect against depression

    Automatic classification of pores in aluminum castings using machine learning

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    [Resumen] La inspección de la porosidad de piezas fabricadas se ha realizado tradicionalmente mediante el uso de microscopía manipulada por parte de un técnico humano. Sin embargo, la persona involucrada necesita experiencia en esta tarea, y la cantidad de piezas que se pueden inspeccionar por unidad de tiempo es limitada. La presencia de porosidad en el material es crítica, ya que puede afectar negativamente a las propiedades mecánicas y la calidad de la pieza. En este trabajo se propone automatizar la clasificación de los defectos de porosidad que aparecen en el interior de las piezas fabricadas por fundición. En primer lugar, adquirimos imágenes a partir de piezas de aluminio fabricadas por dos métodos de fundición: uno tradicional usando molde de arena y otro más moderno con la técnica de fabricación aditiva Binder Jetting (BJ). Luego, recortamos regiones con y sin poros, que posteriormente caracterizamos usando descriptores SIFT codificados en características de BoVW para alimentar y entrenar dos clasificadores SVM: uno para predecir si la imagen contiene poro o no, y el otro para indicar si el poro detectado es debido al efecto de gases o por contracción durante la solificación.[Abstract] Porosity inspection of manufactured parts has traditionally been performed using microscopy manipulated by a human technician. However, the person involved needs experience in this task, and the number of parts that can be inspected per unit of time is limited. The presence of porosity in the material is critical, as it can negatively affect the mechanical properties and the quality of the part. In this paper, we propose to automate the classification of the porosity defects that appear inside the parts manufactured by casting. First, we acquire images from aluminum parts manufactured by two casting methods: a traditional one using sand molding and a more modern one with the Binder Jetting (BJ) additive manufacturing technique. Then, we crop regions with and without pores we later describe using SIFT descriptors encoded into BoVW features to feed and train two SVM classifiers: one for predicting if the image contains a pore or not, and the other for also indicating if the pore detected is due to the effect of gases or by shrinkage during solidification.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades; DPI2017-89840-