20,286 research outputs found


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    Plurivozes Americanas / American Plural Voices / Plurivoces Americanas is a collection of poems and also little pieces of prose in which different ways of perceiving the realities of the American continent are given a voice. All these varied perspectives converge in an academic effort that, on the one hand, reminds us once again about the importance of translation in our everyday more globalized world and, on the other hand, opens a path of communication between the three predominant languages of the Americas. That is precisely why the decisive threefold task of translation undertaken in the project is placed at the very heart of the collection. Translation is actually what makes the book come to existence; it is what makes us understand all the stories and, in a sense, what makes us hear their voices. &nbsp

    Tracing Emmett Till’s Legacy from Black Lives Matter back to the Civil Rights Movement

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    This paper explores the legacy of the Emmett Till case as one of the core elements which binds together the Civil Rights Movement and the current Black Lives Matter in the US. Donald Trump’s inauguration in January 2017 has magnified the escalating racial tension of recent years and has, at the same time, fueled several forms of social activism across the United States. Acting as the catalyst for Black Lives Matter, the assassination of seventeen-year-old Trayvon Martin in 2012 stirred the race question in the country as the Till lynching had similarly done fifty seven years before. At the dawn of the Civil Rights Movement, the complex relations between race, class, and gender within the South helped to set the atmosphere for one of the starkest assassinations in US history. Till’s infamous murder soon gave rise to an empowering narrative among the African American community that not only contributed to putting an end to the voracious rule of Jim Crow in the US South but that, with the passage of time, has also become a banner of justice in the current fight against racism, as it seems that recent violent events resuscitate the latent white supremacist ghosts of one of the world’s most powerful nations.The research for this article was funded by the project USRACEBODY, PGC2018-095687-B-I00, AEI/ERDF, EU. This article also benefits from the collaboration of the research group ‘Discourse and Identity’ (ED431C 2019/01) and the Grants for Predoctoral Stages of the Xunta de Galicia, partly co-financed by the European Social Fund’s operational program Galicia 2014-2020 (ED481A-2017/138)

    The ring compression test: Analysis of dimensions and canonical geometry

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    The compression ring test is universally accepted as a perfectly valid method by which determine simply and reliably the adhesion friction factor in a plastic deformation process. Its methodology is based on the application of geometric changes as both the reduction in thickness as the decrease in bore inner diameter in the strained ring itself. In this paper the performance of that test is the basis for establishing the coefficient of friction on a forging process so that, given this, its application to Upper Bound Theorem (UBT) by model Triangular Rigid Zones (TRZ), enable the establishment an intercomparison with empirical force, reaching a cuasivalidation of this Theorem in a certain range.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Aspectos de cultura y comunicación en el protocolo gastronómico y las prácticas de alimentación en diferentes etapas históricas

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    La organización social humana a evolucionado desde formas rituales arcaicas –que fueron asentando jerarquías y procedimientos comportamentales- hasta lo que hoy denominamos genéricamente protocolo. Igualmente, las diversas culturas –determinadas por cuestiones geográficas, climáticas, organizacionales, etc.- fueron desarrollando hábitos alimenticios y fundando gastronomías que, a su vez, las caracterizaban también. El cruce de ambas cuestiones -protocolo y gastronomía- ha venido siendo un factor comunicacional de primer orden en lo que supone una determinada consideración de las culturas y las sociedades.The social human organization has evolved from ritual archaic forms -that produced hierarchies and behaviour procedures- up to what we today generically call protocol. The diverse cultures -determined by geographical, climatic, organization questions, etc.- developed feeding habits and founded gastronomies that were characterizing them also. The crossing of both questions -protocol and gastronomy- has become an important communication factor concerning a particular consideration of the cultures and the societie

    Aspectos de cultura y comunicación en el protocolo gastronómico y las prácticas de alimentación en diferentes etapas históricas

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    The social human organization has evolved from ritual archaic forms -that produced hierarchies and behaviour procedures- up to what we today generically call protocol. The diverse cultures -determined by geographical, climatic, organization questions, etc.- developed feeding habits and founded gastronomies that were characterizing them also. The crossing of both questions -protocol and gastronomy- has become an important communication factor concerning a particular consideration of the cultures and the societies.La organización social humana a evolucionado desde formas rituales arcaicas –que fueron asentando jerarquías y procedimientos comportamentales- hasta lo que hoy denominamos genéricamente protocolo. Igualmente, las diversas culturas –determinadas por cuestiones geográficas, climáticas, organizacionales, etc.- fueron desarrollando hábitos alimenticios y fundando gastronomías que, a su vez, las caracterizaban también. El cruce de ambas cuestiones -protocolo y gastronomía- ha venido siendo un factor comunicacional de primer orden en lo que supone una determinada consideración de las culturas y las sociedades

    Induction, minimization and collection for Δ n+1 (T)–formulas

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    For a theory T, we study relationships among IΔ n +1 (T), LΔ n+1 (T) and B * Δ n+1 (T). These theories are obtained restricting the schemes of induction, minimization and (a version of) collection to Δ n+1 (T) formulas. We obtain conditions on T (T is an extension of B * Δ n+1 (T) or Δ n+1 (T) is closed (in T) under bounded quantification) under which IΔ n+1 (T) and LΔ n+1 (T) are equivalent. These conditions depend on Th Πn +2 (T), the Π n+2 –consequences of T. The first condition is connected with descriptions of Th Πn +2 (T) as IΣ n plus a class of nondecreasing total Π n –functions, and the second one is related with the equivalence between Δ n+1 (T)–formulas and bounded formulas (of a language extending the language of Arithmetic). This last property is closely tied to a general version of a well known theorem of R. Parikh. Using what we call Π n –envelopes we give uniform descriptions of the previous classes of nondecreasing total Π n –functions. Π n –envelopes are a generalization of envelopes (see [10]) and are closely related to indicators (see [12]). Finally, we study the hierarchy of theories IΔ n+1 (IΣ m ), m≥n, and prove a hierarchy theorem.Ministerio de Educación y Cultura DGES PB96-134

    Sources and definitions in the Judeo-Spanish lexical card index of Cynthia M. Crews

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    En este trabajo se aborda el estudio y análisis del fichero léxico del judeoespañol de la investigadora británica Cynthia M. Crews, con el objeto de examinar las fuentes documentales que lo conformaron y determinar los criterios de definición y presentación lexicográfica que la investigadora puso en práctica en las fichas, así como precisar la influencia que ejercieron algunas de estas fuentes consultadas a la hora de establecer dichos criterios. Así pues, el artículo consta de las siguientes partes: (I) un primer apartado, a modo de introducción, donde se presenta la figura de Cynthia Crews, autora del fichero léxico; (II) un segundo epígrafe, en el que se detalla la configuración del fichero; (III) una tercera sección, donde se precisan las fuentes que lo componen; (IV) el cuarto apartado se destina al análisis de los tipos de definición y los mecanismos de presentación de la información; y, finalmente, (V) las conclusiones.This research aims the study and analysis of the lexical card index in Judeo-Spanish language of the British researcher Cynthia M. Crews, in order to examine the documentary sources which formed it, and to determine the criteria of definition and lexicographical presentation that the researcher implement in the card index, as well as to specify the influence exercised by some of these sources consulted when establishing these criteria. Therefore, this paper consists of the following parts: (I) a first section or introduction, where the figure of Cynthia Crews, the author of the lexical card index, is introduced; (II) a second section, in which the configuration of the Judeo-Spanish index is detailed; (III) a third one, where its sources are specified; (IV) the fourth section analyses of the definition’s types and the mechanisms for presenting the information; and, finally, (V) the conclusions.Ministerio de Ciencia, Proyecto de Investigación del Plan Nacional ref. FFI2016-74864-

    Traducción de los referentes culturales en el doblaje de la serie “Érase una vez... el hombre” al español

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    En el presente artículo analizaremos las dificultades que presenta la traducción audiovisual de productos de divulgación histórica para un público infantil y juvenil. El estudio se centra en dos elementos representativos del capítulo «La Revolución francesa» de la serie Érase una vez… el hombre en francés y en las versiones en español peninsular y de Latinoamérica. El objetivo será observar los problemas de traducción y las soluciones que las dos culturas y lenguas meta ofrecen.G.I. HUM 767 (ayudas a Grupos de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía) / Editorial Comares (colección interlingua

    Estudio de implantación de una industria de motores de baja tensión ubicada en Catalunya

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    El objeto de este proyecto es el diseño de una nave industrial fabricante de motores de baja tensión para la industria en general