9,156 research outputs found

    Endocardial-mesenchymal transition underlies fusion of the conotruncal ridges during embryonic cardiac outflow tract septation

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    The embryonic cardiac outflow tract (conotruncus) is a single tubular chamber that connects the right ventricle with the aortic arch arteries. It contains two opposite, long and helical mesenchymal cushions covered by endocardial cells (conotruncal ridges). Conotruncal division (septation) gives rise to the adult right and left outflows together with the aortic and pulmonary valves. It takes place by fusion of the two opposite ridges and formation of the conotruncal septum. Although the participation of neural crest cells in septation is well established, the mechanism of fusion of the conotruncal ridges remains unknown. Defects in fusion have been shown to produce bicuspid aortic valve, the most prevalent human congenital cardiac malformation, in a hamster model. Three fusion mechanisms have been proposed to operate during embryonic development: epithelial adhesion, epithelial apoptosis and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). The first mechanism entails the expression of adhesion molecules and the maintenance of the identity of cells in contact, whereas in the other two, epithelial cells covering the fusing structures disappear by apoptosis or by transforming into mesenchymal cells. The objective of this study is to elucidate the mechanism involved in the fusion of the conotruncal ridges. Immunofluorecence techniques were used in ED 11-12 hamster embryos. The results indicate that the mechanism of EMT, but not epithelial adhesion or apoptosis, is involved in the process of fusion of the conotruncal ridges. The EMT mechanism associated with conotruncal septation seems to be uncoupled from the process of formation of the endocardial cushions, which takes place at early stages. With these results, we can raise the hypothesis that defects in the EMT process may lead to different morphological types of bicuspid aortic valve.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. This study was supported by P10-CTS-6068 (Junta de Andalucía), CGL2014-52356-P and CGL2017-85090-P (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad), contract UMAJI75 (Junta de Andalucía, European Social Fund), and Universidad de Málaga

    Frances Burney’s A Busy Day; or, an Arrival from India (1800-1802) and the Family Business

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    Frances Burney (1752-1840) became one of the most famous eighteenth-century English novelists after the publication of her first work Evelina (1778), which was followed by other successful novels that made her a household name in Britain. Though Burney was always very attracted by the stage and there is a close relationship between her narrative and dramatic production, her comedies and tragedies have been considerably less explored and celebrated by eighteenth-century scholars and feminism. This article examines Burney’s comedy A Busy Day; or, an Arrival from India (1800-1802), which was never performed on stage during her lifetime and was one of the author’s last compositions paving the way for her harsh social criticism in The Wanderer (1814). Like all of Burney’s works, A Busy Day contains a good deal of satire and a provoking view of the domestic ideology, colonialism and the economic interests of the family at the turn of the nineteenth century. Burney introduces an insightful analysis of vulgarity and prejudice against the middle class. By drawing on the work of several Burney scholars, gender and theatre studies, I show how gender and colonialism are interrelated in A Busy Day, which showcases an evolution from Burney’s first heroine in Evelina to a more mature woman that would continue up to The Wanderer and it turns out to be Burney’s fiercest dramatic criticism against bias based on class, race and sex

    Frances Burney and Sarah Harriet Burney: a Comparison between "The Wanderer" (1814) and "The Renunciation" (1839)

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    The British novelist Sarah Harriet Burney. (1772-1844) achieved great popularity at the beginning of the nineteenth century, although she was always overshadowed by her half-sister, the celebrated Frances Burney (1752-1840). This paper aims to throw some new light on both novelists and revises how each Burney sister dealt with three key issues in Bumey Studies (female identity, the young artist's position in society and cultural alterity or "Otherness") in their works The Wanderer (1814) and The Renunciation (1839). It will also provide the opportunity to introduce to current readers an outstanding novelist who has much in common with later British women writers, such as George Eliot. Thanks to her experiences and her narrative craft, Sarah Harriet incorporated new elements to the domestic novel or the novel of education, and she registered the important changes affecting early Victorian society.La novelista británica Sarah Harriet Burney (1772-1844) alcanzó una gran popularidad a principios del siglo diecinueve, aunque siempre estuvo a la sombra de su hermana, la aclamada Frances Burney (1752-1840). Este trabajo intenta arrojar nueva luz sobre ambas novelistas y reexamina el tratamiento de tres temas clave en los llamados Burney Studies (la identidad femenina, la posición social de la joven artista y la alteridad cultural) en sus novelas The Wanderer (1814) y The Renunciation (1839). También ofrece la oportunidad de presentar a los lectores actuales a una novelista destacada que tiene mucho en común con escritoras británicas posteriores como George Eliot. Gracias a sus experiencias y genio narrativo, la hermana menor incorporó nuevos elementos a la novela doméstica o novela de educación y plasmó los importantes cambios sociales de principios de la época victoriana

    Felipe de Egmont, virrey de Cerdeña (1680-1682). El final del camino

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    El conde de Egmont (1623-1682) ejerció el cargo de virrey en Cerdeña, después de ser embajador extraordinario en Londres. Permaneció en Cáller dos años hasta su muerte y durante ese corto periodo de tiempo el Consejo de Aragón tuvo que censurarle en más de una ocasión por contravenir varias veces las Reales Pragmáticas.The Count of Egmont (1623-1682) served the office of viceroy in Sardinia, after his special ambassador in London. He stayed in Cagliari two years until his death and during that short period of time, more than once, the Council of Aragon disapproved his work several times for breaching the Royal Pragmatic and Royal Instructions

    Educación comparada y Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Una nueva perspectiva vinculada a las competencias

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    Este artículo pretende constatar la importancia y posibilidades que ofrece la Educación Comparada en el marco de los procesos de cambio que surgirán en la Universidad española, a partir del Espacio Europeo de la Educación Superior. Para ello, se realizan en primer lugar algunas reflexiones acerca de las líneas principales de transformación así como de las aportaciones que nuestra disciplina puede realizar en este sentido. En segundo lugar, se procede a reflexionar sobre el papel otorgado a la Educación Comparada en el Libro Blanco de los estudios de Grado de Pedagogía y Educación Social elaborado por la ANECA. En este sentido, se trata de analizar si existe un ajuste entre las competencias transversales y específicas establecidas en dicho documento y los contenidos, procedimientos de trabajo e investigación propios de la disciplina.This article intends to point out the importance and possibilities which are offered by Comparative Education in the context of The European Higher Education Area. For this purpose, firstly we will focus on some reflections which deal with the most important changes and also the contributions which can be made by Comparative Education. Secondly, a reflection about the role given to Comparative Education in the Libro Blanco de los estudios de Grado de Pedagogía y Educación Social will de done. In this sense, there is an intention to analyse whether there is an adjustment between the different kind of competences established by the already mentioned document, and the contents, working and investigating procedures of Comparative Education

    The power of a feminine network. The Family, life and death of Luisa de Velasco.

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    La documentación, generada por la muerte de Luisa de Velasco, permite sacar a la luz un entramado de relaciones entre mujeres de la élite, una parte de ellas servidoras en la corte española en el siglo XVII. Unidas por la amistad forjada en palacio y por sus lazos de sangre, gestionaron los intereses hereditarios de los Fernández de Velasco. Además, en este caso, podemos reconstruir y analizar una red que desde la Corte madrileña conectaba otros espacios de poder de la monarquía de los Austrias.Documentation produced after Luisa de Velasco’s death has enabled the discovery of a network of relationships among elite women, some of whom had been working as servants in the Spanish royal court in the seventeenth century. These women, who were bound to each other by a friendship cemented at the palace and by their blood ties, managed the hereditary interests of the Fernández de Velasco family. The documentation also enables us to reconstruct and analyse this network, which connected other areas of power of the Spanish Habsburg monarchy from the Court in Madrid

    La vida posterior de Anne Elliot en Country Neighbours (1820) de Sarah Harriet Burney

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    Resumen:Sarah Harriet Burney sigue siendo una escritora menos conocida que su hermanastra, la famosa Frances Burney, aunque alcanzó la fama en su época y produjo bastantes obras de ficción. Este trabajo analiza Country Neighbours, Or the Secret (1820) de Sarah Harriet Burney como una reescritura muy personal de Persuasion (1818) de Jane Austen tomando como base las diferencias y paralelismos a nivel de técnica narrativa y temas. Veremos cómo ambas escritoras usaron la figura de la mujer soltera para mostrar su preocupación por la marginación de la mujer en la Inglaterra del siglo diecinueve.</jats:p

    Entre los mares del Norte y del Sur. La política diplomática de la monarquía hispánica con Inglaterra (1680-1688)

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    Between the Caribbean and the Pacific, Panama appears as a geo-strategic location along which pass commercial and defensive interests of Spain and England. James II proposed a project to Spanish monarchy to finish with the pirates in America in the eighties. He picks up the idea of his brother and predecessor, Charles II Stuart. This project was the immediate predecessor of the union of the navy of both powers during the Nine Years’ War.Entre el Caribe y el Pacífico, Panamá aparece como un lugar geoestratégico por donde transitan los intereses comerciales y defensivos de España e Inglaterra. Jacobo II propone a la monarquía hispánica un proyecto para terminar con los piratas en América en la década de los ochenta. Recoge la idea de su hermano y antecesor en el cargo, Carlos II Estuardo. Dicho proyecto fue el precedente inmediato de la unión de las armadas de ambas potencias durante la guerra de los Nueve Años