2,664 research outputs found

    Xarxa Llull : The University Network of Catalan Studies Abroad

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    This article provides an outline of the network of universities where Catalan is taught outside the Catalan-speaking territories. This network is coordinated and managed by the Institut Ramon Llull, the public body created by the governments of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and the city of Barcelona with the mission to promote the Catalan language and culture abroad. It consists of 145 universities in 28 countries, of which 87 universities receive funding from the IRL. The article describes the main characteristics and activities of this network, defines the value it creates for the various stakeholders that participate in it, and outlines its main objectives and projects for the immediate future

    Dislocated Temporalities : Immigration, Identity, and Sexuality in Najat El Hachmi?s «L?últim patriarca»

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    Temporalitats dislocades: immigració, identitat i sexualitat en L?últim patriarca, de Najat el Hachmi La crítica catalana recent ha analitzat l?espai, el lloc i la immigració, però ha ignorat la temporalitat. Tanmateix, les migracions no només tenen a veure amb l?espai (amb moviments demogràfics i reubicacions geogràfiques), sinó amb el temps: la immigració qüestiona la idea dels orígens i la possibilitat d?un futur compartit, i problematitza els ritmes de la vida quotidiana. La temporalitat és crucial en la formació de les identitats i en els conflictes culturals, no només quant als usos del passat i la projecció de les societats cap al futur, sinó també quant als usos normatius del cos. La coexistència de temporalitats asíncrones causada per la immigració és un factor en els conflictes culturals i psíquics. La novel·la de Najat El Hachmi L?últim patriarca (2008) n?és un bon exemple. En aquest text la temporalitat circular, basada en la repetició de cicles, de la societat tradicional del Marroc s?atura de cop a causa de la incapacitat del pare de la narradora de reproduir la dominació patriarcal a Catalunya. Al mateix temps, la novel·la ancora aquesta experiència en referents literaris moderns mitjançant un diàleg amb la tradició literària catalana, i qüestiona la temporalitat entesa com a successió de generacions, tot problematitzant la reproducció biològica i la subordinació de gènere i mitjançant els efectes devastadors de la sexualitat anal. L?article ofereix una anàlisi integrada d?aquestes qüestions des de la psicoanàlisi

    Undershoot and order quantity probability distributions in periodic review, reorder point, order-up-to-level inventory systems with continuous demand

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    The undershoot of the reorder point in the periodic review, order-up-to-level (R, s, S) inventory system is known to follow a complex probability distribution which depends on the value of S-s (Δ) and the distribution of the demand during the review interval (R). We focus on the continuous demand case with full backlogging and variable lead-time. For this case, a generic formulation of the undershoot probability density function (p.d.f.) is developed. The order quantity probability distribution in (R, s, S) systems is the same as the undershoot probability distribution with a shift of Δ in the random variable. Therefore, the latter opens the possibility of calculating valuable managerial information such as the expected average order quantity, its standard deviation, and the probability that the order quantity is lower than or exceeds a predetermined value. Based on the proposed formulation, we derive an analytical expression of the undershoot p.d.f. (and hence the order quantity p.d.f.) for the case of gamma distributed demand, as well as a tractable approximation for the normal distributed demand. Both expressions are shown to be dependent upon two nondimensional parameters, Δ/μR and the coefficient of variation, with the mean demand during the review interval (μR) acting as a scale parameter. We thus define a nondimensional undershoot p.d.f. (NUPDF). The relevance of full nondimensionalization stems from the fact that gamma and normal NUPDF analyses can be scaled to any case of gamma and normal distributed demands. Although we focus on the inventory management viewpoint, the results for the gamma distributed case can be directly adapted for use in any renewal process.The authors would like to acknowledge the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, for the support provided throughout the research project code RTI2018-094614-B-I00 (SMASHING) into the "Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad"

    Students’ Motivation to Choose Language Itineraries in the Degree of Primary Education

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    El presente artículo analiza la motivación de los futuros maestros para escoger una mención de lengua (Inglés o Asturiano) en el Grado en Educación Primaria. El objeti-vo es identificar los elementos que influyen en la elección de las menciones de los futuros maestros de lenguas; la investigación examina si los alumnos que se especializan en la ense-ñanza de la lengua internacional o la lengua regional muestran una motivación intrínseca o extrínseca. Se administró un cuestionario a 89 alumnos del 3er curso de Educación Primaria. Los análisis de la varianza confirman la motivación intrínseca del alumnado que escoge su especialización; no se hallaron diferencias entre los futuros docentes de inglés y asturiano, aunque hay variables que arrojan resultados significativos.This paper explores the motivation of pre-service teachers to choose a lan-guage itinerary (English or Asturian) in the Degree of Primary Education. The objective is to identify which elements drive students to select among the so-called menciones (tracks) to become language teachers; the study examines if pre-service teachers specializing in the international or the regional language report intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. A survey was answered by 89 students in their 3rd year of Primary Education. Variance analyses confirm the intrinsic motivation of students; no significant differences were found between future teachers of English/Asturian, although some variables render significant results

    Rheology of Polymer Processing in Spain (1995–2020)

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    The contribution of Spanish scientists to the rheology involved in polymer processing during the last 25 years is investigated. It is shown that the performed research covers, at different levels, all industrial polymeric materials: thermoplastics, thermosets, adhesives, biopolymers, composites and nanocomposites, and polymer modified bitumen. Therefore, the rheological behaviour of these materials in processing methods such as extrusion, injection moulding, additive manufacturing, and others is discussed, based on the literature results. A detailed view of the most outstanding achievements, based on the rheological criteria of the authors, is offeredThis research was funded by Basque Government, IT1309-19. LS acknowledges the postdoctoral grant from Basque Governmen

    Universal fidelity reduction of quantum operations from weak dissipation

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    Quantum information processing is in real systems often limited by dissipation, stemming from remaining uncontrolled interaction with microscopic degrees of freedom. Given recent experimental progress, we consider weak dissipation, resulting in a small error probability per operation. Here, we find a simple formula for the fidelity reduction of any desired quantum operation. Interestingly, this reduction is independent of the specific operation; it depends only on the operation time and the dissipation. Using our formula, we investigate the situation where dissipation in different parts of the system have correlations, which is detrimental for the successful application of quantum error correction. Surprisingly, we find that a large class of correlations gives the same fidelity reduction as uncorrelated dissipation of similar strength.Comment: 5+4 page

    Observation of crystallization slowdown in supercooled para-hydrogen and ortho-deuterium quantum liquid mixtures

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    We report a quantitative experimental study of the crystallization kinetics of supercooled quantum liquid mixtures of para-hydrogen (pH2_2) and ortho-deuterium (oD2_2) by high spatial resolution Raman spectroscopy of liquid microjets. We show that in a wide range of compositions the crystallization rate of the isotopic mixtures is significantly reduced with respect to that of the pure substances. To clarify this behavior we have performed path-integral simulations of the non-equilibrium pH2_2-oD2_2 liquid mixtures, revealing that differences in quantum delocalization between the two isotopic species translate into different effective particle sizes. Our results provide first experimental evidence for crystallization slowdown of quantum origin, offering a benchmark for theoretical studies of quantum behavior in supercooled liquids.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    La renovación del Sistema de Indicadores Lingüísticos (SIL) de la Dirección General de Política Lingüística

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    Aquest article informa sobre els orígens, l’evolució i les noves funcionalitats del Sistema d’Indicadors Lingüístics de la Direcció General de Política Lingüística. També s’hi expliquen les principals fonts utilitzades i els àmbits, i es donen alguns exemples d’indicadors gràfics que permeten detectar algunes claus de la situació de la llengua.This article provides information on the origins, evolution and new functionalities of the System of Linguistic Indicators of the General Directorate for Language Policy.   It also explains the main sources and areas and provides examples of graphic indicators that identify some of the pointers to the current situation of the language.En el presente artículo se informa sobre los orígenes, la evolución y las nuevas funcionalidades del Sistema de Indicadores Lingüísticos de la Dirección General de Política Lingüística. Asimismo, se reseñan las principales fuentes utilizadas y los ámbitos de aplicación, con algunos ejemplos de indicadores gráficos que permiten detectar algunas claves de la situación de la lengua
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