96 research outputs found

    Situational modelling of oil pollution risks monitored by distributed monitoring

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    The work is studying the distributed system of natural environment monitoring points. The purpose of the study is to solve two main problems of optimization: a) optimization of risks of emergency events; b) optimal cessation of environmental monitoring, which allows to reduce the costs of observation. Monitoring of the environment contaminated with petroleum products is relevant. Traditionally used methods and monitoring itself are expensive and technological complex mechanisms, often requiring satellite data. When studying environmental pollution, it is important to consider situational risks and stochastic irreversible changes in nature. For this purpose, it is necessary to apply the methods and methodology of the system approach, which are used in the article for analysis of complex data structures and entropy of the system. For the informativeness of less long monitoring, it's represented by four main subsystems (capture, operation, selection and decision-making) and evaluated using an information-entropy approach. The work will solve the practical task of monitoring the contaminated environment

    Application of ESI FT-ICR MS to Study Kraft Lignin Modification by the Exoenzymes of the White Rot Basidiomycete Fungus TrametesHirsutaLE-BIN 072

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    Trameteshirsuta is a wood rotting fungus that possesses a vast array of lignin degrading enzymes, including7 laccases, 7 ligninolyticmanganese peroxidases, 9 lignin peroxidases and 2 versatile peroxidases. In this study,electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT-ICR MS)was used to examine kraft lignin modification by the enzymatic system of this fungus.The observed pattern of lignin modification suggested that before the 6th day of cultivation,the fungal enzymatic system tended to degrade more oxidized moleculesand, hence, less recalcitrant molecules, with the production of hard-to-modify reduced molecular species. At some point after the 6th day of cultivation,the fungal enzymatic system tended to degrade more oxidized moleculesand, hence, less recalcitrant molecules, with the production of hard-to-modify reduced molecular species. At some point after the 6th day of cultivation,the fungus started to degrade less oxidized, more recalcitrant, compounds, converting them into the more oxidized forms. The altered pattern of lignin modification enabled changes in the fungal enzymatic system. These changes were further attributed to the appearance of the particular ligninolyticmanganese peroxides enzyme(MnP7), which was added by the fungus to the mixture of enzymes that had already been secreted (VP2 and MnP5). Keywords: wood rotting fungi, kraft lignin, mass spectrometry, peroxidase

    Domestication as Enskilment : Harnessing Reindeer in Arctic Siberia

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    Acknowledgements Funding for this project was provided by the Wenner-Gren Foundation (SFR1725) to R. Losey, the JPI HUMANOR project (ESRC ES/M011054/1) to D. Anderson, ERC GRETPOL to D. Arzyutov, and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research to N.Fedorova (18-09-40011). The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Nenets families, the Okotettos and Yaungads, who hosted us during our stay in Iamal, which is greatly appreciated. Special thanks are also offered to the staff of Iamal-Nenets Autonomous District, and the staff of the Iamal-Nenets Regional Museum and Exhibition Complex of I.S. Shemanovskii, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, and British Museum for providing access to their collections.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Transcriptomic changes triggered by ouabain in rat cerebellum granule cells: Role of α3- and α1-Na+,K+-ATPase-mediated signaling

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    It was shown previously that inhibition of the ubiquitous α1 isoform of Na+,K+-ATPase by ouabain sharply affects gene expression profile via elevation of intracellular [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio. Unlike other cells, neurons are abundant in the α3 isoform of Na+,K+-ATPase, whose affinity in rodents to ouabain is 104-fold higher compared to the α1 isoform. With these sharp differences in mind, we compared transcriptomic changes in rat cerebellum granule cells triggered by inhibition of α1- and α3-Na+,K+-ATPase isoforms. Inhibition of α1- and α3-Na+,K+-ATPase isoforms by 1 mM ouabain resulted in dissipation of transmembrane Na+ and K+ gradients and differential expression of 994 transcripts, whereas selective inhibition of α3-Na+,K+-ATPase isoform by 100 nM ouabain affected expression of 144 transcripts without any impact on the [Na+]i/[K+]i ratio. The list of genes whose expression was affected by 1 mM ouabain by more than 2-fold was abundant in intermediates of intracellular signaling and transcription regulators, including augmented content of Npas4, Fos, Junb, Atf3, and Klf4 mRNAs, whose upregulated expression was demonstrated in neurons subjected to electrical and glutamatergic stimulation. The role [Na+]i/[K+]i-mediated signaling in transcriptomic changes involved in memory formation and storage should be examined further

    Evolutionary Relationships Between the Laccase Genes of Polyporales: Orthology-Based Classification of Laccase Isozymes and Functional Insight From Trametes hirsuta

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    Laccase is one of the oldest known and intensively studied fungal enzymes capable of oxidizing recalcitrant lignin-resembling phenolic compounds. It is currently well established that fungal genomes almost always contain several non-allelic copies of laccase genes (laccase multigene families); nevertheless, many aspects of laccase multigenicity, for example, their precise biological functions or evolutionary relationships, are mostly unknown. Here, we present a detailed evolutionary analysis of the sensu stricto laccase genes (CAZy – AA1_1) from fungi of the Polyporales order. The conducted analysis provides a better understanding of the Polyporales laccase multigenicity and allows for the systemization of the individual features of different laccase isozymes. In addition, we provide a comparison of the biochemical and catalytic properties of the four laccase isozymes from Trametes hirsuta and suggest their functional diversification within the multigene family

    Risk of hospitalization and death following prostate biopsy in Scotland

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    AbstractObjectiveTo investigate the risk of hospitalization and death following prostate biopsy.Study designRetrospective cohort study.MethodsOur study population comprised 10,285 patients with a record of first ever prostate biopsy between 2009 and 2013 on computerized acute hospital discharge or outpatient records covering Scotland. Using the general population as a comparison group, expected numbers of admissions/deaths were derived by applying age-, sex-, deprivation category-, and calendar year-specific rates of hospital admissions/deaths to the study population. Indirectly standardized hospital admission ratios (SHRs) and mortality ratios (SMRs) were calculated by dividing the observed numbers of admissions/deaths by expected numbers.ResultsCompared with background rates, patients were more likely to be admitted to hospital within 30 days (SHR 2.7; 95% confidence interval 2.4, 2.9) and 120 days (SHR 4.0; 3.8, 4.1) of biopsy. Patients with prior co-morbidity had higher SHRs. The risk of death within 30 days of biopsy was not increased significantly (SMR 1.6; 0.9, 2.7), but within 120 days, the risk of death was significantly higher than expected (SMR 1.9; 1.5, 2.4). The risk of death increased with age and tended to be higher among patients with prior co-morbidity. Overall risks of hospitalization and of death up to 120 days were increased both in men diagnosed and those not diagnosed with prostate cancer.ConclusionsHigher rates of adverse events in older patients and patients with prior co-morbidity emphasizes the need for careful patient selection for prostate biopsy and justifies ongoing efforts to minimize the risk of complications

    Genome-wide association studies targeting the yield of extraembryonic fluid and production traits in Russian White chickens

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    Background: The Russian White is a gene pool breed, registered in 1953 after crossing White Leghorns with local populations and, for 50 years, selected for cold tolerance and high egg production (EL). The breed has great potential in meeting demands of local food producers, commercial farmers and biotechnology sector of specific pathogen-free (SPF) eggs, the former valuing the breed for its egg weight (EW), EL, age at first egg (AFE), body weight (BW), and the latter for its yield of extraembryonic fluid (YEF) in 12.5-day embryos, ratio of extraembryonic fluid to egg weight, and embryo mass. Moreover, its cold tolerance has been presumably associated with day-old chick down colour (DOCDC) white rather than yellow, the genetic basis of these traits being however poorly understood. Results: We undertook genome-wide association studies (GWASs) for eight performance traits using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping of 146 birds and an Illumina 60KBeadChip. Several suggestive associations (p <5.16*10(-5)) were found for YEF, AFE, BW and EW. Moreover, on chromosome 2, an association with the white DOCDC was found where there is an linkage disequilibrium block of SNPs including genes that are responsible not for colour, but for immune resistance. Conclusions: The obtained GWAS data can be used to explore the genetics of immunity and carry out selection for increasing YEF for SPF eggs production.Peer reviewe

    Особенности естественного возобновления в сосново-липовых и лиственнично-липовых насаждениях города Москвы

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    Problems of natural renewal of tree species (pine-linden and larch-linden stands) were studied in the territory of Forest experimental station, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy. Natural regeneration of tree species is one of the most urgent problems of forestry and forest park management in urban areas. Reforestation refers to complex natural processes that affect all components of biogeocenoses. The purpose of the research was to study natural regeneration in mixed stands in Moscow. Methods and results of field surveys of forest stands in permanent trial plots were described. The forest stands of permanent trial plots are mature and overmature, therefore at present there is a loss of large-sized pine and larch trees. Due to greater durability, larch falls off more slowly compared to pine. Further growth of pine-linden and larch-linden plantations depends on quantity and quality of undergrowth, its viability and growing conditions. In Forest experimental station, natural renewal prevails, represented mainly by the following species: maple and linden. Saplings of pine, larch, oak, and birch appear on some permanent test plots, but soon die due to unfavorable conditions. Oak undergrowth is also unreliable due to powdery mildew infection. The greatest loss of growth occurs in unfavorable growing conditions due to increased recreational loads.Рассмотрены проблемы естественного возобновления древесных пород на примере сосново-­липовых и лиственнично-­липовых насаждений Лесной опытной дачи Тимирязевской сельскохозяйственной академии. Естественное возобновление древесных пород — одна из актуальнейших проблем ведения лесного и лесопаркового хозяйства на урбанизированных территориях. Лесовосстановление относится к сложным природным процессам, оказывающим влияние на все компоненты биогеоценозов. Цель исследования — изучение естественного возобновления в смешанных насаждениях в условиях Москвы. Описаны методы и результаты полевых обследований лесных насаждений постоянных пробных площадей. Древостои постоянных пробных площадей относятся к спелым и перестойным, поэтому в настоящее время наблюдается отпад крупномерных деревьев сосны и лиственницы. Ввиду большей долговечности лиственница отпадает медленнее по сравнению с сосной. Дальнейшая динамика сосново-­липовых и лиственнично-­липовых насаждений зависит от количества и качества подроста, а также показателей его жизнеспособности и условий произрастания. В Лесной опытной даче преобладает естественное возобновление, представленное, главным образом, следующими породами: кленом и липой. Всходы сосны, лиственницы, дуба, березы появляются на некоторых постоянных пробных площадях, но вскоре погибают из-за неблагоприятных условий. Подрост дуба также является неблагонадежным из-за поражения мучнистой росой. Наибольшие потери прироста подроста по высоте происходят в неблагоприятных условиях произрастания, в результате утраты жизнеспособности из-за повышенных рекреационных нагрузок

    Opisthorchis felineus infection, risks, and morbidity in rural Western Siberia, Russian Federation

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    The liver fluke, Opisthorchis felineus, is widely distributed throughout Europe and large parts of the Russian Federation. In Western Siberia, information about opisthorchiasis is lacking although infection may lead to severe liver and bile duct diseases. We aimed to assess the current prevalence of O. felineus infection along with associated risk factors and morbidity in rural Western Siberia.; We conducted a community-based, cross-sectional study in the rural Shegarskiy district, Tomsk Oblast, Russian Federation. All household members (≥ 7 years) present on the survey day were enrolled (n = 600). Two stool samples per person were examined for helminth eggs, using PARASEP (DiaSys Ltd, UK). The number of eggs per gram (EPG) of feces was recorded. Each study participant was interviewed to determine risk factors, using a pre-tested questionnaire. An abdominal ultrasonography examination of liver and bile ducts was performed with a mobile, high resolution ultrasound device. In total, 488 persons completed assessments (two stool samples, completed questionnaires); of those, 436 individuals had an ultrasonography (US) examination.; We observed a prevalence of O. felineus infection of 60.2%. Significant risk factors for infection were the consumption of river fish (odds ratio from adjusted analysis [aOR] 2.4, 95% CI 1.52-3.95, p<0.001), particularly stock fish (OR from multivariable analysis [mOR] 3.2, 95% CI 2.63-3.80, p<0.001), smoked fish (mOR 1.5, 95% CI 1.24-1.72, p<0.001), frozen fish (mOR 1.6, 95% CI 1.29-2.02, p<0.001), and raw fish (mOR 1.4, 95% CI 1.05-1.84, p = 0.02); and fishing activities (mOR 1.2, 95% CI 1.03-1.43, p = 0.019). Women had a higher risk of infection than men. Infection was associated positively with age and negatively with socio-economic status. The respondents' general awareness of opisthorchiasis was quite high (93.2%), but their knowledge about infection transmission and prevention was insufficient. Children aged 7-18 years old had a lower level of awareness compared to adults. The abdominal ultrasonography results demonstrated a strong association between O. felineus infection and gallbladder stones (mOR 2.8, 95% CI 1.33-6.04, p = 0.007) and periductal fibrosis of intrahepatic bile ducts (mOR 1.9, 95% CI 1.08-3.46, p = 0.026).; O. felineus infection is highly prevalent in rural regions of Western Siberia, and associated with severe hepatobiliary pathology. Identified risk factors will be used to develop a comprehensive targeted O. felineus infection control program

    Lignin-degrading peroxidases in white-rot fungus <i>Trametes hirsuta</i> 072. Absolute expression quantification of full multigene family

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    <div><p>Ligninolytic heme peroxidases comprise an extensive family of enzymes, which production is characteristic for white-rot Basidiomycota. The majority of fungal heme peroxidases are encoded by multigene families that differentially express closely related proteins. Currently, there were very few attempts to characterize the complete multigene family of heme peroxidases in a single fungus. Here we are focusing on identification and characterization of peroxidase genes, which are transcribed and secreted by basidiomycete <i>Trametes hirsuta</i> 072, an efficient lignin degrader. The <i>T</i>. <i>hirsuta</i> genome contains 18 ligninolytic peroxidase genes encoding 9 putative lignin peroxidases (LiP), 7 putative short manganese peroxidases (MnP) and 2 putative versatile peroxidases (VP). Using ddPCR method we have quantified the absolute expression of the 18 peroxidase genes under different culture conditions and on different growth stages of basidiomycete. It was shown that only two genes (one MnP and one VP) were prevalently expressed as well as secreted into cultural broth under all conditions investigated. However their transcriptome and protein profiles differed in time depending on the effector used. The expression of other peroxidase genes revealed a significant variability, so one can propose the specific roles of these enzymes in fungal development and lifestyle.</p></div