187 research outputs found


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    Sungai Jenelata yang memiliki peran penting dalam pengendalian banjir Kota Makassar dan Kabupaten Gowa memerlukan perhatian khusus terutama setelah terjadinya longsor di hulu sungai ini yaitu di Gunung Sorong yang memiliki volume longsor 235 juta m3 lumpur dan pasir yang terjadi pada tanggal 26 Maret 2004. Pasir dan lumpur yang terdapat pada bagian hulu sungai akan terbawa di sepanjang sungai yang dapat mempengaruhi  karakteristik aliran dan perubahan dasar sungai  di sepanjang sungai Jenelata. Daerah bagian hilir sungai Jenelata yang mengalami perubahan karakterstik aliran akan berdampak pada perubahan dasar sungai yang dimana material – material sungai seperti halnya lumpur, pasir, batuan maupun kotoran yang tidak mampu lagi dibawah oleh aliran sungai yang dimana dulunya aliran sungai tersebut cepat  menjadi sangat lambat  sehingga mendorong terjadinya pengendapan sedimen yang dimana dapat merubah permukanan dasar sungai. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik aliran di sungai Jeneleta dan mengetahui pengaruh perubahan dasar sungai terhadap karakteristik aliran pada bagian hilir sungai Jenalata.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik aliran berupa angka Froude menunjukkan pada bagian hilir sungai Jenelata, pada kondisi muka air minimum Fr : 0.067, muka air normal Fr : 0.069 dan muka air maksimum Fr : 0.073 dan Berdasarkan konfigurasi dasar sungai bahwa pada bagian hilir sungai Jenelata berbentuk  Anti Dunnes dengan dasar bentuk gelombang yang tidak simetris dimana nilai k  0,01 mete

    Pengaruh Pengajaran dan Persekutuan Terhadap Tingkat Pertumbuhan Rohani Anak dan Remaja

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    Evangelism to the lost souls is very important for the church to do, and no less important that the church should do, that is, to increase the spiritual growth of the church. In order for the spirituality of the church, including children and youth to experience growth until full maturity according to the will of God is necessary for continuous coaching through teaching and fellowship. In this research, the authors identify that the teaching and the fellowship have a very significant influence on the spiritual growth of children and youth, especially in the Gereja Sungai Yordan Keluarga Allah Kutabumi, Tangerang. This research is to determine the influencing of the teaching and the fellowship to the spiritual growth of children and adolescents. The research was conducted by analyzing data on the presence of children and adolescents in the Bible teaching classes and the fellowship and their spiritual growth based scores on Ephesians 4:13-15 and Acts 2:41-47 using scale interva

    Anatomical Characteristics of Roots and Stems of Citrus Rootstock as Parameter for Estimating of Rimau Gerga Lebong (RGL) Mandarin Citrus Vigor

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    The citrus plant's vigor was affected by rootstock used. This study aims to obtain a correlation between the root and stem anatomical characters of citrus rootstock and to obtain predictor variables of RGL mandarin citrus vigor. The research was conducted at Tlekung Field Trial of ICISFRI from June 2019 to March 2020. The experiment used JC, Citrumelo and Kanci rootstocks with RGL mandarin as a scion. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with five replications. The results showed that the growth of JC and Citrumelo were the same, and higher than that of Kanci. The three types of rootstocks had different anatomical characters. The correlation analysis showed that characteristics of percentage and vessel area of xylem both at the roots and stems were positively correlated with rootstock plant height. The Kanci rootstock had the smallest percentage and vessel area of xylem. The JC had rootstock the highest percentage of xylem and vessel area of xylem both at the roots and the stems. The Citrumelo rootstock has the highest density of xylem / mm2 vessels.  Citrumelo rootstock had the percentage of xylem, while JC rootstock has the largest vessel size of xylem. Evaluation results on three-year old RGL mandarins showed that JC and Citrumelo rootstocks caused higher plant height and canopy volume than Kanci one. The characters of percentage and vessel area of xylem can be used as a predictor of RGL mandarin citrus vigor. Keywords: citrus rootstock, RGL mandarin citrus, anatomical characters, xylem, vigorVigor tanaman jeruk dipengaruhi oleh batang bawah yang digunakan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan korelasi antara karakter anatomi akar dan batang terhadap tinggi tanaman jeruk batang bawah dan mendapatkan variabel prediksi vigor tanaman jeruk keprok RGL.  Penelitian dilaksanakan di KP-Tlekung, Balitjestro mulai bulan Juni 2019 – Maret 2020. Penelitian menggunakan batang bawah JC, Citrumelo dan Kanci dengan batang atas jeruk keprok RGL.  Percobaan dilaksanakan dengan rancangan acak kelompok, lima kali ulangan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan JC dan Citrumelo sama dan lebih tinggi dibandingkan Kanci.  Ketiga jenis batang bawah memiliki karakter anatomi yang berbeda.  Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan bahwa karakter persentase dan luas pembuluh xylem baik pada akar maupun batang berkorelasi positif terhadap tinggi tanaman batang bawah.  Batang bawah kanci memiliki persentase dan luas pembuluh paling kecil.  Batang bawah JC memiliki persentase xylem dan rata-rata luas pembuluh xylem tertinggi baik pada irisan melintang akar maupun batang.  Batang bawah Citrumelo memiliki densitas pembuluh xylem/mm2 tertinggi.  Hasil evaluasi pada tanaman jeruk keprok RGL umur tiga tahun menunjukkan bahwa batang bawah JC dan Citrumelo menyebabkan tinggi tanaman dan volume kanopi lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada batang bawah Kanci.  Karakter persentase dan luas pembuluh xylem dapat digunakan sebagai parameter penduga vigor tanaman jeruk RGL. Kata kunci: Jeruk batang bawah, jeruk keprok RGL, karakter anatomi, xylem, vigo

    Perencanaan Instalasi Air Bersih Desa Lembangloe Kabupaten Gowa

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    Instalasi air bersih merupakan perencanaan pembangunan alur air bersih dari sumber air melalui komponen penyalur dan penyambungnya ke bak – bak penampungan air maupun kran-kran yang berfungsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk setiap tahun, maka Desa Lembangloe setiap tahun harus meningkatkan jumlah ketersediaan air bersihnya dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakatnya. Di mana Desa Lembangloe ini jauh dari jangkauan proiritas pemenuhan air yag disediakan Pemerintah, dalam hal ini PDAM, sehingga diperlukan adanya perencanaan instalasi air bersih. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui berapa proyeksi jumlah kebutuhan air selama 10 tahun mendatang dan kapasitas tampungan yang dibutuhkan berapa kubik dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan air serta jarak dan alur pipa yang akan dilalui. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pengambilan data secara secara langsung kemudian menghitung proyeksi kebutuhan dengan metode aritmetik dan metode geometric. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proyeksi kebutuhan air di Desa Lembangloe meningkat 1% setiap tahun, kapasitas tampungan Reservoir/PMA sebesar 9,44 m3 serta jarak pipa yang dilalui dari PMA sampai ke rumah-rumah warga yaitu sejauh 2000 meter


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    D.I Sanrego Kecamatan Kahu,Kabupaten Bone pemberian air pada daerah irigasi perlu menyesuaikan dengan air yang tersedia ini berasal dari air hujan serta seperti Sungai dan bendung sanrego, karena itu yang tersedia selalu berubah-ubah dari waktu ke waktu maka di perlukan pengaturan pemberian air sebagai dasar rencana tata tanam. D.I Sanrego Kecamatan Kahu Kabupaten Bone kebutuhan airnya tidak terpenuhi pada musim kemarau. Hal tersebut mendorong perlu adanya analisis kebutuhan air yang memperhatikan faktor tataguna lahan bagi perencanaan pemanfaatan sumber daya air ( Upt Psda Sanrego ). Tujuan penelitian ini Untuk mengetahui ketersediaan air dalam memenuhi kebutuhan air pada Irigasi Sanrego dan tingkat kebutuhan air irigasi pada Irigasi Sanrego. Pada hasil penelitian ini ketersediaan air dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pada Irigasi Sanrego dengan data curah hujan sebesar 2,92 m3 / dtk. Besar rata – rata tingkat kebutuhan air pada Irigasi Sanrego  6,24 m3 /dt

    A cluster of genes located in 1p36 are down-regulated in neuroblastomas with poor prognosis, but not due to CpG island methylation

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    BACKGROUND: A common feature of neuroblastoma tumours are partial deletions of the short arm of chromosome 1 (1p-deletions). This is indicative of a neuroblastoma tumour suppressor gene being located in the region. Several groups including our have been studying candidate neuroblastoma genes in the region, but no gene/genes have yet been found that fulfil the criteria for being a neuroblastoma tumour suppressor. Since frequent mutations have not been detected, we have now analyzed the expression and promoter CpG island methylation status of the genes UBE4B, KIF1B, PGD, APITD1, DFFA and PEX14 in the 1p36.22 region in order to find an explanation for a possible down-regulation of this region. RESULTS: The current study shows that gene transcripts in high stage neuroblastoma tumours are significantly down-regulated compared to those in low stage tumours in the 1p36.22 region. CpG island methylation does not seem to be the mechanism of down-regulation for most of the genes tested, since no methylation was detected in the fragments analyzed. One exception is the CpG island of APITD1. Methylation of this gene is also seen in blood from control individuals and is therefore not believed to participate in tumour development. CONCLUSION: The genes UBE4B, KIF1B, PGD, APITD1, DFFA and PEX14 are down-regulated in high stage NB tumours, a feature that can not be explained by CpG island methylation

    Different Academic Coping Strategies Facing Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic Among the Students In Counselling Department

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    Abstract The challenge for academic success in higher education is getting tougher with the implementation of study from home (SFH) in the covid-19 pandemic. One aspect that supports the success of online learning is the ability of students to survive in difficult conditions or referred to as coping skills. The objectives of this study: 1) are there any differences in student coping strategies in dealing with online learning during the covid-19 pandemic; 2) are there differences in student approach strategies in dealing with online learning during the covid-19 pandemic; 3) Are there differences in student avoidance strategies in dealing with online learning during the covid-19 pandemic; and 4) Are there differences in student social support strategies in dealing with online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. This type of research is a type of descriptive research. The sample in this study were students of the guidance and counseling study program enrolled in the 2020/2021 academic year. The research sample is 210 consisting of 100 male students and 110 female students who were selected randomly. The instrument of this study used an Academic coping strategies questionnaire from Sullivan (Sullivan, 2010) adapted. The results of the adaptation of the ACSC questionnaire through the CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) test showed the Cronbach alpha value = 0.081; RMSEA = 0.072; CFI= 0.98; GFI= 0.882; CMIN/DF = 2548.63/1540; and TLI = 0.891. The results of data analysis using the ANOVA test shows the approach factor is the type of coping strategy that is most widely used by students during online learning. The coping approach strategy is most often used by students in the category of academic achievement of the five best in class

    Stability of the CpG island methylator phenotype during glioma progression and identification of methylated loci in secondary glioblastomas

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    BACKGROUND: Grade IV glioblastomas exist in two forms, primary (de novo) glioblastomas (pGBM) that arise without precursor lesions, and the less common secondary glioblastomas (sGBM) which develop from earlier lower grade lesions. Genetic heterogeneity between pGBM and sGBM has been documented as have differences in the methylation of individual genes. A hypermethylator phenotype in grade IV GBMs is now well documented however there has been little comparison between global methylation profiles of pGBM and sGBM samples or of methylation profiles between paired early and late sGBM samples.METHODS: We performed genome-wide methylation profiling of 20 matched pairs of early and late gliomas using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChips to assess methylation at &gt;485,000 cytosine positions within the human genome.RESULTS: Clustering of our data demonstrated a frequent hypermethylator phenotype that associated with IDH1 mutation in sGBM tumors. In 80% of cases, the hypermethylator status was retained in both the early and late tumor of the same patient, indicating limited alterations to genome-wide methylation during progression and that the CIMP phenotype is an early event. Analysis of hypermethylated loci identified 218 genes frequently methylated across grade II, III and IV tumors indicating a possible role in sGBM tumorigenesis. Comparison of our sGBM data with TCGA pGBM data indicate that IDH1 mutated GBM samples have very similar hypermethylator phenotypes, however the methylation profiles of the majority of samples with WT IDH1 that do not demonstrate a hypermethylator phenotype cluster separately from sGBM samples, indicating underlying differences in methylation profiles. We also identified 180 genes that were methylated only in sGBM. Further analysis of these genes may lead to a better understanding of the pathology of sGBM vs pGBM.CONCLUSION: This is the first study to have documented genome-wide methylation changes within paired early/late astrocytic gliomas on such a large CpG probe set, revealing a number of genes that maybe relevant to secondary gliomagenesis.</p

    Diagnostic Utility of IDH1/2 Mutations to Distinguish Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma from Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma of Bone

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    Histologically it is nearly impossible to distinguish the dedifferentiated component of dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma from undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of bone when the low-grade cartilaginous component is absent. Previous studies have revealed that isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) and IDH2 mutations are present in a significant number of cartilaginous tumors including the majority of conventional chondrosarcoma and dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas. These mutations have not been studied in undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas of bone. We sought to investigate whether an IDH1 or IDH2 mutation signature could be used as a clinically diagnostic marker for the distinction of dedifferentiated component of chondrosarcoma from undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of bone. Sixty-eight bone tumor cases, including 31 conventional chondrosarcomas, 23 dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas, and 14 undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas of bone, were collected for IDH1/2 mutation analysis either using the Qiagen IDH1/2 RGQ PCR Kit or using whole exome sequencing. IDH1/2 mutations were detected in 87% (20/23) of dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas and 30% (6/20) of conventional chondrosarcomas. No mutations were detected in the IDH1/2 codon 132 or codon 172 among 14 UPS of bone. Identification of IDH1 or IDH2 mutations supports the diagnosis of dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma rather than undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of bone while also providing some insight into the pathogenesis of these two lesions

    A Genome-wide screen identifies frequently methylated genes in haematological and epithelial cancers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic as well as epigenetic alterations are a hallmark of both epithelial and haematological malignancies. High throughput screens are required to identify epigenetic markers that can be useful for diagnostic and prognostic purposes across malignancies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we report for the first time the use of the MIRA assay (methylated CpG island recovery assay) in combination with genome-wide CpG island arrays to identify epigenetic molecular markers in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) on a genome-wide scale. We identified 30 genes demonstrating methylation frequencies of ≥25% in childhood ALL, nine genes showed significantly different methylation frequencies in B vs T-ALL. For majority of the genes expression could be restored in methylated leukemia lines after treatment with 5-azaDC. Forty-four percent of the genes represent targets of the polycomb complex. In chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) two of the genes, (<it>TFAP2A </it>and <it>EBF2)</it>, demonstrated increased methylation in blast crisis compared to chronic phase (P < 0.05). Furthermore hypermethylation of an autophagy related gene <it>ATG16L2 </it>was associated with poorer prognosis in terms of molecular response to Imatinib treatment. Lastly we demonstrated that ten of these genes were also frequently methylated in common epithelial cancers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In summary we have identified a large number of genes showing frequent methylation in childhood ALL, methylation status of two of these genes is associated with advanced disease in CML and methylation status of another gene is associated with prognosis. In addition a subset of these genes may act as epigenetic markers across hematological malignancies as well as common epithelial cancers.</p