1,529 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analisis Untuk Menganalisis Efisiensi Kinerja Rute Penerbangan Maskapai Penerbangan (Studi Kasus Di PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk)

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    Transportasi udara merupakan jenis transportasi yang dalam beberapa tahun terakhir terus mengalami peningkatan jumlah penggunanya. Efisiensi rute penerbangan pada maskapai penerbangan sangat penting untuk mendapatkan produktivitas dan keuntungan yang optimal bagi perusahaan. Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis adalah sebuah teknik untuk menghitung efisiensi relatif pada Decision Making Unit (DMU) yang melakukan tugas-tugas yang sama dengan setiap input dan outputmerupakan input dan output yang bersifat fuzzy. Pada Tugas Akhir ini, Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis dengan pendekatanlevel based approach digunakan untuk menghitung tingkat efisiensi relatif pada kinerja rute penerbangan internasional di PT. Garuda Indonesia (persero) Tbk pada aspek biaya dan aspek layanan. Didapatkan hasil berupa tingkat efisiensi dan rankingdari kinerja rute penerbangan internasional tersebut beserta nilai target variabel bagi rute yang tidak efisien. Hasil lainnya diperoleh peer group dan analisis sensitivitas variabel sebagai informasi tambahan dalam perhitungan tingkat efisiensi pada kinerja rute penerbangan internasional PT. Garuda Indonesia Tbk. ========== Air transport is a type of transportionwhich recently increase in number of passanger.The efficiency of the airline flight route is very important to get the optimumproductivity andbenefit for the company. Fuzzy Data envelopment analysis is a methods to calculate the relative efficiency of the decision making unit (DMU), which performsthe same tasks andeach input and output is fuzzy. In this final project, the fuzzy data envelopment analysis with Ī±-level based approach is used to calculate the level of relative efficiency in performance evaluation ofinternationalflight routesat PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk on the aspectof cost andservice. The resultsobtainedefficiency leveland performance rankingof international flight route alongthe target valuesofvariablesof international flight routes whichare not efficient. The other result obtainedpeer group and sensitivity analysis of variables as additionalinformationin the calculation of level efficiency in performance ofinternational flightroutesPT.Garuda Indonesia Tbk

    Maqasid Al-Tashri' Al-Islami Fi Ahkam Takwin Al-Usrah Al-Muslimah Wa Inhilaliha

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    A family is essentially part of the structure of a society, even the most important element, for it is considered to be the benchmark of the goodness of it. For the sake of that reason, to acquire a deep understanding about the philosophy of the intention of shariah laws is extremely important. This research is aimed to acquire two goals, i.e. firstly, to describe the intention of shariah in the case of the law of muslim family construction and its terminations. Secondly, to elaborate the levels of syariah intention from the side of its urgency (primary, secondary and tertiary), and relates to the five main principles of shariah intentions, i.e.: the preservation of religion, soul, mind, ancestry, and assets. The research using the method of istiqraā€™ and istinbath (literature and interpretation of al-Quran and sunnah evidences) which is by looking for the intentions of shariah behind the Muslim family laws and interpreting the relevant divine evidences accordingly. The results of the study shows that the law of muslim family constructions and terminations are sturdy and without contradictions inside. The decree of all shariah laws are aimed to be divine which is to actualize a happy family here in the world and in the day of judgement. The intentions of shariahs are not at the same levels, which some of them are characterized as primary, and others treated as secondary as well as tertiary. From this point of view for whom has responsibilities to educate muslim families must be aware this case and consider accurately. Keywords: Intention, Syariah, Muslim family, family construction and family terminatio

    Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren dalam Pembentukan Karakter di Pondok Pesantren Hikmatul Huda Salem Brebes

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    The purpose of this paper is to research and describe the efforts of Islamic boarding schools in forming character in adolescents. The current problem is the character crisis that has hit the nation's children. One of the problems that often occurs repeatedly, when education has not been able to become social control and control the character or morality of students. While students are the pillars of the nation, so the term "if you want to see the progress of a nation, then look at its education" appears. In the midst of globalization and modernity as it is today, the character and morality of the nation is one of the many main problems experienced by developing countries, including Indonesia. For capitalist countries, Indonesia is a very potential market to market various cultural products. In addition to having a very large population, some Indonesians have a consumptive and talkative nature so that they have the potential to become a profitable market share for products from other nations. Although not all foreign cultural products have a negative impact. The research method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques through interviews, and observations on caregivers, managers, and students. In this study, researchers have proven that pesantren education has a role in character building, and pesantren is able to become the basis for implementing character education. This research was conducted at the Hikmatul Huda Islamic boarding school, a boarding school in Central Java, which is located in Malandang Village, Salem District, Brebes Regency. Ā  Abstract Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk meneliti dan menggambarkan upaya pondok pesantren dalam pembentukan karkater pada anak remaja. Permasalahan saat ini adalah krisis karakter yang melanda anak bangsa. Salah satu permasalahan yang sering terjadi secara berulang-ulang, ketika pendidikan belum mampu menjadi kontrol sosial serta pengendali akhlak atau moralitas pelajar. Sedangkan pelajar adalah tonggak bangsa, sehingga muncul istilah ā€œjika ingin melihat kemajuan suatu bangsa, maka lihatlah pendidikannyaā€. Di tengah arus globalisasi dan modernitas seperti sekarang ini, karakter dan moralitas bangsa menjadi satu dari sekian banyak persoalan utama yang dialami oleh negara-negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Bagi negaranegara kapitalis, Indonesia merupakan pasar yang sangat potensial untuk memasarkan berbagai produk budayanya. Selain memiliki jumlah penduduk yang sangat besar, sebagian masyarakat Indonesia mempunyai sifat konsumtif dan latah sehingga sangat berpotensi dijadikan pangsa pasar yang menguntungkan bagi produk-produk dari bangsa lain. Meskipun tidak semua produk budaya asing menimbulkan dampak negatif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, dan observasi pada pengasuh, pengelola, dan santri. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti telah membuktikan bahwa pendidikan pesantren mempunyai peranĀ  dalam pembentukanĀ  karakter, serta pesantren mampu menjadi basis implementasi pendidikan karakter. Penelitian ini dilakukan di pesantren Hikmatul Huda, sebuah pondok pesantren di daerah Jawa Tengah, yang terletak di Kampung Malandang, Kecamatan Salem, Kabupaten Brebes

    Pemerintah dan Media Sosial Studi Deskriptif Kuantitatif Persepsi Pegawai Humas dan Protokol SETDA Surakarta Terhadap Media Sosial

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    This study aims to determine employess's perceptions of public relations and protocol in SETDA Surakarta on characteristics of social media. Using quantitative descriptive method and form a questionnaire as a data collection instrument. The object of research is all employees of public relations and protocol SETDA Surakarta totaling 19 people. Datas were analyzed using basic statistical analysis with frequency distribution then presented in tabular form. The results showed that the respondent perception of social media has a total score of 1414, a mean of 74.24 and the median number is 72.00 with standard deviations worth of 7.676. This values placing the perception of respondents in positive category. Based on a datas, well known that the participation dimension has the highest average value, indicated that the presence of social media are able to stimulate the respondents behaviour became an active user in generating content and sharing information. The openness dimension has the lowest score, but included in the positive category. Respondents proved, that openness character of social media was demonstrated by the ease in expressing their opinions, exchange information and ideas and ease of giving or receiving comment through the features of the social media

    A novel tool to untangle the ecology and fossil preservation knot in exceptionally preserved biotas

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    Understanding the functioning of extinct ecosystems is a complicated knot of ecological, evolutionary, and preservational strands that must be untangled. For instance, anatomical and behavioral differences can profoundly alter fossilization pathways. This is particularly true in exceptionally preserved soft-bodied biotas that record the earliest phases of animal evolution during the Cambrian Explosion and the Ordovician Radiation. Herein, a novel method of data partitioning based on probabilistic modelling is developed to examine these processes for the Walcott Quarry, Burgess Shale, Canada (510Ma), and the Fezouata Shale, Morocco (c. 475Ma). The modelling shows that the mechanism for soft-tissue preservation in the Walcott Quarry is ecologically selective, favoring the endobenthos. This is not found in the Fezouata Shale. Taken in concert with bioturbation data, a new model of comparative preservation is developed based on sedimentary flow dynamics. This suggests that during the Cambrian Explosion and Ordovician Radiation the most exceptional fossils sites must still be calibrated against each other to understand the unfolding evolutionary events and the ecological structuring of ancient animal communities


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    The existence of the PDAM is one of the things that must be observed because it is one of the Regional Owned Enterprises that provides public services. The urgency of regional business entities in the form of PDAMs becomes increasingly important, considering that as a business entity, the PDAM does not only function to provide services to the community in the form of clean water. But it is also required to be able to contribute economically to the region, so that the area is able to be independent as the essence of autonomy given to the area. This study was designed using a qualitative and quantitative approach. A qualitative approach was developed in order to provide a comprehensive picture of the cooperation built by the PDAM with other parties. Cooperation is built by basing on the vision, mission and objectives of the PDAM to provide better service. The focus of the research was developed from the stages of collaborative governance proposed by Ratner. While the quantitative approach was developed to explore customer responses related to cooperation established by PDAMs to improve services. The purpose of this study is to create a customer service model based on customer recommendations. This goal is based on a shift in the practice of public services that must be able to respond to customer needs satisfactorily, without violating rules and application of applicable service ethics. In addition, there is also a theoretical shift from government to governance

    New fossil assemblages from the Early Ordovician Fezouata Biota

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    The Fezouata Biota (Morocco) is a unique Early Ordovician fossil assemblage. The discovery of this biota revolutionized our understanding of Earthā€™s early animal diversificationsā€”the Cambrian Explosion and the Ordovician Radiationā€”by suggesting an evolutionary continuum between both events. Herein, we describe Taichoute, a new fossil locality from the Fezouata Shale. This locality extends the temporal distribution of fossil preservation from this formation into the upper Floian, while also expanding the range of depositional environments to more distal parts of the shelf. In Taichoute, most animals were transported by density flows, unlike the in-situ preservation of animals recovered in previously investigated Fezouata sites. Taichoute is dominated by three-dimensionally preserved, and heavily sclerotized fragments of large euarthropodsā€”possibly representing nektobenthic/nektic bivalved taxa and/or hurdiid radiodonts. Resolving whether this dominance reflects a legitimate aspect of the original ecosystem or a preservational bias requires an in-depth assessment of the environmental conditions at this site. Nevertheless, Taichoute provides novel preservational and palaeontological insights during a key evolutionary transition in the history of life on Earth

    Functional characterization of a melon alcohol acyl-transferase gene family involved in the biosynthesis of ester volatiles. Identification of the crucial role of a threonine residue for enzyme activity

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    Volatile esters, a major class of compounds contributing to the aroma of many fruit, are synthesized by alcohol acyl-transferases (AAT). We demonstrate here that, in Charentais melon (Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis), AAT are encoded by a gene family of at least four members with amino acid identity ranging from 84% (Cm-AAT1/Cm-AAT2) and 58% (Cm-AAT1/Cm-AAT3) to only 22% (Cm-AAT1/Cm-AAT4). All encoded proteins, except Cm-AAT2, were enzymatically active upon expression in yeast and show differential substrate preferences. Cm-AAT1 protein produces a wide range of short and long-chain acyl esters but has strong preference for the formation of E-2-hexenyl acetate and hexyl hexanoate. Cm-AAT3 also accepts a wide range of substrates but with very strong preference for producing benzyl acetate. Cm-AAT4 is almost exclusively devoted to the formation of acetates, with strong preference for cinnamoyl acetate. Site directed mutagenesis demonstrated that the failure of Cm-AAT2 to produce volatile esters is related to the presence of a 268-alanine residue instead of threonine as in all active AAT proteins. Mutating 268-A into 268-T of Cm-AAT2 restored enzyme activity, while mutating 268-T into 268-A abolished activity of Cm-AAT1. Activities of all three proteins measured with the prefered substrates sharply increase during fruit ripening. The expression of all Cm-AAT genes is up-regulated during ripening and inhibited in antisense ACC oxidase melons and in fruit treated with the ethylene antagonist 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), indicating a positive regulation by ethylene. The data presented in this work suggest that the multiplicity of AAT genes accounts for the great diversity of esters formed in melon

    The phylogenetically-related pattern recognition receptors EFR and XA21 recruit similar immune signaling components in monocots and dicots

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    During plant immunity, surface-localized pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). The transfer of PRRs between plant species is a promising strategy for engineering broad-spectrum disease resistance. Thus, there is a great interest in understanding the mechanisms of PRR-mediated resistance across different plant species. Two well-characterized plant PRRs are the leucine-rich repeat receptor kinases (LRR-RKs) EFR and XA21 from Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) and rice, respectively. Interestingly, despite being evolutionary distant, EFR and XA21 are phylogenetically closely related and are both members of the sub-family XII of LRR-RKs that contains numerous potential PRRs. Here, we compared the ability of these related PRRs to engage immune signaling across the monocots-dicots taxonomic divide. Using chimera between Arabidopsis EFR and rice XA21, we show that the kinase domain of the rice XA21 is functional in triggering elf18-induced signaling and quantitative immunity to the bacteria Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pto) DC3000 and Agrobacterium tumefaciens in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, the EFR:XA21 chimera associates dynamically in a ligand-dependent manner with known components of the EFR complex. Conversely, EFR associates with Arabidopsis orthologues of rice XA21-interacting proteins, which appear to be involved in EFR-mediated signaling and immunity in Arabidopsis. Our work indicates the overall functional conservation of immune components acting downstream of distinct LRR-RK-type PRRs between monocots and dicots
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