263 research outputs found

    Regional trends in soil acidification and exchangeable metal concentrations in relation to acid deposition rates

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    The deposition of high levels of reactive nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S), or the legacy of that deposition, remain among the world's most important environmental problems. Although regional impacts of acid deposition in aquatic ecosystems have been well documented, quantitative evidence of wide-scale impacts on terrestrial ecosystems is not common. In this study we analysed surface and subsoil chemistry of 68 acid grassland sites across the UK along a gradient of acid deposition, and statistically related the concentrations of exchangeable soil metals (1 M KCl extraction) to a range of potential drivers. The deposition of N, S or acid deposition was the primary correlate for 8 of 13 exchangeable metals measured in the topsoil and 5 of 14 exchangeable metals in the subsoil. In particular, exchangeable aluminium and lead both show increased levels above a soil pH threshold of about 4.5, strongly related to the deposition flux of acid compound

    Atmospheric nitrogen deposition on petals enhances seed quality of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa.

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    Elevated atmospheric input of nitrogen (N) is currently affecting plant biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. The growth and survival of numerous plant species is known to respond strongly to N fertilization. Yet, few studies have assessed the effects of N deposition on seed quality and reproductive performance, which is an important life-history stage of plants. Here we address this knowledge gap by assessing the effects of atmospheric N deposition on seed quality of the ancient forest herb Anemone nemorosa using two complementary approaches. By taking advantage of the wide spatiotemporal variation in N deposition rates in pan-European temperate and boreal forests over two years, we detected positive effects of N deposition on the N concentration (percentage N per unit seed mass, increased from 2.8 to 4.1%) and N content (total N mass per seed, more than doubled) of A. nemorosa seeds. In a complementary experiment, we applied ammonium nitrate to aboveground plant tissues and the soil surface to determine whether dissolved N sources in precipitation could be incorporated into seeds. Although the addition of N to leaves and the soil surface had no effect, a concentrated N solution applied to petals during anthesis resulted in increased seed mass, seed N concentration and N content. Our results demonstrate that N deposition on the petals enhances bioaccumulation of N in the seeds of Anemone nemorosa. Enhanced atmospheric inputs of N can thus not only affect growth and population dynamics via root or canopy uptake, but can also influence seed quality and reproduction via intake through the inflorescences. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Differential responses of grasses and forbs led to marked reduction in below-ground productivity in temperate steppe following chronic N deposition

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    Enhanced deposition of atmospheric nitrogen (N) has profound impacts on ecosystem processes such as above-ground productivity and community structure in grasslands across the globe. But how N deposition affects below-ground processes of grasslands is less well known. Here, we evaluated the effects of chronic N amendment at a relatively low rate (20 kg ha-1 year-1) on root traits (root productivity, root biomass, root/shoot ratio) in Inner Mongolia steppes by rhizotron and ingrowth core and soil monolith techniques at levels of individual species, functional groups and ecosystem. For 8 years, N amendment suppressed above-ground net primary production (ANPP), photosynthetic rates and root biomass of forbs, but enhanced ANPP and root biomass of grasses. This led to an overall reduction in below-ground productivity of the grassland by 24-33%, while ANPP remained unchanged. Nitrogen amendment acidified soil and subsequently increased extractable soil manganese (Mn) concentration. Nitrogen amendment increased foliar Mn concentrations in forb, but not grass species, leading to a significant inhibition of photosynthetic rates in forb species. Synthesis. These findings highlight the importance of the differentiating responses of plant functional groups to long-term N deposition and the important consequences of these responses for below-ground productivity and long-term soil C sequestration

    Foliar ÎŽ15N values characterize soil N cycling and reflect nitrate or ammonium preference of plants along a temperate grassland gradient

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    The natural abundance of stable 15N isotopes in soils and plants is potentially a simple tool to assess ecosystem N dynamics. Several open questions remain, however, in particular regarding the mechanisms driving the variability of foliar ή15N values of non-N2 fixing plants within and across ecosystems. The goal of the work presented here was therefore to: (1) characterize the relationship between soil net mineralization and variability of foliar Δή15N (ή15Nleaf − ή15Nsoil) values from 20 different plant species within and across 18 grassland sites; (2) to determine in situ if a plant’s preference for NO3− or NH4+ uptake explains variability in foliar Δή15N among different plant species within an ecosystem; and (3) test if variability in foliar Δή15N among species or functional group is consistent across 18 grassland sites. Δή15N values of the 20 different plant species were positively related to soil net mineralization rates across the 18 sites. We found that within a site, foliar Δή15N values increased with the species’ NO3− to NH4+ uptake ratios. Interestingly, the slope of this relationship differed in direction from previously published studies. Finally, the variability in foliar Δή15N values among species was not consistent across 18 grassland sites but was significantly influenced by N mineralization rates and the abundance of a particular species in a site. Our findings improve the mechanistic understanding of the commonly observed variability in foliar Δή15N among different plant species. In particular we were able to show that within a site, foliar ή15N values nicely reflect a plant’s N source but that the direction of the relationship between NO3− to NH4+ uptake and foliar Δή15N values is not universal. Using a large set of data, our study highlights that foliar Δή15N values are valuable tools to assess plant N uptake patterns and to characterize the soil N cycle across different ecosystems
