8 research outputs found


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    Nata de coco is food made from coconut water waste which can be consumed and can help improve the digestive process. The results of fermentation at PT XYZ still contain damaged or moldy nata sheets. The purpose of this study is to identify the causes of nata sheet defects. The identification of production defects in this study uses a fishbone diagram. The results of this study show that the cause of nata de coco sheet defects is the quality of coconut water that is too old (contains oil), too young (does not contain minerals), too long exposure to open air (contaminated with other bacteria). So that the resulting starter seeds are not good enough. Other causes are because the tray used is not clean (still runny), the newspaper used is torn (wide open), shocks occur during fermentation, alkaline pH, fluctuating air temperature, the boiling process has not reached boiling point, and the amount of additional materials (ZA fertilizer and sugar) is not quite right


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    Komoditas bawang merah merupakan komoditas dengan permintaan yang cukup tinggi di Indonesia. Rata-rata konsumsi bawang merah per kapita sebesar 0,54 ons per hari. Sebagai komoditas sayuran bawang merah termasuk komoditas dengan produksi tinggi sebesar 1.49 juta ton pada tahun 2018. Sentra usaha bawang merah di Lampung masih dalam pengembangan untuk membantu menstabilkan kebutuhan suplai bawang merah dan menjaga kestabilan harga di pasar.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat  serta kelayakan dalam aspek teknis, finansial dan sosial ekonomidalam usaha tani bawang merah. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di salah satu kawasan lahan pertanian bawang merah di Lampung Tengah kecamatan Kota Gajah. Metode yang digunakan meliputi wawancara langsunguntuk pengumpulan data primer dan pengumpulan data sekunder melalui pusat informasi daerah.Penilaian secara finansial menggunakan analisis kriteria investasi nilai NPV, IRR, rasio pendapatan dan biaya (revenue and cost ratio). Hasil analisis teknis menunjukkan bahwa daerah kecamatan Kota Gajah memiliki iklim, jenis tanah dan ketersediaan serta skill petani yang memenuhi untuk tanaman bawang merah. Pada analisis finansial menunjukkan usaha tersebut layak dijalankan karena  diperoleh rasio revenue dan cost sebanyak 1,8, dengan nilai NPV Rp. 16.343.200.177,00 dan IRR 15,19% pada periode kedua diatas tingkat diskonto. Pada aspek sosial ekonomi menunjukkan bahwa tanaman bawang merah mampu meningkatkan penghasilan petani sebanyak 4 kali lipat dibanding menanam padi serta membuka hubungan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak baik pemerintah, swasta dan petani di luar kecamatan Kota Gajah

    Feasibility Study of Shallot Production in Financial Aspect in Central Lampung (Case study : Kota Gajah)

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    Shallot is superior vegetable commodity in which the demand has a tendency to increase. The growth of demand for commodity is in line with the growth of population  in Indonesia. Shallot is included in 7 (seven) basic foodstuffs targeted by Ministry of  Agriculture in Indonesia. The need of shallot is supplied by Central Java, East Java, West Java and  West Nusa Tenggara. Shallot commodities in Indonesia heavily depend on the season, the  government makes a regulation about shallot import for maintaining stability of price. To anticipate the occurrence of imports, the government is focused on inviting local governments to create a farming center of shallot. Lampung Province is one of the provinces that has suitable natural resources for shallot farming. The purpose of this research is to analyze the financial feasibility of shallot farming development based on NPV (Net Present Value), Net B/C (benefit/cost), IRR (Internal Rate Return), and payback period criteria. The financial feasibility analysis through the calculation of cost and benefit components obtained from shallot business and investment criteria to determine the level of feasibility in quantitative terms. The result showed that NPV is IDR. 16,747,507.38, Net B/C 1.45, IRR for 4 period is 66.03% and payback period is 3.58

    Evaluasi Risiko Rantai Pasok pada Komoditas Bawang Merah di Lampung

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    The Study of supply chain risk in shallot commodity needs to take more concern. This is related to the increasing number of risks that faced in different the Industrial and business world. Based on these risks, currently the condition of the Shallot commodity supply chain performance is less than expected. In Relations of existence of risks in the supply chain, risk management plays an important role in keeping the supply chain system in order to be not disrupted. Risk Management is the part. Risk management is an integral part of the management process that runs continuously to minimize losses either increase opportunities or opportunities. This risk management process starts from the process of risk identification, risk assessment, mitigation, monitoring and evaluation. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the risk of supply chain shallot commodity. The Step that has to do is risk identification, risk analyze, and risk evaluation of supply chain. House of Risk (HOR) model is the method that used to identification, analyze, and evaluation the risk of shallot commodity

    Capturing Public Response on Social Media Regarding the Implementation of Sustainable Supply Chain Management using Natural Language Processing

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    The concept of Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) attracts the attention of academics and practitioners with the triple bottom line concept (economic, social, environmental). In carrying out supply chain management, economic performance considers environmental and social factors through economic performance. Efforts to reduce negative impacts on social life and the environment are things that are considered in SSCM by applying this concept to the entire supply chain network. The application of SSCM becomes very complicated because it considers many things, and research that develops revolves around operational management. While the discussion from the consumer side is not much discussed. This study aims to discover the topics the public discusses regarding SSCM. Using the Natural Language Processing (NLP) method, public discussions on the Twitter platform were abstracted to obtain a list of topics and public sentiment towards SSCM. The results of extracting discussion topics on the Twitter platform show that economic and environmental discussions are more widely discussed than social factors. This can happen because there is a possibility that the concept of Green SCM has already been known. This concept discusses environmental factors that need to be considered in SCM. Meanwhile, public discussions were dominated by positive and neutral sentiments indicating optimism in the SSCM discussions

    Feasibility Study of Shallot Production in Financial Aspect in Central Lampung (Case study : Kota Gajah)

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    Shallot is superior vegetable commodity in which the demand has a tendency to increase. The growth of demand for commodity is in line with the growth of population  in Indonesia. Shallot is included in 7 (seven) basic foodstuffs targeted by Ministry of  Agriculture in Indonesia. The need of shallot is supplied by Central Java, East Java, West Java and  West Nusa Tenggara. Shallot commodities in Indonesia heavily depend on the season, the  government makes a regulation about shallot import for maintaining stability of price. To anticipate the occurrence of imports, the government is focused on inviting local governments to create a farming center of shallot. Lampung Province is one of the provinces that has suitable natural resources for shallot farming. The purpose of this research is to analyze the financial feasibility of shallot farming development based on NPV (Net Present Value), Net B/C (benefit/cost), IRR (Internal Rate Return), and payback period criteria. The financial feasibility analysis through the calculation of cost and benefit components obtained from shallot business and investment criteria to determine the level of feasibility in quantitative terms. The result showed that NPV is IDR. 16,747,507.38, Net B/C 1.45, IRR for 4 period is 66.03% and payback period is 3.58

    Visualization of Two-Phase Flow Regime in Vertical Pipe Airlift pump

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    An airlift pump can be used to move from one location to another. The pump lifts liquid or solid particles from air bubbles through a vertical pipe. In this experiment, the airlift pump system was modified using a microbubble generator installed on the injector to produce air bubbles. Two injectors were installed with a swirl model. This study aims to visualise the flow pattern that forms in a vertical pipe when air bubbles lift water toward the endpoint. The flow pattern was observed by varying airspeed and water column h in the vertical pipe. The method in this study was carried out using a two-phase flow (air-water). An acrylic pipe with an inner diameter of 50 mm and a height of 327 cm was used in this study. The immersion ratios were set to 0.44, 0.50, 0.56, 0.62, and 0.68. Air was injected into the system through a compressor injector, and air release was controlled by an airflow meter. m ³/h, 1.5 m³/h, 2 m³/hour, 2.5 m³/h, and 3 m³/h. The flow pattern in the thriller pipe is captured using a video camera. The research results show that bubble, slug, churn, and annular flow patterns are formed owing to variations in the airflow injected into the system. The slug flow changed to an annular flow as the slug flow speed increased. The slug and churn flows lifted the water, and the annular flow reversed the buoyancy force of the slug and churn flows. This study concludes that the ratio of the water column height in the vertical pipe affects the driving force for lifting water to the separator. The greater the immersion ratio, the better is the pump performance. In addition, the influence of the injected airflow forms a flow pattern that can move water from the bottom to a certain height