Portal Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Semarang
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    The aims this research to test of transformational leadership and entrepreneurial orientation on SME's Performance through product innovation. Small and Medium Enterprises are one of the pillars and strengths that contribute to the Indonesian economy. The number of MSMEs in Kudus Regency is the lowest among the surrounding cities, only 990 MSMEs. MSMEs must be able to navigate changes in their business environment, which requires leaders who can take appropriate action. It is necessary to apply leadership styles, such as transformational leadership and innovate to improve the performance of MSMEs. Through Product Innovation and Entrepreneur Orientation, then MSMEs can keep up with developments in the era so they can present superior products that have a greater chance of attracting consumers. Data analysis uses the AMOS Structural Equation Model (SEM) using validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests which include confirmatory factor analysis normality tests, full measurement models, hypothesis tests and intervening tests. The results of this research are that transformational leadership and entrepreneurial orientation have a significant positive effect on SME's Performance. However, transformational leadership and entrepreneurial orientation have an insignificant positive effect on product innovation. Product innovation is able to partially mediate transformational leadership and entrepreneurial orientation on SME's Performance


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    Based on interviews with tourism object managers, it was found that generation z tourists often take disgraceful actions by displaying behavior that pollutes and even damages tourist attractions. This study examines how much influence (tourist attitudes, subjective norms, expected behavioral control on tourist intentions), then examines the effect of tourist intentions on environmentally responsible tourism behavior and examines its effect on green lifestyles. This research is a type of quantitative research and primary data source. The population of this study is Generation Z tourists who have visited in the last three years. The samples obtained were 224 respondents. The data analysis technique in this study uses the Warp PLS (Partial Least Square) structural equation model. The results show that all hypotheses are accepted. Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Behavioral control that is felt to affect intentions. The higher the tourists' intention to be responsible for the environment, the better the behavior responsible for the environment. The results show that the better the behavior to be responsible for the environment, the higher the green lifestyle. With this research, it is hoped that it can raise awareness for the younger generation to be more concerned about environmental sustainability around tourism sites and participate in preserving the environmen


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    Digital technology has rapidly developed in recent years, affecting the culture and patterns of transactions. One of the innovations in digital payments is the emergence of the Quick Response Indonesian Standard (QRIS). However, massive QRIS education at all levels of society is not in line with the community's response, which still maintains traditional payment patterns, especially in the Soloraya area. This study aimed to analyze the factors influencing the adoption of QRIS (technology use). This approach was carried out using technology acceptance model modification theory. A sample of 100 people was obtained using a simple random sampling method in communities located in the former Surakarta (Soloraya) residency, namely Sragen, Sukoharjo, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Klaten, Boyolali and Surakarta City Regencies. Data analysis techniques with partial least squares structural equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). The results show that all variables in the TAM modification construct consisting of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk and perceived security influence the decision to use QRIS with intention as a mediating variable


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    This study aims to provide empirical evidence that net income and firm value affect dividend policy in the consumer non-cyclical sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017-2021. This study's independent variables are net income and company value. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is dividend policy. The sample was selected using the purposive sampling method to obtain 18 companies that met the criteria with an observation period of 5 years. The data used is secondary. Data analysis using multiple regression analysis. From this research, the conclusion is that net income does not affect dividend policy. Meanwhile, company value has a positive effect on dividend policy


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    The objective of this study is to determine the influence of pressure (financial targets, financial stability, and external pressure), opportunities (industry characteristics and ineffective monitoring), opportunities (auditor turnover and rationalization), and capabilities on Fraudulent Financial Reporting in Manufacturing Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2021. The research approach employed a quantitative method, namely utilizing panel data regression analysis, with the assistance of Eviews 9.0 software. Financial objectives have a positive and significant influence on misleading financial reporting. Financial stability, rationalization, and poor monitoring have a significant negative impact on inaccurate financial reporting, while external pressure, industry type, auditor turnover, and capability do not have a significant influence on inaccurate financial reporting. In subsequent research, it is expected to include a greater number of independent variables and a larger sample size in order to yield more robust research findings


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    The purpose of this research is to examines how is the competition and pricing for audit services in the audit service market in Indonesia from the perspective of the auditors. This study uses a questionnaire with auditor respondents at manager level to audit partners. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis. By using a total of 414 respondents from audit firms Big 4 and non-Big 4, this research found that most of the respondents considered the audit service market competition in Indonesia to be high and agree that competition for audit services creates pressure that creates relatively low audit fee in Indonesia. The results of this study confirm and strengthen previous studies which using secondary data that the level of concentration of the audit services market is related to the level of competition for audit services and create pressure to reduce audit fee.  The implication of this research is that further research needs to be carried out using more objective secondary data to examine the impact of the level of competition of audit services on audit fees and audit quality as well as evaluating whether regulations are needed to determine minimum audit fees

    Mathematical and 3D Mechanical System Simulation of Arm Robot Modelled as Double Pendulum

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    Lengan robot telah banyak digunakan dan penelitian ekstensif terkait manipulator telah dilakukan. Permasalahan pada manipulator robot lengan adalah pengendalian dan stabilisasinya. Pemodelan matematis dapat membantu mengendalikan lengan robot dengan parameter yang mudah untuk ditentukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan simulasi pemodelan matematis dan simulasi sistem mekanik 3D manipulator yang dimodelkan dengan pendulum ganda. Simulasi dilakukan dengan bantuan MATLAB/Simulink dan MATLAB/Simscape Multibody. Metode penelitian meliputi: (i) Pembentukan persamaan Lagrange untuk manipulator, (ii) Membuat blok MATLAB/Simulink, (iii) Membuat blok MATLAB/Simscape Multibody, (iv) Mendefinisikan parameter matematis dan fisika dan (v) Menjalankan simulasi dan menganalisis hasil. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan simulasi matematis lengan robot berdasarkan persamaan Lagrange konsisten dalam bentuk gelombang sinus. Sedangkan untuk simulasi 3D hasil grafiknya tidak konsisten. Namun pada hasil simulasi 3D yang parameter lengan robotnya hampir sama, hasilnya menunjukkan tren tertutup

    The Characterization of Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Recycled Styrofoam Waste Employing Extrusion Process

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    Styrofoam waste is a polystyrene plastic-based waste in the form of foam with low density. Scavengers or recyclers are not interested in receiving styrofoam waste because of its light density which makes it ineffective in transportation and storage. Styrofoam waste can actually be converted into solid polystyrene products through a thermal-extrusion process but data regarding the optimum operating temperature and the characteristics of the resulting solid polystyrene products are not yet available. The purpose of this study was to investigate the properties of solid polystyrene products resulting from recycled styrofoam waste and determine the optimum temperature of the thermal-extrusion treatment process to be compared with the characteristics of the original polystyrene based on the results of tensile and impact tests. In this study, the processing was carried out using the thermal-extrusion method; Styrofoam is melted and extruded into a mold to produce polystyrene solids. The research was carried out with variations in extrusion temperature at 180°C, 200°C, and 220°C. The polystyrene solids are then molded into tensile and impact test specimens by injection molding. The results showed that the optimal extrusion temperature was 200°C with tensile and impact strength values of 27.55 MPa and 1,069 j/m2, respectively. Compared to the original polystyrene, the tensile strength value is 25.3% lower and the impact strength value is 29.5% lower. The decrease in the tensile and impact strength values is due to the shortening of the molecular bonds in the recycled polystyrene during the thermal-extrusion treatment process. Even though the tensile strength and impact are still lower, the use of styrofoam waste using the thermal-extrusion method has the potential to be developed at the production and commercialization stage because the resulting product has good economic value and can also reduce the use of original polystyrene and at the same time can solve the problem of styrofoam waste


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    Kajian pemantauan kualitas udara pada persimpangan bersinyal maupun persimpangan tidak bersinyal jalandiharapkan dapat memberi masukan kepada Pemberi Kebijakan masalah pengaturan lama waktu merah dangeometrik / kemiringan jalan. Pada tiap persimpangan agar supaya pencemaran / kualitas udara yangdihasilkan dari akibat jumlah kendaraan bermotor tetap memenuhi standar kesehatan. Alat yang digunakandalam penelitian ini adalah CO meter. Pengambilan data dilakukan selama 1 minggu pada persimpanganbersinyal maupun simpang tidak bersinyal jalan di perempatan Banyumanik yang terdiri dari empat lengandimana dua lengan besar ( arah semarang –solo) dan dua legan arah Karang rejo dan perumahan rumpundiponegoro), dan untuk simpang tidak bersinyal pada simpang jl. Prof Sudarto dan Poltekes, simpang jl.Durian dan taman Tirto Agung , dan simpang simpang jl. Sukun dan Kantor Disreskrimsus. Dalam surveyini yang dicatat adalah jumlah tundaan (kendaraan ) selama waktu merah dan jumlah kadar CO dalam udaraserta kelandaian dari tiap lengan persimpangan. Data hasil pengukuran dikompilasi dilanjutkan dianalisapada tiap lengan persimpangan yang mempunyai kelandaian tertentu. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputiyaitu menganalisis antara jumlah kandungan CO dalam udara dengan jumlah tundaan (jumlah kendaraantertunda/berhenti) selama waktu merah pada simpang bersinyal dengan kemiringan lengan tertentu. Darihasil analisis akan diperoleh hasil seberapa besar pengaruh jumlah tundaan kendaraan dengan kadar COdalam udara pada tiap lengan simpang jalan dengan kelandaian tertentu. Luaran yang dihasilkan grafik hubungan antara kadar CO dengan jumlah tundaan kendaraan pada berbagai lengan dan lama waktu merahpada siklus dinyal persimpangan jalan. Dari hasil penelitian akan didapatkan hasil bahwa akan terjadipeningkatan jumlah CO terhadap jumlah tundaan (lamanya lampu merah)untuk simpang bersinyal danlamanya tundaan (kemacetan) pada simpang tak bersinyal . Peningkatan jumlah CO yang cukup signifikanakan terjadi pada jam jam sibuk yaitu jam 7.00 -8.00 dan jam 16.00 – 17.00 pada lengan simpang utamajalan raya. Dari penelitian ini akan didapatkan hasil kualitas ambien udara pada simpang bersinyal maupunsimpang tidak bersinyal apakah masih dalam batas ambang yang ditetapkan ataukah sudah melewati batasambang yang ditetapkan BLH kota Semarang. Dari hasil pengamatan pada umumnya kualitas ambien udaradgn jumlah kadar CO masih dibawah ambang batas dan ada suatu kondisi di simpang tak bersinyal Jl. Prof.Soedarto dengan Jl. Tirto Agung kualitas ambien dgn kadar CO yg melebihi ambang batas terjadi hanyasesaat pada kondisi simpang macet


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    Potensi konservasi energi di semua sektor memiliki peluang penghematan sangat besar, yaitu antara 10% -35%.Penghematan dapat direalisasikan dengan cara mudah, dapat mencapai 10-15%. Pemanfaatan energi denganlebih efisien dapat dicapai melalui: penggunaan teknologi hemat energi; penerapan budaya hemat energi;penerapan konversi energi meliputi perencanaan, pengoperasian, dan pengawasan pemanfaatan energi. Pantiasuhan merupakan salah satu kelompok kegiatan dari warga masyarakat yang memberikan tempat untuk tumbuh dan berkembangnya anak sehingga diharapkan anak dapat tumbuh dewasa dan mandiri. Penggunaan solar celluntuk penerangan lingkungan sangat memungkinkan untuk digunakan mengingat panas matahari yang berlimpahsepanjang tahun. Pemanfaatan solar cell juga bisa mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap energi listrik dari PLNdan tidak tergantung dengan pemutusan aliran listrik. Politeknik Negeri Semarang merupakan lembagapendidikan yang tentunya juga memiliki tanggung jawab dalam ikut serta membantu tujuan tersebut.Gunamerealisasi maksud tersebut Tim Pengabdian Teknik Elektro untuk tahun 2022 ini bekerjasama dengan PantiAsuhan Tarbiyatul Hasanah dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian Masyarakat. Pemakaian PLTS SebagaiSumber Energi Alternatif Untuk Penerangan Lingkungan Panti Asuhan Tarbyatul Hassanah. Tujuan usulanPengabdian pada Masyarakat ini adalah berkontribusi menyelesaikan permasalahan pada bidang implementasisolar cell untuk penerangan, lingkungan dan fasilitas umum. Target khusus usul Pengabdian ini adalah (1)pemanfaatan solar cell untuk penerangan jalan; (2) penggunaan energi terbarukan (3) mengurangi ketergantunganterhadap energi fosil.


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