15 research outputs found

    Pulsating B and Be stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    Context. Stellar pulsations in main-sequence B-type stars are driven by the κ-mechanism due to the Fe-group opacity bump. The current models do not predict the presence of instability strips in the B spectral domain at very low metallicities. As the metallicity of the SMC is lower than Z = 0.005, it constitutes a very suitable object to test these predictions. Aims. The main objective is to investigate the existence of B-type pulsators at low metallicities, searching for short-term periodic variability in absorption-line B and Be stars in the SMC. The analysis has been performed in a sample of 313 B and Be stars with fundamental astrophysical parameters accurately determined from high-resolution spectroscopy. Methods. Photometric light curves of the MACHO project have been analyzed using standard Fourier techniques and linear and non- linear least squares fitting methods. The position of the pulsating stars in the HR diagram has been used to ascertain their nature and to map the instability regions in the SMC. Results. We have detected 9 absorption-line B stars showing short-period variability, two among them being multiperiodic. One star is most likely a β Cephei variable and the remaining 8 are SPB stars. The SPB instability strip in the SMC is shifted towards higher temperatures than the Galaxy. In the Be star sample, 32 stars are short-period variables, 20 among them multiperiodic. 4.9% of B stars and 25.3% of Be stars are pulsating stars. Conclusions. β Cephei and SPB stars do exist at the SMC metallicity. The fractions of SPB stars and pulsating Be stars in the SMC are lower than in the Galaxy. The fraction of pulsating Be stars in the SMC is much higher than the fraction of pulsating absorption-line B stars, as in the [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

    Utilizando ARMSim y QtARMSim para la docencia de Arquitectura de Computadores

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    Muchos de los objetivos formativos de las asignaturas de introducción a la Arquitectura de Computadores se centran en aquellos aspectos que conforman la visión que un programador en lenguaje ensamblador tiene de un computador. Por regla general, para definir dichos objetivos se suele utilizar una arquitectura de computador concreta, que normalmente se selecciona con el doble criterio de que sea lo más sencilla posible y, a la vez, motive al estudiantado. La arquitectura ARM es una candidata idónea como vehículo conductor en la docencia de Arquitectura de Computadores. Por un lado, al estar basada en la arquitectura RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer), es relativamente sencilla. Por otro, se trata de una arquitectura actual y ampliamente difundida (especialmente en dispositivos móviles, smartphones y tabletas), lo que motiva al estudiantado. Para poder realizar prácticas sobre ARM es conveniente disponer de un simulador o de una herramienta de desarrollo sobre una máquina ARM. Puesto que dicha materia se explica en los primeros cursos, conviene que la aplicación seleccionada sea sencilla de utilizar y lo suficientemente flexible. Por otro lado, conviene que sea software libre, para poder adaptarla en caso necesario, y también multiplataforma y gratuita, para facilitar que el estudiante que lo desee pueda instalarla en su propio equipo. Tras evaluar distintas opciones, finalmente se optó por desarrollar y liberar un simulador propio de ARM, ARMSim, y una interfaz gráfica para dicho simulador, QtARMSim. El motor de simulación, ARMSim, y su interfaz, QtARMSim, han sido utilizados durante el curso 2014–15. Las críticas recibidas, tanto por los estudiantes como por los profesores de laboratorio, han sido muy positivas.Many of the training objectives of the Introduction to Computer Architecture modules focus on those aspects that conform the vision that an assembly language programmer has about a computer. As a rule, in order to define those objectives a concrete computer architecture is used following the following criteria: simplicity and ability to motivate students. ARM architecture is an ideal candidate for the didactics of Computer Architecture. On the one hand, being based on RISC architecture (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) it is rather simple. On the other, it is widely spread contemporary architecture (especially in mobile phones, smartphones and tablets), something that motivates students. In order to carry out ARM practice it would be convenient to have a simulator or a development tool on an ARM machine. Given the fact that this module is taught during the first academic years, it would also be convenient that the application selected was easy to use and flexible enough. Besides, it would be a good idea that it used freeware in order to be adapted if necessary, besides being free of charge and cross-platform-based so the students may install it in their own computers. After assessing several options, an ARM simulator (ARMSim) as well as a graphic interface for the latter (QtARMSim) were finally developed. The simulation engine, ARMSim, as well as its interface, QtARMSim, were used during the 2014/2015 academic year. The feedback received from both the students and lab lecturers have been remarkably positive

    A photometric study of Be stars located in the seismology fields of COROT

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    Context. In preparation for the COROT mission, an exhaustive photometric study of Be stars located in the seismology fields of the mission has been performed. The very precise and long-time-spanned photometric observations gathered by the COROT satellite will give important clues on the origin of the Be phenomenon. Aims. The aim of this work is to find short-period variable Be stars located in the seismology fields of COROT, and to study and characterise their pulsational properties. Methods. Light curves obtained at the Observatorio de Sierra Nevada, together with data from Hipparcos and ASAS-3 for a total of 84 Be stars, were analysed in order to search for short-term variations. We applied standard Fourier techniques and non-linear least-square fitting to the time series. Results. We found 7 multiperiodic, 21 mono-periodic and 26 non-variable Be stars. Short-term variability was detected in 74% of early-type Be stars and in 31% of mid- to late-type Be stars. We show that non-radial pulsations are more frequent among Be stars than in slow-rotating B stars of the same spectral [email protected]; [email protected]

    ARMSim y QtARMSim: simulador de ARM para docencia

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    Muchos de los objetivos formativos de las asignaturas de introducción a la Arquitectura de Computadores se centran en aquellos aspectos que conforman la visión que un programador en lenguaje ensamblador tiene de un computador. Por regla general, para definir dichos objetivos se suele utilizar una arquitectura de computadores concreta, que normalmente se selecciona con el doble criterio de que sea lo más sencilla posible y, a la vez, motive al estudiantado. La arquitectura ARM es una candidata idónea como vehículo conductor en la docencia de arquitectura de computadores. Por un lado, al estar basada en la arquitectura RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer), es relativamente sencilla. Por otro, se trata de una arquitectura actual y ampliamente difundida (especialmente en dispositivos móviles, smartphones y tablets), lo que motiva al estudiantado. Para poder realizar prácticas sobre ARM es conveniente disponer de un simulador o de una herramienta de desarrollo sobre una máquina ARM. Puesto que dicha materia se explica en los primeros cursos, conviene que la aplicación seleccionada sea sencilla de utilizar y lo suficientemente flexible. Por otro lado, conviene que sea libre, para poder adaptarla en caso necesario, y también multiplataforma y gratuita, para facilitar que el estudiante que lo desee pueda instalarla en su propio equipo. Tras evaluar distintas opciones, finalmente optamos por desarrollar y liberar nuestro propio simulador de ARM, ARMSim, y una interfaz gráfica para dicho simulador, QtARMSim. El simulador ARMSim y su interfaz, QtARMSim, han sido utilizados durante el primer semestre del curso 2014/15. Las críticas recibidas, tanto por los estudiantes como por los profesores de laboratorio, han sido muy positivas.Most of the learning objectives of introductory courses to Computer Architecture focus on those aspects that are related to the vision an assembly language programmer has of a computer. Generally, a particular computer architecture is used to define these objec- tives, which is usually selected with the double objective of being as simple as possible and to motivate the students. The ARM architecture is an ideal candidate as a vehicle architecture in teaching computer architecture. On the one hand, as it is based on RISC, it is relatively simple architecture. On the other, it is a widespread and current architecture (especially on mobile devices, smartphones and tablets), which motivates the students. To perform practices on ARM, it is convenient to have access either to a simulator or a development tool on an ARM machine. Since this matter is taught on the first years, the selected application should be simple to use and flexible enough. On the other hand, it ought to be free, as in freedom, to be able to adapt it if necessary, multiplatform and free, as in free beer, to facilitate that any student could install it on his own computer. After evaluating different alternatives, we finally opted for developing and releasing our own ARM simulator, ARMSim, and a GUI for this simulator, QtARMSim. The ARMSim simulator and its interface, QtARMSim, have been used during the first semester of 2014/15. The feedback received by students and laboratory teachers has been very positive

    Spectroscopic observations of the δ Scorpii binary during its recent periastron passage

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    The bright star δ Sco has been considered a typical B0-type object for many years. Spectra of the star published prior to 1990 showed no evidence of emission, but only of short-term line profile variations attributed to nonradial pulsations. Speckle interferometric observations show that δ Sco is a binary system with a highlyeccentric orbit and a period of ~10.6 years. Weak emission in the Hα line was detected in its spectrum for the rst time during a periastron passage in 1990. Shortly before the next periastron passage in the summer of 2000, the binary entered a strong Hα emission and enhanced mass-loss phase. We monitored the spectroscopic development of the Be outburst from July 2000 through March 2001. In this paper we present results from our spectroscopy, refine elements of the binary orbit, and discuss possible mechanisms for the mass loss.Fabregat Llueca, Juan, [email protected] ; Blay Serrano, Pedro Jose, [email protected]

    The impact of neos and their fragments recorded from the ground : ongoing research lines of the spanish fireball network

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    A continuous monitoring of the night sky all over Spain will be completed in 2009. This involves the recording over a very large surface area of 500,000 km2, but new CCD and video cameras operated by the Spanish Meteor and Fireball Network (SPMN) allows this target to be achieved. Through the use of these new techniques the SPMN can obtain new information regarding the dynamical processes that deliver meteorites to the Earth. It transpires that the main asteroid belt is not the only source of these fireballs, Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs) may also play a role. To obtain more information in this regard, new efforts are needed to compare the orbits of large meteoroids reaching the Earth with those of the members of NEO and JFC populations. By numerically integrating their orbits back in time it may be possible to identify meteoroids delivered by other mechanisms like such as catastrophic disruptions or collisions

    Adiciones y correcciones a la orquidoflora valenciana, VII

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    Se aportan datos sobre algunos táxones de Orchidaceae que resultan escasos en la Comunidad Valenciana o en determinadas de sus comarcas; a destacar la presencia de Ophrys santonica y O. × pseudospeculum en Alicante.It is shown some data about rare taxa of Orchidaceae at the Valencian Community (E Spain) or expansions of area to new shires; to emphasize the presence of Ophrys santonica and O. × pseudospeculum in Alicante

    Sobre la presencia de Botrychium lunaria en la comunidad valenciana.

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    About the presence of Botrychium lunaria in the Valencian Community. En la presente nota se confirma la presencia actual de B. lunaria en la Comunidad Valenciana, y constituye la única localidad con referencias concretas hasta la fecha en dicho territorio