6 research outputs found

    Optimisation des méthodes algorithmiques en inférence bayésienne. Modélisation dynamique de la transmission d'une infection au sein d'une population hétérogène

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    International audienceThis work consists in two parts, "Repeated estimates in bayesian modelling " and " Modelling of the transmission of infectious diseases in a population. Estimation of the parameters". Techniques developed in the first part are used at the end of the second part.The first part deals with optimizations of very often used stochastic algorithms, in particular in the context of Bayesian modelling. This optimization is particularly made when empirical study of estimates based on numerous simulated data sets is done. When posterior distribution of parameters are not explicit, its approximation is obtained via iterative stochastic algorithms (of the family of Markov Chain Monte Carlo) which is computationally expensive because has to be done on each data set. In this context, solutions are proposed avoiding an excess large number of MCMC calls but nevertheless giving accurate results. The Importance Sampling method is used in combination with MCMC in Bayesian simulation study. The second part deals with epidemic models, in particular the compartimental model SIS (Susceptible-Infectious-Susceptible) in its stochastic version. The stochastic approach allows to take into account the heterogeneousness of disease evolution in the population. Markov Process is particularly studied where transition probability between states is not linear, the solution of the differential equation in probability being then generally not explicit. The main techniques used in this part are the ones based on Master equation applied on SIS model with a constant population size. Empirical properties of parameters estimates are studied in frequentist and Bayesian context with algorithmic optimization presented in the first part.Ce travail se décompose en deux grandes parties, "Estimations répétées dans le cadre de la modélisation bayésienne" et "Modélisation de la transmission de maladies infectieuses dans une population. Estimation des paramètres.". Les techniques développées dans la première partie sont utilisées en fin de la seconde partie. La première partie est consacrée à des optimisations d'algorithmes stochastiques très souvent utilisés, notamment dans le contexte des modélisations Bayésiennes. Cette optimisation est particulièrement faite lors de l'étude empirique d'estimateurs des paramètres d'un modèle où les qualités des estimateurs sont évaluées sur un grand nombre de jeux de données simulées. Quand les lois a posteriori ne sont pas explicites, le recours à des algorithmes stochastiques itératifs (de la famille des algorithmes dits de Monte Carlo par Chaîne de Makov) pour approcher les lois a posteriori est alors très couteux en temps car doit être fait pour chaque jeu de données. Dans ce contexte, ce travail consiste en l'étude de solutions évitant un trop grand nombre d'appels à ces algorithmes mais permettant bien-sûr d'obtenir malgré tout des résultats précis. La principale technique étudiée dans cette partie est celle de l'échantillonnage préférentiel. La seconde partie est consacrée aux études de modèles épidémiques, en particulier le modèle compartimental dit SIS (Susceptible-Infecté-Susceptible) dans sa version stochastique. L'approche stochastique permet de prendre en compte l'hétérogénéité de l'évolution de la maladie dans la population. les approches par des processus Markoviens sont étudiés où la forme des probabilités de passage entre les états est non linéaire. La solution de l'équation différentielle en probabilité n'est alors en général pas explicite. Les principales techniques utilisées dans cette partie sont celles dites de développement de l'équation maîtresse ("master equation") appliquées au modèle SIS avec une taille de population constante. Les propriétés des estimateurs des paramètres sont étudiées dans le cadre fréquentiste et bayésien. Concernant l'approche Bayésienne, les solutions d'optimisation algorithmique de la première partie sont appliquées

    A multicenter blinded study evaluating EGFR and KRAS mutation testing methods in the clinical non-small cell lung cancer setting―IFCT/ERMETIC2 Project Part 1: Comparison of testing methods in 20 French molecular genetic National Cancer Institute platforms

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    International audienceEpidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-tyrosine kinase inhibitors have limited use as first-line treatment for mutated EGFR metastatic non-small cell lung cancer. The French National Cancer Institute has installed molecular genetics platforms implementing EGFR and KRAS testing. However, there is considerable uncertainty as to which detection methods should be applied for routine diagnosis. This study aimed to compare the EGFR and KRAS genotyping methods developed by the IFCT/ERMETIC2 network platforms in two blind panels: 25 samples of serial dilutions of cell line DNA (20 centers) and 74 FFPE lung tumor samples (10 centers). The best threshold of mutation detection on cell lines was obtained using allele-specific amplification-based technologies. Nonamplifiable tissue samples were significantly less common when using alternative testing versus direct sequencing [15%; 95% confidence interval (CI), 14%-16% versus 40%; 95% CI, 39%-42%; P \textless 0.001]. Mutated cases increased from 42% (95% CI, 31%-54%) to 53% (95% CI, 41%-64%), with three supplementary EGFR mutations (p.G179A at exon 18 and p.L858R and p.L861Q at exon 21) and five supplementary KRAS mutations, when using alternative testing instead of direct sequencing. False-positive results were observed when using a PCR-based sizing assay, high-resolution melting, or pyrosequencing. Concordance analysis returned good kappa test scores for EGFR exon 19 and KRAS analysis when comparing sequencing with alternative methods and revealed no difference between alternative techniques themselves

    Next-generation sequencing in a series of 80 fetuses with complex cardiac malformations and/or heterotaxy

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    Herein, we report the screening of a large panel of genes in a series of 80 fetuses with congenital heart defects (CHDs) and/or heterotaxy and no cytogenetic anomalies. There were 49 males (61%/39%), with a family history in 28 cases (35%) and no parental consanguinity in 77 cases (96%). All fetuses had complex CHD except one who had heterotaxy and midline anomalies while 52 cases (65%) had heterotaxy in addition to CHD. Altogether, 29 cases (36%) had extracardiac and extra-heterotaxy anomalies. A pathogenic variant was found in 10/80 (12.5%) cases with a higher percentage in the heterotaxy group (8/52 cases, 15%) compared with the non-heterotaxy group (2/28 cases, 7%), and in 3 cases with extracardiac and extra-heterotaxy anomalies (3/29, 10%). The inheritance was recessive in six genes (DNAI1, GDF1, MMP21, MYH6, NEK8, and ZIC3) and dominant in two genes (SHH and TAB2). A homozygous pathogenic variant was found in three cases including only one case with known consanguinity. In conclusion, after removing fetuses with cytogenetic anomalies, next-generation sequencing discovered a causal variant in 12.5% of fetal cases with CHD and/or heterotaxy. Genetic counseling for future pregnancies was greatly improved. Surprisingly, unexpected consanguinity accounts for 20% of cases with identified pathogenic variants

    Phenotypic spectrum and genomics of undiagnosed arthrogryposis multiplex congenita

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    Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) is characterised by congenital joint contractures in two or more body areas. AMC exhibits wide phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity. Our goals were to improve the genetic diagnosis rates of AMC, to evaluate the added value of whole exome sequencing (WES) compared with targeted exome sequencing (TES) and to identify new genes in 315 unrelated undiagnosed AMC families