298 research outputs found

    Numerical evaluation of the flange thickness effect on the contact stress and prying action in T-Stub steel connection

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    Este artículo presenta un estudio numérico utilizando el programa ANSYS para análisis de conexiones de acero tipo «T» denominadas «T-Stub», en las cuales puede darse el fenómeno de acción de palanca. El efecto de apalancamiento en los tornillos de la placa ha sido estudiado antes, pero la localización de las fuerzas de palanca ha sido simplificada. El efecto del espesor de las placas de conexión «T-Stub» en las áreas de contacto entre ellas y un soporte rígido ha sido investigado en este artículo diferentemente de lo que se encuentra en la literatura técnica, en que dicho fenómeno es estudiado entre bases flexibles. La conexión ha sido discretizada con elemento de sólido 3D y elementos de interfaz. En los análisis realizados se adoptan diferentes espesores de la placa y tornillos de diámetros distintos en los cuales se ha aplicado una precarga. En este artículo se presenta una discusión sobre la magnitud de los esfuerzos en los tornillos y la extensión del área de contacto efectiva entre la placa y un soporte rígido.This paper presents a numerical study of «T-Stub» steel connections using FEM analyses. In such connections prying action phenomenon may take place. Prying action effect on the bolts has been studied before but the location of the prying action forces has always been simplified. The effect of the thickness of «T-Stub» flanges on contact areas between flanges and support base is investigated in this paper. A 3D finite element model is used and interface elements are employed for the investigation. Nonlinear FE analyses are undertaken on connection with different flange thickness and bolt preload with two bolts. Nonlinear gap elements are used as interfaces. Discussion and conclusions on contact areas and stresses, prying action distributions and resultant of loads on bolts in the «T-Stub» connections are presented.Peer Reviewe

    Identification of SNPs potentially related to immune responses and growth performance in Litopenaeus vannamei by RNA-seq analyses

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    Litopenaeus vannamei is one of the most important shrimp species for worldwide aquaculture. Despite this, little genomic information is available for this penaeid and other closely related taxonomic crustaceans. Consequently, genes, proteins and their respective polymorphisms are poorly known for these species. In this work, we used the RNA sequencing technology (RNA-seq) in L. vannamei shrimp evaluated for growth performance, and exposed to the White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV), in order to investigate the presence of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) within genes related to innate immunity and growth, both features of great interest for aquaculture activity. We analyzed individuals with higher and lower growth rates; and infected (unhealthy) and non-infected (healthy), after exposure to WSSV. Approximately 7,000 SNPs were detected in the samples evaluated for growth, being 3,186 and 3,978 exclusive for individuals with higher and lower growth rates, respectively. In the animals exposed to WSSV we found about 16,300 unique SNPs, in which 9,338 were specific to non-infected shrimp, and 7,008 were exclusive to individuals infected with WSSV and symptomatic. In total, we describe 4,312 unigenes containing SNPs. About 60% of these unigenes returned GO blastX hits for Biological Process, Molecular Function and Cellular Component ontologies. We identified 512 KEGG unique KOs distributed among 275 pathways, elucidating the majority of metabolism roles related to high protein metabolism, growth and immunity. These polymorphisms are all located in coding regions, and certainly can be applied in further studies involving phenotype expression of complex traits, such as growth and immunity. Overall, the set of variants raised herein enriches the genomic databases available for shrimp, given that SNPs originated from nextgen are still rare for this relevant crustacean group, despite their huge potential of use in genomic selection approaches

    Influência de práticas culturais e da resistência genética na intensidade do cancro da haste e produção de soja no Cerrado

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    Os efeitos de práticas culturais e resistência genética na intensidade ao cancro-da-haste da soja (Diaporthe phaseolorum f.sp. meridionalis - Dpm) foram examinados na safra 1995-96 em áreas de produção comercial, que haviam sido severamente atacadas na safra anterior (1994-95). Um experimento investigou os efeitos de cultivo mínimo (MT) e do plantio direto (NT) no desenvolvimento da doença e produtividade das cultivares FT-Cristalina e FT-Seriema. Em outro experimento, semeado em plantio direto, estudou-se o efeito da densidade de plantas (8, 15, 21 e 36 plantas/m) no desenvolvimento da doença e produtividade das cvs. FT-Cristalina (suscetivel), FT- 101 (moderadamente resistente) e FT-104 (resistente). Incidência e severidade da doença foram menores em NT do que em MT. A produtividade aumentou no sistema NT (23% para ‘FT-Cristalina’ e 14% para ‘FT-Seriema’), comparada com as produtividades em MT. As curvas de progresso da doença foram melhor descritas pelos mo- delos de Gompertz e logístico. A severidade do cancro aumentou pro- porcionalmente ao aumento das densidades de plantio nas cvs. suscetível e moderadamente resistente. No final do ciclo, 100% das plantas da cv. FT-Cristalina estavam infetadas por Dpm, em todas as densidades de plantio. Níveis intermediários de doença foram observa- dos na cv. FT-101, enquanto apenas níveis muito baixos de doença ocorreram na cv. FT-104. Estabeleceu-se uma correlação negativa entre severidade de cancro-da-haste e produção. Algumas das práticas estudadas demonstraram potential para aplicação direta no controle da doença, e poderiam ser combinadas considerando-se seus efeitos aditivos.Field experiments were conducted in the 1995-96 soybean (Glycine max) growing season to evaluate the effects of cultural practices and host genetic resistance on the intensity of soybean stem canker, caused by Diaporthe phaseolorum f.sp. meridionalis (Dpm). Experiments were conducted in a commercial field severely infected in the previous (1994-95) season. In one study, minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT) cropping systems were investigated for their effects on disease development and on plant yields in cvs. FT- Cristalina (susceptible) and FT-Seriema (moderately resistant). Another study evaluated the effects of plant densities (8, 15, 21 and 36 plants/m) on disease development in cvs. FT-Cristalina, FT-101 (moderately resistant) and FT-104 (resistant). Disease incidence and severity were consistently lower in NT than in MT, and plant yields were increased by 23% and 14% in the NT system for the susceptible and moderately resistant cultivars, respectively, compared to the yields in the MT system. The Gompertz and Logistic models described well the disease progress curves in all situations. For both susceptible and moderately resistant cultivars, disease severity increased proportionately to the increase in plant densities. At the end of the season, 100% of the plants of cv. FT-Cristalina were infected by Dpm, at all plant densities. Disease levels on cv. FT-101 were intermediate while only very low disease levels were recorded on cv. FT-104. There was a consistent negative correlation between stem canker severity and yield. Some practices demonstrated potential for direct application in disease control, and could be combined considering their additive effects

    Insights into corrosion behaviour of uncoated Mg alloys for biomedical applications in different aqueous media

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    MgCa and MgGd series of alloys are often reported as promising candidates for biomedical applications. In the present study, cytotoxicity and corrosion behavior of Mg1Ca and Mg10Gd alloys in different electrolytes (NaCl, PBS, MEM) have been investigated in order to make a direct comparison and understand the mechanisms behind their performance. Potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were employed to analyze corrosion processes depending on media composition, whereas X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to evaluate crystalline structure, phase composition and surface morphology of the corroded substrates after immersion in the different electrolytes. Moreover, cytotoxicity of the Mg alloys was assessed using the WST-1 reduction and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assays in L929 mouse fibroblasts. The electrochemical results showed that Mg1Ca has a lower degradation rate when compared to Mg10Gd, due to the lower microgalvanic effects and the presence of Ca as an alloying element. Furthermore, the corrosion activity is reduced in MEM, for both alloys, when compared to NaCl and PBS. The cytotoxicity assays revealed that Mg10Gd was cytotoxic in all the conditions tested, while the toxicity of Mg1Ca was low. Overall, these findings show that Mg1Ca alloy presents a higher corrosion resistance and biocompatibility and is a promising material to be used in biomedical implants.This work was financed by Portugal 2020 through European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the frame of Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (POCI), in the scope of the project MAGICOAT POCI-01-0145-FEDER016597/PTDC/CTM-BIO/2170/2014 and in the scope of the project CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials, UIDB/50011/2020 & UIDP/50011/2020, financed by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology/ MCTES. Furthermore, thanks are due to Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology/MCTES for the financial support through national funds to EPI Unit (UIDB/04750/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Restructuring of the "Macaronesia" biogeografic unit: a marine multi-taxon biogeographical approach

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    The Azores, Madeira, Selvagens, Canary Islands and Cabo Verde are commonly united under the term “Macaronesia”. This study investigates the coherency and validity of Macaronesia as a biogeographic unit using six marine groups with very different dispersal abilities: coastal fishes, echinoderms, gastropod molluscs, brachyuran decapod crustaceans, polychaete annelids, and macroalgae. We found no support for the current concept of Macaronesia as a coherent marine biogeographic unit. All marine groups studied suggest the exclusion of Cabo Verde from the remaining Macaronesian archipelagos and thus, Cabo Verde should be given the status of a biogeographic subprovince within the West African Transition province. We propose to redefine the Lusitanian biogeographical province, in which we include four ecoregions: the South European Atlantic Shelf, the Saharan Upwelling, the Azores, and a new ecoregion herein named Webbnesia, which comprises the archipelagos of Madeira, Selvagens and the Canary Islandsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This paper was prepared in the Aquaculture Laboratory of the Federal University of the State of Parana, Brazil, with the purpose of determining the best sodium hypochloride (NaClO with 6% active ingredient) dosage to be employed in the artemia oocysts hatching process.The artemia oocysts were hydrated for 1 hour, filtered and submitted to a 10-minute chlorine treatment. The chlorine dosages tested were the following (NaClO - 6% sodium hypochloride): 0.38g, 0.75g, 1.50g, 3.00g and 6.00g of active ingredient per liter of water. Soon after chlorine application the oocysts were rinsed to eliminate the chlorine and immediately the oocysts were put into transparent plastic vials with water in the constant aeration and luminosity, where they remained for 53 hours. For the nauplii count one mililiter of the vial was put into a test tube with an interconnected aeration. Three counts were made for all repetitions and the threshold analysed was the number of hatched larvae per mililiter of hatching solution. The results were submitted to a normality test and it was determined that the hatching results did not show a normal pattern, therefore, it was not possible to use those averages as a comparison basis between treatments. Subsequently non-parametric tests were performed using the overall average as a comparison basis between treatments.Techically one can see the superiority of treatment with 1.50g of active chlorine, which resulted in the highest hatching-out counts, with 50% of the observed data presented 140 larvae hatched per milimiter.O presente trabalho foi realizado no Laboratório de Aqüicultura da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), com o objetivo de determinar a melhor dose de hipoclorito de sódio (NaClO com 6% de ingrediente ativo) a ser empregada na descapsulação de oocistos de artemia. Os oocistos de artemia foram hidratados durante 1 hora, filtrados e submetidos aos tratamentos com cloro durante 10 minutos. As dosagens de cloro testadas foram as seguintes (NaClO - hipoclorito de sódio 6%): 0,38g, 0,75g, 1,50g, 3,00g e 6,00g de ingrediente ativo por litro de água. Depois da aplicação do cloro fez-se a lavagem dos oocistos para eliminar o cloro aplicado e logo após os oocistos foram colocados na água em frascos plásticos transparentes com aeração e luminosidade constante onde ficaram durante 53 horas. Para contagem dos náuplios foi pipetado um mililitro do frasco com aeração ligada. Para todas as repetições foram feitas três contagens e o parâmetro analisado foi o número de larvas eclodidas por mililitro da solução de eclosão. Os resultados foram submetidos a um teste de normalidade e foi verificado que os resultados de eclosão não tinham distribuição normal, portanto as médias não puderam ser usadas como termo de comparação entre os tratamentos. Então foram realizados testes não-paramétricos que usam a mediana como parâmetro de comparação entre os tratamentos. Tecnicamente observa-se a superioridade do tratamento de 1,50g de cloro ativo que apresentou o ponto máximo de eclosão, tendo 50% dos dados de eclosão ao redor de 140 larvas eclodidas por mililitro

    Antiproliferative activity of neem leaf extracts obtained by a sequential pressurized liquid extraction

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    Azadirachta indica A. Juss (neem) extracts have been used in pharmaceutical applications as antitumor agents, due to their terpenes and phenolic compounds. To obtain extracts from neem leaves with potential antiproliferative effect, a sequential process of pressurized liquid extraction was carried out in a fixed bed extractor at 25◦C and 100 bar, using hexane (SH), ethyl acetate (SEA), and ethanol (SE)assolvents. Extractions using only ethanol(EE) was also conducted to compare the characteristics of the fractionated extracts. The results obtained by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry suggested a higher concentration of terpenes in the SEA extract in comparison to SH, SE, and EE extracts. Therefore, antiproliferative activity showed that SEA extracts were the most efficient inhibitor to human tumor cells MCF-7, NCI-H460, HeLa, and HepG2. Hepatocellular cells were more resistant to SH, SEA, SE, and EE compared to breast, lung, hepatocellular, and cervical malignant cells. Neem fractioned extracts obtained in the present study seem to be more selective for malignant cells compared to the non-tumor cells.Klebson Silva Santos thanks CAPES (Process: PDSE 99999.003409/15-5) for the financial support during his Ph.D. studies in Portugal. Authors are grateful to CAPES, and FAPITEC (EDITAL CAPES/FAPITEC Nº 11/2016–PROEF/Processo de AUXPE 88881.157437/2017-01) for the financial support. The study was also carried out with financial support from FEDER, under the Partnership Agreement PT2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pair production of the heavy leptons in future high energy linear e^{+}e^{-} colliders

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    The littlest Higgs model with T-parity predicts the existence of the T-odd particles, which can only be produced in pair. We consider pair production of the T-odd leptons in future high energy linear e+ee^{+}e^{-} collider (ILCILC). Our numerical results show that, as long as the T-odd leptons are not too heavy, they can be copiously produced and their possible signals might be detected via the processes e+eLˉiLje^{+}e^{-}\to \bar{L}_{i}L_{j} in future ILCILC experiments.Comment: Discussions added, typos and references correcte

    Lepton flavor violation decays τμP1P2\tau^-\to \mu^- P_1 P_2 in the topcolor-assisted technicolor model and the littlest Higgs model with TT parity

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    The new particles predicted by the topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2TC2) model and the littlest Higgs model with T-parity (called LHTLHT model) can induce the lepton flavor violation (LFVLFV) couplings at tree level or one loop level, which might generate large contributions to some LFVLFV processes. Taking into account the constraints of the experimental data on the relevant free parameters, we calculate the branching ratios of the LFVLFV decay processes τμP1P2\tau^-\to\mu^- P_1 P_2 with P1P2P_1 P_2 = π+π\pi^+\pi^-, K+KK^+K^- and K0K0ˉK^0\bar{K^0} in the context of these two kinds of new physics models. We find that the TC2TC2 model and the LHTLHT model can indeed produce significant contributions to some of these LFVLFV decay processes.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure