571 research outputs found

    Flavonóides isolados do pólen coletado pela abelha Scaptotrigona bipunctata (canudo)

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    Pólen de abelhas é uma mistura de pólens florais coletados pelas abelhas com ampla variação na sua composição. Investigação do pólen coletado pela abelha sem ferrão Scaptotrigona bipunctata levou a quatro agliconas de flavonóides: miricetina, dihidromiricetina, quercetina e isoramnetina. As estruturas foram estabelecidas a partir de dados espectroscópicos (NMR) das substâncias naturais

    Corpo, maturação biológica e actividade física: um olhar interactivo em crianças e jovens madeirenses

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    Cada vez mais a sociedade moderna é olhada através da sua condição física, enquanto factor de bem-estar, saúde, qualidade de vida e longevidade dos seus membros. Os indicadores demográficos actuais da população madeirense apontam no sentido de uma considerável componente juvenil, adolescente e jovem. No entanto, a evolução demográfica prevista, decorrente de um acentuado decréscimo da natalidade, leva a prever um comportamento diverso da pirâmide de idades, assumindo particular ênfase as questões relacionadas com o estudo e a investigação do corpo, a procura de padrões, a descrição normativa, a interpretação das mudanças e o espaço morfológico externo, que se vem enquadrar no território de investigação reservado à somatotipologia

    Numerical convergence of the block-maxima approach to the Generalized Extreme Value distribution

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    In this paper we perform an analytical and numerical study of Extreme Value distributions in discrete dynamical systems. In this setting, recent works have shown how to get a statistics of extremes in agreement with the classical Extreme Value Theory. We pursue these investigations by giving analytical expressions of Extreme Value distribution parameters for maps that have an absolutely continuous invariant measure. We compare these analytical results with numerical experiments in which we study the convergence to limiting distributions using the so called block-maxima approach, pointing out in which cases we obtain robust estimation of parameters. In regular maps for which mixing properties do not hold, we show that the fitting procedure to the classical Extreme Value Distribution fails, as expected. However, we obtain an empirical distribution that can be explained starting from a different observable function for which Nicolis et al. [2006] have found analytical results.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figures; Journal of Statistical Physics 201

    Analysis of the influence of the different times of polymerization by incandescent light in composite resins by evaluation of its abrasive wear

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    No mercado atual a qualidade é necessária na fabricação dos produtos. No mercado odontológico, as resinas compostas são cada vez mais utilizadas para substituir materiais tradicionais, como amalgama, nas restaurações estéticas e funcionais, apresentando boa estética e funcionalidade. A composição química destes materiais é variável e os resultados das reações químicas do processo de polimerização são bastante desconhecidos. O objetivo deste trabalho era medir a resistência do desgaste abrasivo de seis resinas compostas vendidas no mercado brasileiro polimerizadas com tempos de 10, 20 e 40 segundos. O método do disco retificado modificado para aplicações em odontologia foi usado para tornar esta proposta viável. Neste banco de ensaios um disco dinâmico, revestido por porcelana, desgasta um disco estático revestido do tipo de resina que se pretende avaliar, que foi polimerizada durante um tempo pré-estabelecido. Com a determinação do desgaste de material, num determinado tempo, determinava-se a agressividade (capacidade de um material para desgastar outro material) do disco dinâmico sobre o disco estático. Utilizando-se para isso um programa computacional (LabView). Posteriormente era feita a regressão linear dos valores obtidos e determinado o coeficiente angular, utilizado no cálculo de agressividade. Valores elevados de agressividade indicam uma maior agressão do disco dinâmico contra o disco estático. Os resultados mostraram um comportamento variável para cada material que foi polimerizado nos diferentes tempos de polimerização utilizado, mostrando que o método para fazer estudos de desgaste é prático e rápido para testar materiais novos antes da sua utilização.1317787Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Não temIn the current market an increasing quality is demanded to manufacture products. At the odontologic market the composed resins are becoming more and more used to replace old materials, like amalgamates in the aesthetic and functional restorations, since they present a better appearance and easier manuscript. The chemical composition of these materials varies and the results of the chemical reactions of polymerization processes are quite unknown. The aim of this work was to measure the resistance of the abrasive wear of six composed resins sold in Brazilian market when displayed to polymerization periods of 10, 20 and 40 seconds. The grinding disc method appropriated for odontology was used to make this process possible. For this a bank of assays in which a porcelain covered dynamic disc consumes a static disc recovered by the polymerized resin is used to demonstrate the method in a pre-established time. The abrasive wear was determined by the calculation of the aggressiveness (capacity of a material to consume another). This aggressiveness is determined by an initial graph of displacement for time, through the computational method (LabView program). After they have passed through a linear regression the results give as a possibility the angular coefficient, considered a parameter at the calculation of aggressiveness. Higher values of aggressiveness which means a higher aggression suffered by the resin disc indicate worse resistance to the abrasive consuming of this resin in relation to porcelain. The results showed a variable comportment for each material ahead the different polymerization time, which prove the importance in create a practical and fast analyses method to test new materials before their us

    Dance training improves cytokine secretion and viability of neutrophils in diabetic patients

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    Background. Evidence suggests that exercise improves neutrophil function. The decreased functional longevity of neutrophils and their increased clearance from infectious sites contribute to the increased susceptibility to infection and severity of infection observed in patients with diabetes. Objective. Herein, we investigated the effects of a dance program on neutrophil number, function, and death in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients and healthy volunteers. Methods. Ten patients with T2DM and twelve healthy individuals participated in a moderate-intensity dance training program for 4 months. The plasma levels of leptin, free fatty acids (FFAs), tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra); neutrophil counts; extent of DNA fragmentation; cell membrane integrity; and production of TNF-α, interleukin-8 (IL-8), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and IL-1β in neutrophils were measured before and after training. Results. Training reduced plasma levels of TNF-α (1.9-fold in controls and 2.2-fold in patients with T2DM) and CRP (1.4-fold in controls and 3.4-fold in patients with T2DM). IL-1ra levels were higher in the control group (2.2-fold) after training. After training, neutrophil DNA fragmentation was decreased in patients with T2DM (90%), while the number of neutrophils increased (70% in controls and 1.1-fold in patients with T2DM). Conclusion. Dance training is a nonpharmacological strategy to reduce inflammation and improve neutrophil clearance in patients with T2DM

    The Self Model and the Conception of Biological Identity in Immunology

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    The self/non-self model, first proposed by F.M. Burnet, has dominated immunology for sixty years now. According to this model, any foreign element will trigger an immune reaction in an organism, whereas endogenous elements will not, in normal circumstances, induce an immune reaction. In this paper we show that the self/non-self model is no longer an appropriate explanation of experimental data in immunology, and that this inadequacy may be rooted in an excessively strong metaphysical conception of biological identity. We suggest that another hypothesis, one based on the notion of continuity, gives a better account of immune phenomena. Finally, we underscore the mapping between this metaphysical deflation from self to continuity in immunology and the philosophical debate between substantialism and empiricism about identity

    Cyclic voltammetry : a tool to quantify 2,4,6-trichloroanisole in aqueous samples from cork planks boiling industrial process

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    Chloroanisoles, namely 2,4,6-trichloroanisole, are pointed out as the primary responsible of the development of musty off-flavours in bottled wine, due to their migration from cork stoppers, which results in huge economical losses for wine industry. A prevention step is the detection of these compounds in cork planks before stoppers are produced. Mass spectrometry gas chromatography is the reference method used although it is far beyond economical possibilities of the majority of cork stoppers producers. In this work, a portable cyclic voltammetry approach was used to detect 2,4,6-trichloroanisole extracted from natural cork planks to the aqueous phase during the cork boiling industrial treatment process. Analyses were carried out under ambient conditions, in less than 15 min with a low use of solvent and without any sample pre-treatment. The proposed technique had detection (0.31±0.01 ng/L) and quantification (0.95±0.05 ng/L) limits lower than the human threshold detection level. For blank solutions, without 2,4,6-trichloroanisole addition, a concentration in the order of the quantification limit was estimated (1.0±0.2 ng/L), which confirms the satisfactory performance of the proposed methodology. For aqueous samples from the industrial cork planks boiling procedure, intra-day repeatabilities were lower than 3%, respectively. Also, 2,4,6-trichloroanisole contents in the aqueous samples determined by this novel approach were in good agreement with those obtained by GC-MS (correlation coefficient equal to 0.98), confirming the satisfactory accuracy of the proposed methodology. So, since this novel approach is a fast, low-cost, portable and user-friendly method, it can be an alternative and helpful tool for in-situ industrial applications, allowing accurate detection of releasable 2,4,6-trichloroanisole in an earlier phase of cork stoppers production, which may allow implementing more effective cork treatments to reduce or avoid future 2,4,6-trichloroanisole contaminations of wine.This work was partially supported by project PEst-C/EQB/LA0020/2011, financed by FEDER through COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade and by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portugal)