156 research outputs found


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    In order to define a methodology that faces the major critical issues, we used a Terrestrial Laser Scanner to monitor a large landslide that caused significant disruptions both to an important state road and to a major railway line in Italy. To survey the landslide we used three different models of Terrestrial Laser Scanners, including a "full wave form" one, potentially useful for filtering vegetation from the data. The output of each measurement campaign is a Digital Surface Model referred to a unique reference system. Starting from the DSMs we produced the Digital Terrain Models, one for each survey. The use of different models of TLS together with the software packages recommended by the companies for data processing, allowed us to compare the surveys and to evaluate the reliability and the accuracy of results. The comparison of data has been useful in order to identify and analyse over time the areas of greatest deformation and the directions of landslide movement and it also gives us some elements about the validity of the technique in this kind of applications. The laser surveys have shown a strong dynamic of the slope but have also highlighted some difficulties in order to efficiently filtering the data. Using two different kinds of TLS, full wave form and mono eco, on the same portion of landslide allows us to make comparisons between the two methodologies for landslide monitoring in a real-world context


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    Penelitian ini memiliki beberapa tujuan yaitu mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran berbasis proyek terhadap keaktifan belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Sistem AC Mobil di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Malang, dan mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran berbasis proyek terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran AC Mobil di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Malang. Metodologi penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuasi-eksperimental kelompok kontrol pre-test-post-test. Kelas XI TKRO 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen untuk penelitian ini, dan kelas XI TKRO 2 sebagai kelas kontrol. Pada kelas kontrol menggunakan model pembelajaran Discovery Learning, sedangkan kelas eksperimen mendapatkan perlakuan menggunakan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning. Tes dan catatan pengamatan digunakan sebagai alat pengumpulan data utama penelitian. menggunakan analisis independent sample t-test dan analisis deskriptif untuk mengkarakterisasi keaktifan dan hasil belajar siswa, untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran yang diterapkan terhadap keaktifan dan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setelah diberikan perlakuan pada mata pelajaran Sistem AC kelas XI Jurusan TKRO SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Malang terdapat perbedaan keaktifan dan hasil belajar siswa yang cukup mencolok antara penggunaan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning dan Discovery Learning


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    Abstract. In the field of archaeological surveying, remote sensors and especially photogrammetric and laser scanner systems are widely used to create 3D models. The use of photogrammetric surveying with UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), combined with Computer Vision algorithms, allows the building of three-dimensional models, characterized by photo-realistic textures. The choice of which method to use mainly depends on the complexity of the investigated site, the accuracy requirements and the available budget and time. The different components of the UAV system determine its characteristics in terms of performance and accuracy, therefore define its quality and the cost too. This study presents an assessment of the accuracy of point clouds derived by two UAV systems, a commercial quadcopter (DJI Phantom 3 Professional), a professional assembled hexacopter, and by a TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanner) in order to compare photogrammetric and laser scanner data for archaeological applications. In this paper, we present a case study to compare and analyse the metric accuracy of the point clouds and the distribution of the GCPs (Ground Control Points). This accuracy assessment will serve to quantify the uncertainty in the absolute position of the GCPs, identified on the panoramic images in the absence of artificial targets. Executed experiments showed that in tested UAVs, the choice of the GCPs has significant impact on point cloud accuracy. Estimated absolute accuracy of point clouds collected during both test flights was better than 5&amp;thinsp;cm.</p

    Using the Data Fusion tecnique for producing tematic maps.

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    The University of Salerno (Italy) has recently been equipped with a pair of aerials that are able to receive data transmitted from various satellite platforms such as the NOAA and the Terra-1 and Aqua-1 EOS. These satellites are fitted with sensors that pick up information regarding soil and cloud temperature, the humidity level of the atmosphere, the presence of extraneous water, the presence of certain substances such as chlorophyll, the surface colour of the ocean and the presence of plankton with a spatial resolution that at its greatest reaches 250 m. Great use is therefore made of a vast amount of data that concerns our geographical area which allows for a fairly approximate assessment of the state of health (desertification, deforestation, abundance of surface water) and the potential risks (landslides, fires, plant and crop infections or diseases) to which the territory is prone. Nevertheless, the data is supplied with differing precision to the ground and with different pixel dimensions, therefore it is not possible to generate, taking as a starting point the data alone, (thematic map) which, besides furnishing qualitative information, also supplies correct and precise metric information. By using the Data Fusion technique it is possible to project the data supplied by various sensors onto a higher resolution image in order to obtain a representation that allows for a synthesis of all available information

    Pemanfaatan Candi Sukuh Sebagai Sumber Belajar Sejarah Bagi Mahasiswa Tadris IPS IAIN Kudus

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    Learning resources are things that educators use to facilitate students in the learning process. Sources of learning are not only from books, but historical objects and sites around us can also be used as learning resources. So far, there are still many who think that the relics of historical sites only function as evidence that there was a relic in the past. Even though the utilization of heritage sites as a source of learning is an important innovation and must be carried out, because heritage sites can provide a more actual description of a phenomenon to students. The purpose of this study is to examine the history of Sukuh Temple and the extent to which the effectiveness of using the Sukuh Temple site as a learning resource in Indonesian History courses. Research using descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques used in this study are interview techniques, observation and literature study. The results showed that the Sukuh Temple, which is located in the Karanganyar area, has compatibility with the lecture material in the curriculum of the Social Sciences Tadris Study Program at the Kudus State Islamic Institute, namely in the Indonesian History course. And there is one basis for implementing the curriculum that supports the utilization of the Sukuh Temple site in Karanganyar as a learning resourc


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    Abstract. The paper reports the results of a photogrammetric survey made using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in the archaeological site of the Roman Amphitheatre in Avella (Avellino, Italy). The aim of the study is to verify which modality of image acquisition (if only nadiral images or nadiral plus Oblique images), together with the method of Global Positioning Satellite System (GNSS) survey of the Ground Control Points (GCP) is able to produce the better 3D model, in terms of accuracy, in order to extract traditional graphic drawings (plan, elevation and section), suited to the required representation scales (1:100 and 1:50). The accuracy in georeferencing was evaluated analysing the residues on the GCPs; subsequently, a more detailed analysis of the accuracy of the final 3D model was performed analysing the residuals on the image coordinates, also called re-projection error. The method developed is based on the statistical analysis of the different models, built changing the GCPs survey method and the photogrammetric shots acquired. The results of our analysis show that the photogrammetric survey is more 'stable' using only nadiral images and that the nRTK technique allows results comparable to those obtained with static measurements, both in precision and in reliability. Moreover, if the GCPs are measured in nRTK mode, taking into consideration the graphical error, the maximum representation scale is 1:100, whereas the use of static technique makes it possible to describe major details, at a scale of 1:50.</p

    An efficient and stereoselective dearylation of asarinin and sesamin tetrahydrofurofuran lignans to acuminatolide by methyltrioxorhenium/H2O2 and UHP systems

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    The synthesis of stereoisomers of acuminatolide is rare and requires complex and time-consuming multistep procedures. Asarinin (1) and sesamin (2), two diasteromeric tetrahydrofurofuran lignans, are efficiently mono-dearylated by methyltrioxorhenium (MTO, I) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or urea hydrogen peroxide adduct (UHP) as primary oxidant to give (-)-(7R,8'R,8R)-acuminatolide (3A) and (+)-(7S,8R,8'R)-acuminatolide (3B), respectively, in high yield and diastereoselectivity (de > 98%). The oxidation of 1 was also performed with novel heterogeneous catalysts based on the heterogenation of MTO on poly(4-vinylpyridine) and polystyrene resins. In these latter cases 3A was obtained with a different yield and selectivity depending on the physical-chemical properties of the support. Cytotoxic effects of 3A and 3B in mammalian cell lines in vitro are also reported

    Lumen shape reconstruction using a soft robotic balloon catheter and electrical impedance tomography

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    Incorrectly sized balloon catheters can lead to increased post-surgical complications, yet even with preoperative imaging, correct selection remains a challenge. With limited feedback during surgery, it is difficult to verify correct deployment. We propose the use of integrated impedance measurements and Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) imaging to assess the deformation of the balloon and determine the size and shape of the surrounding lumen. Previous work using single impedance measurements, or pressure data and analytical models, whilst demonstrating high sizing accuracy, have assumed a circular cross section. Here we extend these methods by adding a multitude of electrodes to detect elliptical and occluded lumen and obtain EIT images to localise deformations. Using a 14 Fr (5.3 mm) catheter as an example, numerical simulations were performed to find the optimal electrode configuration of two rings of 8 electrodes spaced 10 mm apart. The simulations predicted that the maximum detectable aspect ratio decreased from 0.9 for a 14mm balloon to 0.5 at 30mm. The sizing and ellipticity detection results were verified experimentally. A prototype robotic balloon catheter was constructed to automatically inflate a compliant balloon while simultaneously recording EIT and pressure data. Data were collected in experiments replicating stenotic vessels with an elliptical and asymmetrical profile, and the widening of a lumen during angioplasty. After calibration, the system was able to correctly localise the occlusion and detect aspect ratios of 0.75. EIT images further localised the occlusion and visualised the dilation of the lumen during balloon inflation

    The proteasome cap RPT5/Rpt5p subunit prevents aggregation of unfolded ricin A chain

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    The plant cytotoxin ricin enters mammalian cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis, undergoing retrograde transport to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) where its catalytic A chain (RTA) is reductively separated from the holotoxin to enter the cytosol and inactivate ribosomes. The currently accepted model is that the bulk of ER-dislocated RTA is degraded by proteasomes. We show here that the proteasome has a more complex role in ricin intoxication than previously recognised, that the previously reported increase in sensitivity of mammalian cells to ricin in the presence of proteasome inhibitors simply reflects toxicity of the inhibitors themselves, and that RTA is a very poor substrate for proteasomal degradation. Denatured RTA and casein compete for a binding site on the regulatory particle of the 26S proteasome, but their fates differ. Casein is degraded, but the mammalian 26S proteasome AAA-ATPase subunit RPT5 acts as a chaperone that prevents aggregation of denatured RTA and stimulates recovery of catalytic RTA activity in vitro. Furthermore, in vivo, the ATPase activity of Rpt5p is required for maximal toxicity of RTA dislocated from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ER. Our results implicate RPT5/Rpt5p in the triage of substrates in which either activation (folding) or inactivation (degradation) pathways may be initiated