3,014 research outputs found

    Interpreting the yield of transit surveys: Are there groups in the known transiting planets population?

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    Each transiting planet discovered is characterized by 7 measurable quantities, that may or may not be linked together (planet mass, radius, orbital period, and star mass, radius, effective temperature, and metallicity). Correlations between planet mass and period, surface gravity and period, planet radius and star temperature have been previously observed among the known transiting giant planets. Two classes of planets have been previously identified based on their Safronov number. We use the CoRoTlux code to compare simulated events to the sample of discovered planets and test the statistical significance of these correlations. We first generate a stellar field with planetary companions based on radial velocity discoveries and a planetary evolution model, then apply a detection criterion that includes both statistical and red noise sources. We compare the yield of our simulated survey with the ensemble of 31 well-characterized giant transiting planets, using a multivariate logistic analysis to assess whether the simulated distribution matches the known transiting planets. Our multivariate analysis shows that our simulated sample and observations are consistent to 76%. The mass vs. period correlation for giant planets first observed with radial velocity holds with transiting planets. Our model naturally explains the correlation between planet surface gravity and period and the one between planet radius and stellar effective temperature. Finally, we are also able to reproduce the previously observed apparent bimodal distribution of Safronov numbers in 10% of our simulated cases, although our model predicts a continuous distribution. This shows that the evidence for the existence of two groups of planets with different intrinsic properties is not statistically significant.Comment: 17 page

    Dynamics of the giant planets of the solar system in the gaseous proto-planetary disk and relationship to the current orbital architecture

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    We study the orbital evolution of the 4 giant planets of our solar system in a gas disk. Our investigation extends the previous works by Masset and Snellgrove (2001) and Morbidelli and Crida (2007, MC07), which focussed on the dynamics of the Jupiter-Saturn system. The only systems that we found to reach a steady state are those in which the planets are locked in a quadruple mean motion resonance (i.e. each planet is in resonance with its neighbor). In total we found 6 such configurations. For the gas disk parameters found in MC07, these configurations are characterized by a negligible migration rate. After the disappearance of the gas, and in absence of planetesimals, only two of these six configurations (the least compact ones) are stable for a time of hundreds of millions of years or more. The others become unstable on a timescale of a few My. Our preliminary simulations show that, when a planetesimal disk is added beyond the orbit of the outermost planet, the planets can evolve from the most stable of these configurations to their current orbits in a fashion qualitatively similar to that described in Tsiganis et al. (2005).Comment: The Astronomical Journal (17/07/2007) in pres

    A New Family of Planets ? "Ocean Planets"

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    A new family of planets is considered which is between rochy terrestrial planets and gaseous giant ones: "Ocean-Planets". We present the possible formation, composition and internal models of these putative planets, including that of their ocean, as well as their possible Exobiology interest. These planets should be detectable by planet detection missions such as Eddington and Kepler, and possibly COROT (lauch scheduled in 2006). They would be ideal targets for spectroscopic missions such as Darwin/TPF.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures submitted to Icarus notes (10 july 2003

    A correlation between the heavy element content of transiting extrasolar planets and the metallicity of their parent stars

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    Nine extrasolar planets with masses between 110 and 430M are known to transit their star. The knowledge of their masses and radii allows an estimate of their composition, but uncertainties on equations of state, opacities and possible missing energy sources imply that only inaccurate constraints can be derived when considering each planet separately. Aims: We seek to better understand the composition of transiting extrasolar planets by considering them as an ensemble, and by comparing the obtained planetary properties to that of the parent stars. Methods: We use evolution models and constraints on the stellar ages to derive the mass of heavy elements present in the planets. Possible additional energy sources like tidal dissipation due to an inclined orbit or to downward kinetic energy transport are considered. Results: We show that the nine transiting planets discovered so far belong to a quite homogeneous ensemble that is characterized by a mass of heavy elements that is a relatively steep function of the stellar metallicity, from less than 20 earth masses of heavy elements around solar composition stars, to up to 100M for three times the solar metallicity (the precise values being model-dependant). The correlation is still to be ascertained however. Statistical tests imply a worst-case 1/3 probability of a false positive. Conclusions: Together with the observed lack of giant planets in close orbits around metal-poor stars, these results appear to imply that heavy elements play a key role in the formation of close-in giant planets. The large masses of heavy elements inferred for planets orbiting metal rich stars was not anticipated by planet formation models and shows the need for alternative theories including migration and subsequent collection of planetesimals.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics 0 (2006) in pres

    Precision Beam Position Monitor for EUROTeV

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    In the framework of EUROTeV, a Precision Beam Position Monitor (PBPM) has been designed, manufactured and tested. The new PBPM, based on the inductive BPM presently used in the CERN CLIC Test Facility (CTF3), aims to achieve a resolution of 100 nm and an accuracy of 10 ÎĽm in a 6 mm aperture. A dedicated test bench has been designed and constructed to fully characterize and optimize the PBPM. This paper describes the final design, presents the test bench results and reports on the beam tests carried out in the CERN CTF3 Linac

    SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates III. KOI-423b: an 18 Mjup transiting companion around an F7IV star

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    We report the strategy and results of our radial velocity follow-up campaign with the SOPHIE spectrograph (1.93-m OHP) of four transiting planetary candidates discovered by the Kepler space mission. We discuss the selection of the candidates KOI-428, KOI-410, KOI-552, and KOI-423. KOI-428 was established as a hot Jupiter transiting the largest and the most evolved star discovered so far and is described by Santerne et al. (2011a). KOI-410 does not present radial velocity change greater than 120 m/s, which allows us to exclude at 3 sigma a transiting companion heavier than 3.4 Mjup. KOI-552b appears to be a transiting low-mass star with a mass ratio of 0.15. KOI-423b is a new transiting companion in the overlapping region between massive planets and brown dwarfs. With a radius of 1.22 +- 0.11 Rjup and a mass of 18.0 +- 0.92 Mjup, KOI-423b is orbiting an F7IV star with a period of 21.0874 +- 0.0002 days and an eccentricity of 0.12 +- 0.02. From the four selected Kepler candidates, at least three of them have a Jupiter-size transiting companion, but two of them are not in the mass domain of Jupiter-like planets. KOI-423b and KOI-522b are members of a growing population of known massive companions orbiting close to an F-type star. This population currently appears to be absent around G-type stars, possibly due to their rapid braking and the engulfment of their companions by tidal decay.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, accepted in A&

    On the Age of Stars Harboring Transiting Planets

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    Results of photometric surveys have brought to light the existence of a population of giant planets orbiting their host stars even closer than the hot Jupiters (HJ), with orbital periods below 3 days. The reason why radial velocity surveys were not able to detect these very-hot Jupiters (VHJ) is under discussion. A possible explanation is that these close-in planets are short-lived, being evaporated on short time-scales due to UV flux of their host stars. In this case, stars hosting transiting VHJ planets would be systematically younger than those in the radial velocity sample. We have used the UVES spectrograph (VLT-UT2 telescope) to obtain high resolution spectra of 5 faint stars hosting transiting planets, namely, OGLE-TR-10, 56, 111, 113 and TrES-1. Previously obtained CORALIE spectra of HD189733, and published data on the other transiting planet-hosts were also used. The immediate objective is to estimate ages via Li abundances, using the Ca II activity-age relation, and from the analysis of the stellar rotational velocity. For the stars for which we have spectra, Li abundances were computed as in Israelian et al. (2004) using the stellar parameters derived in Santos et al. (2006). The chromospheric activity index SUSS_{US} was built as the ratio of the flux within the core of the Ca II H & K lines and the flux in two nearby continuum regions. The index SUSS_{US} was calibrated to Mount Wilson index SMWS_{MW} allowing the computation of the Ca II H & K corrected for the photospheric contribution. These values were then used to derive the ages by means of the Henry et al. (1996) activity-age relation. Bearing in mind the limitations of the ages derived by Li abundances, chromospheric activity, and stellar rotational velocities, none of the stars studied in this paper seem to be younger than 0.5 Gyr.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Toward a Deterministic Model of Planetary Formation IV: Effects of Type-I Migration

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    In a further development of a deterministic planet-formation model (Ida & Lin 2004), we consider the effect of type-I migration of protoplanetary embryos due to their tidal interaction with their nascent disks. During the early embedded phase of protostellar disks, although embryos rapidly emerge in regions interior to the ice line, uninhibited type-I migration leads to their efficient self-clearing. But, embryos continue to form from residual planetesimals at increasingly large radii, repeatedly migrate inward, and provide a main channel of heavy element accretion onto their host stars. During the advanced stages of disk evolution (a few Myr), the gas surface density declines to values comparable to or smaller than that of the minimum mass nebula model and type-I migration is no longer an effective disruption mechanism for mars-mass embryos. Over wide ranges of initial disk surface densities and type-I migration efficiency, the surviving population of embryos interior to the ice line has a total mass several times that of the Earth. With this reservoir, there is an adequate inventory of residual embryos to subsequently assemble into rocky planets similar to those around the Sun. But, the onset of efficient gas accretion requires the emergence and retention of cores, more massive than a few M_earth, prior to the severe depletion of the disk gas. The formation probability of gas giant planets and hence the predicted mass and semimajor axis distributions of extrasolar gas giants are sensitively determined by the strength of type-I migration. We suggest that the observed fraction of solar-type stars with gas giant planets can be reproduced only if the actual type-I migration time scale is an order of magnitude longer than that deduced from linear theories.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap
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