663 research outputs found

    An analysis tool for collision avoidance manoeuvres using aerodynamic drag

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    Aerodynamic collision avoidance manoeuvres provide an opportunity for satellites in Low Earth Orbits to reduce the risk during close encounters. With rising numbers of satellites and objects in orbit, satellites experience close encounters more frequently. Especially those satellites without thrusting capabilities face the problem of not being able to performimpulsive evasive manoeuvres. For satellites in Low Earth Orbits, though, perturbing forces due to aerodynamic drag may be used to influence their trajectories, thus offering a possibility to avoid collisions. This work introduces a tool for the analysis of aerodynamic collision avoidance manoeuvres. Current space-weather data are employed to estimate the density the satellite encounters. Achievable in-track separation distances following a variation of the ballistic coefficient through a change in attitude are then derived by evaluating an analytical equation from literature. Considering additional constraints for the attitude, e.g., charging phases, and uncertainties in the used parameters, the influence of a manoeuvre on the conjunction geometry and the collision probability is examined. The university satellite Flying Laptop of the University of Stuttgart is used as an exemplary satellite for analysis, which show the general effectiveness of evasive manoeuvres employing aerodynamic drag. First manoeuvring strategies can be deducted and the influence of parameter uncertainties is assessed.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    ISOCAM observations of the L1551 star formation region

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    The results of a deep mid-IR ISOCAM survey of the L1551 dark molecular cloud are presented. The aim of this survey is a search for new YSO (Young Stellar Object) candidates, using two broad-band filters centred at 6.7 and 14.3 micron. Although two regions close to the centre of L1551 had to be avoided due to saturation problems, 96 sources were detected in total (76 sources at 6.7 micron and 44 sources at 14.3 micron). Using the 24 sources detected in both filters, 14 were found to have intrinsic mid-IR excess at 14.3 micron and were therefore classified as YSO candidates. Using additional observations in B, V, I, J, H and K obtained from the ground, most candidates detected at these wavelengths were confirmed to have mid-IR excess at 6.7 micron as well, and three additional YSO candidates were found. Prior to this survey only three YSOs were known in the observed region (avoiding L1551 IRS5/NE and HL/XZ Tau). This survey reveals 15 new YSO candidates, although several of these are uncertain due to their extended nature either in the mid-IR or in the optical/near-IR observations. Two of the sources with mid-IR excess are previously known YSOs, one is a brown dwarf MHO 5 and the other is the well known T Tauri star HH30, consisting of an outflow and an optically thick disk seen edge on.Comment: 14 Pages, 8 Figure

    ISOCAM observations of the rho Ophiuchi cloud: Luminosity and mass functions of the pre-main sequence embedded cluster

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    We present the results of the first extensive mid-infrared (IR) imaging survey of the rho Ophiuchi embedded cluster, performed with the ISOCAM camera on board the ISO satellite. The main molecular cloud L1688, as well as L1689N and L1689S, have been completely surveyed for point sources at 6.7 and 14.3 micron. A total of 425 sources are detected including 16 Class I, 123 Class II, and 77 Class III young stellar objects (YSOs). Essentially all of the mid-IR sources coincide with near-IR sources, but a large proportion of them are recognized for the first time as YSOs. Our dual-wavelength survey allows us to identify essentially all the YSOs with IR excess in the embedded cluster down to Fnu ~ 10 - 15 mJy. It more than doubles the known population of Class II YSOs and represents the most complete census to date of newly formed stars in the rho Ophiuchi central region. The stellar luminosity function of the complete sample of Class II YSOs is derived with a good accuracy down to L= 0.03 Lsun. A modeling of this lumino- sity function, using available pre-main sequence tracks and plausible star for- mation histories, allows us to derive the mass distribution of the Class II YSOs which arguably reflects the IMF of the embedded cluster. We estimate that the IMF in rho Ophiuchi is well described by a two-component power law with a low- mass index of -0.35+/-0.25, a high-mass index of -1.7 (to be compared with the Salpeter value of -1.35), and a break occurring at M = 0.55+/-0.25 Msun. This IMF is flat with no evidence for a low-mass cutoff down to at least 0.06 Msun.Comment: A&A Document Class -- version 5.01, 27 pages, 10 figures v2: typos added including few changes in source numberin

    The Automatic Real-Time GRB Pipeline of the 2-m Liverpool Telescope

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    The 2-m Liverpool Telescope (LT), owned by Liverpool John Moores University, is located in La Palma (Canary Islands) and operates in fully robotic mode. In 2005, the LT began conducting an automatic GRB follow-up program. On receiving an automatic GRB alert from a Gamma-Ray Observatory (Swift, INTEGRAL, HETE-II, IPN) the LT initiates a special override mode that conducts follow-up observations within 2-3 min of the GRB onset. This follow-up procedure begins with an initial sequence of short (10-s) exposures acquired through an r' band filter. These images are reduced, analyzed and interpreted automatically using pipeline software developed by our team called "LT-TRAP" (Liverpool Telescope Transient Rapid Analysis Pipeline); the automatic detection and successful identification of an unknown and potentially fading optical transient triggers a subsequent multi-color imaging sequence. In the case of a candidate brighter than r'=15, either a polarimetric (from 2006) or a spectroscopic observation (from 2007) will be triggered on the LT. If no candidate is identified, the telescope continues to obtain z', r' and i' band imaging with increasingly longer exposure times. Here we present a detailed description of the LT-TRAP and briefly discuss the illustrative case of the afterglow of GRB 050502a, whose automatic identification by the LT just 3 min after the GRB, led to the acquisition of the first early-time (< 1 hr) multi-color light curve of a GRB afterglow.Comment: PASP, accepted (8 pages, 3 figures

    Inferring statistics of planet populations by means of automated microlensing searches

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    (abridged) The study of other worlds is key to understanding our own, and not only provides clues to the origin of our civilization, but also looks into its future. Rather than in identifying nearby systems and learning about their individual properties, the main value of the technique of gravitational microlensing is in obtaining the statistics of planetary populations within the Milky Way and beyond. Only the complementarity of different techniques currently employed promises to yield a complete picture of planet formation that has sufficient predictive power to let us understand how habitable worlds like ours evolve, and how abundant such systems are in the Universe. A cooperative three-step strategy of survey, follow-up, and anomaly monitoring of microlensing targets, realized by means of an automated expert system and a network of ground-based telescopes is ready right now to be used to obtain a first census of cool planets with masses reaching even below that of Earth orbiting K and M dwarfs in two distinct stellar populations, namely the Galactic bulge and disk. The hunt for extra-solar planets acts as a principal science driver for time-domain astronomy with robotic-telescope networks adopting fully-automated strategies. Several initiatives, both into facilities as well as into advanced software and strategies, are supposed to see the capabilities of gravitational microlensing programmes step-wise increasing over the next 10 years. New opportunities will show up with high-precision astrometry becoming available and studying the abundance of planets around stars in neighbouring galaxies becoming possible. Finally, we should not miss out on sharing the vision with the general public, and make its realization to profit not only the scientists but all the wider society.Comment: 10 pages in PDF format. White paper submitted to ESA's Exo-Planet Roadmap Advisory Team (EPR-AT); typos corrected. The embedded figures are available from the author on request. See also "Towards A Census of Earth-mass Exo-planets with Gravitational Microlensing" by J.P. Beaulieu, E. Kerins, S. Mao et al. (arXiv:0808.0005

    Discovery of Highly Obscured Galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance

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    We report the discovery of twenty-five previously unknown galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance. Our systematic search for extended extra-galactic sources in the GLIMPSE and MIPSGAL mid-infrared surveys of the Galactic plane has revealed two overdensities of these sources, located around l ~ 47 and 55 degrees and |b| less than 1 degree in the Sagitta-Aquila region. These overdensities are consistent with the local large-scale structure found at similar Galactic longitude and extending from |b| ~ 4 to 40 degrees. We show that the infrared spectral energy distribution of these sources is indeed consistent with those of normal galaxies. Photometric estimates of their redshift indicate that the majority of these galaxies are found in the redshift range z = 0.01 - 0.05, with one source located at z = 0.07. Comparison with known sources in the local Universe reveals that these galaxies are located at similar overdensities in redshift space. These new galaxies are the first evidence of a bridge linking the large-scale structure between both sides of the Galactic plane at very low Galactic latitude and clearly demonstrate the feasibility of detecting galaxies in the Zone of Avoidance using mid-to-far infrared surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, 28 pages, 5 tables, 11 figure

    I. Flux and color variations of the quadruply imaged quasar HE 0435-1223

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    aims: We present VRi photometric observations of the quadruply imaged quasar HE 0435-1223, carried out with the Danish 1.54m telescope at the La Silla Observatory. Our aim was to monitor and study the magnitudes and colors of each lensed component as a function of time. methods: We monitored the object during two seasons (2008 and 2009) in the VRi spectral bands, and reduced the data with two independent techniques: difference imaging and PSF (Point Spread Function) fitting.results: Between these two seasons, our results show an evident decrease in flux by ~0.2-0.4 magnitudes of the four lensed components in the three filters. We also found a significant increase (~0.05-0.015) in their V-R and R-i color indices. conclusions: These flux and color variations are very likely caused by intrinsic variations of the quasar between the observed epochs. Microlensing effects probably also affect the brightest "A" lensed component.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Structure and Colors of Diffuse Emission in the Spitzer Galactic First Look Survey

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    We investigate the density structure of the interstellar medium using new high-resolution maps of the 8 micron, 24 micron, and 70 micron surface brightness towards a molecular cloud in the Gum Nebula, made as part of the Spitzer Space Telescope Galactic First Look Survey. The maps are correlated with 100 micron images measured with IRAS. At 24 and 70 micron, the spatial power spectrum of surface brightness follows a power law with spectral index -3.5. At 24 micron, the power law behavior is remarkably consistent from the 0.2 degree size of our maps down to the 5 arcsecond spatial resolution. Thus, the structure of the 24 micron emission is self-similar even at milliparsec scales. The combined power spectrum produced from Spitzer 24 micron and IRAS 25 micron images is consistent with a change in the power law exponent from -2.6 to -3.5. The decrease may be due to the transition from a two-dimensional to three-dimensional structure. Under this hypothesis, we estimate the thickness of the emitting medium to be 0.3 pc.Comment: 13 Pages, 3 Figures, to be published in Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series (Spitzer Special Issue), volume 154. Uses aastex v5.

    A Multi-Wavelength Infrared Study of NGC 891

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    We present a multi-wavlength infrared study of the nearby, edge-on, spiral galaxy NGC 891. We have examined 20 independent, spatially resolved IR images of this galaxy, 14 of which are newly reduced and/or previously unpublished images. These images span a wavelength regime from 1.2 microns in which the emission is dominated by cool stars, through the MIR, in which emission is dominated by PAHs, to 850 microns, in which emission is dominated by cold dust in thermal equilibrium with the radiation field. The changing morphology of the galaxy with wavelength illustrates the changing dominant components. We detect extra-planar dust emission in this galaxy, consistent with previously published results, but now show that PAH emission is also in the halo, to a vertical distance of z >= 2.5 kpc. We compare the vertical extents of various components and find that the PAHs (from 7.7 and 8 micron data) and warm dust (24 microns) extend to smaller z heights than the cool dust (450 microns). For six locations in the galaxy for which the S/N was sufficient, we present SEDs of the IR emission, including two in the halo - the first time a halo SED in an external galaxy has been presented. We have modeled these SEDs and find that the PAH fraction is similar to Galactic values (within a factor of two), with the lowest value at the galaxy's center, consistent with independent results of other galaxies. In the halo environment, the fraction of dust exposed to a colder radiation field, is of order unity, consistent with an environment in which there is no star formation. The source of excitation is likely from photons escaping from the disk.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figures, 7 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA