80 research outputs found

    Properties of compact 250 μm emission and H II regions in M 33 (HERM33ES)

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    Aims. Within the framework of the HERM33ES key program, using the high resolution and sensitivity of the Herschel photometric data, we study the compact emission in the Local Group spiral galaxy M33 to investigate the nature of the compact SPIRE emission sources. We extracted a catalogue of sources at 250 μm in order to investigate the nature of this compact emission. Taking advantage of the unprecedented Herschel resolution at these wavelengths, we also focus on a more precise study of some striking Hα shells in the northern part of the galaxy. Methods. We present a catalogue of 159 compact emission sources in M33 identified by SExtractor in the 250 μm SPIRE band that is the one that provides the best spatial resolution. We also measured fluxes at 24 μm and Hα for those 159 extracted sources. The morphological study of the shells also benefits from a multiwavelength approach including Hα, far-ultraviolet from GALEX, and infrared from both Spitzer IRAC 8 μm and MIPS 24 μm in order to make comparisons. Results. For the 159 compact sources selected at 250 μm, we find a very strong Pearson correlation coefficient with the MIPS 24 μm emission (r_(24) = 0.94) and a rather strong correlation with the Hα emission, although with more scatter (r_(Hα) = 0.83). The morphological study of the Hα shells shows a displacement between far-ultraviolet, Hα, and the SPIRE bands. The cool dust emission from SPIRE clearly delineates the Hα shell structures. Conclusions. The very strong link between the 250 μm compact emission and the 24 μm and Hα emissions, by recovering the star formation rate from standard recipes for H II regions, allows us to provide star formation rate calibrations based on the 250 μm compact emission alone. The different locations of the Hα and far-ultraviolet emissions with respect to the SPIRE cool dust emission leads to a dynamical age of a few Myr for the Hα shells and the associated cool dust

    Properties of compact 250 \mu m emission and HII regions in M33 (HERM33ES)

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    Within the framework of the HERM33ES Key Project, using the high resolution and sensitivity of the Herschel photometric data, we study the compact emission in the Local Group spiral galaxy M33 to investigate the nature of the compact SPIRE emission sources. We extracted a catalogue of sources at 250um in order to investigate the nature of this compact emission. Taking advantage of the unprecedented Herschel resolution at these wavelengths, we also focus on a more precise study of some striking Halpha shells in the northern part of the galaxy. We present a catalogue of 159 compact emission sources in M33 identified by SExtractor in the 250um SPIRE band that is the one that provides the best spatial resolution. We also measured fluxes at 24um and Halpha for those 159 extracted sources. The morphological study of the shells also benefits from a multiwavelength approach including Halpha, far-UV from GALEX, and infrared from both Spitzer IRAC 8um and MIPS 24um in order to make comparisons. For the 159 compact sources selected at 250um, we find a very strong Pearson correlation coefficient with the MIPS 24um emission (r24 = 0.94) and a rather strong correlation with the Halpha emission, although with more scatter (rHa = 0.83). The morphological study of the Halpha shells shows a displacement between far-ultraviolet, Halpha, and the SPIRE bands. The cool dust emission from SPIRE clearly delineates the Halpha shell structures. The very strong link between the 250um compact emission and the 24um and Halpha emissions, by recovering the star formation rate from standard recipes for HII regions, allows us to provide star formation rate calibrations based on the 250um compact emission alone. The different locations of the Halpha and far-ultraviolet emissions with respect to the SPIRE cool dust emission leads to a dynamical age of a few Myr for the Halpha shells and the associated cool dust.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Accpeted for publication in the A&A Herschel Special Issu

    Cool gas and dust in M33: Results from the Herschel M33 extended survey (HERM33ES)

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    We present an analysis of the first space-based far-IR-submm observations of M 33, which measure the emission from the cool dust and resolve the giant molecular cloud complexes. With roughly half-solar abundances, M33 is a first step towards young low-metallicity galaxies where the submm may be able to provide an alternative to CO mapping to measure their H2_2 content. In this Letter, we measure the dust emission cross-section σ\sigma using SPIRE and recent CO and \HI\ observations; a variation in σ\sigma is present from a near-solar neighborhood cross-section to about half-solar with the maximum being south of the nucleus. Calculating the total H column density from the measured dust temperature and cross-section, and then subtracting the \HI\ column, yields a morphology similar to that observed in CO. The H2_2/\HI\ mass ratio decreases from about unity to well below 10% and is about 15% averaged over the optical disk. The single most important observation to reduce the potentially large systematic errors is to complete the CO mapping of M 33.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Cool and warm dust emission from M33 (HerM33es)

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    We study the far-infrared emission from the nearby spiral galaxy M33 in order to investigate the dust physical properties such as the temperature and the luminosity density across the galaxy. Taking advantage of the unique wavelength coverage (100, 160, 250, 350 and 500 micron) of the Herschel Space Observatory and complementing our dataset with Spitzer-IRAC 5.8 and 8 micron and Spitzer-MIPS 24 and 70 micron data, we construct temperature and luminosity density maps by fitting two modified blackbodies of a fixed emissivity index of 1.5. We find that the 'cool' dust grains are heated at temperatures between 11 and 28 K with the lowest temperatures found in the outskirts of the galaxy and the highest ones in the center and in the bright HII regions. The infrared/submillimeter total luminosity (5 - 1000 micron) is estimated to be 1.9x10^9 Lsun. 59% of the total luminosity of the galaxy is produced by the 'cool' dust grains (~15 K) while the rest 41% is produced by 'warm' dust grains (~55 K). The ratio of the cool-to-warm dust luminosity is close to unity (within the computed uncertainties), throughout the galaxy, with the luminosity of the cool dust being slightly enhanced in the center of the galaxy. Decomposing the emission of the dust into two components (one emitted by the diffuse disk of the galaxy and one emitted by the spiral arms) we find that the fraction of the emission in the disk in the mid-infrared (24 micron) is 21%, while it gradually rises up to 57% in the submillimeter (500 micron). We find that the bulk of the luminosity comes from the spiral arm network that produces 70% of the total luminosity of the galaxy with the rest coming from the diffuse dust disk. The 'cool' dust inside the disk is heated at a narrow range of temperatures between 18 and 15 K (going from the center to the outer parts of the galaxy).Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    PACS and SPIRE photometer maps of M33: First results of the Herschel M33 extended survey (HERM33ES)

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    Within the framework of the HERM33ES key project, we are studying the star forming interstellar medium in the nearby, metal-poor spiral galaxy M33, exploiting the high resolution and sensitivity of Herschel. We use PACS and SPIRE maps at 100, 160, 250, 350, and 500 micron wavelength, to study the variation of the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) with galacto-centric distance. Detailed SED modeling is performed using azimuthally averaged fluxes in elliptical rings of 2 kpc width, out to 8 kpc galacto-centric distance. Simple isothermal and two-component grey body models, with fixed dust emissivity index, are fitted to the SEDs between 24 and 500 micron using also MIPS/Spitzer data, to derive first estimates of the dust physical conditions. The far-infrared and submillimeter maps reveal the branched, knotted spiral structure of M33. An underlying diffuse disk is seen in all SPIRE maps (250-500 micron). Two component fits to the SEDs agree better than isothermal models with the observed, total and radially averaged flux densities. The two component model, with beta fixed at 1.5, best fits the global and the radial SEDs. The cold dust component clearly dominates; the relative mass of the warm component is less than 0.3% for all the fits. The temperature of the warm component is not well constrained and is found to be about 60K plus/minus 10K. The temperature of the cold component drops significantly from about 24K in the inner 2 kpc radius to 13K beyond 6 kpc radial distance, for the best fitting model. The gas-to-dust ratio for beta=1.5, averaged over the galaxy, is higher than the solar value by a factor of 1.5 and is roughly in agreement with the subsolar metallicity of M33.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the A&A Herschel Special Issu

    The Herschel M33 extended survey (HerM33es): PACS spectroscopy of the star forming region BCLMP 302

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    Context: The emission line of [CII] at 158 micron is one of the strongest cooling lines of the interstellar medium (ISM) in galaxies. Aims: Disentangling the relative contributions of the different ISM phases to [CII] emission, is a major topic of the HerM33es program, a Herschel key project to study the ISM in the nearby spiral galaxy M33. Methods: Using PACS, we have mapped the emission of [CII] 158 micron, [OI] 63 micron, and other FIR lines in a 2'x2' region of the northern spiral arm of M33, centered on the HII region BCLMP302. At the peak of H-alpha emission, we have observed in addition a velocity resolved [CII] spectrum using HIFI. We use scatterplots to compare these data with PACS 160 micron continuum maps, and with maps of CO and HI data, at a common resolution of 12 arcsec or 50 pc. Maps of H-alpha and 24 micron emission observed with Spitzer are used to estimate the SFR. We have created maps of the [CII] and [OI] 63 micron emission and detected [NII] 122 micron and NIII 57 micron at individual positions. Results: The [CII] line observed with HIFI is significantly broader than that of CO, and slightly blue-shifted. In addition, there is little spatial correlation between [CII] observed with PACS and CO over the mapped region. There is even less spatial correlation between [CII] and the atomic gas traced by HI. Detailed comparison of the observed intensities towards the HII region with models of photo ionization and photon dominated regions, confirms that a significant fraction, 20--30%, of the observed [CII] emission stems from the ionized gas and not from the molecular cloud. The gas heating efficiency, using the ratio between [CII] and the TIR as a proxy, varies between 0.07 and 1.5%, with the largest variations found outside the HII region.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 12 pages, 12 figure

    100 mum and 160 mum emission as resolved star-formation rate estimators in M33 (HERM33ES)

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    Over the past few years several studies have provided estimates of the SFR (star-formation rate) or the total infrared luminosity from just one infrared band. However these relations are generally derived for entire galaxies, which are known to contain a large scale diffuse emission that is not necessarily related to the latest star-formation episode. We provide new relations to estimate the SFR from resolved star-forming regions at 100 mum and 160 mum. We select individual star-forming regions in the nearby (840 kpc) galaxy M33. We estimate the SFR combining the emission in Halpha and at 24 mum to calibrate the emission at 100 mum and 160 mum as SFR estimators, as mapped with PACS/Herschel. The data are obtained in the framework of the HERM33ES open time key project. There is less emission in the HII regions at 160 mum than at 100 mum. Over a dynamic range of almost 2 dex in Sigma(SFR) we find that the 100 mum emission is a nearly linear estimator of the SFR, whereas that at 160 mum is slightly superlinear. The behaviour of individual star-forming regions is surprisingly similar to that of entire galaxies. At high Sigma(SFR), star formation drives the dust temperature, whereas uncertainties and variations in radiation-transfer and dust-heated processes dominate at low Sigma(SFR). Detailed modelling of both galaxies and individual star forming regions will be needed to interpret similarities and differences between the two and assess the fraction of diffuse emission in galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the A&A Herschel special issu

    Globules and pillars in Cygnus X: III. <i>Herschel</i> and upGREAT/SOFIA far-infrared spectroscopy of the globule IRAS 20319+3958 in Cygnus X

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    IRAS 20319+3958 in Cygnus X South is a rare example of a free-floating globule (mass ~240 M⊙, length ~1.5 pc) with an internal H II region created by the stellar feedback of embedded intermediate-mass stars, in particular, one Herbig Be star. In Schneider et al. 2012, (A&A, 542, L18) and Djupvik et al. 2017, (A&A, 599, A37), we proposed that the emission of the far-infrared (FIR) lines of [C II] at 158 μm and [O I] at 145 μm in the globule head are mostly due to an internal photodissociation region (PDR). Here, we present a Herschel/HIFI [C II] 158 μm map of the whole globule and a large set of other FIR lines (mid-to high-J CO lines observed with Herschel/PACS and SPIRE, the [O I] 63 μm line and the 12CO 16→15 line observed with upGREAT on SOFIA), covering the globule head and partly a position in the tail. The [C II] map revealed that the whole globule is probably rotating. Highly collimated, high-velocity [C II] emission is detected close to the Herbig Be star. We performed a PDR analysis using the KOSMA-τ PDR code for one position in the head and one in the tail. The observed FIR lines in the head can be reproduced with a two-component model: an extended, non-clumpy outer PDR shell and a clumpy, dense, and thin inner PDR layer, representing the interface between the H II region cavity and the external PDR. The modelled internal UV field of ~2500 G° is similar to what we obtained from the Herschel FIR fluxes, but lower than what we estimated from the census of the embedded stars. External illumination from the ~30 pc distant Cyg OB2 cluster, producing an UV field of ~150–600 G° as an upper limit, is responsible for most of the [C II] emission. For the tail, we modelled the emission with a non-clumpy component, exposed to a UV-field of around 140 G°

    Dust and gas power-spectrum in M33 (HERM33ES)

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    Power spectra of de-projected images of late-type galaxies in gas and/or dust emission are very useful diagnostics of the dynamics and stability of their interstellar medium. Previous studies have shown that the power spectra can be approximated as two power-laws, a shallow one at large scales (larger than 500 pc) and a steeper one at small scales, with the break between the two corresponding to the line-of-sight thickness of the galaxy disk. We present a thorough analysis of the power spectra of the dust and gas emission at several wavelengths in the nearby galaxy M33. In particular, we use the recently obtained images at five wavelengths by PACS and SPIRE onboard Herschel. The large dynamical range (2-3 dex in scale) of most images allow us to determine clearly the change in slopes from -1.5 to -4, with some variations with wavelength. The break scale is increasing with wavelength, from 100 pc at 24 and 100micron to 350 pc at 500micron, suggesting that the cool dust lies in a thicker disk than the warm dust, may be due to star formation more confined to the plane. The slope at small scale tends to be steeper at longer wavelength, meaning that the warmer dust is more concentrated in clumps. Numerical simulations of an isolated late-type galaxy, rich in gas and with no bulge, like M33, are carried out, in order to better interpret these observed results. Varying the star formation and feedback parameters, it is possible to obtain a range of power-spectra, with two power-law slopes and breaks, which nicely bracket the data. The small-scale power-law is indeed reflecting the 3D behaviour of the gas layer, steepening strongly while the feedback smoothes the structures, by increasing the gas turbulence. M33 appears to correspond to a fiducial model with an SFR of \sim 0.7 Mo/yr, with 10% supernovae energy coupled to the gas kinematics.Comment: 11 pages, 24 figures, accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic