159 research outputs found


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    Genetic characterization of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) germplasm from Southeast Anatolia by SSR markersVitis 50 (3), 99-106 (2011

    Non-equilibrium entangled steady state of two independent two-level systems

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    We determine and study the steady state of two independent two-level systems weakly coupled to a stationary non-equilibrium environment. Whereas this bipartite state is necessarily uncorrelated if the splitting energies of the two-level systems are different from each other, it can be entangled if they are equal. For identical two-level systems interacting with two bosonic heat baths at different temperatures, we discuss the influence of the baths temperatures and coupling parameters on their entanglement. Geometric properties, such as the baths dimensionalities and the distance between the two-level systems, are relevant. A regime is found where the steady state is a statistical mixture of the product ground state and of the entangled singlet state with respective weights 2/3 and 1/3

    An analysis of maximum clique formulations and saturated linear dynamical network

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    Several formulations and methods used in solving an NP-hard discrete optimization problem, maximum clique, are considered in a dynamical system perspective proposing continuous methods to the problem. A compact form for a saturated linear dynamical network, recently developed for obtaining approximations to maximum clique, is given so its relation to the classical gradient projection method of constrained optimization becomes more visible. Using this form, gradient-like dynamical systems as continuous methods for finding the maximum clique are discussed. To show the one to one correspondence between the stable equilibria of the saturated linear dynamical network and the minima of objective function related to the optimization problem, La Salle's invariance principle has been extended to the systems with a discontinuous right-hand side. In order to show the efficiency of the continuous methods simulation results are given comparing saturated the linear dynamical network, the continuous Hopfield network, the cellular neural networks and relaxation labelling networks. It is concluded that the quadratic programming formulation of the maximum clique problem provides a framework suitable to be incorporated with the continuous relaxation of binary optimization variables and hence allowing the use of gradient-like continuous systems which have been observed to be quite efficient for minimizing quadratic costs. © Springer-Verlag 1999

    Comments on glueballinos (R0 particles) and R0 searches

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    We propose a search strategy for the light R0 (glueballino) particle suggested by G.Farrar in connection with the light gluino scenario. The basic idea is to moderate and stop the R0 particles and then observe their decay to almost monochromatic pions - at an appropriate time delay relative to a primary collision event, where a gluino jet, likely to fragment into the R0, was produced. This technique is optimized at colliders and depends on qualitative features of the R0 hadronic interactions which we discuss in detail.Comment: LaTeX, 28 page

    Genetic characterization of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) germplasm from Southeast Anatolia by SSR markers

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    Southeast Anatolia is located in close proximity to the center of origin of grapes and is an important grape producing area of Turkey. The important location of this region for grape genetic diversity together with its diverse ecological conditions may have led to the development of grape germplasm that is unique to this region. However, so far little has been done to genetically analyze this grape germplasm. In this study, we genetically analyzed 55 grape cultivars originating from six different provinces of this region using 14 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci and a number of ampeolographic characteristics. Based on these analyses, one case of synonymous and four cases of homonymous grape cultivars were identified. The contribution of our results to better characterization of the grape germplasm of the region as well as future germplasm management and breeding efforts is discussed.

    Effects of Supersymmetric Threshold Corrections on High-Scale Flavor Textures

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    Integration of superpartners out of the spectrum induces potentially large contributions to Yukawa couplings. These corrections, the supersymmetric threshold corrections, therefore influence the CKM matrix prediction in a non-trivial way. We study effects of threshold corrections on high-scale flavor structures specified at the gauge coupling unification scale in supersymmetry. In our analysis, we first consider high-scale Yukawa textures which qualify phenomenologically viable at tree level, and find that they get completely disqualified after incorporating the threshold corrections. Next, we consider Yukawa couplings, such as those with five texture zeroes, which are incapable of explaining flavor-changing proceses. Incorporation of threshold corrections, however, makes them phenomenologically viable textures. Therefore, supersymmetric threshold corrections are found to leave observable impact on Yukawa couplings of quarks, and any confrontation of high-scale textures with experiments at the weak scale must take into account such corrections.Comment: 25 pages, submitted to JHE

    Asperities and barriers on the seismogenic zone in North Chile: state-of-the-art after the 2007 Mw 7.7 Tocopilla earthquake inferred by GPS and InSAR data

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    The Mw 7.7 2007 November 14 earthquake had an epicentre located close to the city of Tocopilla, at the southern end of a known seismic gap in North Chile. Through modelling of Global Positioning System (GPS) and radar interferometry (InSAR) data, we show that this event ruptured the deeper part of the seismogenic interface (30–50 km) and did not reach the surface. The earthquake initiated at the hypocentre and was arrested ~150 km south, beneath the Mejillones Peninsula, an area already identified as an important structural barrier between two segments of the Peru–Chile subduction zone. Our preferred models for the Tocopilla main shock show slip concentrated in two main asperities, consistent with previous inversions of seismological data. Slip appears to have propagated towards relatively shallow depths at its southern extremity, under the Mejillones Peninsula. Our analysis of post-seismic deformation suggests that small but still significant post-seismic slip occurred within the first 10 d after the main shock, and that it was mostly concentrated at the southern end of the rupture. The post-seismic deformation occurring in this period represents ~12–19 per cent of the coseismic deformation, of which ~30–55 per cent has been released aseismically. Post-seismic slip appears to concentrate within regions that exhibit low coseismic slip, suggesting that the afterslip distribution during the first month of the post-seismic interval complements the coseismic slip. The 2007 Tocopilla earthquake released only ~2.5 per cent of the moment deficit accumulated on the interface during the past 130 yr and may be regarded as a possible precursor of a larger subduction earthquake rupturing partially or completely the 500-km-long North Chile seismic gap

    Knowledge levels of medical faculty students and residents about ionizing radiation

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    This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge levels of medical school students and residents about ionising radiation. The study is designed as descriptive research, and it was conducted with 369 medical school students and residents. A survey form was used in the research. A Chi-square test was used to compare categorical variables. In the study, 369 people were reached within the scope of the research. A total of 60.7% of the research participants were clinical medicine students (4th, 5th, 6th grade) and 39.3% were residents. A total of 42.0% of the participants of the study were male, 58.0% were women. It was found that 17.9% of the clinical medical students and 18.6% of the residents had sufficient knowledge of ionising radiation (p=0.002). A total of 87.0% of the participants in the study answered correctly that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) does not contain radiation and 93.5% answered correctly that ultrasonography (USG) does not contain radiation. 74.8% of the participants stated that having knowledge about ionising radiation would contribute to “protecting sensitive groups from ionising radiation” in medical practice. This ratio is 77.2% in clinical medicine students and 71.0% in residents. The study found that knowledge levels of medical faculty students and residents about ionising radiation were insufficient. Medical students and residents are recommended to be trained on radiation and the radiological requests of residents to be evaluated

    A new fast multi-domain BEM to model seismic wave propagation and amplification in 3D geological structures

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    International audienceThe analysis of seismic wave propagation and amplification in complex geological structures raises the need for efficient and accurate numerical methods. The solution of the elastodynamic equations using traditional boundary element methods (BEMs) is greatly hindered by the fully-populated nature of the matrix equations arising from the discretization. In a previous study limited to homogeneous media, the present authors have established that the Fast Multipole (FM) method reduces the complexity of a 3-D elastodynamic BEM to NlogNN \log N per GMRES iteration and demonstrated its effectiveness on 3-D canyon configurations. In this article, the frequency-domain FM-BEM methodology is extented to 3-D elastic wave propagation in piecewise-homogeneous domains in the form of a FM-accelerated multi-region BE-BE coupling approach. This new method considerably enhances the capability of the BEM for studying the propagation of seismic waves in 3-D alluvial basins of arbitrary geometry embedded in semi-infinite media. Several fully 3-D examples (oblique SV-waves) representative of such configurations validate and demonstrate the capabilities of the multi-domain fast multipole approach. They include comparisons with available (low-frequency) results for various types of incident wavefields, and time-domain results obtained by means of Fourier synthesis

    Hypericum perforatum plant cells reduce Agrobacterium viability during co-cultivation

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    Plant recalcitrance is the major barrier in developing Agrobacterium-mediated transformation protocols for several important plant species. Despite the substantial knowledge of T-DNA transfer process, very little is known about the factors leading to the plant recalcitrance. Here, we analyzed the basis of Hypericum perforatum L. (HP) recalcitrance to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation using cell suspension culture. When challenged with Agrobacterium, HP cells swiftly produced an intense oxidative burst, a typical reaction of plant defense. Agrobacterium viability started to decline and reached 99% mortality within 12 h, while the plant cells did not suffer apoptotic process. This is the first evidence showing that the reduction of Agrobacterium viability during co-cultivation with recalcitrant plant cells can affect transformation