697 research outputs found

    Vela X-1 as a laboratory for accretion in High-Mass X-ray Binaries

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    Vela X-1 is an eclipsing high mass X-ray binary (HMXB) consisting of a 283s accreting X-ray pulsar in a close orbit of 8.964 days around the B0.5Ib supergiant HD77581 at a distance of just 2.4 kpc. The system is considered a prototype of wind-accreting HMXB and it has been used as a baseline in different theoretical or modelling studies. We discuss the observational properties of the system and the use of the observational data as laboratory to test recent developments in modelling the accretion process in High-Mass X-ray Binaries (e.g., Sander et al. 2018; El Mellah et al. 2018), which range from detailed descriptions of the wind acceleration to modelling of the structure of the flow of matter close to the neutron star and its variations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of the 12th INTEGRAL conference "INTEGRAL looks AHEAD to Multimessenger astronomy" in Geneva (Switzerland) on 11-15 February 201

    Microwave plasma emission of a flare on AD Leo

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    An intense radio flare on the dMe star AD Leo, observed with the Effelsberg radio telescope and spectrally resolved in a band of 480 MHz centred at 4.85 GHz is analysed. A lower limit of the brightness temperature of the totally right handed polarized emission is estimated as T_b ~ 5x10^10 K (with values T_b > ~3x10^13 K considered to be more probable), which requires a coherent radio emission process. In the interpretation we favour fundamental plasma radiation by mildly relativistic electrons trapped in a hot and dense coronal loop above electron cyclotron maser emission. This leads to densities and magnetic field strengths in the radio source of n ~ 2x10^11 cm^-3 and B ~ 800 G. Quasi-periodic pulsations during the decay phase of the event suggest a loop radius of r ~ 7x10^8 cm. A filamentary corona is implied in which the dense radio source is embedded in hot thin plasma with temperature T >= 2x10^7 K and density n_ext <= 10^-2 n. Runaway acceleration by sub-Dreicer electric fields in a magnetic loop is found to supply a sufficient number of energetic electrons

    Witnessing the magnetospheric boundary at work in Vela X-1

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    We present an analysis of the Vela X-1's "off-states" based on Suzaku observations taken in June 2008. Defined as states in which the flux sudden decreases below the instrumental sensitivity, these "off-states" have been interpreted by several authors as the onset of the "propeller regime". For the first time ever, however, we find that the source does not turn off and, although the flux drops by a factor of 20 during the three recorded "off-states", pulsations are still observed. The spectrum and the pulse-profiles of the "off-states" are also presented. Eventually, we discuss our findings in framework of the "gated accretion" scenario and conclude that most likely the residual flux is due to the accretion of matter leaking through the magnetosphere by means of Kelvin-Helmholz instabilities (KHI).Comment: 4 pages 4 figures; accepted for publication in A&A letters (20/02/2011); v1.1 - some changes in language + added 3 reference

    Prospects of reaching the quantum regime in Li-Yb+^+ mixtures

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    We perform numerical simulations of trapped 171^{171}Yb+^+ ions that are buffer gas cooled by a cold cloud of 6^6Li atoms. This species combination has been suggested to be the most promising for reaching the quantum regime of interacting atoms and ions in a Paul trap. Treating the atoms and ions classically, we compute that the collision energy indeed reaches below the quantum limit for a perfect linear Paul trap. We analyze the effect of imperfections in the ion trap that cause excess micromotion. We find that the suppression of excess micromotion required to reach the quantum limit should be within experimental reach. Indeed, although the requirements are strong, they are not excessive and lie within reported values in the literature. We analyze the detection and suppression of excess micromotion in our experimental setup. Using the obtained experimental parameters in our simulation, we calculate collision energies that are a factor 2-11 larger than the quantum limit, indicating that improvements in micromotion detection and compensation are needed there. We also analyze the buffer-gas cooling of linear and two-dimensional ion crystals. We find that the energy stored in the eigenmodes of ion motion may reach 10-100 μ\muK after buffer-gas cooling under realistic experimental circumstances. Interestingly, not all eigenmodes are buffer-gas cooled to the same energy. Our results show that with modest improvements of our experiment, studying atom-ion mixtures in the quantum regime is in reach, allowing for buffer-gas cooling of the trapped ion quantum platform and to study the occurrence of atom-ion Feshbach resonances.Comment: 39 pages, 22 figure

    Elevated virulence of an emerging viral genotype as a driver of honeybee loss.

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    PublishedJournal ArticleEmerging infectious diseases (EIDs) have contributed significantly to the current biodiversity crisis, leading to widespread epidemics and population loss. Owing to genetic variation in pathogen virulence, a complete understanding of species decline requires the accurate identification and characterization of EIDs. We explore this issue in the Western honeybee, where increasing mortality of populations in the Northern Hemisphere has caused major concern. Specifically, we investigate the importance of genetic identity of the main suspect in mortality, deformed wing virus (DWV), in driving honeybee loss. Using laboratory experiments and a systematic field survey, we demonstrate that an emerging DWV genotype (DWV-B) is more virulent than the established DWV genotype (DWV-A) and is widespread in the landscape. Furthermore, we show in a simple model that colonies infected with DWV-B collapse sooner than colonies infected with DWV-A. We also identify potential for rapid DWV evolution by revealing extensive genome-wide recombination in vivo The emergence of DWV-B in naive honeybee populations, including via recombination with DWV-A, could be of significant ecological and economic importance. Our findings emphasize that knowledge of pathogen genetic identity and diversity is critical to understanding drivers of species decline.This work was supported by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (Germany): Fit Bee project (grant 511-06.01-28-1-71.007-10), the EU: BeeDoc (grant 244956), iDiv (2013 NGS-Fast Track grant W47004118) and the Insect Pollinators Initiative (IPI grant BB/I000100/1 and BB/I000151/1). The IPI is funded jointly by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the Natural Environment Research Council, the Scottish Government and the Wellcome Trust, under the Living with Environmental Change Partnership

    Quantum Eavesdropping without Interception: An Attack Exploiting the Dead Time of Single Photon Detectors

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    The security of quantum key distribution (QKD) can easily be obscured if the eavesdropper can utilize technical imperfections of the actual implementation. Here we describe and experimentally demonstrate a very simple but highly effective attack which even does not need to intercept the quantum channel at all. Only by exploiting the dead time effect of single photon detectors the eavesdropper is able to gain (asymptotically) full information about the generated keys without being detected by state-of-the-art QKD protocols. In our experiment, the eavesdropper inferred up to 98.8% of the key correctly, without increasing the bit error rate between Alice and Bob significantly. Yet, we find an evenly simple and effective countermeasure to inhibit this and similar attacks

    Clar Sextet Analysis of Triangular, Rectangular and Honeycomb Graphene Antidot Lattices

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    Pristine graphene is a semimetal and thus does not have a band gap. By making a nanometer scale periodic array of holes in the graphene sheet a band gap may form; the size of the gap is controllable by adjusting the parameters of the lattice. The hole diameter, hole geometry, lattice geometry and the separation of the holes are parameters that all play an important role in determining the size of the band gap, which, for technological applications, should be at least of the order of tenths of an eV. We investigate four different hole configurations: the rectangular, the triangular, the rotated triangular and the honeycomb lattice. It is found that the lattice geometry plays a crucial role for size of the band gap: the triangular arrangement displays always a sizable gap, while for the other types only particular hole separations lead to a large gap. This observation is explained using Clar sextet theory, and we find that a sufficient condition for a large gap is that the number of sextets exceeds one third of the total number of hexagons in the unit cell. Furthermore, we investigate non-isosceles triangular structures to probe the sensitivity of the gap in triangular lattices to small changes in geometry

    VLA monitoring of LS V +44 17 reveals scatter in the X-ray – radio correlation of Be/X-ray binaries

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    Funding: JvdE acknowledges a Warwick Astrophysics prize post-doctoral fellowship made possible thanks to a generous philanthropic donation, and was supported by a Lee Hysan Junior Research Fellowship awarded by St. Hilda’s College, Oxford, during part of this work. ARE is supported by the European Space Agency (ESA) Research Fellowship. TDR acknowledges support as an INAF IAF fellow. GRS is supported by NSERC Discovery Grant RGPIN-2021-0400.LS V +44 17 is a persistent Be/X-ray binary (BeXRB) that displayed a bright, double-peaked period of X-ray activity in late 2022/early 2023. We present a radio monitoring campaign of this outburst using the Very Large Array. Radio emission was detected, but only during the second, X-ray brightest, peak, where the radio emission followed the rise and decay of the X-ray outburst. LS V +44 17 is therefore the third neutron star BeXRB with a radio counterpart. Similar to the other two systems (Swift J0243.6+6124 and 1A 0535+262), its X-ray and radio luminosity are correlated: we measure a power law slope β = 1.25+0.64-0.30 and a radio luminosity of LR = (1.6 ± 0.2) × 1026 erg s-1 at a 0.5 − 10 keV X-ray luminosity of 2 × 1036 erg s-1 (i.e. ∼ 1 per cent LEdd). This correlation index is slightly steeper than measured for the other two sources, while its radio luminosity is higher. We discuss the origin of the radio emission, specifically in the context of jet launching. The enhanced radio brightness compared to the other two BeXRBs is the first evidence of scatter in the giant BeXRB outburst X-ray – radio correlation, similar to the scatter observed in sub-classes of low-mass X-ray binaries. While a universal explanation for such scatter is not known, we explore several options: we conclude that the three sources do not follow proposed scalings between jet power and neutron star spin or magnetic field, and instead briefly explore the effects that ambient stellar wind density may have on BeXRB jet luminosity.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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