65 research outputs found

    The resonance triplet at E_alpha = 4.5 MeV in the 40Ca(alpha,gamma)44Ti reaction

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    The 40Ca(alpha,gamma)44Ti reaction is believed to be the main production channel for the radioactive nuclide 44Ti in core-collapse supernovae. Radiation from decaying 44Ti has been observed so far for two supernova remnants, and a precise knowledge of the 44Ti production rate may help improve supernova models. The 40Ca(alpha,gamma)44Ti astrophysical reaction rate is determined by a number of narrow resonances. Here, the resonance triplet at E_alpha = 4497, 4510, and 4523 keV is studied both by activation, using an underground laboratory for the gamma counting, and by in-beam gamma spectrometry. The target properties are determined by elastic recoil detection analysis and by nuclear reactions. The strengths of the three resonances are determined to omega gamma = (0.92+-0.20), (6.2+-0.5), and (1.32+-0.24) eV, respectively, a factor of two more precise than before. The strengths of this resonance triplet may be used in future works as a point of reference. In addition, the present new data directly affect the astrophysical reaction rate at relatively high temperatures, above 3.5 GK.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Neutron-induced background by an alpha-beam incident on a deuterium gas target and its implications for the study of the 2H(alpha,gamma)6Li reaction at LUNA

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    The production of the stable isotope Li-6 in standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis has recently attracted much interest. Recent observations in metal-poor stars suggest that a cosmological Li-6 plateau may exist. If true, this plateau would come in addition to the well-known Spite plateau of Li-7 abundances and would point to a predominantly primordial origin of Li-6, contrary to the results of standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis calculations. Therefore, the nuclear physics underlying Big Bang Li-6 production must be revisited. The main production channel for Li-6 in the Big Bang is the 2H(alpha,gamma)6Li reaction. The present work reports on neutron-induced effects in a high-purity germanium detector that were encountered in a new study of this reaction. In the experiment, an {\alpha}-beam from the underground accelerator LUNA in Gran Sasso, Italy, and a windowless deuterium gas target are used. A low neutron flux is induced by energetic deuterons from elastic scattering and, subsequently, the 2H(d,n)3He reaction. Due to the ultra-low laboratory neutron background at LUNA, the effect of this weak flux of 2-3 MeV neutrons on well-shielded high-purity germanium detectors has been studied in detail. Data have been taken at 280 and 400 keV alpha-beam energy and for comparison also using an americium-beryllium neutron source.Comment: Submitted to EPJA; 13 pages, 8 figure

    Impact of a revised 25^{25}Mg(p,Îł\gamma)26^{26}Al reaction rate on the operation of the Mg-Al cycle

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    Proton captures on Mg isotopes play an important role in the Mg-Al cycle active in stellar H-burning regions. In particular, low-energy nuclear resonances in the 25^{25}Mg(p,γ\gamma)26^{26}Al reaction affect the production of radioactive 26^{26}Algs^{gs} as well as the resulting Mg/Al abundance ratio. Reliable estimations of these quantities require precise measurements of the strengths of low-energy resonances. Based on a new experimental study performed at LUNA, we provide revised rates of the 25^{25}Mg(p,γ\gamma)26^{26}Algs^{gs} and the 25^{25}Mg(p,γ\gamma)26^{26}Alm^{m} reactions with corresponding uncertainties. In the temperature range 50 to 150 MK, the new recommended rate of the 26^{26}Alm^{m} production is up to 5 times higher than previously assumed. In addition, at T=100=100 MK, the revised total reaction rate is a factor of 2 higher. Note that this is the range of temperature at which the Mg-Al cycle operates in an H-burning zone. The effects of this revision are discussed. Due to the significantly larger 25^{25}Mg(p,γ\gamma)26^{26}Alm^{m} rate, the estimated production of 26^{26}Algs^{gs} in H-burning regions is less efficient than previously obtained. As a result, the new rates should imply a smaller contribution from Wolf-Rayet stars to the galactic 26^{26}Al budget. Similarly, we show that the AGB extra-mixing scenario does not appear able to explain the most extreme values of 26^{26}Al/27^{27}Al, i.e. >10−2>10^{-2}, found in some O-rich presolar grains. Finally, the substantial increase of the total reaction rate makes the hypothesis of a self-pollution by massive AGBs a more robust explanation for the Mg-Al anticorrelation observed in Globular-Cluster stars

    First Direct Measurement of the ^{17}O(p,\gamma)^{18}F Reaction Cross-Section at Gamow Energies for Classical Novae

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    Classical novae are important contributors to the abundances of key isotopes, such as the radioactive ^{18}F, whose observation by satellite missions could provide constraints on nucleosynthesis models in novae. The ^{17}O(p,\gamma)^{18}F reaction plays a critical role in the synthesis of both oxygen and fluorine isotopes but its reaction rate is not well determined because of the lack of experimental data at energies relevant to novae explosions. In this study, the reaction cross section has been measured directly for the first time in a wide energy range Ecm = 200 - 370 keV appropriate to hydrogen burning in classical novae. In addition, the E=183 keV resonance strength, \omega \gamma=1.67\pm0.12 \mueV, has been measured with the highest precision to date. The uncertainty on the ^{17}O(p,\gamma)^{18}F reaction rate has been reduced by a factor of 4, thus leading to firmer constraints on accurate models of novae nucleosynthesis.Comment: accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Activation measurement of the 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be cross section at low energy

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    The nuclear physics input from the 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be cross section is a major uncertainty in the fluxes of 7Be and 8B neutrinos from the Sun predicted by solar models and in the 7Li abundance obtained in big-bang nucleosynthesis calculations. The present work reports on a new precision experiment using the activation technique at energies directly relevant to big-bang nucleosynthesis. Previously such low energies had been reached experimentally only by the prompt-gamma technique and with inferior precision. Using a windowless gas target, high beam intensity and low background gamma-counting facilities, the 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be cross section has been determined at 127, 148 and 169 keV center-of-mass energy with a total uncertainty of 4%. The sources of systematic uncertainty are discussed in detail. The present data can be used in big-bang nucleosynthesis calculations and to constrain the extrapolation of the 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be astrophysical S-factor to solar energies

    The 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be S-factor at solar energies: the prompt gamma experiment at LUNA

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    The 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be process is a key reaction in both Big-Bang nucleosynthesis and p-p chain of Hydrogen Burning in Stars. A new measurement of the 3He(alpha,gamma)7Be cross section has been performed at the INFN Gran Sasso underground laboratory by both the activation and the prompt gamma detection methods. The present work reports full details of the prompt gamma detection experiment, focusing on the determination of the systematic uncertainty. The final data, including activation measurements at LUNA, are compared with the results of the last generation experiments and two different theoretical models are used to obtain the S-factor at solar energies.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nucl. Phys.

    Revision of the 15N(p,{\gamma})16O reaction rate and oxygen abundance in H-burning zones

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    The NO cycle takes place in the deepest layer of a H-burning core or shell, when the temperature exceeds T {\simeq} 30 {\cdot} 106 K. The O depletion observed in some globular cluster giant stars, always associated with a Na enhancement, may be due to either a deep mixing during the RGB (red giant branch) phase of the star or to the pollution of the primordial gas by an early population of massive AGB (asymptotic giant branch) stars, whose chemical composition was modified by the hot bottom burning. In both cases, the NO cycle is responsible for the O depletion. The activation of this cycle depends on the rate of the 15N(p,{\gamma})16O reaction. A precise evaluation of this reaction rate at temperatures as low as experienced in H-burning zones in stellar interiors is mandatory to understand the observed O abundances. We present a new measurement of the 15N(p,{\gamma})16O reaction performed at LUNA covering for the first time the center of mass energy range 70-370 keV, which corresponds to stellar temperatures between 65 {\cdot} 106 K and 780 {\cdot}106 K. This range includes the 15N(p,{\gamma})16O Gamow-peak energy of explosive H-burning taking place in the external layer of a nova and the one of the hot bottom burning (HBB) nucleosynthesis occurring in massive AGB stars. With the present data, we are also able to confirm the result of the previous R-matrix extrapolation. In particular, in the temperature range of astrophysical interest, the new rate is about a factor of 2 smaller than reported in the widely adopted compilation of reaction rates (NACRE or CF88) and the uncertainty is now reduced down to the 10% level.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Preparation and characterisation of isotopically enriched Ta2_2O5_5 targets for nuclear astrophysics studies

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    The direct measurement of reaction cross sections at astrophysical energies often requires the use of solid targets of known thickness, isotopic composition, and stoichiometry that are able to withstand high beam currents for extended periods of time. Here, we report on the production and characterisation of isotopically enriched Ta2_2O5_5 targets for the study of proton-induced reactions at the Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics facility of the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. The targets were prepared by anodisation of tantalum backings in enriched water (up to 66% in 17^{17}O and up to 96% in 18^{18}O). Special care was devoted to minimising the presence of any contaminants that could induce unwanted background reactions with the beam in the energy region of astrophysical interest. Results from target characterisation measurements are reported, and the conclusions for proton capture measurements with these targets are drawn.Comment: accepted to EPJ

    Resonance strengths in the 14N(p, \gamma)15O and 15N(p, \alpha \gamma)12C reactions

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    The 14N(p, \gamma)15O reaction is the slowest reaction of the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle of hydrogen burning in stars. As a consequence, it determines the rate of the cycle. The 15N(p, \alpha \gamma)12C reaction is frequently used in inverse kinematics for hydrogen depth profiling in materials. The 14N(p, \gamma)15O and 15N(p, \alpha \gamma)12C reactions have been studied simultaneously, using titanium nitride targets of natural isotopic composition and a proton beam. The strengths of the resonances at Ep = 1058 keV in 14N(p, \gamma)15O and at Ep = 897 and 430 keV in 15N(p, \alpha \gamma)12C have been determined with improved precision, relative to the well-known resonance at Ep = 278 keV in 14N(p, \gamma)15O. The new recommended values are \omega \gamma = 0.353±\pm0.018, 362±\pm20, and 21.9±\pm1.0 eV for their respective strengths. In addition, the branching ratios for the decay of the Ep = 1058 keV resonance in 14N(p, \gamma)15O have been redetermined. The data reported here should facilitate future studies of off-resonant capture in the 14N(p, \gamma)15O reaction that are needed for an improved R-matrix extrapolation of the cross section. In addition, the data on the 430 keV resonance in 15N(p, \alpha \gamma)12C may be useful for hydrogen depth profiling.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. Corrected typos in the abstract, table IV made more comprehensible. As accepted in Phys.Rev.
