233 research outputs found

    Alteration of U(VI)-Phases under oxidizing conditions

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    Uranium-(VI) phases are the primary alteration products of the UO 2 in spent nuclear fuel and the UO 2+x in natural uranium deposits. The U(VI)-phases generally form sheet structures of edge-sharing UO 2 2+ polyhedra. The complexity of these structures offers numerous possibilities for coupled-substitutions of trace metals and radionuclides. The incorporation of radionuclides into U(VI)-structures provides a potential barrier to their release and transport in a geologic repository that experiences oxidizing conditions. In this study, we have used natural samples of UO 2+x , to study the U(VI)-phases that form during alteration and to determine the fate of the associated trace elements

    Behaviour of trace elements in arsenian pyrite in ore deposits

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    As-bearing pyrite is one of the main hosts for Au and other trace elements in epithermal, Carlin and mesothermal (orogenic) Au deposits. A review of our own and published SIMS, EMPA, LA-ICP-MS and PIXE analyses of pyrite from these deposits suggests that the solubility of Ag, Te, Hg, Sb and Pb in arsenian pyrite is controlled by As-content in a manner similar to that previously reported for Au by Reich et al., (2005). The trace elements can be divided into two groups that exhibit different solubility limits: i) Au, Ag, Te, Hg and Bi ii) Sb and Pb. HRTEM and HAADF-STEM observations reveal nanoparticles with compositions of Sb-As-Fe-Ni, Sb-Pb-Te, Pb-Bi, PbS and Ag in arsenian pyrite above the solubility limit. Most nanoparticles are between 5 and 200 nm, with some containing Pb reaching 500 nm. Pyrite from Carlin-type and epithermal deposits contains larger amounts of Sb and/or As than pyrite from higher-temperature orogenic gold/mesothermal deposits. This suggests that the solubility of trace elements in pyrite appears to decrease with increasing temperature

    Microbeam analysis of plasma effects in synthetic mica-like compound

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    Constraints on Hf and Zr mobility in high-sulfidation epithermal systems: formation of kosnarite, KZr2(PO4)3, in the Chaquicocha gold deposit, Yanacocha district, Peru

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    We report the first occurrence of Hf-rich kosnarite [K(Hf,Zr)2(PO4)3], space group R-3c, Z = 6, in the giant Chaquicocha high-sulfidation epithermal gold deposit in the Yanacocha mining district, Peru. Kosnarite crystals are small (<100 μm) and occur in 2–3-mm-thick veins that cut intensively silicified rocks. The paragenesis includes a first stage of As-free pyrite and quartz (plus gratonite and rutile), followed by trace metal-rich pyrite [(Fe,As,Pb,Au)S2] and secondary Fe sulfates. Kosnarite is associated with quartz and is clearly late within the paragenetic sequence. Electron microprobe analyses (EMPA) of kosnarite show relatively high concentrations of HfO2 and Rb2O (7.61 and 1.05 wt.%, respectively). The re-calculated chemical formulas of kosnarite vary from KΣ1.00(Zr1.93Na0.01Hf0.01Mn0.01)Σ1.96(P3.04O4)Σ3 to (K0.92Rb0.05Na0.03)Σ1.00(Zr1.81Hf0.19)Σ2.00 [(P2.98Si0.02As0.01)Σ3.01O4]Σ3, where Hf and Rb are most likely incorporated according to a coupled substitution of Hf4+ + Rb+ ⇔ Zr4+ + K+. Back-scattered electron (BSE) images and elemental mapping of kosnarite reveal that Hf and Rb are enriched in 2–10-μm-wide oscillatory and/or sector zones. High-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) observations of such zones reveal a pattern of alternating, 5–50-nm-thick, Hf-rich and Zr-rich nanozones. These high-resolution observations indicate that the incorporation of Hf does not appear to cause significant distortion in the kosnarite structure. Semiquantitative TEM-energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) analyses of the nano-layers show up to 22 wt.% of HfO2, which corresponds to 31 mol% of the hypothetical, KHf2(PO4)3, end-member. The presence of kosnarite in the advanced argillic alteration zone at Yanacocha is indicative of Hf and Zr mobility under highly acidic conditions and points towards an unforeseen role of phosphates as sinks of Zr and Hf in high-sulfidation epithermal environments. Finally, potentially new geochronological applications of highly insoluble vein kosnarite, including Rb-Sr dating, may provide further age constraints in pervasively altered areas where other isotopic systems might have been reset

    Clay Sediments from Basaltic Terrains: Implications for Sedimentary Processes on Mars

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    The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover, Curiosity, has been traversing across fluvial, lacustrine, and eolian sedimentary rocks since it touched down in 2012. The CheMin X-ray diffractometer (XRD) on board Curiosity has revealed smectite clay minerals in most fluvio-lacustrine samples and abundant X-ray amorphous materials in all samples analyzed to date. For example, mudstones from the Sheepbed member at the base of the stratigraphic section and the lower part of the Murray formation contain on average ~7 to 20 wt% smectite and ~30 to 46 wt% X-ray amorphous abundances. On Earth, smectite and secondary X-ray amorphous materials are juvenile weathering products that are generated in sedimentary environments and ultimately record the interaction between primary igneous minerals and the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. For this study, we investigated glacio-fluvio-eolian sediments generated in basaltic terrains as terrestrial analogs for the mudstones from Gale Crater, Mars. This work focuses on the clay sized sediments (<2 m) from these deposits as this grain size hosts the most mineralogically and geochemically altered detritus in sedimentary environments. The goal of investigating basaltic sedimentation is to create a terrestrial reference frame that sheds light on the paleoclimate and paleoaqueous conditions responsible for shaping the ancient sedimentary environments of Mars (e.g., Gale Crater and Jezero Crater)

    Replacing natural wetlands with stormwater management facilities: biophysical and perceived social values

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    Urban expansion replaces wetlands of natural origin with artificial stormwater management facilities. The literature suggests that efforts to mimic natural wetlands in the design of stormwater facilities can expand the provision of ecosystem services. Policy developments seek to capitalize on these improvements, encouraging developers to build stormwater wetlands in place of stormwater ponds; however, few have compared the biophysical values and social perceptions of these created wetlands to those of the natural wetlands they are replacing. We compared four types of wetlands: natural references sites, natural wetlands impacted by agriculture, created stormwater wetlands, and created stormwater ponds. We anticipated that they would exhibit a gradient in biodiversity, ecological integrity, chemical and hydrologic stress. We further anticipated that perceived values would mirror measured biophysical values. We found higher biophysical values associated with wetlands of natural origin (both reference and agriculturally impacted). The biophysical values of stormwater wetlands and stormwater ponds were lower and indistinguishable from one another. The perceived wetland values assessed by the public differed from the observed biophysical values. This has important policy implications, as the public are not likely to perceive the loss of values associated with the replacement of natural wetlands with created stormwater management facilities. We conclude that 1) agriculturally impacted wetlands provide biophysical values equivalent to those of natural wetlands, meaning that land use alone is not a great predictor of wetland value; 2) stormwater wetlands are not a substantive improvement over stormwater ponds, relative to wetlands of natural origin; 3) stormwater wetlands are poor mimics of natural wetlands, likely due to fundamental distinctions in terms of basin morphology, temporal variation in hydrology, ground water connectivity, and landscape position; 4) these drivers are relatively fixed, thus, once constructed, it may not be possible to modify them to improve provision of biophysical values; 5) these fixed drivers are not well perceived by the public and thus public perception may not capture the true value of natural wetlands, including those impacted by agriculture

    Networking and the development of professionals: Beginning teachers building social capital

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    Beginning teachers need support when starting their teaching career. Networking can help teachers develop social capital which supports their development as professionals on their career journey. This paper presents case studies of three secondary school trainee teachers during an English year-long initial teacher education programme. The relationships supporting trainees were characterised differently: for practice development as opposed to enhancing a sense of belonging to the profession. Whether supportive relationships developed depended not only on the trainees but also on others. The paper encourages those involved in teacher education to promote social-capital building as supportive of the development of teachers as professionals
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