141 research outputs found

    A Theory of the Role of Magnetic Activity During Star Formation

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    Under the assumption that magnetic activity is due to the action of a magnetic field in a rotating star with a convective zone, it is possible to draw the following picture of a sequence of events in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. The H-R diagram is divided into two regions by an almost vertical line. Stars of later type have a hydrogen convective zone of great extension (region C); stars of earlier type have no hydrogen convective zone or a convective zone of small extension (region D). Stars in region C show stellar activity of electrodynamic origin like solar activity; stars in region D show little or no stellar activity. When matter is ejected by a star, the magnetic field compels the matter to rotate with the star even at very large distances where it carries away large angular momentum per unit mass. Stars which reach the main sequence in region C may lose a large amount of angular momentum, while stars reaching the main sequence in region D lose only a little


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    ABSTRAK Latifah Evry Kurniasari, D1309062. Mekanisme Desain Grafis Pada Setiap Produk Merchandise di Moodz Creative Design & Printing Solo, dibimbing oleh Sri Herwindya Baskara Wijaya, S. Sos, M.Si. KKM dilaksanakan penulis selama 2 bulan terhitung mulai tanggal 1 Februari 2013 sampai dengan 31 Maret 2013 di Moodz Creative Design & Printing Solo, yang beralamatkan di Jl. Guntur No. 69 (Barat ISI Solo). Pelaksanaan magang mengikuti prosedur yang diberikan oleh instansi, yang berkaitan dengan jadwal masuk kerja yang telah ditetapkan. Dalam kegiatan KKM yang telah dilaksanakan setiap hari Senin hingga Sabtu dengan durasi waktu 7-8 jam, mulai pukul 09.00-16.00 WIB setiap harinya. Kreatif desain telah dipilih penulis sebagai divisi yang dirasa penulis sesuai dengan jurusan periklanan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, yang dimulai dari tanggal 1 Februari 2013 penulis diajarkan tentang berbagai jenis merchandise serta media promosi lainnya yang dapat dihasilkan oleh pihak instansi. Proses desain merchandise di Moodz Solo dilakukan setelah desainer menerima job order dari FO, terkadang juga pemilik instansi yang langsung memberikan perintah. Dimana kemudian tugas desainer grafis dimulai dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak seperti CorelDraw dan Adobe Photoshop untuk menghasilkan sebuah desain. Penulis juga mengerjakan setiap bagian yang dikerjakan oleh karyawan lain. Termasuk mempelajari serta ikut andil dalam proses kegiatan produksi, meliputi; mencetak brosur, melakukan cutting manual (stiker, pin, kartu nama, dan lain-lain), sablon kaos, cetak pin menggunakan mesin press khusus untuk pembuatan pin, dan masih banyak hal lain. Beberapa kemajuan yang telah dicapai penulis setelah proses KKM berlangsung adalah penulis mendapatkan berbagai ilmu tentang cara mendesain merchandise dengan benar dan bertambahnya kualitas penulis dalam mendesain suatu media promosi. Sebagai hasil dari kegiatan magang yang telah dilakukan penulis selama 2 bulan ini di Moodz Solo, meliputi; desain merchandise pin dan kaos untuk AIA - Solo, brosur Gereja Paroki yang berada di Simo - Boyolali, desain stiker untuk Jali-Jali dan nonton bareng pertandingan sepakbola, desain stiker dan mug untuk Kaskus, desain voucher untuk Larissa wilayah Solo, dan lain-lain. Kata kunci : KKM, merchandise, desain ABSTRACT Latifah Evry Kurniasari, D1309062. Mechanism of Graphic Design on any Merchandise in Moodz Creative Design & Printing Solo, the adviser Sri Herwindya Baskara Wijaya, S.Sos, M.Si. KKM authors conducted for 2 months starting from the date of February 1, 2013 until March 31, 2013 in Moodz Creative Design & Printing Solo, which addressed in Guntur Street 69 (West ISI Solo). Implementation of internship following the procedure provided by the agency, which is related to the schedule of work that has been set. In KKM activities that have been carried out every day Monday to Saturday with duration of 7 - 8 hours, starting at 9am – 4pm every day. Creative design have been the author as the author perceived division in accordance with the advertising department. In practice, starting from the date of February 1, 2013 the author taught about the various types of merchandise and other promotional media that can be generated by the agency. The design process in Moodz Solo merchandise made after the designer receives a job order from the FO, sometimes also the owner of the agency directly giving orders. Where then starting with the task of graphic designers use software such as CorelDraw and Adobe Photoshop to produce a design. Authors also worked on each section is done by other employees. Including studying and taking part in the process of production activities, include; printing brochures, doing manual cutting (stickers, pins, business cards, etc.), Tshirt screen printing, press printing pin using a special machine for making pins, and many other things. Some progress has been achieved after the KKM on going writer is the author gain knowledge on how to design a variety of merchandise properly and increase the quality of the authors in designing a media campaign. As a result of the activities that have been carried authors internship for 2 months in Moodz Solo, include; merchandise pin and t-shirt design for AIA - Solo, brochures Paroki Church is located in Simo - Boyolali, sticker design for Jali-Jali, stickers and mugs for Kaskus, design voucher for Larissa Solo region, etc. Key words : KKM, merchandise, design

    The Transformation of Learning at Special Schools on The Learning from Home Policy During the Covid 19-Pandemic

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    The transformation of learning at special schools during the covid-19 pandemic is done at home through the implementation of online learning. The aim of online learning is to provide the best teaching for students with special needs based on their potential and characteristics. The interesting and unique characteristics of  students affects the important of  management in online learning. Indeed, providing education services remains a top priority which can be done with respect to some components namely: 1) Enhance self-motivation and commitment, 2) Create schedule and learning journal once a  week with regards to the characteristics of the students, 3) Collaborate and coordinate with parents and teachers, 4) Evaluate by providing ratings and give rewards to students so that students feel enthusiast during learning at home during in this covid-19 pandemic. The whole component is carried out in an integrated and continuous holistic manner, so that the transformation in the learning process in special schools can be carried out in line with students’ characteristics


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    Pelaksanaan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan kegiatan terpadu dan saling mendukung satu sama lain dengan lainnya dalam rangka mengambangkan kompetensi mahasiswa sebbagai calon guru atau tenaga kependidikan yang profesional. Penyelenggaraan program PPL secara terpadu bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman belajar yang bagus dan bermutu, memperluas wawasan, melatih dan mengembangkan kompetensi yang diperlukan dlaam bidangnya memungkinkan keterampilan, kemandirian , tanggungjawab, dan kemampuan dalam memecahkan masalah . Tujuan lain adalah memberikan gambaran dan pengalaman langsung kepada mahasiswa dalam hal alokasi waktu, perencanaan program, pengelolaan dan pendanaan yang efisien dan efektif. Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) dilaksanakan di lokasi SMK Muhamadiyah kota Magelang yang dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 sampai dengan 12 September 2015. SMK Muhammadiyah Magelang beralamat di Jln. Tidar No.21 Kota Magelang. Sekolah ini terhitung telah memiliki fasilitas yang cukup baik dalam mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar. Dalam kegiatan PPL, praktikan mengajar mata pelajaaran yang sesuai dengan bidangnya. Kegiatan PPL yang dilakukan meliputi tahap persiapan, praktik mengajar, dan pelaksanaan. Beberapa persiapan PPL yang dilakukan antara lain kegiatan konsultasi dengan guru pembimbing, dosen pembimbing dan observasi kegiatan pembelajaran. Pada tahap praktik mengajar, mahasiswa menyiapkan perangkat pembelajaran antara lain program semester, program tahunan, silabus, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, pembuatan media pembelajaran, penugasan dan evaluasi. Praktik mengajar dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2015 sampai 11 September 2015. Pada tahap pelaksanaan, mahasiswa diberi mengajar minimal 6 kali dalam praktiknya dengan alokasi waktu 3x45 menit setiap pertemuan. Hasil yang dipereoleh dari kegiatan PPL yaitu mahasiswa praktikan mendapatkan pengalaman yaitu berkaitan dengan perencanaan, penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran , proses pembelajaran dan pengelolaan kelas. Mahasiswa praktikan telah dapat menerapkan dan mengembangkan ilmu serta keterampilan yang dimiliki sesuai dengan program studinya


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Teknik Servis Forehand Topspin pada Atlet Sekolah Klub Tenis Meja SD di Kota Yogyakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet sekolah klub tenis meja SD di kota Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 8 atlet. Sampel yang diambil dari hasil total sampling, berjumlah 8 atlet yang terdiri dari 4 atlet putra dan 4 atlet puteri. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk instumen forehand topspin sekolah klub tenis meja SD. Analisis data menggunakan deskripsi persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan teknik servis forehand Topspin atlet Sekolah Klub tenis meja SD di Kota Yogyakarta yang masuk dalam kategori sangat baik berjumlah 4 atlet dengan persentase 50,0%, pada kategori baik tidak ada, pada kategori berjumlah 3 atlet dengan persentase 37,5%, pada kategori kurang tidak ada, dan pada kategori sangat kurang berjumlah 1 atlet dengan persentase 12,5%. Jadi kesimpulannya adalah sebagian besar kemampuan teknik servis forehand topspin tenis meja di kota Yogyakarta berada pada kategori sangat baik dengan persentase sebesar 50,0%

    D-LITe : Distributed Logic for Internet of Things sErvices

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    International audienceSmartphones, PDA, Sensors, Actuators, Phidgets and Smart Objects (i.e. objects with processing and networking capabilities) are more and more present in everyday's life. Merging all these technologies with the Internet is often described as 'Internet of Things' (IoT). In the IoT vision, Things around us provide a pervasive network of interacting and interconnected devices. However building IoT applications is a long and arduous work, reserved for specialists, requiring specific knowledges in terms of network protocols and programming languages. The lack of widespread and easy-to-configure solutions is an obstacle for the development of this area. A universal framework, offering simplification and standardization, could facilitate the emergence of this promising field in terms of applications and business. IoT needs a solid foundation for rapid, simple development and deployment of new services. In this paper, we present DLITe, a universal framework for building IoT applications over heterogeneous sets of small devices. D-LITe offers solutions for deploying application's logic, and executing it on Smart Objects despite their heterogeneity. An implementation of DLITe on tiny devices, such as TelosB motes, allows to show that our framework is realistic even with the constraints of such devices

    Alzheimer's disease early detection from sparse data using brain importance maps

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    Statistical methods are increasingly used in the analysis of FDG-PET images for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. We will present a method to extract information about the location of metabolic changes induced by Alzheimer's disease based on a machine learning approach that directly links features and brain areas to search for regions of interest (ROIs). This approach has the advantage over voxel-wise statistics to also consider the interactions between the features/voxels. We produce "maps" to visualize the most informative regions of the brain and compare the maps created by our approach with voxel-wise statistics. In classification experiments, using the extracted map, we achieved classification rates of up to 95.5%

    Strengthening for Entrepreneurship Program of Sorghum Base as Food Alternative During the Pandemic Recovery Covid-19

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    The purpose of this research was to find a solution during the pandemic recovery covid-19 with the strengthening of alternative food entrepreneurship sorghum. The research method uses qualitative research methods in entrepreneurship, descriptive qualitative action research  with data collection techniques in the form of observation and documentation, after the data collected is then analyzed statistically descriptive. The results showed that sorghum can be used as a national food stock facing a crisis and pandemic covid-19, sorghum food stock in the form of grains, rice, flour, soft brand sorghum, and various processed sorghum. National sorghum food stock strategy includes strengthening clusters and production centers, silo utilization cooperation, socialization of various sorghum products, and strengthening Center of Sorghum Entrepreneur (CSE) and Sorghum Entrepreneurship Unit (SEU)

    Optimization of dynamic soaring in a flap-gliding seabird affects its large-scale distribution at sea

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    Dynamic soaring harvests energy from a spatiotemporal wind gradient, allowing albatrosses to glide over vast distances. However, its use is challenging to demonstrate empirically and has yet to be confirmed in other seabirds. Here, we investigate how flap-gliding Manx shearwaters optimize their flight for dynamic soaring. We do so by deriving a new metric, the horizontal wind effectiveness, that quantifies how effectively flight harvests energy from a shear layer. We evaluate this metric empirically for fine-scale trajectories reconstructed from bird-borne video data using a simplified flight dynamics model. We find that the birds’ undulations are phased with their horizontal turning to optimize energy harvesting. We also assess the opportunity for energy harvesting in long-range, GPS-logged foraging trajectories and find that Manx shearwaters optimize their flight to increase the opportunity for dynamic soaring during favorable wind conditions. Our results show how small-scale dynamic soaring affects large-scale Manx shearwater distribution at sea.publishedVersio

    Optimization of dynamic soaring in a flap-gliding seabird affects its large-scale distribution at sea

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    Funding: This work was supported by the University of Oxford Christopher Welch Scholarship (to J.A.K.); ASAB Undergraduate Project Scholarship (to J.A.K.); UKRI BBSRC scholarship grant number BB/M011224/1 (to J.W. and N.G.); The Queen’s College, University of Oxford (to A.L.F.); Junior Research Fellowship at St. John’s College, University of Oxford (to O.P.); Merton College, University of Oxford (to T.G.); Mary Griffiths Award (to T.G.); BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship grant numbers BB/G023913/1 and BB/ G023913/2 (to C.R.); and Jesus College, University of Oxford (to G.K.T.). This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 682501) (to G.K.T.)Dynamic soaring harvests energy from a spatiotemporal wind gradient, allowing albatrosses to glide over vast distances. However, its use is challenging to demonstrate empirically and has yet to be confirmed in other seabirds. Here, we investigate how flap-gliding Manx shearwaters optimize their flight for dynamic soaring. We do so by deriving a new metric, the horizontal wind effectiveness, that quantifies how effectively flight harvests energy from a shear layer. We evaluate this metric empirically for fine-scale trajectories reconstructed from bird-borne video data using a simplified flight dynamics model. We find that the birds' undulations are phased with their horizontal turning to optimize energy harvesting. We also assess the opportunity for energy harvesting in long-range, GPS-logged foraging trajectories and find that Manx shearwaters optimize their flight to increase the opportunity for dynamic soaring during favorable wind conditions. Our results show how small-scale dynamic soaring affects large-scale Manx shearwater distribution at sea.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe
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