36 research outputs found

    The influence of philosophical perspectives in integrative research: a conservation case study in the Cairngorms National Park

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    The benefits of increasing the contribution of the social sciences in the fields of environmental and conservation science disciplines are increasingly recognized. However, integration between the social and natural sciences has been limited, in part because of the barrier caused by major philosophical differences in the perspectives between these research areas. This paper aims to contribute to more effective interdisciplinary integration by explaining some of the philosophical views underpinning social research and how these views influence research methods and outcomes. We use a project investigating the motivation of volunteers working in an adaptive co-management project to eradicate American Mink from the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland as a case study to illustrate the impact of philosophical perspectives on research. Consideration of different perspectives promoted explicit reflection of the contributing researcher's assumptions, and the implications of his or her perspectives on the outcomes of the research. We suggest a framework to assist conservation research projects by: (1) assisting formulation of research questions; (2) focusing dialogue between managers and researchers, making underlying worldviews explicit; and (3) helping researchers and managers improve longer-term strategies by helping identify overall goals and objectives and by identifying immediate research needs

    Individual differences in visual and olfactory cue preference and use by cats (Felis catus)

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    Highlights • Eight cats were trained in a T-maze using a two-alternative forced choice procedure. • Cats could use either an olfactory or visual cue to locate a food reward. • Cues were then put in conflict to determine which was preferred for the task. • Most cats used the visual cue to learn the location of the food. • Preferences were stable, repeatable and rapidly learned. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract Animals are constantly presented with stimuli through different sensory challenges, which may sometimes contain contradictory information and so they must decide which is more salient in a given situation. Both vision and olfaction are extensively utilised by the domestic cat (Felis catus) in a variety of biological contexts, but which modality tends to take priority when the two channels contain information of similar potential value is unknown, as is the tendency for different individuals to use different cues in relation to the same situation. Such individual difference may have important clinical implications as it may help to explain why animals living within the same house may respond differently to the same environment. For example a change in the olfactory features of the environment may be stressful to an individual who has a bias towards using this sensory modality, but have no significant impact on individuals who rely more on visual cues for orientation. Eight cats were trained in a T-maze using a two-alternative forced choice procedure. The positive and negative stimuli presented both visual and olfactory information. Thus, there were two cues that the cats could use in order to make the discrimination. After reaching criterion for their training stimuli the six successful cats were presented with a feature mismatch test in which the positive visual stimuli were combined with the negative olfactory stimuli and vice versa. This investigated which cues were of greater salience to them. Four out of six cats showed a significant preference (P = 0.022- 0.006) for the visual cue, but one individual showed a consistent preference for using the olfactory cue (P = 0.019). To investigate whether the cats using visual cues had learned anything about the olfactory stimulus, four were given an additional test in which they were presented with the olfactory stimulus alone. Three out of four cats successfully made this discrimination, (P = 0.006-0.003, unsuccessful cat P = 0.076). This demonstrated that the cats had the potential to use olfactory cues in the absence of visual ones. These results highlight the importance of considering sensory preferences as an individual trait, which may vary substantially from population level effects

    The influence of philosophical perspectives in integrative research

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    The benefits of increasing the contribution of the social sciences in the fields of environmental and conservation science disciplines are increasingly recognized. However, integration between the social and natural sciences has been limited, in part because of the barrier caused by major philosophical differences in the perspectives between these research areas. This paper aims to contribute to more effective interdisciplinary integration by explaining some of the philosophical views underpinning social research and how these views influence research methods and outcomes. We use a project investigating the motivation of volunteers working in an adaptive co-management project to eradicate American Mink from the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland as a case study to illustrate the impact of philosophical perspectives on research. Consideration of different perspectives promoted explicit reflection of the contributing researcher’s assumptions, and the implications of his or her perspectives on the outcomes of the research. We suggest a framework to assist conservation research projects by: (1) assisting formulation of research questions; (2) focusing dialogue between managers and researchers, making underlying worldviews explicit; and (3) helping researchers and managers improve longer-term strategies by helping identify overall goals and objectives and by identifying immediate research needs

    Control of Haematobia irritans in the Minas Gerais Semiarid

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    Background: Beef cattle is considered to be one of the most important economic activities, however, it presents problems in the production chain such as the occurrence of parasites that reduce the growth, performance, productivity and may cause mortalities occasionally. The chemical control is the most used alternative to reduce ectoparasites. Nevertheless, inappropriate management of insecticides has contributed to the selection of population resistant to the products available on the market. This paper aimed to evaluate the practices of management and the application of insecticides used to control horn flies in farms of dairy cattle in the North of the state of Minas Gerais.Materials, Methods & Results: It was visited 62 rural properties, which produce milk. Semi-structured questionnaires were applied in order to obtain information on the characteristics of the properties (location, size and type of the cattle), on the knowledge about the epidemiology of the horn flies, and on the practices adopted to the control of those parasites. The practices adopted include the moment of application of the insecticides, frequency of the cattle treatment, used products, method of application, number of animals treated, and choice and substitution criteria of insecticides. The data collected were tabulated in contingency tables, and they were analyzed using the chi-square test, considering a significance of 5%. The racial composition of the cattle in the farms was mainly mixed-race of unknown origin, representing 77% of the animals evaluated. In this research, it was reported a greater incidence of horn flies infestation on adult beef herd, and 23.6% of the producers reported occurrences of infestation in the whole herd, not differing by categories. The infestation peaks of the fly occurred from November to March. It was also found a greater frequency of pyrethroid use in the region (P < 0.001), where 43.1% of the producers used associations of pyrethroid or organophosphate to control the flies, high efficiency being reported. From the properties assessed, 92% presented inadequacy in the practices of control of horn flies, for instance, the lack of using cattle manure tank, the accumulation of open waste, the lack of rotation of insecticides, which can favor the selection of resistant flies.Discussion: In this paper, it was reported 77.19% of predominance of Haematobia irritans infestation from November to March mainly in animals with a higher percentage of European or mixed-race genetics. Such results corroborate with the literature, because it was verified the influence of race and hair color in the level of infestation in the animals, although, in the same race, each individual presents different susceptibilities. Taurine beef cattle are more susceptible to infestation by horn flies than zebu cattle. Thus, the lower the proportion of zebu cattle genetics in the herd, the greater the infestation. Taurine beef cattle are more infested because shows a greater number of sebaceous glands and greater concentration of testosterone being attractive before the calves castrated, cows, and after, young animals. Cypermethrin was predominant in most part of the commercial insecticides used in the properties to control this ectoparasite, which could be justified by the large number of products available on the market with such compound in the formulations. The high efficiency of the associations of the insecticides reported by the producers could justify itself by the presence of active ingredients with different mechanisms of action. However, the limitation on the use of these associations is that not always the chemical compounds contained in the drug act simultaneously, being able to favor the selection of parasites resistant to different insecticides present in these formulations

    Anticipating and Managing Future Trade-offs and Complementarities between Ecosystem Services

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    This paper shows how, with the aid of computer models developed in close collaboration with decision makers and other stakeholders, it is possible to quantify and map how policy decisions are likely to affect multiple ecosystem services in future. In this way, potential trade-offs and complementarities between different ecosystem services can be identified, so that policies can be designed to avoid the worst trade-offs, and where possible, enhance multiple services. The paper brings together evidence from across the Rural Economy and Land Use Programme’s Sustainable Uplands project for the first time, with previously unpublished model outputs relating to runoff, agricultural suitability, biomass, heather cover, age, and utility for Red Grouse (Lagopus scotica), grass cover, and accompanying scenario narratives and video. Two contrasting scenarios, based on policies to extensify or intensify land management up to 2030, were developed through a combination of interviews and discussions during site visits with stakeholders, literature review, conceptual modeling, and process-based computer models, using the Dark Peak of the Peak District National Park in the UK as a case study. Where extensification leads to a significant reduction in managed burning and grazing or land abandonment, changes in vegetation type and structure could compromise a range of species that are important for conservation, while compromising provisioning services, amenity value, and increasing wildfire risk. However, where extensification leads to the restoration of peatlands damaged by former intensive management, there would be an increase in carbon sequestration and storage, with a number of cobenefits, which could counter the loss of habitats and species elsewhere in the landscape. In the second scenario, land use and management was significantly intensified to boost UK self-sufficiency in food. This would benefit certain provisioning services but would have negative consequences for carbon storage and water quality and would lead to a reduction in the abundance of certain species of conservation concern. The paper emphasizes the need for spatially explicit models that can track how ecosystem services might change over time, in response to policy or environmental drivers, and in response to the changing demands and preferences of society, which are far harder to anticipate. By developing such models in close collaboration with decision makers and other stakeholders, it is possible to depict scenarios of real concern to those who need to use the research findings. By engaging these collaborators with the research findings through film, it was possible to discuss adaptive options to minimize trade-offs and enhance the provision of multiple ecosystem services under the very different future conditions depicted by each scenario. By preparing for as wide a range of futures as possible in this way, it may be possible for decision makers to act rapidly and effectively to protect and enhance the provision of ecosystem services in the face of unpredictable future change.Additional co-authors: Nanlin Jin, Brian J Irvine, Mike J Kirkby, William E Kunin, Christina Prell, Claire H Quinn, Bill Slee, Sigrid Stagl, Mette Termansen, Simon Thorp, and Fred Worral

    Anatomy of a buzzword: the emergence of ‘the water-energy-food nexus’ in UK natural resource debates

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    The existence of a water-energy-food ‘nexus’ has been gaining significant attention in international natural resource policy debates in recent years. We argue the term ‘nexus’ can be currently seen as a buzzword: a term whose power derives from a combination of ambiguous meaning and strong normative resonance. We explore the ways in which the nexus terminology is emerging and being mobilised by different stakeholders in natural resource debates in the UK context. We suggest that in the UK the mobilisation of the nexus terminology can best be understood as symptomatic of broader global science-policy trends, including an increasing emphasis on integration as an ideal; an emphasis on technical solutions to environmental problems; achievement of efficiency gains and ‘win-wins’; and a preference for technocratic forms of environmental managerialism. We identify and critique an ‘integrative imaginary’ underpinning much of the UK discourse around the concept of the nexus, and argue that attending to questions of power is a crucial but often underplayed aspect of proposed integration. We argue that while current efforts to institutionalise the language of the nexus as a conceptual framework for research in the UK may provide a welcome opportunity for new forms of transdisciplinary, they may risk turning nexus into a ‘matter of fact’ where it should remain a ‘matter of concern’. In this vein, we indicate the importance of critique to the development of nexus research

    Fludarabine, cytarabine, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, and idarubicin with gemtuzumab ozogamicin improves event-free survival in younger patients with newly diagnosed aml and overall survival in patients with npm1 and flt3 mutations

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    Purpose To determine the optimal induction chemotherapy regimen for younger adults with newly diagnosed AML without known adverse risk cytogenetics. Patients and Methods One thousand thirty-three patients were randomly assigned to intensified (fludarabine, cytarabine, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, and idarubicin [FLAG-Ida]) or standard (daunorubicin and Ara-C [DA]) induction chemotherapy, with one or two doses of gemtuzumab ozogamicin (GO). The primary end point was overall survival (OS). Results There was no difference in remission rate after two courses between FLAG-Ida + GO and DA + GO (complete remission [CR] + CR with incomplete hematologic recovery 93% v 91%) or in day 60 mortality (4.3% v 4.6%). There was no difference in OS (66% v 63%; P = .41); however, the risk of relapse was lower with FLAG-Ida + GO (24% v 41%; P < .001) and 3-year event-free survival was higher (57% v 45%; P < .001). In patients with an NPM1 mutation (30%), 3-year OS was significantly higher with FLAG-Ida + GO (82% v 64%; P = .005). NPM1 measurable residual disease (MRD) clearance was also greater, with 88% versus 77% becoming MRD-negative in peripheral blood after cycle 2 (P = .02). Three-year OS was also higher in patients with a FLT3 mutation (64% v 54%; P = .047). Fewer transplants were performed in patients receiving FLAG-Ida + GO (238 v 278; P = .02). There was no difference in outcome according to the number of GO doses, although NPM1 MRD clearance was higher with two doses in the DA arm. Patients with core binding factor AML treated with DA and one dose of GO had a 3-year OS of 96% with no survival benefit from FLAG-Ida + GO. Conclusion Overall, FLAG-Ida + GO significantly reduced relapse without improving OS. However, exploratory analyses show that patients with NPM1 and FLT3 mutations had substantial improvements in OS. By contrast, in patients with core binding factor AML, outcomes were excellent with DA + GO with no FLAG-Ida benefit

    The influence of philosophical perspectives in integrative research : a conservation case study in the Cairngorms National Park

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    The benefits of increasing the contribution of the social sciences in the fields of environmental and conservation science disciplines are increasingly recognized. However, integration between the social and natural sciences has been limited, in part because of the barrier caused by major philosophical differences in the perspectives between these research areas. This paper aims to contribute to more effective interdisciplinary integration by explaining some of the philosophical views underpinning social research and how these views influence research methods and outcomes. We use a project investigating the motivation of volunteers working in an adaptive co-management project to eradicate American Mink from the Cairngorms National Park in Scotland as a case study to illustrate the impact of philosophical perspectives on research. Consideration of different perspectives promoted explicit reflection of the contributing researcher's assumptions, and the implications of his or her perspectives on the outcomes of the research. We suggest a framework to assist conservation research projects by: ( 1) assisting formulation of research questions; ( 2) focusing dialogue between managers and researchers, making underlying worldviews explicit; and ( 3) helping researchers and managers improve longer-term strategies by helping identify overall goals and objectives and by identifying immediate research needs.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe