753 research outputs found

    Un community manager para la Hermandad de Donantes de Sangre de Valladolid

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    Gracias al constante progreso de la tecnología están surgiendo numerosas nuevas profesiones. Este es el caso del community manager, un trabajo en auge que nace de las redes sociales. El constante uso de estas ha hecho que las empresas, organizaciones, asociaciones… pongan el punto de mira en esta nueva profesión como forma de promoción de su institución y su labor. Con este trabajo se pretende hacer exactamente eso, promocionar y dar visibilidad a través de Facebook y Twitter a la Hermandad de Donantes de Sangre de Valladolid, una asociación sin ánimo, que nace en 1970, cuyo fin es la promoción de la donación altruista y voluntaria de sangre en la provincia de Valladolid.Thanks to the constant progress of technology, many new professions are emerging. This is the case of community manager a booming work that is born from social networks. The constant use of these has made companies, organizations, ascociations… putt he spotlight on this new profesion as a way to pomote your institution and your work. This dissertation aims to do just that, promote and give visibility through Facebook and Twitter to the Hermandad de donantes de Sangre of Valladolid, a non-profit association, wich was born in 1970, whose purpose is the promotion of altruistic and voluntary blood donation in the province of Valladolid.Grado en Periodism

    Los depósitos en las cuentas corrientes distintas

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    Isolation of microorganisms or genes from environmental samples of various origins, able to degrade drugs or resist antibiotics

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    Motivation: The occurrence of drugs in the environment, due to the massive use of these by humans, has produced that these compounds accumulate and so, their removal is complicated [1]. None of the physical and chemical methods used to treat this contamination show an absolute efficiency. We decided to identify live microorganisms or biodegradations pathways able to degrade several pharmaceuticals and potentially useful in bioremediation of drugs contamination of the environment. For the isolation of live microorganisms, we have used different samples (water of a wastewater treatment plant, soil of a countryside contaminated with pesticides and pig slurry). In these samples, we can find persistent pharmaceuticals or compounds with structures which seem to drugs [2].On the other hand, from a metagenomic library, we have tried to find antibiotic resistance genes and/or biodegradation pathways that allow microorganisms to resist antibiotics or use drugs as carbon sources respectively.Methods: For the isolation of microorganisms able to use pharmaceuticals as carbon source, samples from different origin were incubated with a set of drugs. Enrichment cultures were prepared in minimal medium with a drug. When we observe growth differences between the control flask and the sample flask, we isolate colonies from cultures by plating in petri dishes. Once we obtain colonies, we identify microorganisms responsible the degradation of the drug.For the second strategy, we conjugate a metagenomic library containing 100.000 clones, from a composting pile from an oil refinery, with a receptor Escherichia coli and selected resistance to several antibiotics or ability to grow in minimal medium using different pharmaceuticals as carbon source.Results: We have obtained differential growth in flasks with ibuprofen and carbamazepine, indicating that these cultures could contain microorganisms able to growth using drug as carbon source and even as nitrogen source.In the second strategy, we have achieved transconjugants resistant to ceftriaxone and transconjugant able to grow in naproxen.Conclusions: Up to now, we have not succeeded to isolate microorganisms able to grow in different drugs as a carbon source, though we are still in the process of isolating from flasks IBU and CBZ.In the second strategy we have detected clones that confer resistance to CFX and a clone seems to confer the ability to grow in NPX as a carbon source, though both results are pending confirmation

    El liderazgo upstream vs. downstream en la determinación de la estructura vertical de mercado

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    En un modelo en el que dos marcas diferenciadas verticalmente pueden ser distribuidas por hasta dos minoristas potencialmente diferenciados, estudiamos la estructura distributiva del mercado en equilibrio resultante de la decisión de los minoristas o los productores. En términos de bienestar social, las estructuras de distribución de equilibrio decididas por los productores dominan débilmente a las resultantes de decisiones de los minoristas. Contrariamente a la preocupación habitual sobre el poder de mercado en el segmento upstream, nuestros resultados sugieren que la elección de la estructura de distribución por parte de minoristas con poder puede, per se, ser la causa de estructuras verticales socialmente ineficientesIn a model in which two vertically differentiated brands can be distributed by up to two potentially differentiated retailers, we study the equilibrium distribution market structure resulting from the decision of retailers or manufacturers. In terms of social welfare, equilibrium distribution structures decided by producers weakly dominate those resulting from retailers’ decisions. Contrary to usual concerns about upstream market power, our results suggest that the choice of the distribution structure by powerful retailers may be, per se, the cause of socially inefficient vertical structure

    Caracterización, evaluación y diseño de intervención en una niña afectada por el Síndrome de Midas

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre un caso de síndrome de Midas, una enfermedad considerada rara. Es un trastorno genético que origina, entre otros trastornos, microftalmia, defectos en la piel, epilepsia persistente y retraso en el desarrollo. Nuestra pretensión ha sido la de describir, contextualizar y evaluar un caso mediante una metodología de corte cualitativo, con el objetivo final de realizar un programa de intervención familiar adecuado a las características de la niña que padece este síndrome. Concluye este trabajo señalando la escasa literatura científica publicada hasta ahora, nula en el aspecto educativo, la necesidad del seguimiento del programa de intervención familiar y la urgencia en realizar más estudios sobre enfermedades raras

    Mejora de la calidad docente a través del e-learning: el aula virtual de la UPCT

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    La enseñanza virtual es algo que, hoy en día, está presente, de un modo u otro, en la mayoría de las universidades españolas. Cada universidad ha tratado en los últimos años de “apuntarse” a este movimiento que viene con tanta fuerza. Por ello han surgido una treintena de universidades virtuales, campus virtuales, aulas virtuales, etc., por todo el territorio español. Cada uno con características muy diversas en cuanto a niveles de aplicación (gestión, docencia), en cuanto al nivel de los cursos (primer y segundo ciclo, tercer ciclo, postgrado, master), en cuanto al tipo de asignaturas (troncales, optativas, de libre configuración) y en cuanto a metodologías, tecnologías y plataformas

    A management model for closed-loop supply chains of reusable articles: defining the issues

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    In this paper a conceptual model for the management of closed-loop supply chains of reusable articles is put forward. This framework condenses the more relevant managerial issues arising when reuse is carried out in industrial practice. The model intends to be a guideline for practitioners dealing with this type of challenges and constitutes a first step towards the mitigation of the problematic issues involved in reuse. In further developments of this research, we propose solutions to some of the issues identified here

    Strategic Behaviour and Performance of internet use by Second-hand Spanish Car Dealers

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    Documento de Trabajo 04/10 perteneciente a la colección de documentos de trabajo "Nuevas Tendencias en Dirección de Empresas", dentro del Máster en Investigación en Economía y Empresa.[ES] La venta de vehículos de segunda mano a través de Internet está creciendo continuamente, no sólo en los países europeos, sino también en el mercado español. El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de información permite a los distribuidores a ampliar sus servicios a nivel mundial, dando a los clientes una amplia gama de opciones en la búsqueda de información y recolección de recursos. Cuestionarios presentados a los concesionarios de automóviles españoles de segunda mano se han utilizado para analizar las tendencias, el comportamiento, la estrategia de recursos y el desempeño en el medio electrónico. Las conclusiones nos permiten mostrar cómo la estrategia de diferenciación en el canal de Internet contribuye a un mejor desempeño de los distribuidores, con el precio es una variable que no son pertinentes en las etapas iniciales del proceso de compra, sólo cada vez más importante durante la visita final a la actual distribuidor. Por otra parte, se demuestra que las capacidades organizativas de la empresa predecir su compromiso con el canal electrónico, que ayuda a explicar el rendimiento general alcanzado.[EN] The sale of second-hand vehicles over the Internet is continuously growing not only in European countries but also in the Spanish market. The development of new information technologies allows dealers to extend their services globally, giving customers a wide range of options in the search for information and gathering of resources. Questionnaires submitted to Spanish second-hand car dealers have been used to analyse tendencies, behaviour, resource strategy and performance in the electronic medium. The conclusions reached enable us to show how the differentiation strategy in the Internet channel contributes to a better performance by dealers, with price being a non-relevant variable in the initial stages of the purchase process, only becoming important during the final visit to the actual dealer’s. Furthermore, it is proven that a company’s organizational capabilities predict its commitment to the electronic channel, helping to explain the general performance achieved

    Analysis of volatile organic compounds in a waste collection centre using multisorbent adsorption and GC/MS thermal desoprtion system

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by waste treatment systems may lead to major impacts such as toxic air levels, discomfort incidents and annoying odours. The main objectives of this work were to identify and quantify selected VOCs, emitted during waste collection and processing, to control exposure hazards. An analytical method, previously developed and validated in our laboratory, for the determination of VOCs within a wide range of volatility and polarity and with variable concentrations was used.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Descentralization and voter turnout

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    With this paper we study the impact of decentralization on turnout. We test the hypotheses that decentralization increases turnout in subnational elections, lowers participation in national elections, and reduces the gap between regional and national arenas. A comparative cross-national analysis does not show any significant effect of decentralization on turnout in national elections. But we take a closer look at two countries, Canada and Spain, where fiscal decentralization has taken place during the past decades. In both countries the empirical evidence suggests that decentralization has contributed to reducing the turnout gap between regional and national elections