87 research outputs found

    La gamificación en educación física como instrumento motivacional para realizar una actividad física saludable

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    La principal finalidad de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) es la creación, puesta en práctica y evaluación de una propuesta educativa que integre una novedosa metodología como la gamificación y la utilización de nuevas tecnologías dentro de la Educación Física. A lo largo del trabajo se puede observar un estudio sobre la actividad física en la sociedad actual y los principales problemas relacionados con la salud que envuelven a los jóvenes, como pueden ser la obesidad y el sedentarismo. Con el fin de combatir y reducir estos problemas hemos creado una propuesta gamificada, con las mecánicas y dinámicas de un videojuego adaptado a los intereses y gustos del alumnado del C.E.I.P. San José (Segovia), para lograr motivarles e incentivarles a la realización de actividad física y a la adquisición de unos hábitos de vida saludables, siendo conscientes de sus múltiples beneficios y haciendo participes a sus familias.Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y CorporalGrado en Educación Primari

    The development of the deep seabed mining regime by the international seabed authority : from exploration to exploitation

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    During the first period of functioning, between the entry into force of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (1994) and the approval of the first plan of work for exploitation, the International Seabed Authority has mainly carried out regulatory functions to allow the realization of activities of prospecting and exploration of deep-sea minerals resources of the Area. Currently, the Authority is moving to the regulation of exploitation of critical minerals in clean energy transition. The successes of its normative work will depend on how it understands and addresses four main challenges: transparency, (legal, technical, financial and scientific) uncertainty, (legal) integrity, and (social) accountability

    Rendimiento académico y percepción de competencias en los Trabajos Finales de Título en Educación Física

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    The present study aims to examine to what extent the global academic performance achieved in the Degree/ Master’s Degree determines the level of competencies acquired through the final year project (TFG for Degrees and TFM for Master’s Degrees) in Physical Education preservice teacher education (PSTE-PE). The study was conducted based on the replies to a questionnaire that was built ad-hoc on the basis of studies regarding competency perception scales. The sample consisted of 325 participants from 34 Spanish universities: 186 students and 139 graduates. In this study, a comparative correlational design was used, where one variable referred to the perception of (cross-curricular, general teaching and PE-specific teaching) competencies acquired by PSTE-PE students and graduates during their TFG/TFM, and the other on was related to the global academic performance shown by those students and graduates during their Degree/Master’s Degree studies. The results confirmed a significant relationship between the students and graduates’ global academic performance in PSTE-PE and the competencies examined (crosscurricular, general teaching and PE-specific teaching competencies): the higher the academic performance, the better the competency perception. El presente estudio tiene como finalidad analizar en qué medida el rendimiento académico global mostrado en el grado/máster determina el grado/nivel de competencias adquiridas en los Trabajos de Fin de Título (Grado –TFG- y Máster –TFM-) en la formación inicial del profesorado (FIP) de Educación Física (EF). Para la realización del estudio se han tenido en cuenta las respuestas obtenidas a partir de un cuestionario elaborado ad hoc, basado en estudios sobre escalas de percepción de competencias. Para ello se ha contado con un total de 325 participantes de 34 universidades españolas, 186 estudiantes y 139 egresados. Se ha llevado a cabo un diseño comparativo-correlacional en el que se vinculan variables de percepción de competencias adquiridas en los TFG/TFM (transversales, docentes genéricas y docentes específicas de EF) por parte de estudiantes y egresados de FIP- EF y la variable relacionada con el rendimiento académico global mostrado por dichos estudiantes y egresados a lo largo del Grado/Máster. Los resultados comprueban la relación significativa entre el rendimiento académico global en la FIP-EF del alumnado y egresados y las competencias estudiadas (transversales, docentes genéricas y docentes específicas de EF), descubriendo que cuanto mayor es el rendimiento académico mayor es su percepción de competencia.Actividad Física y Deport

    Aprendizaje significativo de la constitución política de colombia de 1991 a través de estrategias didácticas.

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    The teaching of Colombia's Constitution of 1991 provides sources to get to know and enforce the rights and duties of colombian citizens and how is forms the state and its functions, in some cases, not appropriate methodologies for its learning are evident, thus, students have lost interest in this subject and generating little knowledge in its content. For this reason, the research aimed to implement recreational and instructional strategies in the fourth grade students of the College Siglo XXI in the municipality of Socorro, Santander, to generate meaningful learning of CP/91. This is within the qualitative paradigm, a critical social approach based on the inductive method; the type of research implemented in this work is the action-research participation. To do this, a series of strategies were developed focused on the game, in artistic representations and dialogue. The TIC'S was used facilitating student learning. The implementation of these strategies allowed arouse interest in knowing the CP/91, favorable results were obtained where most of the students put into practice important aspects of citizenship skills through motivation, attention and retention, because through funny and significative ways they adopted behaviors of coexistence and liability.La enseñanza de la Constitución Política de Colombia de 1991 brinda las fuentes para que se conozcan y se hagan valer los derechos y los deberes de los ciudadanos colombianos y la forma en que está conformado el Estado y sus funciones, en algunos casos no se evidencian metodologías adecuadas para su aprendizaje, por ello los estudiantes han perdido interés en esta temática, generando poco conocimiento de su contenido. Por esta razón, la investigación tuvo como objetivo implementar estrategias lúdico-pedagógicas en los estudiantes de cuarto grado del Colegio Siglo XXI del municipio del Socorro, Santander, para generar un aprendizaje significativo. Esta se encuentra dentro del paradigma cualitativo, con un enfoque crítico social basado en el método inductivo, se lleva a cabo una investigación de acción – participación. Para ello, se desarrollaron una serie de estrategias enfocadas en el juego, en las representaciones artísticas y diálogos, así como el uso de las TIC´S facilitando el aprendizaje del estudiante. La implementación de estas estrategias permitió despertar el interés por conocer la C.P/91, obteniendo resultados favorables en donde la mayor parte de los estudiantes llevaron a la práctica aspectos importantes de las competencias ciudadanas a través de la motivación, la atención y la retención ya que de manera divertida y significativa adoptaron conductas de convivencia y de responsabilidad

    Superhydrophobic Cerium-Based Coatings on Al-Mg Alloys and Aluminized Steel

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    Aluminum-magnesium (Al-Mg) alloy and aluminum-coated steel (aluminized steel) are typically used for the manufacturing of baking trays and molds. For these applications, these materials must be modified to develop release and hydrophobic properties. With this aim, the bare substrates are typically coated with low-surface energy materials such as fluoropolymers, elastomers, or sol-gel layers. In this work, some alternative strategies to prepare these functional surfaces are presented. We used three-step processes involving (i) micro-texturing, (ii) nano layer deposition through immersion and electrodeposition, and (iii) hydrophobization. The raw substrates were sanded or sandblasted at the micro scale, accordingly. Texturization at the nano scale was achieved with a cerium layer formed by electrodeposition or solution immersion. The cerium layers were hydrophobized with fatty acids. The wetting properties of the samples were studied with tilting-plate and bouncing drop methods. We measured the surface roughness of the samples by contact profiling and analyzed their surface morphology using a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). The elemental chemical composition of the samples was analyzed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The wettability results indicated that the best performance for the Al-Mg substrates was reached by sandblasting and later immersion in a cerium nitrate solution. For aluminized steel substrates, the best results were obtained with both electrodeposition and immersion methods using a cerium chloride solution

    Los consejos de administración en las sociedades cotizadas: avanzando en femenino

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    Las nuevas demandas de diversidad de género han afectado indiscutiblemente en la nueva composición de los consejos de administración de las principales empresas cotizadas españolas. Centrándonos en el periodo 2004-2008, observamos un crecimiento de la cuota femenina del 4 por 100 al 8 por 100, especialmente intenso a raíz de la emisión del Código Unificado de Buen Gobierno. Además encontramos que las empresas con alto nivel de deuda e intensivas en I+D son las que cuentan con mayor participación femenina, confirmando que existe una relación positiva entre diversidad de género e independencia y entre dicha diversidad y el carácter innovador de la empresa. ABSTRACT New demands of gender diversity in the composition of the board of directors are noticeably affecting Spanish listed firms. Focusing on the evolution of the proportion of women directors between 2004-2008, we find that this proportion has increased from 4 por 100 to 8 por 100 in five years, mainly after the issue of the Unified Code of Good Practices.We also find that firms possessing high debt ratios and which are  intensive in research and development exhibit higher female director ratios, which corroborates that gender diversity and independence are highly correlated as well as gender diversity and innovation

    Evaluación curricular e implementación de un plan de mejora orientado hacia el alcance de la calidad educativa en una IE pública del departamento del Atlántico

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    La presente investigación es cualitativa y está enmarcada en el campo de la investigación educativa con un diseño de estudio de caso, se profundizó en la evaluación y análisis del currículo de una institución educativa pública del departamento del Atlántico a través del Modelo CIPP con el objetivo de identificar áreas a fortalecer conducentes al diseño e implementación de un Plan de mejoramiento orientado al rediseño curricular. La evaluación realizada mediante este modelo permitió valorar cada uno de los componentes del currículo, lo que requirió la utilización de técnicas como grupo focal, entrevista, observación, encuesta, análisis documental. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados y triangulados aportando información relevante en relación con las debilidades y necesidades que adolece el currículo, logrando obtener información útil que determinaron oportunidades de mejora. Los resultados hallados por la investigación indican que el currículo no es pertinente porque no hay coherencia entre éste y las condiciones sociales y necesidades del entorno de los estudiantes. Este trabajo de profundización aporta al conocimiento en investigación evaluativa en lo referente a evaluación curricular e implementación de planes de mejora como herramienta que le permite a las IE alcanzar las metas y la calidad educativa

    Cancer Impacts Prognosis on Mortality in Patients with Acute Heart Failure: Analysis of the EPICTER Study

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    Introduction: Heart failure (HF) and cancer are currently the leading causes of death worldwide, with an increasing incidence with age. Little is known about the treatment received and the prognosis of patients with acute HF and a prior cancer diagnosis. Objective: to determine the clinical characteristics, palliative treatment received, and prognostic impact of patients with acute HF and a history of solid tumor. Methods: The EPICTER study (“Epidemiological survey of advanced heart failure”) is a cross-sectional, multicenter project that consecutively collected patients admitted for acute HF in 74 Spanish hospitals. Patients were classified into two groups according to whether they met criteria for acute HF with and without solid cancer, and the groups were subsequently compared. A multivariable logistic regression analysis was conducted, using the forward stepwise method. A Kaplan–Meier survival analysis was performed to evaluate the impact of solid tumor on prognosis in patients with acute HF. Results: A total of 3127 patients were included, of which 394 patients (13%) had a prior diagnosis of some type of solid cancer. Patients with a history of cancer presented a greater frequency of weight loss at admission: 18% vs. 12% (p = 0.030). In the cancer group, functional impairment was noted more frequently: 43% vs. 35%, p = 0.039). Patients with a history of solid cancer more frequently presented with acute HF with preserved ejection fractiono (65% vs. 58%, p = 0.048) than reduced or mildly reduced. In-hospital and 6-month follow-up mortality was 31% (110/357) in patients with solid cancer vs. 26% (637/2466), p = 0.046. Conclusion: Our investigation demonstrates that in-hospital mortality and mortality during 6-month follow-up in patients with acute HF were higher in those subjects with a history of concomitant solid tumor cancer diagnosis

    Evaluation of the Effect of Hydroxyzine on Preoperative Anxiety and Anesthetic Adequacy in Children: Double Blind Randomized Clinical Trial.

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    Surgical procedures can generate significant preoperative anxiety (POA) in as much as 70% of the paediatric population. The role of hydroxyzine and distractive techniques such as clowns in the management of anxiety is controversial. Our main objective was to evaluate the effect of hydroxyzine on the control of POA. The secondary objective was to assess the potential additive effect of hydroxyzine and distracting techniques. We performed a randomized double-blind, controlled clinical trial in children aged 2–16 years undergoing outpatient surgery (). Subjects were randomized to hydroxyzine (group 1) or placebo (group 2). For the secondary objective, two further groups were made by allocation by chance to hydroxyzine plus accompaniment with clowns (group 3) and placebo plus clowns (group 4). All patients were accompanied by their parents as the standard procedure. POA was determined by a modified Yale scale of POA (m-YPAS). Compliance of children during induction of anesthesia (Induction Compliance Checklist (ICC)) was also assessed. No differences () were found in POA control at the time of induction measured by m-YPAS (group 1: ; group 2: ; group 3: ; group 4: ). No differences were found in the level of ICC between the different treatment arms (group 1: ; group 2: ; group 3: ; group 4: ). The combination of all treatments (group 3) was the only effective strategy to contain the progression of anxiety. In conclusion, hydroxyzine was not effective to control POA in children. The combination of hydroxyzine and clowns avoided the progression of POA in our patients. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT03324828 (registered 21 September 2017, subject recruitment started on 12th January 2018).post-print489 K